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shoiga 09-02-21 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by Onealex (Post 2766101)
Have you read readme/manual?

I tried to read and understand. but something wen to wrong maybe.
Because I am not English native.

I shall try one more time.
We don't need SH3 from steam, We need just GWX onealex mod , right?

shoiga 09-02-21 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by Onealex (Post 2766101)
Have you read readme/manual?

My PC spec

Surface pro 7
Intel Core i5-1035G4 CPU @ 1.10GHz 1.50 GHz

Onealex 09-02-21 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by shoiga (Post 2766106)
I tried to read and understand. but something wen to wrong maybe.
Because I am not English native.

I shall try one more time.
We don't need SH3 from steam, We need just GWX onealex mod , right?

1 Unzip the modpack to any directory
2 Start the game via SH Commander (already included in root folder of the modpack)
3 Play

shoiga 09-02-21 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by Onealex (Post 2766108)
1 Unzip the modpack to any directory
2 Start the game via SH Commander (already included in root folder of the modpack)
3 Play

Thank you! Maybe I complete it.
Do I have to use SH commmander everytime when I start game?

Onealex 09-02-21 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by shoiga (Post 2766109)
Thank you! Maybe I complete it.
Do I have to use SH commmander everytime when I start game?

Yes. Everytime. SH Commander makes the game more random

kyle9154 09-02-21 06:17 AM

Install help
This is an all in one mod so it has GWX 3.0, sh3 commander and even stiebeler/hsie patch/addons to make it more challenging but yet more realistic and fixes the bugs from the original game. Its also has the 4gb virtual memory patch installed and has been modified to play in 1080p resolution. If you want everything all in one as easy install and a more realistic experience without having to install like 20-25 different mods then this is for you. Instructions on how to install OneAlex's compilation mod-

P.S It even has silent hunter 3 base game built into it meaning you don't even need the game with this compilation.

Dieselglock 09-02-21 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Onealex (Post 2766080)
Are you talking about RAOBF or another attack disk?


Originally Posted by Dieselglock (Post 2766084)
The RAOBF is good no problem. The attack disk sometimes appears and sometimes not. Everything else works fantastic.

Is there a way to assign a hot key to make the attack disk appear. I think that maybe something to do with my monitor is causing this. All other items appear from the side of the screen no problem.

Onealex 09-02-21 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Dieselglock (Post 2766128)
Is there a way to assign a hot key to make the attack disk appear. I think that maybe something to do with my monitor is causing this. All other items appear from the side of the screen no problem.

I don't know. I hadn't troubles with attack disk appearing

perrydw 09-02-21 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Dieselglock (Post 2766075)
Just one question I am having a little trouble getting the attack disk to show. Sometimes the disks appear when I mouse at the top of the screen and sometimes they don"t. Help please.

Make sure you click on the Weapons Officer on the bottom left so that his commands show up - the attack disk will only appear when you have him selected like this.

Dieselglock 09-02-21 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by perrydw (Post 2766139)
Make sure you click on the Weapons Officer on the bottom left so that his commands show up - the attack disk will only appear when you have him selected like this.

Thank you let me try that.

Aktungbby 09-02-21 10:34 AM

Welcome aboard!

Sangamon Taylor 09-02-21 01:55 PM

This mod is great when it works, but it's crash city. Very unstable, very disappointing. I've tried everything. No joy. Sorry. :Kaleun_Crying:

Going back to LSH3 2020. Never crashes.

Onealex 09-02-21 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Sangamon Taylor (Post 2766204)
This mod is great when it works, but it's crash city. Very unstable, very disappointing. I've tried everything. No joy. Sorry. :Kaleun_Crying:

Going back to LSH3 2020. Never crashes.

Ha-ha. Good luck...

Dieselglock 09-02-21 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dieselglock (Post 2766141)
Thank you let me try that.


Originally Posted by perrydw (Post 2766139)
Make sure you click on the Weapons Officer on the bottom left so that his commands show up - the attack disk will only appear when you have him selected like this.

That was it. Thank you. I have not played SH3 for many years. This mod has brought me back to it. :salute:

Sledgehammer427 09-02-21 04:10 PM

Had an interesting issue.
Started a campaign in 9/1944 in the Type XXI from Bergen. No major gameplay changing mods enabled. Just the Umark removal and Das Boot music.
Finally loads in, start in the pen and the boat plummets like it was on dry land, destroyed instantly.
Any thoughts on the cause and a fix?
Trying to start in July 44 when it's first available leads to a CTD so I figured I'd try September and that happened

Halogen 09-02-21 06:01 PM

Well I did get it to work but am slightly disapointed the "Ja Whol Herr Kaleun" is gone
I dont remember which file I should edit to turn it back on

Halogen 09-02-21 07:51 PM

Also this damn mod is nearly ALWAYS crashing when I start any career patrol

Sledgehammer427 09-02-21 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Halogen (Post 2766229)
Well I did get it to work but am slightly disapointed the "Ja Whol Herr Kaleun" is gone
I dont remember which file I should edit to turn it back on

To be fair to the history, submarine service was pretty informal, unless someone important was aboard, the Jawohls and Yes Sirs went out the door pretty quick

Halogen 09-02-21 08:19 PM

But again, the mod worked a whole of ONE time, and is still just crashing anytime I start a patrol, which makes no sense since I didn't change anything :k_confused:

Onealex 09-03-21 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Halogen (Post 2766244)
But again, the mod worked a whole of ONE time, and is still just crashing anytime I start a patrol, which makes no sense since I didn't change anything :k_confused:

Tell me your PC configuration. How was the modpack installed? How did you start the game. Do you have other version of SH installed on your PC?

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