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John Pancoast 10-19-21 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by ivanov.ruslan (Post 2775039)
I play mainly and only with wolf packs, only in 1942, this one appeared after about 12 hours of chase.
In this case, they sank one trader, damaged several, but it is possible that there were other sunken targets, because there was only one destroyer in my area.

Usually, if the option is selected from the selector "less reports" appears faster, i had a case in within 2-3 hours.

Alex is right, the attacks take place mostly at night, but I've had a case during the day

Did you call in that day attack or did it just happen ? (i.e., ai subs added to convoys that spawn when the convoy does. Usually day packs are these).

ivanov.ruslan 10-19-21 12:30 PM

Yes, in this case, about 10-12 messages from me, and about 5-6 answers from BDU!
The only strange thing, i not only saw the final message, but maybe in a hurry, i missed it:timeout:

As i wrote above, i know almost unmistakably when an attack is formed, ha, ha, the game starts boxing slightly in seconds, but it may be due to my weaker computer!

In fact John, i read your question more carefully, i spotted the convoy early in the morning, around 3-4 after midnight, there was an exchange of messages, yes, the attack started between 7 and 8 in the morning

John Pancoast 10-19-21 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by ivanov.ruslan (Post 2775052)
Yes, in this case, about 10-12 messages from me, and about 5-6 answers from BDU!
The only strange thing, i not only saw the final message, but maybe in a hurry, i missed it:timeout:

As i wrote above, i know almost unmistakably when an attack is formed, ha, ha, the game starts boxing slightly in seconds, but it may be due to my weaker computer!

In fact John, i read your question more carefully, i spotted the convoy early in the morning, around 3-4 after midnight, there was an exchange of messages, yes, the attack started between 7 and 8 in the morning

Well done ! Was it actually daytime "in the game" ? I.e., until the sun breaks the horizon and the night lights go off in the sub, the game still considers it night (and vice versa) even though it may be light outside.

ivanov.ruslan 10-19-21 12:55 PM

I have a few more photos from this attack, but the sun is not visible, at least in the photos, and i don't remember, that was a year ago.

I read that H.sie also foresees rare morning attacks, but what he meant, only he could say.

John Pancoast 10-19-21 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by ivanov.ruslan (Post 2775056)
I have a few more photos from this attack, but the sun is not visible, at least in the photos, and i don't remember, that was a year ago.

I read that H.sie also foresees rare morning attacks, but what he meant, only he could say.

Probably still technically a "night" attack then, via the game mechanics. Daytime pack attacks were not the norm vs. night ones so no big deal.

ivanov.ruslan 10-19-21 01:17 PM


Mad Mardigan 10-19-21 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by ivanov.ruslan (Post 2775056)
I have a few more photos from this attack, but the sun is not visible, at least in the photos, and i don't remember, that was a year ago.

I read that H.sie also foresees rare morning attacks, but what he meant, only he could say.


Originally Posted by John Pancoast (Post 2775057)
Probably still technically a "night" attack then, via the game mechanics. Daytime pack attacks were not the norm vs. night ones so no big deal.

From looking at this... is possible for early morning/night wolfpack attacks... if these are successfully carried out. Know that there is the option to forgo having to do all the transmitting messages, a wolfpack lite version, if you will... :hmmm: :yep:

which, technically, isn't full daytime, yet... falls into that grey area that is also considered but not fully night time, either... This could also, hold true for sunset... but just the opposite, not yet out of day time, yet not technically full on night. That'd be 2 iffy areas, that are neither 1 nor the other... basically, grey areas in regards to being neither full on day or night.

is possible, that was what h.sie was referring to... the possibility of early morning attacks or early night, perhaps... :hmmm:

There is also, the known issue of pushing high TC, to get from A to B then back to A... that will invariably, result in the day/night clock in built, to get... out of sorts... (so while visibly, to the Kaleun) it appears to be either day... or night, as the case may be... it is fact, quite the opposite to the AI. :yep: :shucks:

As I recall, there is a method to tone down this occurring when TC is used... but, don't right off, recall the particulars to achieve this.

I had notes on that, but.. sadly lost those notes (along with all material on notes/mods for all things SH3/4 & 5, when My ext. HD died. :wah:) I still retain most of that, in My head, but what I do, only amounts to maybe... 1/10 of what I had on that HD... *sigh*

At any rate... hope this info I've parted here, helps... :yep:

ivanov.ruslan 10-19-21 02:05 PM

Thanks,Mad Mardigan,good info!:Kaleun_Salute:
I'm sorry this happened to your archive, it's really a loss!

John Pancoast 10-19-21 03:33 PM

Yes, the H.sie option to reduce the time required for the pack to assemble should be used. It can take awhile even with it; without it is brutal. :)
It's impressive when a pack attacks, on both sides.

ivanov.ruslan 10-19-21 11:27 PM

Yes, i chose now "Wolfpk less contact reports" in the Stieblers option selector , and i will see what happens!

In any case, this will only work at night

ivanov.ruslan 10-20-21 12:00 AM

I'm not sure if anything else will change

So far I don't see any problems

AleBryan 10-21-21 04:45 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Hi Onealex, in 1940 I was going through the English Channel and I've managed to find an Erebus-class monitor ship. It was stationary but a large quantity of smoke came out from the funnel while doing engine noises, so it felt strange. After the patrol, I checked in the museum and I've found out that maybe there is a model issue.

Onealex 10-21-21 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by AleBryan (Post 2775224)
Hi Onealex, in 1940 I was going through the English Channel and I've managed to find an Erebus-class monitor ship. It was stationary but a large quantity of smoke came out from the funnel while doing engine noises, so it felt strange. After the patrol, I checked in the museum and I've found out that maybe there is a model issue.

Hi. Erebus-class monitor ship has been removed. Thank you.

U-190 10-21-21 10:56 AM


dex 10-22-21 01:38 AM

about XXI sub
Hi sailors....Finally I managed to purchase famous XXI but only for 2 patrols,too bad... I notice some damage(damage of engine I think) wnen I start from Bergen but newermind,I'm full of good torpedoes and sub is literally ghost under water,going to crush enemy near Newcastle and wait end of war:doh:

Onealex 10-22-21 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by dex (Post 2775408)
Hi sailors....Finally I managed to purchase famous XXI but only for 2 patrols,too bad... I notice some damage(damage of engine I think) wnen I start from Bergen but newermind,I'm full of good torpedoes and sub is literally ghost under water,going to crush enemy near Newcastle and wait end of war:doh:

Hi. It's ok when you are playing with Negative buoyancy mod. Without this Negative buoyancy mod will not work

dex 10-22-21 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Onealex (Post 2775410)
Hi. It's ok when you are playing with Negative buoyancy mod. Without this Negative buoyancy mod will not work

Greet you Onealex with last pictures,about a week to end of war :wah: and last convoy to engage

John Pancoast 10-22-21 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by dex (Post 2775408)
Hi sailors....Finally I managed to purchase famous XXI but only for 2 patrols,too bad... I notice some damage(damage of engine I think) wnen I start from Bergen but newermind,I'm full of good torpedoes and sub is literally ghost under water,going to crush enemy near Newcastle and wait end of war:doh:

With sh3 escorts, subs are always ghosts under water. :D

Khuun 10-23-21 08:07 AM

I cant get it to work.
The manual calls for starting via the SH3.exe to create the save folder, but when I try to start it the game window comes up for a second and then crashes immediately.
Starting via SHComander just tells me I have to start the games once before to create the main.cfg

I hope someone can help me to get it to work.

Onealex 10-23-21 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Khuun (Post 2775563)
I cant get it to work.
The manual calls for starting via the SH3.exe to create the save folder, but when I try to start it the game window comes up for a second and then crashes immediately.
Starting via SHComander just tells me I have to start the games once before to create the main.cfg

I hope someone can help me to get it to work.

Do not start any mission Naval Academy/Single mission etc. You need only start the game with SH3 exe and see the main menu. After that exit the game.

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