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Panz 08-23-09 05:17 PM

Hello Again Everyone
Just a big hello to everyone i know and have played with and met at meetings over the years.

Been a long time since i checked in

Hope everyones great

see ya around


Malefactor 08-26-09 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Panz (Post 1157362)
Just a big hello to everyone i know and have played with and met at meetings over the years.

Been a long time since i checked in

Hope everyones great

see ya around


I never forget a fellow spud peeler,I salute you,sir! :salute:

Chad 08-26-09 02:47 PM

Malefactor?! :o:o

How are you doin? U-421 here, remember me?

I definitely remember you, played my first STAT game with you..

And PANZ! Wow, what a reunion! Panz I don't know if you remember either, but you helped me out in WPL chat to get my SH2 updated to the 1.1 patch and played my first online game with several others. That's way back when I had dialup, so we had to wait about 20 minutes as I downloaded the update.

Good to see both of you guys :up:

Malefactor 08-26-09 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Chad (Post 1159418)
Malefactor?! :o:o

How are you doin? U-421 here, remember me?

I definitely remember you, played my first STAT game with you..

And PANZ! Wow, what a reunion! Panz I don't know if you remember either, but you helped me out in WPL chat to get my SH2 updated to the 1.1 patch and played my first online game with several others. That's way back when I had dialup, so we had to wait about 20 minutes as I downloaded the update.

Good to see both of you guys :up:

Sure,I remember ya,Kap421. :yep:
I don't recall your first stat,but do remember talking with you in subclub chat many times.

Chad 08-27-09 01:32 AM

So how have you guys been?

I'm a junior in college now, :know: I believe I was in 8th grade waaay back in WPL, seems like such a long time ago.

Are either of you guys going to be able to make the SubSim Meet this year in Copenhagen?

kaptkirkU4467 08-27-09 07:39 PM

Well...look what the dog dug up and the cat drug in.:salute:

Jester107th 08-28-09 04:02 PM

~S~ Panz

Panz 08-30-09 03:41 PM

Hey Mal hows tricks dude long time no see laura always remember you during beta testing of sh2 sank her i dont think she ever forget it .hahahahah

hi Chad ..Kap...yes havent seen you in a ooo long time hope you well yes i remember the downloads and the dial-up helping out yes i was helped alot when i first joined i guess its just what everyone did loads of patience aswell with the noobs.

Hello Kirk hope you are well and Mrs Kirk too whats happening with the campaign and stats and such is it still going on>

Hi jester nice to see you again

Malefactor 08-31-09 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Panz (Post 1162158)
Hey Mal hows tricks dude long time no see laura always remember you during beta testing of sh2 sank her i dont think she ever forget it .hahahahah

Aye,Panz.I remember that very well.Although at the time I wasn't sure who it was that had been sunk.It soon came across the in-game chat from the sub-drivers' side that it was Sharkey,and I thought to myself

...less than 5 mins into the game.OMG,I think I had best start sharpening my spud peeler,because KP,here I come! :yep:

Panz 09-02-09 02:45 PM

ROFL yep Mal sharpen the spud peeler . have you played SH3 online? I played with beerman alot last year (wonder how the old dudes doing?)

i just started playing SH4 again recently . sh5 looks good definatley intrested in it .

laters :D

Malefactor 09-02-09 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Panz (Post 1164471)
ROFL yep Mal sharpen the spud peeler . have you played SH3 online? I played with beerman alot last year (wonder how the old dudes doing?)

i just started playing SH4 again recently . sh5 looks good definatley intrested in it .

laters :D

No SH3 or SH4 here. :nope:

There has been only one submarine or naval-related game on my computer for the last 4-5yrs or so,Panz.Last week I reinstalled Sub Command and decided to play the campaign again,but other than that,nothing else.

If you click on my sig you can see what I've been playing since my SH2/DC days. :O:

SH5,ehh? BH mentioned that to me not too long ago,but I haven't had the time to read up on the game as of yet.

Nice chatting with you again ,Panz. :cool:

Panz 09-03-09 08:14 PM

I see alot of guild wars, any good ? what platform?

ah good ole Cod 5 WaW i played alot of that on the PS3 online untill me kids took it off me :wah:

well it was there ps3 now in there room they love it ..had a go on wolfenstein the new one thats fairly good .

I will always have a soft spot for submarines unlike cod 5 destroyers dont usually pop round a corner and kill you (ah the frustration of dieing alot lol)

yes is nice catching up with you and some of the guys

i was looking at the sub club meet however i cant make it will have to wait untill next year bring my family make a holiday of it if i can .

later mal :yeah:

kaptkirkU4467 09-04-09 04:59 PM

Just got in..and its vacation time. :woot:

The wife and I are doing ok,hope all yours are doing well.

The camp was slowly going down hill...and my big mouth help'd it along.*as if that's something new for me*
Never believe all what you read and only half of what you hear on the phone.. Is my new montra.:yep:

I've been hooked on CoD 5 WaW also.


Malefactor 09-06-09 11:57 AM

All my games are for the PC.I haven't owned a console since NES and SNES were relatively new to the market. :O:
I've been playing GW for just over 4 yrs now,which makes it the only game I've stuck with and continued to play regularly for that length of time. :yeah:

I agree with you and KK about COD 5. Lot's of fun!
I was quite surprised the first time I seen a Nazi zombie continue to come at me,despite being a legless torso and having only the one arm.Let's just say he did not continue to crawl for very long... :haha:

Panz 09-10-09 04:41 PM

Hi KK think we all suffer from a say too much syndrome and usually in the wrong context no hard feelings here.

On the PC mal, mines getting a little dated i;m a little concerned that if they do bring out a new silent hunter my PC wont beable to handle the graphics . oh well just have to wait and see.

Later you's two

silent runner 09-15-09 08:32 PM

Hi ppl...(as Sharky used to say)
Silent Runner (SR) here, I've lurked around for several years now., checking out how things are going at the Sub Club. Haven't played SH in ages. But still miss the "old days" of play. I got into BF 1942, then BF2..then into the many mods that came out, even had my own clan for a while, but BF2 and the mods have run their course, and I no longer play. We just shut the clan and web site down a couple day ago. Not really looking for a new much real life to take care of.

It is nice to see many of the old gang is still around...even if not active.
I remember the time I got a new computer and was able to host about 20 players (sub and DD) with only 6 or 8 being dropped and the remainder finishing the 2 hour game...I got sunk early in the game ( of course) but stayed connected so everyone else could finish...and enjoyed watching.

A lot of water under the bridge, but I enjoyed my time playing...even commande flotilla 33, the Kapt Kirk took over.
I met Kirk and Kirks baby in Florida once and enjoyed the visit.

I loved the Story line we all chipped in to write..Krap vs. the Sharkside....
KP...which i never made... and many other memories.

Who know maybe I'll even try SH4 or 5....

My best to everyone.


Malefactor 09-16-09 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Panz (Post 1169882)
On the PC mal, mines getting a little dated i;m a little concerned that if they do bring out a new silent hunter my PC wont beable to handle the graphics . oh well just have to wait and see.

What are the specs. of your PC,panz?
CPU,Graphics Card,Ram,etc

I am not familiar with the system requirements for any SH game after SH2. :oops:


Originally Posted by silent runner (Post 1172899)
I remember the time I got a new computer and was able to host about 20 players (sub and DD) with only 6 or 8 being dropped and the remainder finishing the 2 hour game...I got sunk early in the game ( of course) but stayed connected so everyone else could finish...and enjoyed watching.

That sounds very much like one of Das' bash missions,SR.:woot:
I'm not positive,but I might have even played in that same mission too,as a DD.
You mentioned being sunk early and having to sit as the host for 2 hrs,that sounded very familiar to me.
Almost as if I was one of the 20 players involved. :DL

Malefactor sneaks over to SR's sub and smears grease on his periscope lens. :D

It's always good to see you guys,brings back lot's of memories. :salute:

silent runner 09-17-09 11:34 AM

Hey Mal. Yep ur right that game was touted as "THE BIG BASH" is I remember right, and I don't think it was ever topped in the number of players playing at one time. I think you were in that game.

(SR wiping grease from his eye, spills his coffee)

Yes, lots of Great Memories..Cap21 was a youngin then, now he is all growd up...LOL..and Iv'e gotten a lot older (65 now) and more grand kid 12, and 1 great grand son.

Still love playing games on the puter, but need to find a good one that can light the old playing fire again.

(SR superglues Kirks mouse to his Subclub mouse pad.)

Hey. do you guys remember...."KIRCHER DID IT"?

Enough from me for today.

Hey Bob, Tell Tammy Hi from Brenda and I.

Malefactor 09-18-09 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by silent runner (Post 1173887)
Hey Mal. Yep ur right that game was touted as "THE BIG BASH" is I remember right, and I don't think it was ever topped in the number of players playing at one time. I think you were in that game.

Hey. do you guys remember...."KIRCHER DID IT"?

I'm fairly certain we never came close to that many players in the same game again.We might've gotten around 16-18 players once or twice,but , I don't think we made it to 20 more than the one time. :hmmm:

It's Kercher's fault. :yep:
I don't recall what it was that started all that.But , I sure do remember when something went wrong in a game or whatever we all blamed it on him. :O:

rogerab 09-20-09 08:00 PM

:salute: Seems like a lot of people have finally been rescued from monkey island. From the college boy(hi Chad) to the old farts... (8 grandkids here) I'm still driving over the road, but home most week-ends.

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