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Lzs von swe 02-01-07 06:02 PM
In this one you can crash an JAS 39 Gripen for free:oops:
You just have to visit Malmens airforce museum outside Linköping:up:
And no, it´s not me in the cockpit. I was waiting in line to do my crash:rock:

edit. Almost for free, it costs 150 Sek. link: edit.

danlisa 02-02-07 03:21 AM

I got all nostalgic looking at all these pics of IL2. So I dusted of my copys of IL2, FB & AEP after about 1yr of not playing.

What are you guy's playing?

I'd totally forgot how cool this sim is.:yep:

Pics to follow.;)

BTW @ Hunter, playing at full realism & landed first time.:rotfl:

Edit - Does anyone remember how to change the max resolution of the game and enable Perfect Settings?

HunterICX 02-02-07 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by danlisa
I got all nostalgic looking at all these pics of IL2. So I dusted of my copys of IL2, FB & AEP after about 1yr of not playing.

What are you guy's playing?

I'd totally forgot how cool this sim is.:yep:

Pics to follow.;)

BTW @ Hunter, playing at full realism & landed first time.:rotfl:

you got FB+AEP eh?

If you have only those 2 we could play online sometime.
I havent upgraded my version because on the IL2 website there are only the patches for FB/AEP/PF merged (meaning u have to have installed all 3)and as you I only have FB+AEP

my version is 2.0
so if you feel like one day we could play online sometime :up:

Its really easy, if you have the same version, you or I could host a game. you just need to know ur own IP adress so I could write that in under JOIN SERVER in the IL2 Multiplayer menu and voíla . you can live see my landing skills

danlisa 02-02-07 04:23 AM

I want PF.:yep:

Corrently the Complete Edition is only £9.99 GBP with free delivery.:o That's cheap.

I'll be happy to join you, they can listen to us cursing on TS.:p

I haven't patched my version of AEP but I'll check on the version. But my IL2 + FB + AEP are all merged, is that a problem?

BTW do you know the answer?....

Does anyone remember how to change the max resolution of the game and enable Perfect Settings?

HunterICX 02-02-07 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by danlisa
I want PF.:yep:

Corrently the Complete Edition is only £9.99 GBP with free delivery.:o That's cheap.

I'll be happy to join you, they can listen to us cursing on TS.:p

I haven't patched my version of AEP but I'll check on the version. But my IL2 + FB + AEP are all merged, is that a problem?

BTW do you know the answer?....

Does anyone remember how to change the max resolution of the game and enable Perfect Settings?

well, I have FB+AEP merged, if you launch up the game you will see a version number in the left bottom, if its 2.0 it must be ok for us to get it online.

to the other question

Start-Progammes - Ubisoft and If i,m right there must be something about Config/Setup. (its a small icon with a hammer on it)
there you can change the graphics/resolution of the game.
you could either choose for setting optimized for your video card. or customize it.
I have to check it at home as I,m currently @work.

danlisa 02-02-07 04:45 AM

I'm at work too.:cry:

From what I remember, there is a cfg hack to put your resolution upto something like 1600 x 1200, these options are not in the setup utility. The same is true for the perfect settings issue, again there is a cfg change which will allow you up your graphics settings.

Dowly might know. I can't imagine that with his GFX Card he's playing with standard settings.

Youhoo, Dowly where are you?:p

HunterICX 02-02-07 05:08 AM

EDIT: I'm at home around 2 o'clock I will browse the Il2 folder to see where that cfg file is.

danlisa 02-02-07 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by HunterICX
EDIT: I'm at home around 2 o'clock I will browse the Il2 folder to see where that cfg file is.


Dowly 02-02-07 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by danlisa
Youhoo, Dowly where are you?:p

HERE!! And I´m pissed! :damn: I have the IL2+FB+AE, but the fracking AE disc is corrupt/scratched so I cant install it.

SO, this means that you two need to go to the store and buy the 1946.... NOW! :rotfl:

Oh and I havent tinkered with any .cfg files. I use the 1280 x 9-something res.

HunterICX 02-02-07 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly

Originally Posted by danlisa
Youhoo, Dowly where are you?:p

HERE!! And I´m pissed! :damn: I have the IL2+FB+AE, but the fracking AE disc is corrupt/scratched so I cant install it.

SO, this means that you two need to go to the store and buy the 1946.... NOW! :rotfl:

Oh and I havent tinkered with any .cfg files. I use the 1280 x 9-something res.

We must buy the 1946? sir, for (bleep) sakes buy a bloody microphone!
Right danlisa?, its no way to communicate with dowly when he only can reply with stupid pokes on his boxes.

edit: ow boy..dowly is going to try to install FB+AEP only so he can play with us.

danlisa 02-02-07 06:44 AM

If I'm going to pay £17.99 for IL2 Sturmovik 1946 then he can bloody well get off his butt and go and buy a mic.:p

Is IL2 Sturmovik 1946 standalone? If not what needs to be your base install?

Dowly 02-02-07 06:49 AM

IL2:1946 is standalone and contains IL2, Forgotten Battles, Aces Expansion, Pacific Fighters, Sturmoviks over Manchuria, Pe-2 and something else I cant remember. Anything that has been released as official expansions are in it.

danlisa 02-02-07 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly
IL2:1946 is standalone and contains IL2, Forgotten Battles, Aces Expansion, Pacific Fighters, Sturmoviks over Manchuria, Pe-2 and something else I cant remember. Anything that has been released as official expansions are in it.

Ah, SOLD!!

Purchase made.:up:

Dowly 02-02-07 06:53 AM

Good decision, mate. :up:

Also, the flight model and the AI is upgraded. The dogfights with Ace AI players is now much more interesting. :yep:

HunterICX 02-02-07 07:12 AM

Dowly has FB+AEP
he did a dual install
so we can play MP!!!

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