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Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week we have added all of the features of the new anti-griefing system to the testing branch. The new system consists of a permanent ban list, and a change to the way the crew roles work. Bans work on both a server level and a crew level. If you are the host, players on your ban list can not join your server (it will be invisible to them). When joining a crew, the first player that joins becomes the captain. When the next player tries to join, the captain gets a question whether he wants the person to join the crew or not. If the person is on the captain’s ban list, the person is automatically rejected. If the person is on any of the crew member's banned lists, the captain will get a warning message that one of his crew members has banned the person. The captain can then choose to accept or reject the request. The last safety net is that we have chosen to decouple player roles from the join order. When the game starts, everyone who is not the captain will have the “passenger” role. In this role, they can not interact with any of the controls in the boat, but they can talk, move around and write in the chat. The captain can then choose to promote (or demote) the other crew members as they wish. Axel has been testing and fixing join/disconnect-in-progress issues, added better console integration and server management settings, and is currently investigating a memory-related issue that can over long periods of time cause a crash. Koji is working on equipment for the radio room. |
Hello everyone! This week we have fixed some bugs with the anti griefing system, and added back the water drip effect / wet floors across the entire sub. We have also added a feature to set the brightness of the recognition manual and other menus. This build will be made available on the beta branch next Friday.
Version 0.25 BETA released
Hello everyone!
We are happy to announce that update 0.26 has been released on the beta branch! This is the first iteration of the interior, and not all interactable systems have been added or integrated yet. Up next is the fully animated and interactable engines, the new playable engine chief officer, adding the missing equipment and details from the radio and sonar rooms as well as torpedo reloading. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyoHk8L4kBs Check out the Steam page for more information: https://store.steampowered.com/news/...53291725389278 |
What now?
Most of the Wolfpack team will be taking some time off during the coming month, after that work will resume on remaining 0.26 features. |
(I found a little bugs with doors and sound but I'll report to You on doscord channel or were You want). Thank You !!! :Kaleun_Applaud: |
Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week we have been fixing bugs found by our testers and the community. These include crash issues, UI scaling issues for certain resolutions and various minor bugs. The voice tubes in the conning tower and torpedo rooms now work correctly, and all voice tubes are now louder and easier to use. |
The way the voices work seem to be another fantastic immersion addition, just great work. I can't help but feel like I want (always wanting more!?!?) some great diesel noise to go with it now. 6 cylinder diesels, sound determined by engine RPM. I have no idea what an actual large displacement ship diesel sounds like, but in my mind I hear a deeper and slower 855 Cummins like in my old '73 White Freightliner. The electric motors should hum too, I can picture them similar to an irrigation pump motor (perhaps more maddening than the diesel clatter).
Anyways, keep up the great work guys, it makes for a lot of fun. |
Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week we have released a new patch on the beta branch. Here are some of the changes: Pressing escape and leave now leaves the crew rather than the server. Kicking someone from the crew options menu now kicks them from the crew, but not from the game. The host/server can still kick people off the server using the ban menu. We have added animations and changed the sound for the diesel engines. |
Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week we have made adjustments to some of the models in the engine room and the aft torpedo room in preparation for implementing the interactive engines. Axel has been reworking dedicated server related architecture and resolved the crash issue caused by them. He is also doing some r&d regarding a crew finder feature that would allow players to automatically match with other players looking for a crew/more crew members. Koji is working on more equipment for the radio room. |
Weekly update
Hello everyone!
Like last week we've been preparing assets for the interactive engines. Axel has been working on the netcode and Koji is modeling more radio equipment. |
Weekly update
Hello everyone!
Like last week we're working on the interactive engines. Axel is working on refactoring issues related to game servers/dedicated servers. He's also reworked the related UX and is currently working up a proof-of-concept for an automated crew finder to help players find crews to play with in-game. Koji is wrapping up another piece of equipment for the radio room. |
Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week we have been busy fixing bugs. Most of the major problems have been addressed, and a new test build will be made available next week. Right now we are aiming to get a bug free build up as soon as possible on the main branch, and then we will start working on implementing the interactive diesel and electric engines. Axel 's made progress on the automated crew finder and Koji is working on radio equipment. |
Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week Oscar has been sick with covid. Nothing serious, but the promised patch is going to have to wait a bit longer. Koji is making great progress in the radio room. Most of the equipment is modeled and he's currently working on the last few assets. Axel is working on the automated crew finder. |
Get well fast Oscar :salute:
Cheers, Lost at sea |
Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week we have fixed a number of bugs. A new version is available on the beta branch. There are still a few known bugs left, we will spend next week resolving them as well. We also added some new utensils in the galley. |
Latest on the upgraded radio room.
https://media.discordapp.net/attachm...202&height=676 |
:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up: |
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