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Sledgehammer427 11-20-10 12:53 AM

hey now, that's not how we play around here, dougandtoni. I'm going to edit your post and let you know that we aren't going to tolerate that kind of talking around here. Forum rules buddy. If you have a beef with gordon, please take it up with him over PM. We want to keep this a people friendly site, because you never know how young some members might be.

dougandtoni 11-20-10 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Sledgehammer427 (Post 1538764)
hey now, that's not how we play around here, dougandtoni. I'm going to edit your post and let you know that we aren't going to tolerate that kind of talking around here. Forum rules buddy. If you have a beef with gordon, please take it up with him over PM. We want to keep this a people friendly site, because you never know how young some members might be.

Fair enough. But he really annoyed me. My apologies to the forum but not him.

Bert66 11-20-10 10:16 AM

Dont wish do get involved really but looking through the Wings of Prey forum made me smile, look who is getting told to back down there too!

frinik 11-20-10 09:52 PM

Thanks Bert66 :up:; I read the posts and yup the same Gordon Vembu all right.Same charm and endearing personality, tactful and discrete approach.This guy must have more enemies than hair on his head....

I have come accross many such individuals i n my life; loud, brash, abusive, the school bully who would try to intimidate you into giving up your lunch.But scratch the veneer and stand up to them and you find a kitty cat(pussy) instead of a roaring tiger.:yep:

Anyway to quote him " Nuff said" about it and let's focus on our sim instead of a simian...


Priscalan 11-21-10 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1539123)
Thanks Bert66 :up:; I read the posts and yup the same Gordon Vembu all right.Same charm and endearing personality, tactful and discrete approach.This guy must have more enemies than hair on his head....

I have come accross many such individuals i n my life; loud, brash, abusive, the school bully who would try to intimidate you into giving up your lunch.But scratch the veneer and stand up to them and you find a kitty cat(pussy) instead of a roaring tiger.:yep:

Anyway to quote him " Nuff said" about it and let's focus on our sim instead of a simian...


+1 :haha:
For MP: World of Tanks (Arcade), For Sim: T34

I'm with you Zee :rock:

Cheers Kameraden :salute:

gordonvembu 11-21-10 03:56 AM

offensive remark removed - ZeeWolf

gordonvembu 11-21-10 04:26 AM

offensive remark removed - ZeeWolf

frinik 11-21-10 12:57 PM

GordonVembu: offensive remark removed - ZeeWolf

No matter what you tell me Gordon I won't give you my lunch:03:


ZeeWolf 11-21-10 01:59 PM

New T34 vs Tiger: Air War
Here's a little something to show you guys I've been busy :up:
The things necessary to bring aircraft to life have now been tested.
The aircraft will be a major "uplift" in the battlefield experience now :DL

The Sturmovicks will come in low and fast, dropping 50Kg bombs (12).
The bombs are ML20 152mm Howitzer rounds fitted with a bomb kit.
Also the ML-4 Medium bomber, it will drop 20 100Kg bombs (I have yet
to model them).
and then The Pe-8 Heavy Bomber, with 48 100Kg bombs. flying in groups
of 20 plane bomber raids. I'll experiment to get the best results with that.

Then the start on the German aircraft. First is the Stuka B-2 (my fav)
and then the Bf110 Gs. The bombers will be He 111s and JU88s. Need
all of them to re-work all the Kursk missions that is underway at this time.

Vorwärts Kameraden! :salute:


frinik 11-21-10 10:22 PM

IL2 meets TvsT
Zee where are our FlaKpanzers?Our Wirbelwind?:wah:

Seriously, will the bombing and straffing come randomly in your missions?

More importantly will we will be able to shoot them down with our tank mgs?Will there be dogfights between Luftwaffe and Sov air force?

This will be in addition to the artillery strikes?

I want a transfer to the West front ; shooting cows for practice in Normandy is starting to look better everyday!!!!:D

Bravo Zee the developers would not recognise their game.You are widening the scope and modding it into a real WWII sim with all the elemnts that other sims don't offer.

Forwaerts ! Hem to the bomb shelter....:D

ZeeWolf 11-22-10 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1539517)
Zee where are our FlaKpanzers?Our Wirbelwind?:wah:

Seriously, will the bombing and straffing come randomly in your missions?

More importantly will we will be able to shoot them down with our tank mgs?Will there be dogfights between Luftwaffe and Sov air force?

This will be in addition to the artillery strikes?

I want a transfer to the West front ; shooting cows for practice in Normandy is starting to look better everyday!!!!:D

Bravo Zee the developers would not recognise their game.You are widening the scope and modding it into a real WWII sim with all the elemnts that other sims don't offer.

Forwaerts ! Hem to the bomb shelter....:D

Hi frinik,
I am working on the ground forces response with necessary and historical
weapons. I do not want the aircraft to steal the show - just make a convincing bombing run.
I think the best thing for us is if our fighter aircraft remain dominant so we can expect some air cover.
There is no intention to do more then the basic hit and run tactics from the air strikes.
But it must be mentioned that this is no easy task. Just getting the aircraft
to look real took a couple of weeks of tweaking and testing. Damage control
and new crash and burn FX will be more then a hill for an old mountain
climber like me :yep:
This new addition was motivated by the desire to get Kursk more in line with a historical environment.
It really deserves my best efforts.
So I need you to hang in there with me frinik don't lose heart now because
it's starting to really look like a WWII Tank sim :DL

Vorwärts Kameraden! :salute:


frinik 11-22-10 02:47 AM

IL2 vs TvsT
Me losing heart? I would need to have one to lose it in the first place:har:

No worries I just ordered my Bofors 20 mm quad Flak gun through a mail order catalogue.Bring them on ILs, SUs, Yaks and Migs:shucks:

That's great stuff because indeed air strikes were part and parcel of Kursk in addition to rockets and artillery strikes which you already implemented.

This sim is becoming more and more complete and complex.I'll start playing IL2 again just to pratice my AA shooting:D

Excellent work Zee we are with you( this message was sent from a blackberry located in an air raid shelter:smug:)


gordonvembu 11-22-10 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by dougandtoni (Post 1538575)
offensive remark removed- SH427

Dougandtoni, u r attacking me? Hmmm, 1st of all i do not agree with same sex marriages! I am going to suss out the online multiplayer gameplay in this game. attack removed - SH427

Sledgehammer427 11-22-10 03:24 AM

Listen man, you have stated your opinion, we all listened and gave our opposing views. But your posts on the this thread are reaching an attacking level, and I will tell you the same thing I told dougandtoni.

please, just cool your jets, this is supposed to be a people friendly site. If you have a beef with anyone, take it up with them over PM.
I have nothing against you but I really have to warn you that you have one foot stepping on a line we don't want members to cross. I will let you know that if you keep up what you are doing there is a chance you will get brig time, or keelhauled, and I don't want that for anyone who just stated their opinion.

So please, I'm respectfully asking you to calm down, I don't want this to turn into a flame war or for anything to escalate further.


I will also be editing your post to remove anything offensive, like zee and I did with the other posts. Please understand, we just want to put this behind us, so we can continue to admire Zeewolf's work, whether or not we are buying it, for whatever reason we will or won't.

Hitman 11-22-10 01:23 PM


Listen man, you have stated your opinion, we all listened and gave our opposing views. But your posts on the this thread are reaching an attacking level, and I will tell you the same thing I told dougandtoni.

please, just cool your jets, this is supposed to be a people friendly site. If you have a beef with anyone, take it up with them over PM.
I have nothing against you but I really have to warn you that you have one foot stepping on a line we don't want members to cross. I will let you know that if you keep up what you are doing there is a chance you will get brig time, or keelhauled, and I don't want that for anyone who just stated their opinion.

So please, I'm respectfully asking you to calm down, I don't want this to turn into a flame war or for anything to escalate further.

People use to say that I'm one of the most patient moderators here, but you are giving me a lesson or two on self-control with this, Sledge :)

I would probably have already taken some more drastic measures. :shucks:

Luftace 11-24-10 03:09 PM

Looking great
Those aircraft sure look awesome, Zee, can't wait to see them all in game. Stukas have me pretty excited, and perhaps an Hs-129? Just kidding, you already have quite a line up, but what if... Anyways, keep up the good job as usual, and look forward to seeing more.

ZeeWolf 11-24-10 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Luftace (Post 1541086)
Those aircraft sure look awesome, Zee, can't wait to see them all in game. Stukas have me pretty excited, and perhaps an Hs-129? Just kidding, you already have quite a line up, but what if... Anyways, keep up the good job as usual, and look forward to seeing more.

Thanks Luftace,
Already having success with new bomb types.
The new fab 250Kg bombs are devastating and the
much larger blast is a masterpiece. :|\\
As far as am concerned, if it is historically accurate
(and I have the model) it's going in.:up:

Vorwärts Kameraden!:salute:


frinik 11-25-10 01:46 AM

The Rise of Fight
Impressive Zee!Any plan to make one of them birds playable:D????

When you say they are ready to be introduced does it mean that we can expect them to be part of the next Kursk mission to be released Zee?:woot:

Everybody please be generous for Christmas I want to buy myself a couple of FlakPanzers vierling!!!!


ZeeWolf 11-25-10 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1541311)
Impressive Zee!Any plan to make one of them birds playable:D????

When you say they are ready to be introduced does it mean that we can expect them to be part of the next Kursk mission to be released Zee?:woot:

Everybody please be generous for Christmas I want to buy myself a couple of FlakPanzers vierling!!!!


Hi frinik,
Sorry man non-playable aircraft only - well at least until we each get a
Cray supercomputer :DL But I do have to say these planes are polygon lite
and are not much extra GPU work and I mean to keep them that way too.
But Kursk needs aircraft and Luftace requested a Henchel 129 Panzerjager.
I just finished reading about them and they were definitely at Kursk in a
special unit that was organized for the battle and stationed around Kharkov.
So, if someone wants to contribute a Hs 129 model that would be
great. :up:

This aircraft deal has added to my work load, but I think I can complete a
substantial amount to add to the new re-worked Kursk missions.:yep:

ZW :salute:

Richie61 11-25-10 02:23 AM

Hey ZW:D I am back. Work, family and life have been keeping me busy for almost the whole year, but I remembered about your project the other day.
WOW:o Man have you been busy! I reloaded TvT and donated tonight.
I can't wait till I get my e-mail:yeah:

I ended up buying a new Win7 machine and hope to stop the "red wave" very soon :D

God bless and I will be around more :salute:


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