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Major Johnson 09-09-18 09:40 AM

Saving a career during gameplay in Silent Hunter Commanders Edition
I got the bug to play some classic SH the past few days. I know there was a way to save during gameplay and darn if I can remember the keystroke. It's nowhere in the manual on the disk, which I still have, thank God! Can anyone please refresh my memory?? Thanks!

Oops!! A quick google search may have answered my question......... Alt-O :)

akula65 09-09-18 03:02 PM

Here is the Readme for Version 1.0 which (hopefully) includes the complete key list:


Silent Hunter V1.0 Read Me File 3/23/96
(c) 1996, Strategic Simulations, Inc. A Mindscape Company

This Readme File Contains:

(1) Corrections and Clarifications.
(2) Additions.
(3) Game Notes.

(1) Corrections and Clarifications.

Complete Hot Key List

Key Function

Global Keys

F1 Control Room Screen
F2 Periscope Screen
F3 TBT screen
F4 Bridge Screen
ALT-F4 Deckgun Screen
F5 Chart Screen
F6 TDC Screen
F7 Gauges Screen
F8 Status/Damage Screen
F9 Radar Screen
F10 Log Book
+ Increase Time Rate
- Decrease Time Rate
ENTER Normal Time 1/1
0 All Stop
1...5 Engines Ahead
6...9 Engines Back
Right Arrow Right Rudder
Left Arrow Left Rudder
Up Arrow Dive Planes Up
Down Arrow Dive Planes Down
Keypad 5 Straight and Level
B Blow Tanks
S Surface
P Periscope Depth
C Crash Dive
H Heading to view
V View to heading
R Radar Depth
BackSpace Repeat Last Message
Alt-1..0 Fire Tubes 1..10
Alt-D Detail Level Dialog
Alt-T Padlock View
Alt-S SJ radar toggle (Surface)
Alt-A SD radar toggle (Air)
ALT-P Periscope Up-Down
Alt-Q Quit to DOS
Alt-G Deck gun manual/auto
Alt-O Options screen (Includes SAVE CAREER GAME)

ESC Abort Mission/Patrol

Chart Screen

Z Zoom In
X Zoom Out

TBT Screen
Periscope Screen

SPACE Select/Deselect Target
Z Zoom
T TDC Gauges
N Nav Gauges
< Rotate Left
> Rotate Right

User Manual corrections

Page 3, Single Mission graphic - there are no special missions.
Page 4, Lifeguard Duty - Lifeguard duty is not an available mission type.
Page 11, Base Menu Options, line 7 - there is no Officer's Club.
Page 50, Radar and Bathythermograph - Imp. SJ Radar was available in August 1943, not December 1942.
Page 68, Basic Approach Objective - 10 feet for a cruiser
Back of User Manual - Replace "V" with "H"
Back of User Manual - Replace "H" with "V"

Battery use
In order to charge the batteries, the sub must be surfaced, and running at standard speed or slower. At all stop, all available engines (to a maximum of 3 on a 4 engine sub) are automatically set to charge when appropriate. The battery's voltage gauge is located on the gauges screen (F7).

Radar and land masses
If you are near land at the start of a single mission, and cannot find the enemy on radar, the land mass may be masking enemy ships. Intervening land masses prevent radar sightings.

Returning to base
Must be on surface out of visual contact of the enemy to return to base

Saving a Career Game
Use ALT-O to bring up the options menu which includes the option to save a career game.

(2) Additions.

1MC Menu
If you left-click on the 1MC box, a four-item menu appears:

Abandon Ship - Abandon Ship will end the scenario if you choose "yes."

Man Deck Gun - Manning the Deck gun sets the Deck Gun to automatic firing.

Rig for Silent Running - Rig for Silent Running will drop the speed of your sub to one-third speed and shut off automatic torpedo reload.

Cancel - Cancel will take you out of this menu, as will right-clicking the mouse.

Options Menu

When playing the single missions or Career game, pressing ALT-O will open the
Options menu. The Options Menu contains the following:

Auto Torpedo Load
Auto SJ Radar
Auto SD Radar
Sound Effects
Engine Sounds
Collision Alarm
Effects volume slider
Speech volume slider
Save Career (Campaign game only)

Navigational Controls on the Number Pad
The sub's navigational controls may be manipulated by use of the number pad (NUM LOCK must be off) as follows:

4 (left arrow) = Left Rudder
6 (right arrow) = Right Rudder

Bow Planes
8 (up arrow) = Bow Planes up
5 (center) = Bow planes level, Rudder Amidships
2 (down arrow) = Bow Planes down

Quitting to DOS
Press ALT-Q.

Reviewing Messages
To review a message that has been given by one of the crew members, press the
backspace arrow until the desired message comes on-screen in the lower left
of the screen. These messages will loop.

Way point resume button
Seen on all navigational screens. Resumes way point course settings.

3) Game Notes.

War Patrols
It was standard U.S. practice to retire submarine captains after 4 war patrols. Although a few captains were able to get around this practice, if you want to truly compare yourself with real captains during the war, you should only count your accomplishments during your first 4 patrols. Also, keep in mind that real captains did not get credit for everything they actually sunk, while Silent Hunter gives you 100% credit for all your efforts.

Test Depth
Don't be afraid to go below test depth, especially when you are desperate to find a thermal layer that will save you from a particularly dangerous escort. Captains often risked going below test depth, as the boats were built with up to a 50% margin for error. Although there is some risk, if your boat hasn't been damaged, the odds may be better for you down deep.

akula65 09-09-18 05:25 PM

I have a later Version 1.0 release of the game which enumerates bugfixes in later versions as well as some key control changes in the README.txt file (see items in Bold):


Silent Hunter V1.0 Read Me File 3/23/96
(c) 1996, Strategic Simulations, Inc. A Mindscape Company

You must configure sound before you run the game.

To configure the game for sound, you must enter your Silent Hunter directory (either in DOS or in
Windows) and run "sound.bat" or "setsound.exe".

You can call SSI's tech support at 423-670-2040 if you have further difficulties.

This is an MS-DOS based game. If you are experiencing video difficulties, enter MS-DOS's command
prompt, go to your Silent Hunter game directory, and type:

sh /v

This game will install from any CD-ROM on your system. However, by default, the game can only be
played from drive E: or lower. If your CD-ROM drive is higher than E: then you should go into your
game directory where you installed Silent Hunter and locate the file "Shpath.ini". Double click on
it to edit the file. You will see a list of items equalling other items. Look for the item called
"BUD". Note that BUD is equal to the highest possible CD-ROM name, that being "E:" if you are having
this problem. You may manually change this value to be the name of your CD-ROM drive, save the file,
and play the game.

For example, if your CD-ROM is drive g:, you may install this game but you would not be able to play
it right away. You would have to go to the folder where you installed the game (by default this is
under C:\Program Files\SSI\Silent Hunter) and find "Shpath.ini" and double-click it. You would then
find "BUD" and change the right side of the "=" so that the whole line would read:


after which you may play the game.

To view and print out the manual for this game, you need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader onto your
system first. The autorun menu will have a button to allow you to install Acrobat, but in case you
have your autorun disabled, you can also find this icon in the Acrobat folder on the CD. In order
to read the manual, after installing the game, you will find a shortcut that leads to the manual but
just in case, there is a copy of the .PDF file on the CD in the Docs directory as well as in your
game directory.

This Readme File Contains:

(1) Corrections and Clarifications.
(2) Additions.
(3) Game Notes.
(4) Version 1.31 Notes.

(1) Corrections and Clarifications.

Complete Hot Key List

Key Function

Global Keys

F1 Control Room Screen
F2 Periscope Screen
F3 TBT screen
F4 Bridge Screen
ALT-F4 Deckgun Screen
F5 Chart Screen
F6 TDC Screen
F7 Gauges Screen
F8 Status/Damage Screen
F9 Radar Screen
F10 Log Book
+ Increase Time Rate
- Decrease Time Rate
ENTER Normal Time 1/1
0 All Stop
1...5 Engines Ahead
6...9 Engines Back
Right Arrow Right Rudder
Left Arrow Left Rudder
Up Arrow Dive Planes Up
Down Arrow Dive Planes Down
Keypad 5 Straight and Level
B Blow Tanks
S Surface
P Periscope Depth
C Crash Dive
H Heading to view
V View to heading
R Radar Depth
BackSpace Repeat Last Message
Alt-1..0 Fire Tubes 1..10
Alt-D Detail Level Dialog
Alt-T Padlock View
Alt-S SJ radar toggle (Surface)
Alt-A SD radar toggle (Air)
ALT-P Periscope Up-Down
Alt-Q Quit to DOS
Alt-G Deck gun manual/auto
Alt-O Options screen (Includes SAVE CAREER GAME)

ESC Abort Mission/Patrol

Chart Screen

Z Zoom In
X Zoom Out

TBT Screen
Periscope Screen

SPACE Select/Deselect Target
Z Zoom
T TDC Gauges
N Nav Gauges
< Rotate Left
> Rotate Right

User Manual corrections

Page 3, Single Mission graphic - there are no special missions.
Page 4, Lifeguard Duty - Lifeguard duty is not an available mission type.
Page 11, Base Menu Options, line 7 - there is no Officer's Club.
Page 50, Radar and Bathythermograph - Imp. SJ Radar was available in August 1943, not December 1942.
Page 68, Basic Approach Objective - 10 feet for a cruiser
Back of User Manual - Replace "V" with "H"
Back of User Manual - Replace "H" with "V"

Battery use
In order to charge the batteries, the sub must be surfaced, and running at standard speed or slower.
At all stop, all available engines (to a maximum of 3 on a 4 engine sub) are automatically set to
charge when appropriate. The battery's voltage gauge is located on the gauges screen (F7).

Radar and land masses
If you are near land at the start of a single mission, and cannot find the enemy on radar, the land
mass may be masking enemy ships. Intervening land masses prevent radar sightings.

Returning to base
Must be on surface out of visual contact of the enemy to return to base

Saving a Career Game
Use ALT-O to bring up the options menu which includes the option to save a career game.

(2) Additions.

1MC Menu
If you left-click on the 1MC box, a four-item menu appears:

Abandon Ship - Abandon Ship will end the scenario if you choose "yes."

Man Deck Gun - Manning the Deck gun sets the Deck Gun to automatic firing.

Rig for Silent Running - Rig for Silent Running will drop the speed of your sub to one-third speed
and shut off automatic torpedo reload.

Cancel - Cancel will take you out of this menu, as will right-clicking the mouse.

Options Menu

When playing the single missions or Career game, pressing ALT-O will open the Options menu. The
Options Menu contains the following:

Auto Torpedo Load
Auto SJ Radar
Auto SD Radar
Sound Effects
Engine Sounds
Collision Alarm
Effects volume slider
Speech volume slider
Save Career (Campaign game only)

Navigational Controls on the Number Pad
The sub's navigational controls may be manipulated by use of the number pad (NUM LOCK must be off) as

4 (left arrow) = Left Rudder
6 (right arrow) = Right Rudder

Bow Planes
8 (up arrow) = Bow Planes up
5 (center) = Bow planes level, Rudder Amidships
2 (down arrow) = Bow Planes down

Quitting to DOS
Press ALT-Q.

Reviewing Messages
To review a message that has been given by one of the crew members, press the backspace arrow until
the desired message comes on-screen in the lower left of the screen. These messages will loop.

Way point resume button
Seen on all navigational screens. Resumes way point course settings.

3) Game Notes.

War Patrols
It was standard U.S. practice to retire submarine captains after 4 war patrols. Although a few
captains were able to get around this practice, if you want to truly compare yourself with real
captains during the war, you should only count your accomplishments during your first 4 patrols.
Also, keep in mind that real captains did not get credit for everything they actually sunk, while
Silent Hunter gives you 100% credit for all your efforts.

Test Depth
Don't be afraid to go below test depth, especially when you are desperate to find a thermal layer
that will save you from a particularly dangerous escort. Captains often risked going below test
depth, as the boats were built with up to a 50% margin for error. Although there is some risk, if
your boat hasn't been damaged, the odds may be better for you down deep.

(4) Silent Hunter V1.31 "Read Me" File:


IMPORTANT NOTE: For those of you with 8 Megabytes of RAM, when there are many
ships, contacts, and weapons being fired, in other words when
things are getting very exciting, some of the sound effects
may not play to conserve memory. Adding new features to
Silent Hunter has made us push the very limits of 8 megabytes.
The features added to Silent Hunter since V1.0 have enhanced the
simulation but the result is that there are now limitations on
the functionality and stability of the game when running with only
8 Megabytes of RAM. It is strongly recommended that if you play
Silent Hunter with large scenarios that you consider upgrading your
system to 16 Megabytes of RAM or more.

If you are running at a high time compression and are trying to
steer the sub, fire torpedoes, or zoom in and out you may overwhelm the
engine and cause a slow down or crash. The function of time compression
is to get the sub into contact with enemy ships Time compression was
NOT made to support regular game play i.e. steering the ship, firing
torpedoes, or zoom in and out.

Be aware that if you load a Custom scenario from a source other than
SSI, that it may be too large for some machines. Try loading it into
the Scenario Editor, and use the Memory Gauge tool to check it
against your system capability before you try to run it.


NOTE: If you have Patrol Disk 1 or 2, or have upgraded to V1, V1.11 or V1.2 then you
will already have the features listed below:


PHOTO RECON: You will receive photo Recon missions in campaigns via a
radio transmission. In addition to the radio message a red "T" icon
will appear on the chart screen over the facilities to be photographed.
In order to successfully complete a Photo Recon Mission the sub must
move close enough to the target area. A "red" light, located in the
TBT or Periscope viewing area will indicate the sub is close enough to
take a picture. The "TAB" key is used to take the photograph. The
user will know the mission is accomplished when the "T" icon
disappears from the chart screen, which will be accompanied by a voice
and text message stating "Mission completed, sir." Scoring - Each
completed Photo Recon mission is worth 500 points at the 100%
realism setting. NOTE: Photo Recon missions can only be accomplished
during daylight hours. It is best to remain completely zoomed out (1x)
in order to locate the area that needs to be photographed.

LIFE GUARD DUTY: Like the Photo Recon mission, in campaigns, the user
will receive the orders via a radio transmission. As with the Photo
Recon mission, a red "T" icon will appear over the port that will be
bombed by American aircraft. The user can watch the airstrike in
progress while sitting off the coast of the target area. The bomber
group will show up on SD radar, and on the chart screen. After the
airstrike is finished, blue triangle icons will appear indicating the
approximate location of the downed pilots. When the pilots are
spotted the user will receive a voice and text message stating "Downed
Pilot spotted". As the sub closes within 200 yards of the downed
aviator "We're close enough for a rescue, sir!" voice message and text
message will inform the user that the pilot can be extracted. At which
time the sub must slow down to 5 knots or slower and then hit the "E"
key OR the sub can run over the pilot in order to pick him up.
Scoring- each pilot saved is worth 200 points at 100%. NOTE: Pilots
can only last a limited time in the water before being captured or
succumbing to the elements. So it is entirely up to you if one of
America's valiant sons resides with NEPTUNIS REX in his watery domain
or perishes in a prison camp.

Sub vs. Sub will be encountered in the campaign as well as single
scenarios. There are three types of subs, all of which can be seen in
the ship ID book under PATROL CRAFT. NOTE: In single scenarios if the
enemy is elite, the player may find that they are being stalked first.
When firing a torpedo at a Sub do not forget to adjust the depth of the
torpedo using the TDC.

The Radio Logbook is accessible from the Captain's Quarters or by
hitting Alt-F9. The user will be given a date, a time and a location
of Life Guard or Photo Recon missions.

Aircraft with bombs will bomb first and then strafe. At easier realism
level settings a plane may not have guns and will simply circle when
out of bombs.

AA guns are manned from the 1MC menu, and will automatically fire at
the nearest air target in range.

This option, also located on the 1MC (hotkey "M"), allows the user, in
an act of desperation, to launch debris out of the sub in order to fool
the escorts. This move only has a 30% chance of working with novice
enemies, and 10% with veteran, and 2% with elite crews. NOTE: This
only works once and after that serves only to mark your location.
Debris is only shown on the chart screen with Realistic charts turned

The book now stays open to the page previously displayed. Index tabs
have also been included.
*BB - Battleships
*CV - Aircraft Carriers
*CA - Heavy Cruisers
*CL - Light Cruisers
*DD - Destroyers
*DE - Destroyer Escorts
*PC - Patrol Craft (Includes Submarines)
*MR - Merchant Ships

To add more of a touch of realism we have provided red interior night
lighting. Night lighting will automatically come on as night falls,
and off as day breaks. NOTE: You can also toggle the automatic option
ON or OFF through the Alt-O option. From the 1MC ("M") you are given
the option to turn it ON or OFF at any time of the day.

As the sub proceeds past the recommended maximum depth the your
submarine's hull will start to creak from the enormous pressure.

We have increased the time compression maximum to up o 2048 times.
So now you can fly around the Philippine islands in 1941. NOTE: As
in version 1.0 you will experience slow down when the CPU load is too
high to run it. The compression rate will be reduced when you are
near enemy contacts or have either radar, sonar or visual contact with

Placing the cursor over a ship icon in the tactical chart will produce
a report dialog. The dialog should have bearing, speed, range,
solution, and identification based on solution. At lower solutions,
ships will be unidentified. Placing the cursor over a port on the
strategic chart will produce a report dialog. The dialog will have a
name, latitude / longitude, occupier, and size information.

When the sub location is known the convoy will,
a) turn away from the sub (evasive action)
b) some of the convoy members will panic and separate from the convoy.

Bugs Addressed in V1.01, V1.1 and/or V1.11:

Ships disappearing on photo recon mission fixed

Game crash during Photo Recon mission (Tab-Key crash)

Ships riding low or floating has been fixed

Destroyers not firing when they have run aground fixed

Number of sonar contact reports repeating has been reduced

Phantom ships appearing has been eliminated.

Excessive use of compressed air has been fixed.

Display problems in the chart screen have been reduced.

Erratic torpedo runs. (Note: Sometimes torps will still
detonate without a message).

Patrol craft behavior in port not firing on sub.
(Note: There is still erratic behavior by ships in harbor
from time to time. Ships that are anchored will not react.)

Multiple crash bugs have been eliminated.

Hot Key problems fixed. While viewing ID Book at periscope
screen the "T" key takes you to the torpedo controls and the
"N" key brings up the navigation controls.

New Featrues in V1.3:

A Save Game Option is now available from the Options Menu (ALT-O). This
new feature provides the user the ability to save individual scenarios at
any point during play.

Bugs Addressed in V1.3:

Fog bug eliminated.
Campaign sub upgrade bug eliminated.

Bugs Addressed in V1.31:

Random crash in campaign game

Major Johnson 09-10-18 08:54 PM


Aktungbby 09-10-18 10:15 PM

Welcome back!
Major Johnson! :Kaleun_Salute: after a long silent run!

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