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ZeeWolf 11-08-10 07:09 PM

Thanks Kameraden! :salute:
I have more to come too!:up:
Priscalan got me going an the aircraft issue a few weeks ago and I have been
making some headway. So, another deadly threat is in the works that will
add even more real battlefield challenges :arrgh!:
Also wanted to mention, if anyone has an aircraft model they would like to donate to Project ZeeWolf and see it in the game let me know. :yep:


WolfAngriff 11-10-10 06:26 PM

it's been a long time...
Hi all. It's been a long time ! Life's not easy as I want...
Sorry, but there is something I didn't understand about Kursk 1943 (I'm french, so it's not always easy to understand all that is written in those big forums) : are there some stuff to download and play, or not ? And where ? I know it's not for free, but it's not clear fot me if it's beta version or something else. The last time I was here, ZeeWolf was searching beta testers. Interresting, but my english/american level is not good enough to be helpfull :cry:. So, if you can explain me in a few words, or give me a link to the good thread, it will be very nice !

For information, a french author, Jean Lopez, has written "Koursk, Les quarante jours qui ont ruiné la Wehrmacht (5 juillet-20 août 1943)"-[I]"Kursk, the 40 days which have ruined the Wehrmacht (july 5-august 20 1943)" [I]. I don't know if there is a translation, but it seems to be the latest and the deepest work about this battle. A very interessant point of view about the both sides of this clash !

Thanks for the reply someone will give to me, and sorry for a so basic question. 127 pages, it's a little bit too much for me !

ZeeWolf 11-11-10 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by WolfAngriff (Post 1533347)
Hi all. It's been a long time ! Life's not easy as I want...
Sorry, but there is something I didn't understand about Kursk 1943 (I'm french, so it's not always easy to understand all that is written in those big forums) : are there some stuff to download and play, or not ? And where ? I know it's not for free, but it's not clear fot me if it's beta version or something else. The last time I was here, ZeeWolf was searching beta testers. Interresting, but my english/american level is not good enough to be helpfull :cry:. So, if you can explain me in a few words, or give me a link to the good thread, it will be very nice !

For information, a french author, Jean Lopez, has written "Koursk, Les quarante jours qui ont ruiné la Wehrmacht (5 juillet-20 août 1943)"-[I]"Kursk, the 40 days which have ruined the Wehrmacht (july 5-august 20 1943)" [I]. I don't know if there is a translation, but it seems to be the latest and the deepest work about this battle. A very interessant point of view about the both sides of this clash !

Thanks for the reply someone will give to me, and sorry for a so basic question. 127 pages, it's a little bit too much for me !

Hi WolfAngriff, :DL
Yes, there is some stuff to DL and play. Beta testing for the October
Update is complete. And do not worry about your English, frinik and
Priscalan know french. :up:
As for downloads, here is the free stuff here:

And the pay stuff, you need to visit here at the bottom:

Envoyez au Camarade :salute:


Priscalan 11-11-10 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by WolfAngriff (Post 1533347)
Hi all. It's been a long time ! Life's not easy as I want...
Sorry, but there is something I didn't understand about Kursk 1943 (I'm french, so it's not always easy to understand all that is written in those big forums) : are there some stuff to download and play, or not ? And where ? I know it's not for free, but it's not clear fot me if it's beta version or something else. The last time I was here, ZeeWolf was searching beta testers. Interresting, but my english/american level is not good enough to be helpfull :cry:. So, if you can explain me in a few words, or give me a link to the good thread, it will be very nice !

For information, a french author, Jean Lopez, has written "Koursk, Les quarante jours qui ont ruiné la Wehrmacht (5 juillet-20 août 1943)"-[I]"Kursk, the 40 days which have ruined the Wehrmacht (july 5-august 20 1943)" [I]. I don't know if there is a translation, but it seems to be the latest and the deepest work about this battle. A very interessant point of view about the both sides of this clash !

Thanks for the reply someone will give to me, and sorry for a so basic question. 127 pages, it's a little bit too much for me !

Salut Wolfangriff,

bienvenue parmi nous:salute:. Comme le dit Zee, nous serons 3 français sur ce Forum avec Frinik. Si tu as quelques questions à poser, pas de problème, nous sommes là :DL et nous t'aiderons dans la mesure du possible.

en avant , camarade!

gordonvembu 11-12-10 05:43 AM

Zee Wolf's contribution
Now that i paid 4 his efforts and played thru his missions, i can say it is not worth the money. The missions r long and unsatisfying and there is nothing worth wasting your time here. Zee, wake up and smell the coffee. Improve the online multiplayer function, instead of disabeling it or get the **** out of here. I am not interested in any money making scheme u have going on. I have the distinct impression u have neither the skill or ability to effect any changes 2 multiplayer online gameplay. I c u r hoping to make future revenue thru more single player content. Unacceptable 2 me. Your single playert missions r really unsatisfying, so if ui can not provide online gameplay to the extent i have informed u b4, then get lost. NE body can finetune the mission editor, let's c what skills u really have. FIX ONLINE PLAY or GO AWAY, IS THAT CLEAR? QED!

Txema 11-12-10 08:51 AM


I am not interested in multiplayer in this sim, but I am very interested in good sinlge player missions and campaigns. I am also very satisfied with the results that ZeeWolf is obtaining and I can say that they are clearly worth the money.

As you can see different people can have different opinions and yours is in no way more important than mine.

ZeeWolf, keep up the good work !!


frinik 11-12-10 10:51 AM

Gordonvembu if you're not happy with ZeeWolf's work why didn't you try the freebies before buying into it?Nobody forced you to buy it at gun point right? You knew all along it was about SP you were well informed , well advised ! You should take your own advice and just Bugger Off rather than sending silly, childish ultimatum punctuated by vulgar and uncalled for language????

You're the one who needs to smell the coffee and drink it somewhere else.

Who are you to tell others like Zee who have been on this forum for years and built something to get lost?

You just a Johnny-come-lately with a big mouth who barges into a forum and starts making demands and telling others to get lost.

Well my kind advice to you is the door is wide, bloody open so .....:down:

ZeeWolf 11-12-10 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by gordonvembu (Post 1534009)
Now that i paid 4 his efforts and played thru his missions, i can say it is not worth the money. The missions r long and unsatisfying and there is nothing worth wasting your time here. Zee, wake up and smell the coffee. Improve the online multiplayer function, instead of disabeling it or get the **** out of here. I am not interested in any money making scheme u have going on. I have the distinct impression u have neither the skill or ability to effect any changes 2 multiplayer online gameplay. I c u r hoping to make future revenue thru more single player content. Unacceptable 2 me. Your single playert missions r really unsatisfying, so if ui can not provide online gameplay to the extent i have informed u b4, then get lost. NE body can finetune the mission editor, let's c what skills u really have. FIX ONLINE PLAY or GO AWAY, IS THAT CLEAR? QED!

gordo, :know:
look, I am an old-timer - if you think you can you can cause me to just
cry and hop away - your are dead wrong. :down:
My commitment to SINGLE PLAYER is not going to be side tracked for a moment. And if you do not like that - good! :D

ZeeWolf (moderator)

Luftace 11-12-10 04:28 PM

Gordo, If you even read the forums at all, it is clear that Zeewolf is primarily focused on the singleplayer and bugs associated with it at this time. He has said, that once that has been accomplished, he will then try as best he can to address the multiplayer problems. He has posted no time frame as to when he will be able to get around to the multi aspect, therefore why should he even consider heeding your belligerently placed demands when you have not put any effort into positively moving this sim along like the rest of us have. There are several other members on here that are patiently awaiting the implication of multiplayer and have tactfully made clear their wishes, you are not the only one who would prefer this over the single player content. If you cannot bring your opinions to the table in a productive manner like the rest of us, I think it is safe to say on behalf of any of the TvT simmers on this forum that your participation here is not wanted. Until your post, there has been almost no derogatory attitudes around here and we would like to keep it that way. If this is not your cup of tea and you have nothing to offer other than gripes and slander, then see your way out and mind the door to boot. Good day sir!

frinik 11-12-10 09:41 PM

Doctor Gordon and Mr. Vembu
Is this the same Gordonvembu who posted on 30th October ? quote "

Note of gratification
Hi Zee Wolf, just downloaded your material and i am absolutely flabergasted by the quality of your work. I had no problems at all with installation, and now the game is tremendous. I sincerely hope your devotion to this title never waigns and encourage u to do what u can to improve the online multiplayer. Afterall this is the forum which will judicate the success of this title. I am sure it is very difficult to remedy the online problems but if NE1 can rectify them it is u. So thank you once again for all your efforts and i feel my purchase has been fullfilled many times over.

Unquote "

What a change in 3 weeks!He must have inhaled too much of Zee's new Tiger exhaust fumes:D

Gigi69 11-13-10 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by gordonvembu (Post 1534009)
Now that i paid 4 his efforts and played thru his missions, i can say it is not worth the money. The missions r long and unsatisfying and there is nothing worth wasting your time here. Zee, wake up and smell the coffee. Improve the online multiplayer function, instead of disabeling it or get the **** out of here. I am not interested in any money making scheme u have going on. I have the distinct impression u have neither the skill or ability to effect any changes 2 multiplayer online gameplay. I c u r hoping to make future revenue thru more single player content. Unacceptable 2 me. Your single playert missions r really unsatisfying, so if ui can not provide online gameplay to the extent i have informed u b4, then get lost. NE body can finetune the mission editor, let's c what skills u really have. FIX ONLINE PLAY or GO AWAY, IS THAT CLEAR? QED! Italy we say " Ogni testa è un piccolo mondo " ... " every head is a little world "........ :DL:DL:DL:DL!
Your post is a poor comment for one of the best mod of a tank simulation of every time! ... I had played near all of them from the green wireframed ATARI tank zone in my bar. :DL:DL

drifter63 11-13-10 01:07 PM

If I buy the updates for 60.00 is that a one time payment or do we pay it every year.

ZeeWolf 11-13-10 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by drifter63 (Post 1534776)
If I buy the updates for 60.00 is that a one time payment or do we pay it every year.

Are you interested in joining?

drifter63 11-13-10 02:40 PM

Checking out everything and would like to buy the updates, does the updates work on windows 7 64 bit OS? And how to install the updates.

ZeeWolf 11-13-10 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by drifter63 (Post 1534824)
Checking out everything and would like to buy the updates, does the updates work on windows 7 64 bit OS? And how to install the updates.

Ok drifter63,
Yes, but you have to disable user control for Win7 and install as administrator :up:
It would be wise to go over the posts here and glean as much you can
when it comes to "Checking out everything". The Project ZeeWolf work is for members only of Project ZeeWolf.

ZeeWolf :salute:

drifter63 11-13-10 03:11 PM

one time payment for your work

ZeeWolf 11-13-10 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by drifter63 (Post 1534843)
one time payment for your work

per year's membership

drifter63 11-13-10 03:19 PM

So if I buy it now I would pay again in November 2011?

ZeeWolf 11-13-10 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by drifter63 (Post 1534851)
So if I buy it now I would pay again in November 2011?

This will clarify what I mean at the bottom of the page:

Also please note; this is not for everyone. If you are not comfortable
after checking everything out then that is perfectly alright.
I want to serve members who are truly interested in the success of the
WWII Tank Simulation T34 vs Tiger - period.

If you have anymore questions PM me.


drifter63 11-13-10 04:11 PM

joined up now what?

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