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Jimbuna 02-23-08 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Kratos

Originally Posted by jimbuna

Originally Posted by Kratos

Originally Posted by jimbuna

must be quiet in spam corner !!! :hmm:

It is.....Steed is offline

Steed's never off line he's got an automated responce to anything related to spam ..did i really say that? ---->

Yer right there

Biggles 02-23-08 06:24 PM

I love the Pups! They really know how to bite back!;)

NiclDoe 02-25-08 04:36 PM

Ok ok ok here is my of my shots with a burning Ju-52
Edit: Guess what plane i am flying if you can!

Dowly 02-25-08 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by NiclDoe
Ok ok ok here is my of my shots with a burning Ju-52
Edit: Guess what plane i am flying if you can!

Spitfire. :hmm:

Jimbuna 02-25-08 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Dowly

Originally Posted by NiclDoe
Ok ok ok here is my of my shots with a burning Ju-52
Edit: Guess what plane i am flying if you can!

Spitfire. :hmm:

Steel_Tomb 02-25-08 05:27 PM

LOL you picked the most blindingly obvious aircraft there. Those wings are probably the most recognizable shape in aviation history :rotfl: :rotfl: ;).

I'm loving '46, can't get enough of swatting He-111's and Bf-109's out of the sky in my 'Cane and Spitfire :D. Shame you can't add new areas, the BoB campaign I downloaded is in the Crimea lol, London is in the Krasnodar region!

Roll on SoW:BoB!!!! :up:

P:S - Is there an approximate ETA for SoW:BoB? I haven't seen any news on it for quite some time, hope the project hasn't run into difficulties. Anyone know the publisher yet? Please tell me its not Ubisoft! They will ruin it (As they did with R6/GR/SHIV etc).

Dowly 02-25-08 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Steel_Tomb
P:S - Is there an approximate ETA for SoW:BoB? I haven't seen any news on it for quite some time, hope the project hasn't run into difficulties. Anyone know the publisher yet? Please tell me its not Ubisoft! They will ruin it (As they did with R6/GR/SHIV etc).

It's coming. Oleg and the bunch just like to keep low profile.

NiclDoe 02-25-08 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna

Originally Posted by Dowly

Originally Posted by NiclDoe
Ok ok ok here is my of my shots with a burning Ju-52
Edit: Guess what plane i am flying if you can!

Spitfire. :hmm:

We have a winner!!!
You get more Viagra!!! And more Beer!!!
Jim gets nothing :p

tater 02-26-08 02:20 AM

NiclDoe 02-26-08 06:59 AM

Nice B-25s at the base it looks awsome!:rock:

NiclDoe 02-26-08 07:57 PM

Today's Fun with Kratos and Dowly
Me ready to fire (never did since Dowly was busy tring to go under a bridge!)
Our wonderful Ju-88
Me and dowly doing a recon which failed becuase i wasted all the ammo!:lol:
Sitting in the gunner seat

Any comments would be nice to see i can try to do better!

Dowly 02-27-08 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by NiclDoe
Any comments would be nice to see i can try to do better!

Here's a good advise when you are gunner: DONT WASTE THE FRICKING AMMO!!! :rotfl:You ran out at the moment, when all of the planes were on us! Shoot only the ones that are incoming, shooting planes doing anything else is a waste of ammo. :yep:

Dowly 02-27-08 02:00 AM

Few more from the bombing mission. I'd still like to know what was our target. I hit smack on the target and got one AA gun. :rotfl:

Our formation :|\\

Target spotted!

Bombs Away!

KABOOOM!! :rock:

Ooops. :oops:

Steel_Tomb 02-27-08 05:19 AM

You guys up for a flight tonight? Do you guys use teamspeak/hyperlobby? Or is it a direct connection to a server though Il-2?

Dowly 02-27-08 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by Steel_Tomb
You guys up for a flight tonight? Do you guys use teamspeak/hyperlobby? Or is it a direct connection to a server though Il-2?

Yes, I think we are going to fly. Starting at 20-21GMT, I hop into TS at 20-ish GMT.

We use the direct connect to IP method, IP will be given in TS.

Jimbuna's TS server info:

Password: wolf

EDIT: Jim's TS seems to be offline atm. If it's not back online later, I host my TS server and give the IP here.

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