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ZeeWolf 08-28-12 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1926853)
:salute: Looking foreward to the future Zee, thanks for the update.
We don't consider fuel prices too much these days here in Blighty; we just hope it doesn't get to be the same price as whisky - having said that, its getting closer !!!

Keep up the good work, a great pity more copies of the original were not sold as it could have had a huge audience. Few sims come along with the potential to be a classic (when modded) these days like EAW and IL2 for example.
very best regards


:har: When whiskey prices do skyrocket you can always do like we do in the U.S. - make your own! :haha:

Thanks Morty it's always good hearing from you Kamerad! :up:


scout327 09-04-12 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Kalss (Post 1883398)
Also a link where you can see the starting of the Maybach engine : This video was filmed in front of the workshop where tanks are restored.
This museum is one of the most important. There almost all German WW2 tanks (except Maus, of course !). Unfortunately, their website is in French only...
Kind regards

Great teamwork by these 2 men!

Tiger von Witebsk 10-08-12 11:13 AM

Hello, i just joined this site and would like to ask a few questions about this cool looking mod.
I know there is a lot more tanks in this mod, I saw the pics of Nashorn, Wespe, StuG etc, but are they playble? or are they just for AI? can you choose which tank you want to be using before you start playing? or you have to be in Tiger/ T 34 everytime?

woofiedog 10-08-12 02:06 PM

Tiger von Witebsk... welcome. :)

Nashorn, Wespe, StuG etc, but are they playble? or are they just for AI? They are AI at the moment and only the Tiger & T-34 are playable with your choice of German or Soviet missions.

But checkout the info at ZeeWolf's site.

And also at Panzer Sims.

Also do you have a TvsT DVD... if not I did see these copies at Amazon UK.

Good Luck and Welcome Aboard.

Tiger von Witebsk 10-08-12 03:07 PM

Not playble :cry:....ok thank you.
Nashorn is my most favourite WW2 Panzerjäger, you cant see or play it in any game, so when I saw the pic of it it, it made me very happy.

Btw, I already visited the site, but could not find any info if they are playble or not, also I already own T vs T, but there is only 6 missions for Germans and only with Tiger, so I became boored very soon.:)

ZeeWolf 10-08-12 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Tiger von Witebsk (Post 1945651)
Not playble :cry:....ok thank you.
Nashorn is my most favourite WW2 Panzerjäger, you cant see or play it in any game, so when I saw the pic of it it, it made me very happy.

Btw, I already visited the site, but could not find any info if they are playble or not, also I already own T vs T, but there is only 6 missions for Germans and only with Tiger, so I became boored very soon.:)

Welcome aboard Tiger von Witebsk,
Hey, have you checked out World of Tanks. I hear it is great entertainment,
never heard of anyone who likes it complain it's boring. It has lots of playable
tanks as well.
As for Project ZeeWolf, it's focus is on the Tank simulation aspect and it is
not for everyone, the guys that really like it are WWII die hards (like me :)).
As for the six German missions I would like to say you missed the Kursk and
the Winter missions also.

ZeeWolf :salute:

Tiger von Witebsk 10-10-12 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1945721)
Welcome aboard Tiger von Witebsk,

As for Project ZeeWolf, it's focus is on the Tank simulation aspect and it is
not for everyone, the guys that really like it are WWII die hards (like me :)).
As for the six German missions I would like to say you missed the Kursk and
the Winter missions also.

ZeeWolf :salute:

I know, i like this game very much and i am also big fan of WW2, especialy tanks. Honestly in my opinion WoT is just a crap arcade, i play only realistic tank simulations like Darkest Hour 44-45, Stell Fury Kharkov or TvsT.
The missions in TvsT are good, but if you play them over and over again it becames booring.
Btw, as woofiedog wrote, the tanks are for AI at this that means, that you are working on it to be for players to? or it is not possible due to the game engine limitation or what ever, to make them playble?

Sorry for my english.

ZeeWolf 10-10-12 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Tiger von Witebsk (Post 1946082)
I know, i like this game very much and i am also big fan of WW2, especialy tanks. Honestly in my opinion WoT is just a crap arcade, i play only realistic tank simulations like Darkest Hour 44-45, Stell Fury Kharkov or TvsT.
The missions in TvsT are good, but if you play them over and over again it becames booring.
Btw, as woofiedog wrote, the tanks are for AI at this that means, that you are working on it to be for players to? or it is not possible due to the game engine limitation or what ever, to make them playble?

Sorry for my english.

That is good, TvsT has the capacity to become a great tank sim. The main
limitation (as I see it) is the inability to use multiple CPUs. As for the ability
to mod TvsT, the sky is the limit. And yes new playable tanks are coming.
Btw, what is your native language?

-ZeeWolf :salute:

Tiger von Witebsk 10-11-12 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1946308)
. And yes new playable tanks are coming.
Btw, what is your native language?

-ZeeWolf :salute:

That is cool! hope Nashorn will be one of them !:D
My natine language is Czech.

LcSummers 10-12-12 07:21 AM

Hi to all!!

Oh man,

its been awhile since i have been here. I thought T34vsT was dead. I should have read the news. Sorry Zeawolf.

Cant wait for the further updates.



Rutger 10-16-12 11:56 AM

Hi there,
how can I obtain the Kursk missions?


ZeeWolf 10-16-12 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rutger (Post 1948796)
Hi there,
how can I obtain the Kursk missions?


You have to join Project ZeeWolf Rutger.
Check out my web site to learn how:

ZeeWolf :salute:

Txema 10-17-12 10:47 AM

Hi ZeeWolf and friends !!

I have read that in the latest updates ZeeWolf has been working to increase the Frames Per Second obtained in the missions. The very low FPS were really a problem for me in this sim.

Has this work produced noticeable results?

I know it depends on the specific mission but how many FPS are you getting now with the latest update? Can you give me some numbers please?

Thank you very much for your help !!


minimi66 11-15-12 05:23 AM

Hi ZeeWolf! How do i get my hands on your TvT files?
Hi ZeeWolf,

I signed up and paid for Project ZeeWolf membership yesterday, can you message me and let me know how can i get my hands on these mod files and missions etc?

I sent an email to your address on the papypal receipt with details of my payment, let me know if you got that ok? Was sent about 5 minutes ago.

Well done on all the fantastic work you have done on this great tanksim, can't wait to get back into it with all the addded new features.

Many thanks.


ZeeWolf 12-20-12 11:26 PM

Web site down
Hello Kameraden!
I have to inform you that my web site (tanksimzw,com) is down due to a
mistake. Instead of auto renew it was auto canceled. So, will be off line until
new account can be switched over and files redirected etc.

ZeeWolf :salute:

ZeeWolf 12-24-12 08:36 PM

HO! HO! HO! Merry Christmas KAMERADEN!
I bring good tidings from the front,
The new playable Panther Ausf. D is very near complete. I have been blessed
by receiving all this week and half of next off from my day job. This is perfect
to do the extra things necessary to make the first playable tank (that has been a Project ZeeWolf creation from top to bottom) a real delight.

It has been a struggle, but thanks to your patents a vary pleasant experience.
The Panther interior details needed to be model accurately the
driver compartment as well as the inside turret detail was terribly time consuming,
taking months of researching useful data that would satisfy my "Perfectionist tendency".
However the work has been worth it and of course there is still things that I will be
adjusting and modifying until I am absolutely finished, but these things you will hardly notice.
And any changes made will be sent out in new updates and will not effect the planned release date.
Meanwhile, 2013 looks like another good year for tank warfare !

Vorwärts Kameraden!

ZW :salute:

woofiedog 12-29-12 12:42 PM

Cruising in a Panther Ausf. D model sounds excellent!

By the way since they are coming fresh off the assembly line is there anyway we can preorder heated leather seats, tilt steering, cruise control and a multi changer CD player.

Just kidding :D

ZeeWolf 12-31-12 03:02 PM

a ZW Sneak Peak!
Howdy there Kameraden!
Ole' ZeeWolf here and I just wanted to give you a "Sneak Peak" at a high
lighted component of the new Panther interior. This is the new drivers hatch
(that is fully functional) that is included in the new interior. Also I wanted to
give you an idea what the kind of work you can expect and a glimpse of the
methods used to model objects using photos and assembly drawings

Also the modeling for this first interior release is complete and now the animation and texture map creation is all that is left.

Happy New Year!

ZW :salute:

woofiedog 12-31-12 04:57 PM

Truely amazing work on the Panther interior... thank's for the screenshots. Wicked :up:

Priscalan 01-01-13 04:57 AM

Beautifull work Zee !!!!:yeah:

Happy New Year to you :woot:

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