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GSpector 05-08-07 11:58 AM

Ok Dowley, what Photo Editor did you use for that last shot? :hmm:
It looks great. Nice background. Make the entire picture look real.

Dowly 05-08-07 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by GSpector
Ok Dowley, what Photo Editor did you use for that last shot? :hmm:
It looks great. Nice background. Make the entire picture look real.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 :up:

There's one thing I forgot to draw in, kudos to the one who notices it first. It's quite obvious. :p

GSpector 05-08-07 12:09 PM

Well, your face is missing in the cockpit.:hmm:

Dowly 05-08-07 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by GSpector
Well, your face is missing in the cockpit.:hmm:

Rofl. Nope. Hint: The other plane has it, but the other one doesnt. ;)

GSpector 05-08-07 12:20 PM

Other then the propeller, I don't see a problem:hmm:

Dowly 05-08-07 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by GSpector
Other then the propeller, I don't see a problem:hmm:

BINGO! :yep:;)

GSpector 05-08-07 10:21 PM

Woho, I got Kudos from Dowly.


HunterICX 05-10-07 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly

:rotfl: hey! thats the shot BEFORE I shot Danlisa down!
where is the AFTER shot

Dowly 05-10-07 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by HunterICX

Originally Posted by Dowly
Escorting Danlisa's JU88

:rotfl: hey! thats the shot BEFORE I shot Danlisa down!
where is the AFTER shot

Actually, you rammed him after you got killed. ;)

Biggles 05-10-07 09:26 AM

Anyone knows how to take pics in CFS3/OFF?

Dowly 05-10-07 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Biggles
Anyone knows how to take pics in CFS3/OFF?

If there isnt a key for it you could always use FRAPS.

Dowly 05-10-07 06:44 PM

Aimbot 05-12-07 05:40 PM

You know that thing you wear on your head? Keep these under that. They were posted by a dev I will not name on another high trafic forum I will not name. He/she doesn't want them circulating too far, but I had to share them with you guys. Don't put them on any flight sim forums, they'll be everywhere in no time. Both are rendered by the SOW engine obviously.

CCIP 05-12-07 07:21 PM

Aha, at last we've a sighting on 1C's promised Korean sim :D

Lagger123987 05-12-07 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by CCIP
Aha, at last we've a sighting on 1C's promised Korean sim :D

What is it going to be called the new Korean sim?

Chock 05-12-07 10:05 PM

Here's a few I found whilst looking for something on my HD. This is what happens when you fly online in Falcon with your buddy who's in the R.A.F, thank god for Track IR...

That's him on the tanker too:

Some cheeky French pilot tried to mess up my lovely repaint with machine gun fire:

A repaint I did of an A320 in factory test flight colours:

The lovely PMDG B747:

azn_132 05-12-07 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Chock
Here's a few I found whilst looking for something on my HD. This is what happens when you fly online in Falcon with your buddy who's in the R.A.F, thank god for Track IR...

That's him on the tanker too:

Some cheeky French pilot tried to mess up my lovely repaint with machine gun fire:

A repaint I did of an A320 in factory test flight colours:

The lovely PMDG B747:

What game is this?:hmm:

Chock 05-12-07 10:17 PM

Top two are Falcon Allied Force, middle one is First Eagles and the bottom two are Flight Simulator's latest incarnation.

(and no, the PMDG 747 wasn't working properly in FSX, I ported it over from FS9 to see what would and wouldn't work, it flies but none of the surfaces animate and the avionics are mostly missing)

Lagger123987 05-12-07 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Chock
Top two are Falcon Allied Force, middle one is First Eagles and the bottom two are Flight Simulator's latest incarnation.

(and no, the PMDG 747 wasn't working properly in FSX, I ported it over from FS9 to see what would and wouldn't work, it flies but none of the surfaces animate and the avionics are mostly missing)

Is Falcon Allied Force a very good game?

Chock 05-13-07 06:15 PM

Falcon Allied Force is indeed a very good sim, but it has a steep learning curve. As you may know it is basically an update of Falcon 4.0. However, the original Falcon 4.0 came with what most people regard as one of the best printed manuals ever for a sim/game (it's huge - has 27 chapters!).

The recent update, Allied Force only comes with a tiny manual and a pdf, so learning how to use all the systems of the F-16 is quite a task, however, it's not impossible, as the pdf manual is quite comprehensive and there are many websites etc where things are explained.

Allied Force is probably about 90 percent accurate in its portrayal of the systems on an F-16, you can even start the thing up the same way that you would the real thing! To most propellerheads this makes it their dream come true, but it does mean that it can be a bit daunting to a beginner, nevertheless, you can ease yourself into it with simplified settings and such.

Although the graphics are not absolutely up-to-the-minute, that does mean it's a great game to play online with your buddies, very smooth, and doesn't require a super-new computer to run okay either. However, it can be tricky to get up and running online, so I'd recommend using Hamachi to emulate a LAN with it if you want to play online and have problems getting it to work.

Got probably one of the best dynamic campaigns of any flight simulation ever too.

If you don't want to be able to work every switch in the cockpit however, it might not be your thing, but it's fairly cheap to buy, so why not give it a try? One thing you won't be, is disappointed.

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