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woofiedog 06-14-12 09:25 PM

A bit more horsepower you say... well I'm not too worried with my rig's powertrain at the moment and should be able handle the increased load.

But then again... we'll see soon enough! LoL

Will be looking forward though to seeing and playing the new updates you are working on, for as in the video this will be a hec of an improvment to the overall looks and sounds like with the other change to the mass of the playable tanks this will help with the gameplay of TvT.

Like those katyusha rockets screaming in at you... it should be a blast! Wicked :D

Jochem 06-15-12 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1896409)
Thanks Newtonious, the Panther and King Tiger will also reflect their corresponding weight too.


You're incredible Zee ! I love you ! :yeah:

woofiedog 06-15-12 12:23 PM

Panther & King Tiger... what else can you say... Wicked! :yeah:

CZARNY_PLone 06-29-12 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1880684)
Here is some more Panther Ausf. D (Playable) in German mission 7:DL

Vorwärts Kameraden!


HIHI Just unpacks the gtx 680 for new missions :woot:
I can not wait for new missions and tanks :timeout:

ZeeWolf 07-07-12 02:42 PM

Out of the brig
Thanks guys!,
While I was in the brig I used my time wisely and worked on the Panther interior.
I also had the entire week of the July 4th holiday off (from my day
job). A hurdle that was somewhat complex, has now been understood and
now is another fine detail for the driver compartment [Panther]. The issue
was the modeling of the vision port hatch assembly, used on the Ausf. D and
Ausf. A. This "must have" detail for the driver has been very well done and works
like the original unit. I am very proud of myself on this effort. :shucks:
To making of the interiors is a grueling task when the standard has been set high.

So, just know that old ZeeWolfy is committed to the task,

ZW :salute:

woofiedog 07-08-12 03:41 AM

Hope you enjoyed the vaction. News of the WIP is excellent and will be looking forward to seeing your update development.

Thank's for the update.

morttheslayer 08-05-12 05:49 PM

Good work Zee as ever
Hi Zee
Still watching, and looking foreward to your excellent updates, loved the "heavy" handling look of the Tiger tracks - going to take longer to repair now eh :haha:

Also like the flexing of the tracks over tree trunks and terrain obstacles.
Mrs Panzer Commander managed that on our beloved old Audi A4 on a kerb and muntered the wheel, in non virtual reality so sadly no Hannomag available.:wah:
I was forced to carry out reprisals and ban her shopping trip and have her credit card shot and tortured!!!

Good stuff Zee all the best Morty (still alive - just!!)

ZeeWolf 08-07-12 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1918389)
Hi Zee
Still watching, and looking foreward to your excellent updates, loved the "heavy" handling look of the Tiger tracks - going to take longer to repair now eh :haha:

Also like the flexing of the tracks over tree trunks and terrain obstacles.
Mrs Panzer Commander managed that on our beloved old Audi A4 on a kerb and muntered the wheel, in non virtual reality so sadly no Hannomag available.:wah:
I was forced to carry out reprisals and ban her shopping trip and have her credit card shot and tortured!!!

Good stuff Zee all the best Morty (still alive - just!!)

Hi Morty,
Thanks man, been busy with some more improvements as I juggle time between TvT and my day job.:yep:
Sorry to hear about your Audi, it's tuff with out wheels now days. Although
you guys are paying close to ten bucks a gallon for gas over on your little
island aren't you? Here gas is getting jack-up again to close to four bucks
a gallon.

ZW :salute:

Knightspel 08-20-12 07:46 AM

Hello Zeewolf and others, long time no "see" :)
I did not renew my contract for '12 simply because i haven't got enough time to play TvsT or other games but i'm still around and may jump in again soon.
How is KT and playable Panther progress going?

ZeeWolf 08-21-12 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Knightspel (Post 1923709)
Hello Zeewolf and others, long time no "see" :)
I did not renew my contract for '12 simply because i haven't got enough time to play TvsT or other games but i'm still around and may jump in again soon.
How is KT and playable Panther progress going?

The playable tank Panther Ausf. D will be finished first, but due to my day job
the progress is taking longer then expected. :wah:
However, the August Update will be ready for DL this weekend. Although there
will be no new playable(s) this will be a notable update. Particularly with the
Tigers physics model. Also the humans have been getting some attention with
better movement. And, a new mission winter 3 that has excellent performance.:sunny:
But there is still more things I have to catch up on while I work to complete
the new tank interiors and the thing I want to mention is the German translation
add-on. Something long over due for my German Kameraden.
So, thanks for being patient with me and please understand I am still Gung-Ho!
about the work that lay ahead. :up:

Vorwärts Kameraden! :salute:


Newtonious 08-21-12 08:44 PM

Keep up the good work, hopefully soon I can get a better computer to see what I've been missing

Knightspel 08-23-12 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1924445)
The playable tank Panther Ausf. D will be finished first, but due to my day job
the progress is taking longer then expected. :wah:
However, the August Update will be ready for DL this weekend. Although there
will be no new playable(s) this will be a notable update. Particularly with the
Tigers physics model. Also the humans have been getting some attention with
better movement. And, a new mission winter 3 that has excellent performance.:sunny:
But there is still more things I have to catch up on while I work to complete
the new tank interiors and the thing I want to mention is the German translation
add-on. Something long over due for my German Kameraden.
So, thanks for being patient with me and please understand I am still Gung-Ho!
about the work that lay ahead. :up:

Vorwärts Kameraden! :salute:


Great to hear mod is still progressing well. I may renew my contract sooner than i planned originally. :cool:

Jochem 08-25-12 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1924445)
The playable tank Panther Ausf. D will be finished first, but due to my day job
the progress is taking longer then expected. :wah:
However, the August Update will be ready for DL this weekend. Although there
will be no new playable(s) this will be a notable update. Particularly with the
Tigers physics model. Also the humans have been getting some attention with
better movement. And, a new mission winter 3 that has excellent performance.:sunny:
But there is still more things I have to catch up on while I work to complete
the new tank interiors and the thing I want to mention is the German translation
add-on. Something long over due for my German Kameraden.
So, thanks for being patient with me and please understand I am still Gung-Ho!
about the work that lay ahead. :up:

Vorwärts Kameraden! :salute:


Hi Zee, nice to have some news ! Thanks for the info, keep up the good work ;)

ZeeWolf 08-26-12 12:52 PM

ZW August 2012 Update
Thanks Kameraden ,
The August update has been uploaded :woot:
Lotta good stuff too! especially with the Tiger's physics model.

I also must say: Due to my day job I figure my "Project ZeeWolf to do list"
is almost a year behind schedule. :timeout: However, God willing, my next update
will include at least the Panther Ausf. D playable tank completed by the end
of 2012. :yep: This is a realistic goal for me to achieve, of course along the way
I will work parallel to this goal with misc. items that will not hinder (time wise)this goal.
So, don't hesitate to post your comments here or e-mail me, I still want to
keep in close contact.

Vorwärts Kameraden!

ZW :salute:

PS: if you do not received your new link today it is a good idea to PM me.
Due to problems with some e-mail hosts, I can only receive and can not


Knightspel 08-26-12 02:30 PM

Hi Zeewolf, update sounds promising and it is great to hear that Panther will be in soon. Am i still able to renew my 2012 membership with "alte kamerad" price 20$? :D

von Kinderei 08-26-12 03:53 PM

Just got it Z ...

Thanks :up:

ZeeWolf 08-26-12 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Knightspel (Post 1926509)
Hi Zeewolf, update sounds promising and it is great to hear that Panther will be in soon. Am i still able to renew my 2012 membership with "alte kamerad" price 20$? :D

Thanks Knightspel! :salute:
As for the the $20.00 renewal that's for guys that renewed in 2011. So,for
all others it's $50.00 :yep:

Come on Kamerad - just do it man :)


ZeeWolf 08-26-12 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by von Kinderei (Post 1926551)
Just got it Z ...

Thanks :up:

Great Kamerad VK :up:


Knightspel 08-27-12 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1926634)
Thanks Knightspel! :salute:
As for the the $20.00 renewal that's for guys that renewed in 2011. So,for
all others it's $50.00 :yep:

Come on Kamerad - just do it man :)


Damn! I just checked my emails and you are right, i was member in 2010 not '11. Time flies...

morttheslayer 08-27-12 10:28 AM

Thanks Zee
:salute: Looking foreward to the future Zee, thanks for the update.
We don't consider fuel prices too much these days here in Blighty; we just hope it doesn't get to be the same price as whisky - having said that, its getting closer !!!

Keep up the good work, a great pity more copies of the original were not sold as it could have had a huge audience. Few sims come along with the potential to be a classic (when modded) these days like EAW and IL2 for example.
very best regards


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