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Synner 11-04-10 08:59 PM

Hi there all,

Well i had a little more time today so decided to try out a few missions especially Zitedelle, anyway i played German missions 1 to 5 and spent around 20-30mins experimenting on FPS in each trying to improve it.
I got a average of 4fps and 7fps which was very playable and didn't really see much stutter. (will give my thoughts on the missions themselves at a later date and from what i have seen it's all good so far :) )

I then try out Kursk Mission 1 which involved alot of artillery thoughtout (great mission) now got a average of 2-3fps which gave me a slight stuttering affect most of the time but still playable and enjoyable.

Next i try Kursk Mission 2, i seemed to get a similar fps as Mission 1 again around 2-3fps still very playable.

Now Kursk Mission 3 it dropped to 1-2fps and really became choppy and unplayable this is where i try different combinations of setting to the game and my Computer to no avail.

So i had a look at previous posts from you guys in this thread from the past few monthes and found some of you had similar problems with fps and you basically cured it by upgrading hardware.
I have a average rig i would say the basic spec's being as follows:

OS Windows Vista 64 Premium
Cpu Intel Core2 Duo E6400 @ 2.13GHz
Mem 4 GB
GC Geforce 9800 GT

I have been pondering the past couple of monthes about upgrading my Cpu to increase performance in general but put it off because in other games i don't really have any bad issues yet so do you guys think i would see a big difference in in fps and performance if i upgraded from my present cpu to say this cpu for example Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 Quad Core CPU ?

Thx Synner

O_Smiladon 11-04-10 10:06 PM

Hay Synner,

Mate I have A I7 930. ATI 4890 1 Gig , Win 7 64 bit, 6gig ram Kingstone hyper, and I still get alot of stutter, So how much do you need to up your sys to get good FPS?

I think its just TvT myself and thats the way it is..Lets see if someone can tell us other wise.


gordonvembu 11-04-10 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by O_Smiladon (Post 1529546)
Hay Synner,

Mate I have A I7 930. ATI 4890 1 Gig , Win 7 64 bit, 6gig ram Kingstone hyper, and I still get alot of stutter, So how much do you need to up your sys to get good FPS?

I think its just TvT myself and thats the way it is..Lets see if someone can tell us other wise.


Hi, i am experiencing absolutely no frame rate issues. Averaging between 50-65 fps.

i7-920 cpu
asus rampage extreme 2 motherboard
evga GTX 295 video card
12 Gb corsair dominator memory
256 Gb corsair extreme SSD

O_Smiladon 11-04-10 10:40 PM

Can you post what your settings are?


Arrr but i see you have another 6 more gig of ram than me. hmmmm

gordonvembu 11-04-10 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by O_Smiladon (Post 1529554)
Can you post what your settings are?


screen 2048x1152
all video sliders including anti-aliasing all the way to the right (max)

frinik 11-05-10 12:30 AM

MmmmmI have 8 gbs of RAM and a a 2.80 ghertz processor and I experience low fps with some missions as well.My GPU is only 1 gb of DDr2.I believe it's the gpu which makes more of a difference than the RAM. You need a gpu with either DDR3 or better still DDR5 . I guess your GT285 is really what makes the difference.

TvsT is a very fps-hungry compared with other sims I play.I can play SF missions with over 120 tanks fighting it out with artillery on a smaller map and still get double the fps that I get playing ZeeWolf's Kursk missions.

It's how the game was designed/coded/programmed whatever.

There's little Zee can do about it short of remaking the game...:hmmm:

Txema 11-05-10 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by gordonvembu (Post 1529549)
Hi, i am experiencing absolutely no frame rate issues. Averaging between 50-65 fps.

i7-920 cpu
asus rampage extreme 2 motherboard
evga GTX 295 video card
12 Gb corsair dominator memory
256 Gb corsair extreme SSD

Are you sure you are geting those fps also in the Zitadelle (Kursk) missions??

Can you check it, please?


Synner 11-05-10 05:54 AM

Thanks for the input to my fps issues so far guys,

I guess i have come to one of those crossroads which seems to occur every 3 years or so where out of the blue a game pushes my rig at the time to its limits.

At the moment i cannot justify getting myself a complete new rig from scratch although the urge is there after seeing some of your setups, wow gordon that rig is cool :rock: (i need to win lotto quick heheh) , so in general i try to upgrade certain parts without breaking the bank to get a game working and improve other games without any issues in the deal.

I will keep working on trying to get more fps and i think if i can get around 4-7 fps in Kursk mission 3 without spending all my savings i will have won the battle.

Thanks guys, Synner :salute:

ZeeWolf 11-05-10 01:54 PM

Hi guys, :DL
First thing to understand about TvT is it only uses one
CPU. Originally, when development began back in 2002 they
choose Windows 2000 Pro. An excellent OS and the first
platform that could run both the PC Gamer and Workstation
computers on, meeting the highest demands with flying
colors so-to-speak and continued Windows NT's support for
multi-threading. Now however, developers compile all there
apps and games for Multi-CPU.

Therefore the best thing to understand is that anything
below 3.0Ghz will be below the minimum for T34 vs Tiger.

But realize gordonvembu has revealed that 12GB of RAM running on
Windows 7 64bit OS has the ability to load the entire game in
RAM memory.
RAM capacity on Windows 7 64bit can not be ignored in the
contribution to high FPS and smooth running.

My next purchase will be Win7 64bit and another 4GB Ram.
About a (another) $200.00 upgrade :doh:

Also I think a must for an immediate boost in performance is the 4 Giga bit Patch

This is an excellent utility for all 32bit apps. and very easy to use :know:

Just a thought, Christmas is coming soon Kamraden! :salute:


gordonvembu 11-05-10 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Txema (Post 1529661)
Are you sure you are geting those fps also in the Zitadelle (Kursk) missions??

Can you check it, please?


Yes so far but i have not been good enough skill wise to yet get past mission 3 in Zitadelle but i have yet to experience any screen tearing or stuttering whatsoever. I only wish to be able to have a save game feature and even though my audio, video and game settings are saved, my key reconfigurations do not get saved. So everytime i play the game i have to redo my key inputs.

ZeeWolf 11-05-10 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by gordonvembu (Post 1530070)
Yes so far but i have not been good enough skill wise to yet get past mission 3 in Zitadelle but i have yet to experience any screen tearing or stuttering whatsoever. I only wish to be able to have a save game feature and even though my audio, video and game settings are saved, my key reconfigurations do not get saved. So everytime i play the game i have to redo my key inputs.

Gordon are you using a Joystick?

gordonvembu 11-05-10 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1530075)
Gordon are you using a Joystick?

No, i am using an xbox360 controller plus xpadder.

ZeeWolf 11-05-10 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by gordonvembu (Post 1530091)
No, i am using an xbox360 controller plus xpadder.

I am convinced that your xbox360 is the issue. Is there anyway to use a
keyboard to make your changes then revert back to your xbox360?
Or should I say how long have you used the xbox360 with xpadder

gordonvembu 11-05-10 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1530102)
I am convinced that your xbox360 is the issue. Is there anyway to use a
keyboard to make your changes then revert back to your xbox360?
Or should I say how long have you used the xbox360 with xpadder

I have used them for all my pc gaming, but i will try TvT without them, just the keyboard and see what happens. I will let u know in a couple of hours as i have an errand to do right now.

gordonvembu 11-05-10 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by gordonvembu (Post 1530143)
I have used them for all my pc gaming, but i will try TvT without them, just the keyboard and see what happens. I will let u know in a couple of hours as i have an errand to do right now.

Just finished playing with only the keyboard. Successfully completed first mission. Left game. Restarted game, still key remappings were not saved. Default settings are shown. I've tried making changes in scripts\common\defaultsettings but if i do too many key changes like i want to , it only shows the original default settings. Is it not possible to put a save game feature in where at any point i can stop and save the game?

ZeeWolf 11-05-10 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by gordonvembu (Post 1530271)
Just finished playing with only the keyboard. Successfully completed first mission. Left game. Restarted game, still key remappings were not saved. Default settings are shown. I've tried making changes in scripts\common\defaultsettings but if i do too many key changes like i want to , it only shows the original default settings. Is it not possible to put a save game feature in where at any point i can stop and save the game?

I think it is possible to program a save mission feature but the major problem is it would only save a binary version. And that would be a problem because any data that was not included in the binary data would have to be the same at the time of the save. In other words it would crash with any changes to non binary saved data. But as of now that is only conjecture, I have not had the time to dedicate too that area. :cry:

As for your inability to save you key changes, I would like to hear if any one else may be having the same problem. :hmmm:


gordonvembu 11-05-10 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1530294)
I think it is possible to program a save mission feature but the major problem is it would only save a binary version. And that would be a problem because any data that was not included in the binary data would have to be the same at the time of the save. In other words it would crash with any changes to non binary saved data. But as of now that is only conjecture, I have not had the time to dedicate too that area. :cry:

As for your inability to save you key changes, I would like to hear if any one else may be having the same problem. :hmmm:


Thanks for the reply, it does make complete sense. I am going to continue to soldier on with the defaultsettings file because i think i can resolve my issue there. Thanks for your efforts Zee.

ZeeWolf 11-05-10 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by gordonvembu (Post 1530303)
Thanks for the reply, it does make complete sense. I am going to continue to soldier on with the defaultsettings file because i think i can resolve my issue there. Thanks for your efforts Zee.

Please share you findings with us gordon so we can head-off at the pass any
more issues like yours :yep:

ZW :salute:

frinik 11-05-10 11:58 PM

4 gb patch

To quote "
About a (another) $200.00 upgrade :doh:

Also I think a must for an immediate boost in performance is the 4 Giga bit Patch

This is an excellent utility for all 32bit apps. and very easy to use :know:

Could you explain a little bit whether this interesting patch is for Windows 7 or is it good with Vista as well?Is it only good if you have a X32 system?

For example I have the full 4gbs of ram allowed by the manufacturer installed on a laptop will it allow me to use it to the full potential?I have 8 gbs of ram on my Windows7 (64 bits) pc will it be useful as well?


Gordonvembu I also have the same problem that you have I am unable to save my key changes.THis is very annoying.\\everytime I start my game again it reverts to the default keys .

ZeeWolf 11-06-10 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1530471)

To quote "
About a (another) $200.00 upgrade :doh:

Also I think a must for an immediate boost in performance is the 4 Giga bit Patch

This is an excellent utility for all 32bit apps. and very easy to use :know:

Could you explain a little bit whether this interesting patch is for Windows 7 or is it good with Vista as well?Is it only good if you have a X32 system?

For example I have the full 4gbs of ram allowed by the manufacturer installed on a laptop will it allow me to use it to the full potential?I have 8 gbs of ram on my Windows7 (64 bits) pc will it be useful as well?


Gordonvembu I also have the same problem that you have I am unable to save my key changes.THis is very annoying.\\everytime I start my game again it reverts to the default keys .

Yes it's [4 Giga bit Patch] for 32bit apps running on 64bit OSs (Win7, Vista) give it a try frinik. :up:

As for you not able to save you custom keys this is obviously not an isolated issue and I think it is due to the Win7 OS. I would like to hear if
anyone has had the same issue and found the solution. As for my help I
am unfortunately limited because I am using WinXp. Although Win7 is on
my Christmas list :DL
I want to get to the bottom of this Key save issue and any help is welcomed.


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