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ZeeWolf 09-04-10 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1481548)
frinik and LC,
I have good news: A kamerad has a 4850 that he overclocked and reported
very good results. He said he max out the memory speed over 1000mhz. I
checkout your HD5550 and you should be able to also. LC has a HD5550 (I
think) too so I would like to know if he OC'd his. So basically your fine in the
GPU department just give the OC a try.

Hi ZW,

no i do not have an ATI card i own a Geforce GTX 295 with
2 GPUs - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295, PCI Express 2.0 x16, 1.792 GB, GDDR3 SDRAM, DVI (DVI), HDMI (HDMI).

I am sorry but i was never an ATI fan.


PS: I cant wait to see my new Tiger I.

Sorry LC :oops:

I even had the ATI 4850 wrong :o It is a Radeon 4890HD Over Clocked
I was shooting from the hip so-to-speak. :shucks:
As far as the new Playable Tiger, It's like a totally new vehicle I reworked
the entire way it operates. For example you can now (gear 3 max) move
through the forest in manual drive. You all so have a full range of reverse
gears and the problem with the engine dying is history. :DL Now you have
the fell of a real engine that RPM is governed. You start your engine and
increase it's RPM to your preference (I set it at 2200 RPM) and March! March!.
It is really a pleasure to drive the Tiger now - you'll see :up:

The new Tiger AI's are a real enhancement to the over all game too. They
are still very aggressive and perform beautifully well, I am very pleased
with the new LOD method I designed. :know: The lessons learned through trial
and error will be used in all of the new and current AI models (including the
Panther D) and of course the things learned about the playable tanks have
really opened the potential of this sim far more then I could have hoped for.
And in time I will convince you as well. :yep:
AND - I have been testing with all video options set full (except forest animation, I have off).

Here is a few frames that give you a glimpse of the new Tigers behavior

Vorwärts Kameraden!


frinik 09-04-10 11:16 PM

ATI versus Nvidia
Thanks Zee using the ATI CCC catalysor I overclocked - cautiously - my gpu by just 10%.Both the pc qnd gpu are new so no point in risking voiding thez warranties by overdoing it.Yes the fps are a bit higher...However the solution will be for me to buy myself a new gpu for Xmas probably an ATI 4890 or 5570 with ddr5. Apparently after reading tons of stuff on the subject of gpu what matters for performance are the nu,ber of treams, the more the better, and the typeof memory; ddr5 being the best and fastest and ddr2 being the slowest.

Sorry Lc My Friend I am an ATI ,an myself but without being fanatical about it.My experience with 2 Nvidia cards has been less than good and ATI has been favourable.Both companies are American but Nvidia does not manufacture its gpu relying entirely instead on Taiwanese manufacturers whereas ATI still manufactures - not entirely though - its cards. Makes may be for better quality control? Anyway it's off topic and I don't want to start a debate ; to each their own as long as they' re happy with it!BTW I read that the GTX295 is a pretty good and performing gpu.See you on the battlefield LC:salute:

Zee you are indeed transforming Zee versus T 34 to the point that this sim will become a classic no serious tank simmer passioned by WWII can do without!Can't wait for the Panther ausf. D even non playable:yeah:

Thanks for all the hardwork and dedication.

Faithfully yours

Welcome aboard TVst Addict, I remember coming across your name often on threads in the past always smiling at your handle:salute: What other ssim:games do you play besides the obvious:03:?I have consulted your UK -based help website on tvsT and it's very useful

LcSummers 09-05-10 08:40 AM

Wunderbar Mr ZW and fellow tankers
Quote: Sorry LC :oops:

I even had the ATI 4850 wrong :o It is a Radeon 4890HD Over Clocked
I was shooting from the hip so-to-speak. :shucks:

Never mind, i see no problem here. If you shooting from the hip, don t forget to turn around cause enemies arec at 6 o clock.:D

Its like frinik said. He had troubles with Nvidia and me with ATI. These is the reason why i am using Nvidia cards and not ATI. Never had problems with Nvidia.

As far as the new Playable Tiger, It's like a totally new vehicle I reworked
the entire way it operates. For example you can now (gear 3 max) move
through the forest in manual drive. You all so have a full range of reverse
gears and the problem with the engine dying is history. :DL Now you have
the fell of a real engine that RPM is governed. You start your engine and
increase it's RPM to your preference (I set it at 2200 RPM) and March! March!.

It is really a pleasure to drive the Tiger now - you'll see :up:

Mr Zee dont say things like that because sitting here (not having the chance to try it right now) and hear these awefull news makes me nervous. :har: Cant wait to see frinik and morty on the battlefield too and smell the powder of my Tigers gun.

The new Tiger AI's are a real enhancement to the over all game too. They
are still very aggressive and perform beautifully well, I am very pleased
with the new LOD method I designed. :know: The lessons learned through trial
and error will be used in all of the new and current AI models (including the
Panther D) and of course the things learned about the playable tanks have
really opened the potential of this sim far more then I could have hoped for.
And in time I will convince you as well. :yep:
AND - I have been testing with all video options set full (except forest animation, I have off).

Just one question. You said this is a new tank model. Will be there a MG gunner too or maybe as an AI? I can not remember if that guy fired at infantry.

Can you give us a date when the new model will be available? It want only to know when i have to fire up my 700PS Maybach Engine.

See you all in battle dress


PS: very nice tanks, al ittle bit mud and look at the cupolas. WOW!!! Early and late types.

tvt_addict 09-05-10 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by KdF (Post 1484986)
OK, as a long time GamingComp builder, I say HEAT!
GPU, Prosessor or video card,even memory. I say to try this before anything else................

After trying various combinations I am inclined to agree with you, and I reckon its the GPU. I have played World of Tanks for a few hours the past couple of days and it freezes after about four. The CPU isn't overclocked and it has the alarm set at 70 degrees, which has never activated.

The GeForce9500GT card is a slimline version that I took from my Dell. Interestingly the Dell blew the PCIE socket, which was where this card was residing. I may look at an alternative graphics card as there is not a lot that I can do about this one, it has an inbuilt fan and I have restricted the speed to 100mhz. I have tried all sorts of combinations of game settings in various games, and although Tvt in its various guises locks the pc up pretty quickly, WOT will also do it as mentioned after a few hours.

At least now that I have a decent size case and motherboard I am free to buy whatever I want, the Geforce was just about the only one available that would fit the Dell case and mobo when I bought it.

There is some free software that I can use to analyse the GPU temp, but I can't remember what it is called??

Ho hum...more expense? :down:


Rob G

ZeeWolf 09-05-10 02:09 PM

Hey KdF,frinik,LC,tvt_addict,

I got to thinking about the possibility that ATI cards had a nHancer type
utility and (to my surprise) I found one that can replace or work with the
Catalyst program, called "ATI Tray Tools".

I've have the ATI HD4770 cranked up to 830 on the GPU
and 1000 on the mem.

Here it is set to GPU 500 and mem to 850

Here it is OC'd to GPU 830 and mem to 10000

"ATI Tray Tools" is more complicated then nHancer but has far mor control
over your video cards features including Over Clocking and temperature
control. And includes a bench mark test too. So, you can experiment
slowly and methodically with some real powerful video tweaks. :up:
And frinik, I think you could do this man, one step at a time until you get
the hang of it, you'll love it.

Give it a try Kameraden! :salute:

And LC the release of the new Tigers will be in the larger Grand Release coming maybe by the end of the month. :03:

Vorwärts Kameraden!


tvt_addict 09-05-10 03:22 PM

Just GPU does not support temp monitoring. What I have done is add TvT to the applications list, and I will see if that keeps things under control.

eddie 09-05-10 11:13 PM

new models look great Z!! I hope you will concider painting the Tigers with a bit more of a used look, because by this time period during the war, I doubt they would have looked brand new, right off the show room floor,lol

ZeeWolf 09-05-10 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by eddie (Post 1485990)
new models look great Z!! I hope you will concider painting the Tigers with a bit more of a used look, because by this time period during the war, I doubt they would have looked brand new, right off the show room floor,lol

Hi eddie,
I will. I still need to weather the edges a bit with some exposed metal and
some more dried mud. But I got to say your going to love the Panther D man.
I am keeping that hid for awhile longer, but it looks marvelous. :DL

ZW :salute:

LcSummers 09-06-10 01:29 AM


Thank you for these informations. Here i always downloaded the Forceware Driver for my GC.
BTW I have an enhancer for my Nvidia. It was suggested for IL2 modded version.

Its called nHancer32_2.5.9_Setup

Thanks alot!

And LC the release of the new Tigers will be in the larger Grand Release coming maybe by the end of the month. :03:

Great. I am very corious! How big will be the Grand release be!
1TB:har::haha:. Hopefully not, my hdd has only 1 TB.

Die Augen geradeaus!:salute:


Dietger 09-06-10 02:56 AM

Greatings to all!

Just ordered my TvsT copy for 8.99€ ! And reinstalled Steel Beast pro.

ZeeWolf, what a great addition to tank simulation you undertake!!
Im looking forward to the release of your product - any release date yet?
Can I buy it with paypal?
Pictures and work you put into this are amasing!

Good luck!


frinik 09-06-10 05:42 AM

Thanks Zee for that program.It does look very useful.Indeed I'll be needing it as my CCC Catalysor keeps disappearing from my pc.I had to re-instal it 3 times already.(My usual luck with electronics...).I am going to download ATI tray tools and install as you suggested.

Anyway I am planning to purchase a more powerful gpu by year's end....

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the Panther D ! Zee would you be able to post a preview please:D?????

BTW what card do you have ? The ATI HD 4770???


ZeeWolf 09-06-10 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1486029)

Thank you for these informations. Here i always downloaded the Forceware Driver for my GC.
BTW I have an enhancer for my Nvidia. It was suggested for IL2 modded version.

Its called nHancer32_2.5.9_Setup

Thanks alot!

And LC the release of the new Tigers will be in the larger Grand Release coming maybe by the end of the month. :03:

Great. I am very corious! How big will be the Grand release be!
1TB:har::haha:. Hopefully not, my hdd has only 1 TB.

Die Augen geradeaus!:salute:


:haha:Hi LC
I forgot to respond to your question about the hull MG! Yes,
especially the AI Tigers, they blast away.

And Nvidia was my first choice because of ATI's Catylist program.
But now :o with ATI Tray Tools I never had the control over any
video card like I do now. ATI Tray Tools is the best of both
worlds. :yeah:It's really has the feel of an industrial type utility,
nothing unnecessary. :yep:

As for the larger "Grand Release" I'm pretty sure you will not
need your fork lift to unload it from the truck. :har:

Meine Augen sind auf dem Sieg-Kameraden


ZeeWolf 09-06-10 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dietger (Post 1486063)
Greatings to all!

Just ordered my TvsT copy for 8.99€ ! And reinstalled Steel Beast pro.

ZeeWolf, what a great addition to tank simulation you undertake!!
Im looking forward to the release of your product - any release date yet?
Can I buy it with paypal?
Pictures and work you put into this are amasing!

Good luck!


Hallo Dietger and welcome aboard! :salute:

That's a good price, where did you buy it from?

You can join Project ZeeWolf here at the bottom of this link:

Your needed Kamerad! :up:

As far as release date no date yet on the latest phase yet, but the but
all the work prior is ready now.

Cheers! :salute:


ZeeWolf 09-06-10 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1486129)
Thanks Zee for that program.It does look very useful.Indeed I'll be needing it as my CCC Catalysor keeps disappearing from my pc.I had to re-instal it 3 times already.(My usual luck with electronics...).I am going to download ATI tray tools and install as you suggested.

Anyway I am planning to purchase a more powerful gpu by year's end....

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the Panther D ! Zee would you be able to post a preview please:D?????

BTW what card do you have ? The ATI HD 4770???


Frinik you can take the card you have now and OC it to where you will not
even think about a new video card. ATI Tray Tools is a dream come true
for me, because like you I was unhappy with my video card performance.
My HD4770 no where near the card you have now and still not close to
being equal to what you have, but now I can play tvt with not even
thinking about the video card. Although I would like to have the HD5770 :DL

For now The Panther D is the Phantom D ;)

Cheers Kamerad :salute:


Dietger 09-06-10 01:50 PM

Hi Zeewolf,
Thank you for the warm Welcome :DL
I will get the newest stuff from Steel Beast Pro this month; But Id like to get your stuff next month.
What exactely do I get for 60 $ mate?
I understand correct?, for the money I can have the work you done so far prior release?

I got my copy TvsT from amazon - run smooth on my machine here. AI is stupid but it looks good and I love my Tiger !


ZeeWolf 09-06-10 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dietger (Post 1486474)
Hi Zeewolf,
Thank you for the warm Welcome :DL
I will get the newest stuff from Steel Beast Pro this month; But Id like to get your stuff next month.
What exactely do I get for 60 $ mate?
I understand correct?, for the money I can have the work you done so far prior release?

I got my copy TvsT from amazon - run smooth on my machine here. AI is stupid but it looks good and I love my Tiger !


That's great Dietger,
The $60.00 is for all finished work and 2010 membership in Project ZeeWolf
Until Jan. 31 2011. This is the first year of Project ZeeWolf and therefore
I have not had to consider late in the year memberships. So, if you would
like to join in Oct. I will give you a good deal that will include next year as
well so you will not feel like you will have to wait until next year to jump on board.:up:
As for your concerns with the Default T34 vs Tiger I will assure you that
my work has already changed T34vsTiger to the point of almost an entirely
new tank sim. And the stuff I am currently working on will be a major move
forward from there.
To fulfill my vision for Project ZeeWolf the work requires (at the least) three
more years in development phase. Please understand that my work on
T34 vs Tiger started a year and a half ago, and the place were at now was
a result of a major focus on learning HOW to do something IN TvsT. As of
now my focus can be on WHAT to put IN TvsT. Clearly a major shift in
production capability. Then after this development phase I can focus on
new missions, campaigns and theater of operations. Which could go on
year after year.

Cheers :salute:

tvt_addict 09-06-10 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by tvt_addict (Post 1485751)
Just GPU does not support temp monitoring. What I have done is add TvT to the applications list, and I will see if that keeps things under control.

Ok, found the program, Speedfan 4.41. Oh deary me!

My GPU is ok on heat, goes to a max of about 64 degrees, this is not outside the boundaries, as GPU's can run at 80 degrees without problems.

What did surprise me was the CPU temp, hitting 50 degrees within a few seconds on TvT, but staying at around 44 degrees on World of Tanks.

The CPU is 35 degrees on idle and should only be running at around 35 degrees even when overclocked??

My guess is that the thermal paste that was on the cooler is not up to the job, so I will order some quality paste and refit the cooler to see what effect that has.

At least it will be cheaper than a new graphics card. :know:

Rob G

ZeeWolf 09-06-10 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by tvt_addict (Post 1486616)
Ok, found the program, Speedfan 4.41. Oh deary me!

My GPU is ok on heat, goes to a max of about 64 degrees, this is not outside the boundaries, as GPU's can run at 80 degrees without problems.

What did surprise me was the CPU temp, hitting 50 degrees within a few seconds on TvT, but staying at around 44 degrees on World of Tanks.

The CPU is 35 degrees on idle and should only be running at around 35 degrees even when overclocked??

My guess is that the thermal paste that was on the cooler is not up to the job, so I will order some quality paste and refit the cooler to see what effect that has.

At least it will be cheaper than a new graphics card. :know:

Rob G

Hi Rob,

If you do decide to get a new ati video card here is some screen shots of
my setting using ATI Tray Tools:
At the mouse courser is the GPU temp @ 49C (120.2F) and
My Fan speed 73% of 100%

This is the Fan speed RPM to GPU temperature in Centigrade


Fighterace 09-07-10 05:14 AM

Greetings to Zeewolf and everyone. Im a first time poster/long time reader of the TvT-Kursk 1943 mod and i finally purchased a copy of T-34 vs Tiger and im totally enjoying it.

Im just curious to your Kursk mod and the $60 donation to contribute for this mod? If i join up in the next few days what will i be able to get from now till 31 Jan 2011 and is there anything much i have missed out so far eg any Patches and such. Also where do i download them from?

I have a many questions to ask but im struggling to think of them (long day at work) lol



frinik 09-07-10 06:15 AM

ZeeWolf's Mod.
Hello FighterAce hopefully soon to become tankAce????:D

Re your questions I would simply refer to ZeeWolf's post to Dietger (dated Today and with a similar question) just 3 posts up (or down depending if you're logged on or not) from yours.



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