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Castout 06-22-09 01:50 AM

More of Free Falcon 5 Screenies
The persistent Flanker
MiG-23 variable geometry fighter
Ilyushin-28 Beagle does its job just fine
MiG-17 still trying to steal some kill
The Viper
Double seater F-16D
The long serving Phantom
Tanker is sunk!
A closer look at attack site, the target was the enemy tanker

Castout 06-22-09 03:08 PM
I think this is a J-8, Chinese further development of the MiG-21, it bears the marking of the Chinese people's air force.
Q-5 strike aircraft.

On OCA dusk strike mission, target for today is infantry base which supports MD-500 helicopter operations.
Ingressing to target, Payload 4 Paveway laser guided bombs per aircraft, 4 F-16C striker package
Target bombed
Debrief would report target site has been significantly damaged and the enemy infantry base has been shut down due to extensive damage.
Egresing out

Schroeder 06-22-09 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Castout (Post 1121618)

Boy, I will miss them when they finally retire here in 2012. There aren't that many flying anymore anyway.:cry:

Raptor1 06-22-09 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Schroeder (Post 1121907)
Boy, I will miss them when they finally retire here in 2012. There aren't that many flying anymore anyway.:cry:

I think they retired them here about 5 years ago, I still remember seeing them flying for the first time in an air show when I was 6...

GSpector 06-22-09 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Schroeder (Post 1121907)
Boy, I will miss them when they finally retire here in 2012. There aren't that many flying anymore anyway.:cry:

Another Navy Fighter I'll miss, the F-14 Tomcat:

"It entered service in 1974 with the U.S. Navy, replacing the F-4 Phantom II. It was later exported to the former Imperial Iranian Air Force in 1976, during a time when the US had good diplomatic relations with Iran. It was retired from the active U.S. Navy fleet on 22 September 2006, having been replaced by the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.[2] As of 2008, it remains in service only with the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force."

Source: Wiki:

Kptlt. Neuerburg 06-23-09 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by GSpector (Post 1121955)
Another Navy Fighter I'll miss, the F-14 Tomcat:

"It entered service in 1974 with the U.S. Navy, replacing the F-4 Phantom II. It was later exported to the former Imperial Iranian Air Force in 1976, during a time when the US had good diplomatic relations with Iran. It was retired from the active U.S. Navy fleet on 22 September 2006, having been replaced by the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.[2] As of 2008, it remains in service only with the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force."

Source: Wiki:

I had heard back when I was in the navy rumors that there where plans to scrap the F/A-18, but that was way back in January of last year.

Raptor1 06-23-09 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Kptlt. Hellmut Neuerburg (Post 1122119)
I had heard back when I was in the navy rumors that there where plans to scrap the F/A-18, but that was way back in January of last year.

And they would replace it with, what, exactly?

I find that slightly dubious...

Kptlt. Neuerburg 06-23-09 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Raptor1 (Post 1122128)
And they would replace it with, what, exactly?

I find that slightly dubious...

I think it was supposed to be the JSF(Joint Strike Fighter) or a navalised version of the F-22 Raptor.

Raptor1 06-23-09 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Kptlt. Hellmut Neuerburg (Post 1122130)
I think it was supposed to be the JSF(Joint Strike Fighter) or a navalised version of the F-22 Raptor.

The F-35 comes into service, what, 2012? And by the time enough are in service to replace the'll be a while...

GSpector 06-23-09 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by Raptor1 (Post 1122132)
The F-35 comes into service, what, 2012? And by the time enough are in service to replace the'll be a while...

But yet, it's still sad to say, both the F-14 and F/A-18's will be replaced with the Navy's version of the F-35.

It seems like a nice aircraft but it has yet to prove itself and with the F-14 goes the Phoenix Missile. That missile was like having the Longbows radar on steroids, strapped under your wing. It was impressive.

Raptor1 06-23-09 06:23 AM

B-52s shatter a communist airfield with JDAMs

And forgive the quality of the pics...

GSpector 06-23-09 07:11 AM

:o What Sim has the B-52? :o

Raptor1 06-23-09 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by GSpector (Post 1122198)
:o What Sim has the B-52? :o

FreeFalcon 5, you have to use the Falcon avionics but that's, in my view, forgivable

GSpector 06-23-09 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Raptor1 (Post 1122200)
FreeFalcon 5, you have to use the Falcon avionics but that's, in my view, forgivable

Gee, I remember the 1st IMB PC version of Falcon.:D They have come a long way.

I'm not sure, but I think the ground looked better in Falcon 4.:hmmm:

Fincuan 06-23-09 06:40 PM

That is an upgraded Falcon 4 engine, so I highly doubt the ground looked any better in the original. Besides Raptor is flying at over 34 000 feet there, so not much ground detail visible.

GSpector 06-23-09 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Fincuan (Post 1122540)
That is an upgraded Falcon 4 engine, so I highly doubt the ground looked any better in the original. Besides Raptor is flying at over 34 000 feet there, so not much ground detail visible.

Oh, the ground looks so much better than the Original 16 color IBM PC version. I just did not think it looked that much better than Falcon 4 and certainly not better than current Sims.

Biggles 06-25-09 12:51 PM
Managed to get the ETO expansion to work. Must say, it's mighty impressive. Lot of planes never seen in any other flight sim, like the Fairey Battle, see above.

Good work chaps!:up:

Kptlt. Neuerburg 06-25-09 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Biggles (Post 1123528)
Managed to get the ETO expansion to work. Must say, it's mighty impressive. Lot of planes never seen in any other flight sim, like the Fairey Battle, see above.

Good work chaps!:up:

Yeah the ETO expansion is a great addition to CFS3, they even made a dambuster version of the Lanc!!! Now I'm off to find some dams to bust!!

Castout 06-26-09 07:11 AM

The big bad wolf
HAF F-16C Block 52+ with conformal fuel thank
F-16C Block 52 in aggressor scheme

High altitude bombing
The star of the show F-16C Block 40 with 2 pair of JDAM GPS guided bombs
While laser guided bombing is usually done under 20,000 feet today the bombs will be dropped at 30,000 feet. The GPS will make sure they hit home despite the crossing winds.
A view of the target site. Laser is OFF.
Bombs on the way!!!

Sorry I forgot to take the after strike screen shot of the attack site :nope:. A couple Mig-21s were locking on me then.

Anyway of the 4 bombs dropped 3 hit targets and 1 missed. Hmm but all missed their intended target. I wonder whether GPS guided bombs are really effective in the game. Or perhaps I flew too high...but it should not matter ...

Dowly 06-26-09 08:53 AM

Wot is that?

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