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Steel_Tomb 02-19-08 02:46 PM

I really have to get IL-2 1946, like NOW lol. All my Falcon flying makes me miss the good old days where ariel combat was all about dogfighting instead of firing off slammers.

EDIT: Lol... ordered! :D Look forward to splashing those "yellow nosed bastards" in my spit :D :P time to go watch The Battle of Britain on DVD rofl...

O/T: By the way, just finished reading two FANTASTIC books about the BoB. One is called First Light which is a spitfire pilots recollection of his journey through IOT/flying training to shooting down 109's over the drink. The other is called Fighter Boys which is basically about the formation of the RAF from the RFC and the pilots who were in it, both good books highly recommend.

tater 02-21-08 07:08 PM

XabbaRus 02-22-08 04:09 AM

What mission/campaign is that from?
I prefer scripted as they load faster and can be more interesting but I'm looking for something that'll hold my interest.

Pacific theatre is getting my attention at the mo.

tater 02-22-08 01:42 PM

Well, after the Slot map is released a few of the very best known static campaign authors have promised to start work immediately on static campaigns for the Slot from August, 1942, clear through 1944. By the time people are playing those, the New Britain/New Ireland/Bouganville map will be done (Buna in SW corner), so they can start on that. Then a proper NG make with Lae, Wewak, etc for the strafers :D

Gotta take the "red pill" though ;)

Kratos 02-23-08 08:10 AM

What happens if you take the blue pill? :hmm: ;)

Dowly 02-23-08 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Kratos
What happens if you take the blue pill? :hmm: ;)

You get a boner. :yep:

Kratos 02-23-08 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly

Originally Posted by Kratos
What happens if you take the blue pill? :hmm: ;)

You get a boner. :yep:

really? you got some ? ;)

Dowly 02-23-08 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Kratos

Originally Posted by Dowly

Originally Posted by Kratos
What happens if you take the blue pill? :hmm: ;)

You get a boner. :yep:

really? you got some ? ;)

Nope, no need for that. But I think you can find it pretty easily. It's called 'Viagra'. :up:

Kratos 02-23-08 09:43 AM


Nope, no need for that. But I think you can find it pretty easily. It's called 'Viagra'. :up:
cannot take that stuff nothing to counter balance myself,I would topple over ;) :rotfl:

Jimbuna 02-23-08 01:08 PM

Hehe....listen to the whirlybird

Kratos 02-23-08 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna

must be quiet in spam corner !!! :hmm:

Stealth Hunter 02-23-08 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Dowly

Originally Posted by Kratos
What happens if you take the blue pill? :hmm: ;)

You get a boner. :yep:

Jimbuna 02-23-08 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Kratos

Originally Posted by jimbuna

must be quiet in spam corner !!! :hmm:

It is.....Steed is offline

Kratos 02-23-08 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna

Originally Posted by Kratos

Originally Posted by jimbuna

must be quiet in spam corner !!! :hmm:

It is.....Steed is offline

Steed's never off line he's got an automated responce to anything related to spam ..did i really say that? ---->

Oberon 02-23-08 05:43 PM

Sopwith Pups over the front, 1916

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