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frinik 04-21-10 08:51 AM

Wir Kapitulieren Nie!
ZEE nobody wants to back down.We go and look forward to Kursk!Wir Kapitulieren Nie!Even with weaker CPUs and GPus we will plod onward!

Anyway we got a direct order from the Fuehrer´s HQ in Rastenburg to fight to the last FPS :doh:


morttheslayer 04-21-10 09:04 AM

Hi Zee guessed you were busy
Zee and Kamaraden
Great shot of the Tiger advance it cries out for "The ride of the Valkyries"
played at full volume! Your framerates are pretty good considering, do you get a fair drop as you drive around/through the tree line just to S-E of Village C ? after the hillside dash - that was my big FPS hitpoint for some reason.
If we had rigs like animal we'd have no trouble taking on the whole Russian Army! mind you the home electricity bill would be a bit steep. I feel my hardware would improve a fair bit with a new (high spec) graphics card as said before.

Lc - My new "SLI Crutches" Pink Camo Bosom friend (in a Panzer Kamerade sort of way!!) The foundation pre Kursk release with the Tiger (famous photo) hammering a distant target has been superceded by the Tigers in Russia artwork (very nice) for Kursk Pre Alpha. Sorry can't remember the text details on screen as mine has changed now I'm up to v.5 Kursk but I remember the logo (that photo) very well.

However for the first "amalgamated mods" issue (The last big Pre Kursk file that is), file is ZW_MO_T34vsTiger_Pre_Kursk_Alpha_v1 zipped file.
I installed it right on top of the basic TvsT out of the box version. You'll know its OK if it fires up and runs the first German mission Tigers at Kurtenki which is different from the original advence of 2 Tigers to the river. Mission 3 can be installed now but I didn't this time as I wanted to keep my installation as clean as possible with patches.
Therefore I installed the Kursk pre alpha v.5 on top of the Pre Kursk Alpha v.1 and all was fine.

Hope this is clear, to avoid doubt after basic TvsT I installed 2 updates first Pre Kursk Alpha v.1 and next Kursk pre Alpha v.5. OK? :salute:
A fine and sunny ash free day in the UK :sunny:
Lc I looked at all your posts - don't you ever go to bed????:haha:

Hope your up and running OK soon cos I'll need you at the AT ditch.
ATB Mort:up:

Chucky 04-21-10 11:50 AM

I have come to the conclusion that certain members of this forum are quite insane.

Keep up the good work lads :salute:

ZeeWolf 04-21-10 01:03 PM

You guys are awesome man!:haha:
I really appreciate and I am encouraged by you interest and dedication
to the success of this process to re-new Tvt.:yeah:
It's you guys that bring Kraft der freude "Strength through Joy" from
these efforts we are Kameraden :up:
I will say more after my first cup of coffee :doh: and tell you about some
new addition to Kursk mission 1 Alpha (still in beta) :yep:

My BEST regards Kameraden! :salute:


morttheslayer 04-21-10 01:54 PM

Frinic re-my previous post
Apologies: :oops: The bulk of the information on the Mods so far was for you.
Lc has quite correctly put down his sequence of installs and I just wrote my version. Sometimes it helps to get 2 views I hope it was helpful and not confusing (I find it clarifies things in forums when more than one person describes a problem or a procedure).

PS I think Chucky is referring to Lc, I mean I'm not mad I'm a Panzer Comander/Bosun (New SS Rank). :har:

Let us know how you get on with info.

All the Best - Mort

Thanks for update Zee:salute:

morttheslayer 04-21-10 02:24 PM

A successful install of Pre Kursk Alpha v1 Frinic
Right where to start (as far as I can remember).
After install of Pre K Alpha v.1 yes as you said the German missions 1 & 6 changed (Tigers shake Kurtenki & Tiger B-Out)

but also check Russian mission No1 (I believe) where you advance and take a village; now in the uprated mission you will find (and this is general) some concrete bunker/hard fire points that weren't in the original. And of course the Russian missions are much much harder especially the last two.
If you are surviving the Russian missions with success there's something wrong.

I'm getting battle fatigue!! and relying on my memory for specific pointers is getting difficult! However the previous points are solid.
Hope your install is OK
Regards - Mort :salute:

morttheslayer 04-21-10 02:40 PM

Frinic Last but not least ref previous post part 2
Sorry last post (not the bugle!!!!)
I'm taking this section over and getting embarrassed but please also check German mission No4 renamed Breaking Red Army Pinchers (another Pre Kursk Alpha v.1 change)

That's it :salute: Mort
resting now

morttheslayer 04-21-10 04:43 PM

ZeeWolf reference Kursk Pre Alpha Test
Zee, I retested the Kursk Pre Alpha v.1 several times now and happy to report Tiger Group not advancing in support of me is due to them getting shot up/knocked out.
I stayed with the group and saw they were immobilised but not destroyed.

I originally thought there was something possibly wrong with a waypoint or script but it is not so. What fooled me was that from a distance I have to look at the map to check on their progress as I split from the group to carry out a flank manouver, and they were showing up as being present, but not moving up as expected which of course was true but they didn't have any choice!!!

So there is nothing wrong except the opposition was too strong for them over the 4 or 5 times I played this mission to specifically look at the Tiger groups behaviour.

Over and Out Mort :salute:

ZeeWolf 04-21-10 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1368520)
Zee, I retested the Kursk Pre Alpha v.1 several times now and happy to report Tiger Group not advancing in support of me is due to them getting shot up/knocked out.
I stayed with the group and saw they were immobilised but not destroyed.

I originally thought there was something possibly wrong with a waypoint or script but it is not so. What fooled me was that from a distance I have to look at the map to check on their progress as I split from the group to carry out a flank manouver, and they were showing up as being present, but not moving up as expected which of course was true but they didn't have any choice!!!

So there is nothing wrong except the opposition was too strong for them over the 4 or 5 times I played this mission to specifically look at the Tiger groups behaviour.

Over and Out Mort :salute:

I agree Mort the changes to the other Tigers script when they were supposed to attack village C and advance up the hill to the last Soviet
Gun position failed to execute as I wanted. Found the problem already and
it will be in the next beta update. I figured I would try something all together new as a successful ending. And that will be when the Tigers take
Village C the mission will end in success. I find it to frustrating to all most
reach our objective then lose a track and the mission fails. So success will
be a group effort. If you reach the goal then that will also end the mission
in success too but if not the other Tigers will. How about that?

On to Dubrova Kameraden!:up:


LcSummers 04-22-10 01:35 AM

Its an honor

Lc - My new "SLI Crutches" Pink Camo Bosom friend (in a Panzer Kamerade sort of way!!) .

Its really a honor for me to be titled like this. Now i am raised in an aristocratic hierarchy chart. From now on you can Call me
von und zu SLI Crutches" Pink Camo Bosom friend

Lc I looked at all your posts - don't you ever go to bed????:haha:

No NO NO. I live in Europe too and i go to bed at 22.00 and wake up at 05.30 hour.

Capisc my friend il DUCE


von und zu SLI Crutches" Pink Camo Bosom friend :D

LcSummers 04-22-10 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1368598)
I agree Mort the changes to the other Tigers script when they were supposed to attack village C and advance up the hill to the last Soviet
Gun position failed to execute as I wanted. Found the problem already and
it will be in the next beta update. I figured I would try something all together new as a successful ending. And that will be when the Tigers take
Village C the mission will end in success. I find it to frustrating to all most
reach our objective then lose a track and the mission fails. So success will
be a group effort. If you reach the goal then that will also end the mission
in success too but if not the other Tigers will. How about that?

On to Dubrova Kameraden!:up:


Thats realism. It is great because I was an 1 man army. If i failed the whole mission was lost. In real life it is the same. COOL. GREAT IDEA.

Auf nach Kursk Kameraden.

LC :shucks:

LcSummers 04-22-10 01:57 AM

A really good BETA TESTER

Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1368520)
Zee, I retested the Kursk Pre Alpha v.1 several times now and happy to report Tiger Group not advancing in support of me is due to them getting shot up/knocked out.
I stayed with the group and saw they were immobilised but not destroyed.

I originally thought there was something possibly wrong with a waypoint or script but it is not so. What fooled me was that from a distance I have to look at the map to check on their progress as I split from the group to carry out a flank manouver, and they were showing up as being present, but not moving up as expected which of course was true but they didn't have any choice!!!

So there is nothing wrong except the opposition was too strong for them over the 4 or 5 times I played this mission to specifically look at the Tiger groups behaviour.

Over and Out Mort :salute:


i think without you as a Beta tester Morty, it would be really hard of us all.

I mean that everybody who is and who can help in any way is really an enrichment for the whole project.

I want to thank you all for every help in any way. It does not only help ZW, me too. It shows me what i recognized but didnt examined further.

With so great experiences we all can support ZW in any way, making suggestions etc.
It really helps to get into the right direction and to wipe out bugs, sure only and i say it again, only with ZWs fantastic patience and his dedication to his project.:rock:


ZeeWolf 04-22-10 02:40 AM

Hey LC!
I found out for certain a few things after experimenting with different things
that I thought I should try.

One of them is to increase the virtual memory size 1 to 2 gigs.

And two was some code techniques that split up the execution load
for commands to the group of Tigers.

Both these areas have proven to work with a increase in response, but the virtual memory increase helped maintain the the fps for the whole mission run time. I found this after trying for a couple of days now to figure out why things were slowing down so much as I got closer to Village C and through this latest discovery [virtual memory increase] ended that issue very noticeably.:up:

So tomorrow I will put up some image instruction for you if you need help in
doing that and also I wanted to show you how to see if prioaff.exe is working. But for now I am pooped out and going to bed. :zzz:

So, good night all! :salute:


LcSummers 04-22-10 02:47 AM

HI ZW and members!

After a little fight with the installation of Prioaff i now can make a report. With ZWs help i installed it andmade a very short test. After klicking the new shortcut i had an CTD. Remembering to clearing cache solved my problem so i could start Kursk mission. It was a really short test and i have to test it later but what i can say is that fps was growing.

QUOTE: My report for v5
Grass is less, fps started with 8.9 and reached 4.9 for a very short time. Mainly 7.6 but reaching village it remained 5.3-5.5.

FPS STARTED with 10.2 and a very short time it reached 4.9 but mainly was between 6.8 and 8. As i mentioned i have to make another test but ran better. When my whole gang was near me and the artillery shot us i had 7.8-7.9 fps. GREAT!!!!! :yeah:

Thank you report is coming later. Around 14:00 or 16:00 hours.


Good night sleep well ZW we will see us tonight (for me)

PS: its 09.50 hours

PPS :Quote One of them is to increase the virtual memory size 1 to 2 gigs. MY VIRTUAL MEMORY HAS 3070MB

frinik 04-22-10 03:01 AM

Pre Kursk Alpha calling Captain Kursk of USS Enterprise ZeeWolf
Morty/LC thank you both for your answers you are indeed Brothers-in-arms ( although in Lc's case it's in legs as well...:haha:.)

The thing I did was to install Zee Pre Kursk Alpha v1 release on top of the main game on my wife's laptop which already had Tigers Shake Kurtenki and Tigers Break Out installed. But I checked the menu and there's no new game 4 in the German Single player.So I guess I'll have to check that out when I install the Pre Kursk release.I'll PM Zee to ask whether his Alpha release needs a clean install or can it overright his existing mods.

As for the Soviet missions even without the Pre Kursk Alpha release they have become murderous ever since in installed Zee's Xmas gift and the new mission 6 for members only. I even made a comment to Zee who said he realised that and he would after Kursk work on the Soviet missions to add more tanks and a bit easier on the Soviet player.What happened is that Zee with his realistic mods and missions broke the " balanced " mode which had been created by the games developpers.They had deliberately made the Tiger weaker in order to balance the game and give even odds to the T34/85 .In reality, the T34/85 was inferior to the Tiger in almost every department except for speed and fuel consumption/autonomy (and production numbers of course.)But as TvsT was intended primarily as multiplayer game they wanted the players to have opposing tanks with similar strenght otherwise nobody would want to play the T34/85. Then Zee came along and tweaked the Tiger back to its real strength and now the Soviet side is suffering.Of course, it will addressed eventually as it was in real life by adding more tanks to the Soviet side and adding also more lethal tanks; JS2s(also known as IS122), ISU152, SU 100 .

Thanks again Comrades and keep writing about your experiences it's very interesting to read about your respective tactics.Do you guys drive your tanks as the driver or do you drive in automatic with the external view on?


morttheslayer 04-22-10 04:16 AM

Pre Kursk Alpha Battalion
Hi Frinik glad to hear your working the installations out. I had some early problems and to avoid any clashes or conflicts that detracted from my "main testing objectives" I chose not to install the Xmas gift or the latest mission No3. Purely for my "cleaner leaner install". Sure I'm missing a mission or two, but I know now exactly where I am (I was getting very bogged down with a huge sheet of notes scribbled all over!!!!) So now I have the 1,2,3 i.e. Basic TvsT, Pre Kursk Alpha v.1 and then Kursk Pre Alpha v.5 and all worked great. I have a copy of each so I can revert back to the folder and run it for comparison. I forgot also to mention after my first test upgrade (Basic plus PK Alpha v.1) first German mission has your Mount in a different camo (same as your wingman). Also textures have changed (seemed richer/deeper).
You queried my gameplan, I find when negotiating fairly unobstructed areas I put driver to auto and myself as switcheable between Gunner and Commander, negotiating obstacles (giving the Auto driver steering and speed prompts) like trees, from F6 outside view (cheating really) :D.

This allows me to "jump" back to Gunner or Commander via F5 key and scan (if Commander with extra height for danger/targets. I can also as Cmdr, activate gunner if a target suddenly appears (like a T34) by hitting the G key (previously not allocated Auto) to help me out of a Problem.
I can also, if things get too hot, put myself in drivers position (my driver never reverses very well!!) and very bravely clear out of it!!!

I will man the drivers position on occassions leaving Cmdr and Gunner on Auto if playing "Hide and seek" this helps the slight problem with X-Ray vision sometimes around heavily wooded areas.

I prefer to be in the gunners position mostly though as I love to have a
shot that turns the opposition into fireworks. I find though that with Kursk I have to move more to avoid hits and tend to select Gunner Auto as I don't have the luxury of time, like the earlier single missions mind you I kind of expected this, Zee doesn't want this to be a walkover as Kursk was a bloodbath for both sides I certainly have had my share of being knocked out!! :yeah:
All the best - Mort

PS Lc I was up early like you this morning due to the fact (as we say in England "I had church candles hanging from my nostrils" which means I have a cold :cry: perhaps I brought it back from Scotland !! sniff sniff!

LcSummers 04-22-10 07:47 AM

Prioaff Report #2
Now i had time to test it again. At the start fps was very good. But advancing and reaching woods and advancing to village fps droped between 5.9-5.4. After eliminating those guns etc. fps went up to 7.6 in village again.

Experience shows me,that with prioaff fps rises 1-2 fps more at the moment. Now it was better to play. (God mode, one Tiger)

Thats all for the moment, waiting for orders or reports from other testers.


LcSummers 04-22-10 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1368952)
Morty/LC thank you both for your answers you are indeed Brothers-in-arms ( although in Lc's case it's in legs as well...:haha:.)

Thanks again Comrades and keep writing about your experiences it's very interesting to read about your respective tactics.Do you guys drive your tanks as the driver or do you drive in automatic with the external view on?



You are always welcome. :yeah: my brother in legs.

Do you guys drive your tanks as the driver or do you drive in automatic with the external view on?

I use both options to see if there are differences for testing (internal and external view) but never automatic. :hmmm: Commander remains the same (in most cases). Gunny sometimes automatic. But to be honest i like the outside view too, you see so much and the envirionment is beautifull.
When we get those new Tigers (as ZW promised us for the future) i only will have the outside view, looking if my tank didnt lost its antenna :hmmm:


LcSummers 04-22-10 08:10 AM

Get well Morty
Morty get well as soon as posible.


We dont need a Commander who is sounding to attack. We are no longer at the cavalry (no horses, maybe yes but we have some 100 horses more under our bottom) and sounding your attack will wake up the russian frontline. No more surprise attack only low FPS. :woot:


Now serious:

I have mainly the same reasons as Morty wrote it down in his report.

I am concerning about my men so i like to shoot from great distances. This is my or the Tigers big advantage.

Sometimes gunner in automatic mode but not to often (X-ray eyes as morty mentioned).

Last but not least get well.


animal 04-22-10 11:01 AM

it would be nice to see a difficulty setting to limit views to what was available, no external view and no "f5" view... but i suppose one could just unbind the keys for those if they wanted to. Sometimes I just can't resist hitting the keys for it, so you can use the extra height to see over hills

: p

I remember panzer commander had a setting for "allow external view"
it made things interesting.

My friends and myself used to hook up 2-3 keyboards and each play a position in the crew, but without separate views it was only so practical. Is there a way that one could have a multi-view set up if you had multiple monitors? I've got 3x 120hz samsung lcd's and dream of the day my 2 best friends could come over and we could play driver-gunner-commander in a crew. How much access does one have to the inner portions of the game when modding? is it limited to mapping and battles? or would it be possible to have 2 views so you could at least have a driver on one and a gunner/commander on another?

I've never tried the multiplayer but I don't think it supported multiple people in one tank... to me that would be a dream-state for a sim like this. What are the probabilities for one day having a radio operator position with the bow mg? it would be nice for the driver to have mg control at least, I think that's how panzer commander did it. It feels weird sometimes mopping up troops when you should be engaging enemy tanks with the main gun - reminds me of the accounts of kursk in the ferdinands firing mg42's down the main barrel with the gunner sighting in Russians :p

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