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Usurpator 06-26-20 05:23 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!
The mission editor we've been working on is almost ready and the patch will be released shortly.

neistridlar 06-27-20 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by skipjack578 (Post 2679288)
Hi all.

It would be great if there is a random feature in the mission editor, for example:

Random class of the ship to spawn.
Random spawn location.
Random patrol area (unlimited).
Random speed and course.
Random enemy skill (if possible).
Probability of presence of a ship (0-100%).
Random start time.
Random start date.
Random start weather.

This will make missions replayable and more fun.

Keep up the good work!

If they are to be randomized IMHO we need to also be able to select lower and upper bounds, so as not to get the utterly ridiculous combinations.

Pikes 06-28-20 02:14 PM

+1 for randomised >
Upper/Lower Heading
Upper/Lower Speed
Convoy Formation
Upper/Lower number of escorts
Upper/Lower number of Cargo ships
Inner/Outer radius band of spawn

With this you can get either exactly what you want or a complete mystery, both of which are important.

PL_Andrev 06-29-20 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Pikes (Post 2680421)
+1 for randomised >
Upper/Lower Heading
Upper/Lower Speed

IMHO the best solution was implemented at SH series:
All key points (start, end, mid) are described as radius circle.
The real point (x,y) is described randomly by AI inside the circle.

This same story with speed.
Convoy should be described by three options as random number* of:
slow (up to 10)
medium (10-15)
fast (15+ knots)

* In fact the convoy speed was declared as speed of slowest unit.
This way convoy speed should be updated to the undamaged slowest unit.

As I remember from my multiplayer SH2 vs. DC game our missions were randomised by two ways:
- core mission (type of convoy, nationalities, number of units, course, etc) loaded by host
- weather conditions (day time, weather) selected independently by host

My the funniest (and shortest) DC game I remember:
protect US carriers task force at foggy dark night...
After catching sub contact my escort DD sunk after collision with own US carrier.

Usurpator 07-03-20 05:41 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!
Developing the mission editor has taken a little longer than anticipated but it's shaping up well. We want to make sure it's done properly and hopefully we'll have it ready for testing next week.

Usurpator 07-10-20 09:53 AM

Hello everyone! The mission editor works now, and we are currently working on integrating Steam Workshop support, so that sharing and browsing missions will be easy. The new patch (0.24) is ready soon. Patch 0.25 will include improvements to the water system, and more advanced torpedoes (different torpedo types, duds, etc).

JuanLiquid 07-11-20 05:07 AM

I'm surprised you are going to update the water. While probabily this, and a damage/repair system, are my favorite requests (I day dream about navigate inside a torment with my uboot) I feel the game needs more focus on small details, as ElJammos list.

Buy hey, if you feel you want to do it, i won't complain 😉

Wolfpack345 07-11-20 11:20 PM

Great! Very happy to hear that we will be getting duds!
Steam workshop integration sounds great too.
Thanks for the update! :up:

Usurpator 07-17-20 10:17 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone! This week we have been implementing Steamworks support for the mission editor. We are almost finished, and testing will begin soon. We have also been discussing the future development of the game, and we have compiled a new road map that will be posted on Monday, when we will have time to answer questions.

PL_Andrev 07-17-20 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Usurpator (Post 2683814)
We have also been discussing the future development of the game, and we have compiled a new road map that will be posted on Monday

New roadmap?
Waiting till Monday? So long time???
Oh nooo...

Usurpator 07-20-20 05:47 AM

New development roadmap
Here is the new roadmap we've compiled for the future development of the game.

0.24 : Simplified mission editor.

This patch introduces a simplified mission editor, as well as Steam workshop support. This is a stopgap measure before we introduce the real level editor in patch 0.30. In this mission editor the player can set mission parameters for an open sea mission, and share the mission with the community through Steam workshop.

0.25 : New water asset, all torpedo types.

In this patch we will design a new water asset. The new water will be more dynamic, it will support both calmer and more stormy weather conditions. The new water will be dynamically deformed by ships and will create wakes and foam in a realistic manner. This patch will also introduce all relevant torpedo types, including FAT and LUT torpedo patterns, as well as realism options for torpedo failure. The player will be able to choose a torpedo loadout depending on the in game year.

0.26 : Complete U-boat interior.

In the current version of the game only the conning tower, control room and radio room are implemented. In this patch we will add the rest of the U-boat interior: The aft and forward torpedo rooms, engine room, galley, officers and crew accommodations as well as new sonar and radio compartments will be modelled and textured in great detail. The control room and conning tower will be retextured using the correct paint scheme.

0.27 : New damage system for ships.

This patch improves the damage model for enemy ships. The new damage model will have detailed interior colliders for each part of the ship, and the ships will be able to deform, burn and break apart in a realistic manner.

0.28 : Global world map.

This patch introduces a global world map with correct land height and barymetric data for the entire world.

0.29 : New AI, Aircraft.

In this patch we will rewrite the enemy AI, making it more capable. This patch will also introduce aircraft, aircraft carriers, torpedo boats, enemies with forward throwing weapons and enemy radar.

0.30 : New level editor with land/global location.

This patch will introduce a complete level editor, using the global world map. The level editor will be used by us to create a campaign (a series of one off missions), and will also be made available to the player community. The editor will enable us to make missions that take place near the coast, such as harbour invasion missions. This patch introduces coastal defence, mine fields, anti submarine nets and block ships.

0.31 : U-boat flooding and damage.

In this patch we will build a realistic damage model for the U-boat. We will also model dynamic flooding of the U-boat interior.

0.32 : New character models/character creator.

In this patch we will build new character models and a character creator. The new characters will have greater variety in appearance and a larger selection of clothing and accessories.

0.33 : Dedicated servers.

In this patch the net code will be reworked in order to support dedicated servers.

0.34 : Playable corvette and Versus mode.

A playable corvette will be introduced to the game as well as game modes for U-boat versus corvette combat.

Caseck 07-20-20 10:23 AM


PL_Andrev 07-20-20 12:04 PM

Hmmm... I'm "old school" player so let's focus what is really important for me and another players like me !!!

0.24 : Simplified mission editor. <<< VERY IMPORTANT

0.25 : New water asset, all torpedo types. <<< VERY IMPORTANT

0.27 : New damage system for ships. <<< VERY IMPORTANT

0.31 : U-boat flooding and damage. <<< VERY IMPORTANT

0.34 : Playable corvette and Versus mode. <<< VERY IMPORTANT

0.29 : New AI, Aircraft. <<< IMPORTANT

0.28 : Global world map. <<< IMPORTANT

0.30 : New level editor with land/global location. <<<IMPORTANT

0.26 : Complete U-boat interior. <<< LOW INTEREST

0.33 : Dedicated servers. <<< LOW INTEREST

0.32 : New character models/character creator. <<< LOW INTEREST

Anyway, character creator may be quite interesting option.
Hope with save option to share your avatar-face on uboat.

birkenmoped 07-20-20 02:38 PM

Hmmm... I am an "old school" coop-player, so let me focus on the features that are really important to me and players like me: (Sorry, I couldn't resist :03: )

0.24 : Simplified mission editor. <<< VERY IMPORTANT
0.25 : New water asset, all torpedo types. <<< VERY IMPORTANT
- the present water is unfortunately a great immersion killer
0.26 : Complete U-boat interior. <<< VERY IMPORTANT
- the equipment and rooms where they should be AND finally also in the right colour
0.31 : U-boat flooding and damage. <<< VERY IMPORTANT

0.29 : New AI, Aircraft. <<< IMPORTANT
0.27 : New damage system for ships. <<< IMPORTANT
0.28 : Global world map. <<< IMPORTANT
0.30 : New level editor with land/global location. <<< IMPORTANT
0.33 : Dedicated servers. <<< IMPORTANT

0.32 : New character models/character creator. <<< NICE TO HAVE
0.34 : Playable corvette and Versus mode. <<< LOW INTEREST

Thank you "Dev Team" for disclosing the roadmap, I am very much looking forward to the upcoming planned functions.

THE_MASK 07-20-20 03:06 PM

Wow , thats come out of left field . Was not expecting some things on the list .

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