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woofiedog 10-28-11 01:14 PM :D

Sledgehammer427 10-28-11 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1775883)
PS I would like to receive e-mail (now that I am no longer moderator) :)

Ah man, It's alright, I almost edited your post instead of quoting it. You aren't missing much.
But hey, let me know if theres anything you would want me to do, that you would be able to do as a mod...but can't. I'll help you out wherever I can :up:

ZeeWolf 10-28-11 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by KdF (Post 1775906)

You would think after being denaounced as a racist, bigot, homophobia,
holocaust denier I'd be murdered by the mossad - but nope :DL


ZeeWolf 10-28-11 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by woofiedog (Post 1775942)

What can I say :DL

ZeeWolf 10-28-11 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Sledgehammer427 (Post 1776020)
Ah man, It's alright, I almost edited your post instead of quoting it. You aren't missing much.
But hey, let me know if theres anything you would want me to do, that you would be able to do as a mod...but can't. I'll help you out wherever I can :up:

Thanks SH :up:

KdF 10-29-11 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1776214)
You would think after being denaounced as a racist, bigot, homophobia,
holocaust denier I'd be murdered by the mossad - but nope :DL


Zee 'Ol Buddy, you can never argue with Idiot Liberals on the Internet, no matter what your views or beliefs are. First they drag you down to their level, then beat you with years of experiance.

ZeeWolf 10-29-11 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by KdF (Post 1776349)
Zee 'Ol Buddy, you can never argue with Idiot Liberals on the Internet, no matter what your views or beliefs are. First they drag you down to their level, then beat you with years of experiance.

You are so right, I found that out the hard way :up:
Don't worry, there's a lot of fight in your 'Ol Buddy Zee. :DL

ZW :salute:

morttheslayer 11-01-11 10:58 AM

Hi Zee shame to see you got a reprimand
Hello Kamerad
Keep up the good work and know you are supported. There are a lot of do-gooders oozing political correctness out there inflicting their spin on any remarks that offend them. I can confirm that is why Great Britain isn't great anymore, we take far too much notice and over-react to certain political leanings and views ignoring common sense and balance. In saying this I have probably offended several million "minorities" already :haha: anyway mate you're definately alive and kicking so here's more power to your elbow!! er!! - or your keyboard!! Har

Morty :salute:
PS Still love you in that manly Panzer Commander sort of way!!! xx

ZeeWolf 11-02-11 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1778320)
Hello Kamerad
Keep up the good work and know you are supported. There are a lot of do-gooders oozing political correctness out there inflicting their spin on any remarks that offend them. I can confirm that is why Great Britain isn't great anymore, we take far too much notice and over-react to certain political leanings and views ignoring common sense and balance. In saying this I have probably offended several million "minorities" already :haha: anyway mate you're definately alive and kicking so here's more power to your elbow!! er!! - or your keyboard!! Har

Morty :salute:
PS Still love you in that manly Panzer Commander sort of way!!! xx

Your words of support and encouragement are powerful
and your wisdom is very welcome.:up: But welcomed by only
those who can handle the truth - in times like these.
The sins that are the down fall of nations are now
paraded, honored, encouraged and openly promoted by
those who are quick to denounce those who reject
their folly. They act as if they are the true
enlightened ones. But like the stupid ox being lead
to the slaughter they are oblivious to the chaos
this brings. :doh: Those who share this false enlightenment
are at the very core of the worlds banking and money
scandals (that have the entire world reeling).:damn:
Men who are never feed up with their own lies are
leading this destruction.:shifty: I'm sad to say the worse
is yet to come.:cry:

I salute you Kamerad :salute:


Dowly 11-02-11 01:32 PM

Don't think this is the right place for politics. ;)

ZeeWolf 11-02-11 03:57 PM

What if it continues?

Dowly 11-02-11 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1779262)
What if it continues?

Then it continues.

Sledgehammer427 11-02-11 10:00 PM

Zee, I want to be your friend but I still have to be a moderator.

I dont want this thread to turn political. Or angry

Lets just keep this on the level, plz

ZeeWolf 11-03-11 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Sledgehammer427 (Post 1779481)
Zee, I want to be your friend but I still have to be a moderator.

I dont want this thread to turn political. Or angry

Lets just keep this on the level, plz

"I dont want this thread to turn political. Or angry" :haha:
Your over reacting - don't you think?

Sledgehammer427 11-03-11 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1779514)
"I dont want this thread to turn political. Or angry" :haha:
Your over reacting - don't you think?

For now, perhaps a little.
but its better to overreact over nothing than underreact over something

ZeeWolf 11-03-11 10:59 AM

Dear Kameraden!
It is clear to all to see my welcome here (on this forum) has come to an
end and therefore it is only a matter of time before I am banned for the
final time.
I must assure you all that my work on "Project ZeeWolf" will continue
from my web site

From this point forward I would prefer you please e-mail me if you wish
to communicate with me or just want to keep in touch.

I will however check this forum on occasion and will reply to questions
about T34 vs Tiger but anything beyond that will be used to set me up for



Dowly 11-03-11 11:22 AM

Aren't you being a tad over sensitive, ZW? ;)

No one's setting you up for a ban, that's all up to you and your actions you choose
to make.

Why I came to the thread and suggested this might not be the best place for political conversation
was because sooner or later, someone from General Topics would wander to this
thread and try and continue the crap that went on in GT. :yep:

Sledgehammer427 11-03-11 11:27 AM

Zee, I apologize for being this way but I don't want you banned, Heck, nobody wants you banned again.

I am just asking for a little understanding, I'm glad to have you back and I know for a fact I'm not alone with that sentiment. But I see the reason you got brigged coming back up. Frankly, I'd like to keep this forum as free of politikin' as possible. For every one person theres 3 people who disagree and I don't like breaking up arguments.

Heck, I even see what youre saying and I even agree with it to some extent, but, this simply isn't the place for it.

All I ask, Zee, friend, is that we keep the politically charged stuff to an absolute minimum and enjoy TvsT for the simple fact its a great game that you are working hard to improve. Thanks for your work so far man. I just wish I could afford to give it a try.

Jochem 11-04-11 07:56 AM

Wow, please, keep calm ! Please, don't ruin all the efforts from a great artist like Zee and let him in peace to make what he makes the best: up to date Tiger vs T34 for our great pleasure ! All the others considerations are flightiness.

Wilcke 11-06-11 08:30 PM


Got your email address, I really only check on the forum once or twice a week. If there are no posts from you then I just move on.

TvsT is just fantastic, you have my 100% support $$$ year after year. Best to keep the coms going via the email!

Its pretty easy to run afoul of things this day in age. Were not to far from the era of the 'thought police', in all likelyhood we are probably already there we just don't know it yet.

Take care!


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