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Aimbot 03-23-07 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by SUBMAN1
All the others are all things I would try and do, but this one is just a classic and probably not reproducable. Great shot! :up: What a way to go!

When I discovered that the gap between bombs really existed the first thing I thought of was putting a wingtip between 'em. I lost so many planes attempting that and never mannaged. :-?

ajrimmer42 04-02-07 03:52 AM

Here's a screenshot I took of a Wildcat on FS2004. (In case you can't tell, I did edit this pic [obviously;)])

danlisa 04-02-07 04:35 AM

Very Nice:up:

Welcome aboard.:sunny:

danlisa 04-03-07 02:45 AM

Custom made MP action from HunterICX:rock:

Dowly would have liked this one, if he wasn't messing around with Micro**** Vista.:rotfl:

HunterICX 04-03-07 03:55 AM

:hmm: HunterICX was killed....

Danlisa you didnt photoshop it right as I cant seem to remember :lol:
the only thing I remember was when I was almost back to base my engine turned on fire again and KABOOM! fuel explosion.

anyway yeah, the mission I made rocks :yep: its a lovely harbour raid with as jackpot the Germany naval vessel TIRPITZ :smug: its not historical correct but the heck with it,
I,m going to cut down on the search lights as they bloody blind you when you try to look throught the bombing sight, a bit less flak and to make it more challeging, underway we get intercepted by enemy fighters and our escorts will have to defend us
(so dowly , if you join up, you are our Escort you want to go the the darkside and play the Interceptor)

Dowly 04-03-07 04:16 AM

I´m not flying anywhere until this stupid fecking Vista gets that I DO HAVE A FECKING SOUND CARD AND THE FARKING DRIVERS ARE INSTALLED!!!!! Stupid!:damn: Stupid!:damn: Stupid!:damn:

It´s fast tho...:yep:

danlisa 04-03-07 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly
I´m not flying anywhere until this stupid fecking Vista gets that I DO HAVE A FECKING SOUND CARD AND THE FARKING DRIVERS ARE INSTALLED!!!!! Stupid!:damn: Stupid!:damn: Stupid!:damn:

It´s fast tho...:yep:

Wait a minute, I know something about Vista.......:hmm:
Oh Yeah, It's not finished and doesn't support 90% of the 3rd party drivers. You're boned.:dead:


Dowly 04-03-07 08:33 AM

I want to bomb too! I´m good with the Pe-2´s bombsight.

HunterICX 04-03-07 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly
I want to bomb too! I´m good with the Pe-2´s bombsight.

Now you want to bomb huh, fine I will add a group of PE-2s

Dowly 04-09-07 08:26 AM

Yayy! My first IL2 stunt vid. :smug:

Biggles 04-09-07 10:20 AM

Damn it Dowly! How did ye get so nice water effects?
Oh some other things to ask.....
any old pics from the multiplayer games that I joined?

Do you still play online? My own computer is on repairs now so.....:damn:

Dowly 04-09-07 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Biggles
Damn it Dowly! How did ye get so nice water effects?
Oh some other things to ask.....
any old pics from the multiplayer games that I joined?

Do you still play online? My own computer is on repairs now so.....:damn:

You need to play in OpenGL mode to get the perfect landscape. Also, from the conf.ini, you can change the 'Water=' setting to either 0,1,2,3.

Had to reinstall WinXP, so I lost all the tracks I had recorded from our games. :shifty:

Oh and yes, we still play online. ;)

nikimcbee 04-09-07 12:50 PM

:hmm: :rock:

Dowly, you're just getting me into trouble:roll: .

Cool videos btw!

Dowly 04-09-07 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by nikimcbee
:hmm: :rock:

Dowly, you're just getting me into trouble:roll: .

Cool videos btw!


meylan 04-09-07 02:48 PM

Dowly 04-09-07 05:08 PM

Part 2 of the stunts:


Camaero 04-10-07 03:47 AM

These are a few I made from IL2. I printed some of them out on photographic paper and they now hang on my wall. They look great printed out!:rock:

HunterICX 04-10-07 04:21 AM

:up: Nice Video Dowly,
we need to make a stunt video with 2 planes :yep:

Nice pictures camaero, I can believe that indeed that they look good on Photo
Hehe , now you only need a poster of them :up:

I like the 4th picture a lot

Biggles 04-10-07 10:18 AM

nice pics mate......but I really think that the B-17 is not tolerant enough in the IL-2 games....:shifty:

Dowly 04-10-07 01:50 PM

Going home...

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