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blackswan40 12-29-21 09:18 AM

Very sad News today Ariel Urmel was a very good friend indeed and his sense of humour and that infectious laugh he had touched me like a fire and will stay with me always.
When we were in a conference call on Skype he would always ask me how is Mr Andrew today Ariel was a down to earth kind of a guy the salt of the Earth a all round Good Egg I will miss him dearly and so will Subsim.

s7rikeback 12-29-21 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by blueduck (Post 2785221)
Dear friends,

I regret to inform you that Urmel passed away on 22.12.2021.
His sister informed me of this by telephone today.
On his last day of holiday he suffered a cardiac arrest and could not be resuscitated.

I am completely stunned at the moment and can hardly think about continuing his work on the new LSH3-FHD version.

With sad greetings into the New Year

Really sorry to hear this news blueduck, My thoughts are with you and his family at this time.

John Pancoast 12-29-21 09:47 AM

This is sad news indeed. A great personal loss to his family and friends and a great loss to the community here.

derstosstrupp 12-29-21 10:02 AM

Very sorry to hear this! His contributions here were many and very valued. He will be missed!

FUBAR295 12-29-21 10:24 AM

Very sad to hear. His contributions will be missed.

Maddin25 12-29-21 11:25 AM

R.I.P. Ariel! :cry:

Kal_Maximus_U669 12-29-21 11:33 AM

I am without voice ... when I heard the news ... what a loss for the community ..
I have a particular thought for him ... because it is with these mods that I started ... as well as those of Rowie who left us not too long ago ... Icons here ..
best regards KM_U669:yep:

Anvar1061 12-29-21 12:21 PM

RIP Urmel

Fifi 12-29-21 01:11 PM

Very very sad news… Rest In Peace Urmel.
2021 remains catastrophic.

Mad Mardigan 12-29-21 01:18 PM

On eternal patrol...
On learning about this, My thoughts & prayers go out to His family, friends & loved ones. My heart, grieves with theirs, at the loss.

To those that formed the core of the LSH3 team... take the time to grieve... then, with you, knowing Urmel's thoughts, ideas & visions for LSH, I hope that you will & shall press forward, to at least complete the work that was decided on for LSH.

Not because you have to, but... in completing it... to leave it in its own way, as a testament & memorial, to not only Urmel, but... yourselves, as well.

All I ask, with warmest regards & the utmost respect for what y'all do, with modding... is to consider it.

I hope that you will, but... leave that completely up to y'all.

To Urmel...

:Kaleun_Cheers: :Kaleun_Cheers:

Gute jagd, ihr Himmelhunde.! Gone way too soon & will be missed, Min vän.


M. M.

Onkel Neal 12-29-21 03:42 PM

RIP, Urmel, you will be missed, sir.

ivanov.ruslan 12-30-21 12:59 AM


wolves 12-30-21 07:48 AM

R.I.P, Urmel, you will be missed.

THEBERBSTER 12-30-21 09:45 AM

Devastating news, I shall miss my friend.

Aktungbby 12-30-21 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by blueduck (Post 2785221)
Dear friends,

I regret to inform you that Urmel passed away on 22.12.2021.
His sister informed me of this by telephone today.
On his last day of holiday he suffered a cardiac arrest and could not be resuscitated.

I am completely stunned at the moment and can hardly think about continuing his work on the new LSH3-FHD version.

With sad greetings into the New Year
Blueduck :Kaleun_Salute:

CapZap1970 12-30-21 06:11 PM

Very sad news...

Rest in peace Urmel...

Archive1 12-30-21 11:05 PM

Clearly did not know him and I am a fairly recent add to the LSH3 family, but this is certainly sad news. The program construction is marvelous and the ongoing interest, support and extended bonding is stunning. His contributions will certainly create a large emptiness in the community and the program.
Mein herzliches Beileid to his family.

Mad Mardigan 12-31-21 06:45 PM

Here's to wishing all, everywhere...

A safe, hopefully much better, successful patrol filled Happy New Year.

To absent subsimmer's, who have gone on to an eternal patrol. Gone... but never forgotten. *snaps to attention & :salute:*



M. M.

ericlea 01-04-22 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by blueduck (Post 2785221)
Dear friends,

I regret to inform you that Urmel passed away on 22.12.2021.
His sister informed me of this by telephone today.
On his last day of holiday he suffered a cardiac arrest and could not be resuscitated.

I am completely stunned at the moment and can hardly think about continuing his work on the new LSH3-FHD version.

With sad greetings into the New Year

This is a terrible and sad news.
Thank you for everything Urmel (=Ariel Urech)

tonschk 01-18-22 10:06 AM

Really sad news. Rest in peace Urmel...

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