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John_Doe_16 09-08-08 05:56 AM

[REQ] 3D torpedo-room: Any modder interested in finishing it? [Now with screens]

as you may know, Mikhayl posted his great 3D-model of the Type II torpedo room here for download: .

It is still WIP, but he won't finish it.

The model itself appears to be very much advanced, with lots of little details, as you can judge from the screenshots in the download. It's basically only missing the textures and (as far as I can say) some minor modelling-work.

Is any 3D-modeler interested in finishing this promising work? It would be very great if someone did it, as this would enhance the simulation very much :-)

At first, it would be enough to only add the room, without crewmembers etc. being inside, as that would surely be very tricky to do...

I am really looking forward to your replies, as I am sure lots of people would be happy to have such a large, new compartment in their submarine :-)

(I would do it myself, but unfortunately, I have not much time for modding anymore, and have no experience in 3D-modeling...)


Here are two large screenshots, originally posted by Mikhayl...

Jaeger 09-09-08 09:56 AM

are there any screenshots? i think some shots will be a good promotion...

John_Doe_16 09-09-08 12:16 PM

Yes, there are screenshots in the download that was posted earlier by Mikhayl... You can see them if you download it in the link he posted:

In the file you can find the 3D-model along with lots of great screenshots...

Unfortunately, I don't know how to upload them separately, but please take a look, they are absolutely stunning :-)


I just posted two screenshot-links in my initial post... Please, take a look :-)

csengoi 09-09-08 01:54 PM

I t would be awesome if someone would finish it!
And make one for all other types :sunny:

Tomi_099 09-10-08 03:23 AM

Hallo freunde, im Moment kann ich nicht auf den Filfront Ordner zugreifen,
aber so wie ich das verstanden habe gibt es hier das 3D-Modell das nicht Texturiert ist.
Ich bin schon zwar mitten in einem anderen Projekt aber das Interesse an den Torpedoraum
Ist sehr groß.
Falls sich noch kein interessant findet überlege ich, ob ich hier mitarbeite.
Vielleicht darf ich hier Daving Duck aufrufen mitzumachen, um die Problematik der Lichter im Torpedoraum zu lösen.
Allein deshalb weil ich unheimlich gerne mit diesen Mann zusammenarbeiten würde und wir uns dadurch viel zeit sparen.
Ich würde eventuell den Raum noch erweitern weil wir hier die grundlegendsten Elemente sehen und mehr Details einbringen.

Hello friends, for the moment cannot access I not the Filfront file,
but as I understand we have the 3D-Modell , so we mast that Texturiert am here.
I am already in the middle in another project however the interest to the torpedo area Is very large.
If still none is interesting considers I whether I cooperate here.
Perhaps I may Daving Duck call to go through,

in order to solve the problem of the lights in the torpedo area.
However because I would co-operate gladly with this man and we through it much time to save.

I the area still would possibly extend because we the most fundamental saw here to see and more details bring in.

Rockin Robbins 09-10-08 04:26 PM

Tomi, I am not an eyecandy man. I value gameplay over fancy graphics any day. But to look through the open forward hatch into a fully detailed and quality torpedo room would be amazing! I would download that instantly!

I believe that the important things are necessary but what captures players' imaginations are the little additions. I remember when Reflections on the Water came out and we all were suddenly captivated by the game that was feeling old already. Suddenly we felt like we were playing a new game.

If you finish Mikhayl's engine room, you will have that kind of impact on U-Boats.

Tomi, bin ich nicht ein eyecandy Mann. Ich gameplay phantastische übermäßiggraphiken des Wertes irgendein Tag. Aber, durch die geöffnete Vorwärtsluke in einen völlig ausführlichen und Qualitätstorpedoraum zu schauen würde erstaunlich sein! Ich würde den sofort downloaden!

Ich glaube, daß die wichtigen Sachen notwendig sind, aber Phantasien welcher Sicherungen Spieler die kleinen Hinzufügung sind. Ich erinnere mich, an als Reflexionen auf dem Wasser herauskamen und alle wir plötzlich durch das Spiel fasziniert wurden, das bereits alt fühlte. Plötzlich glaubten wir, wie wir ein neues Spiel spielten.

Wenn Sie Raum Maschine Mikhayls beenden, haben Sie diese Art der Auswirkung auf U-Boote.

Translation courtesy of Hyperwords. Hope it doesn't embarrass me too badly.:oops:

Tomi_099 09-10-08 06:57 PM

Rockin Robbins
I hope we can soon Rockin !!!! .... Robbins:up:

:sunny:Mikhayl's engine room or TORPEDO room , we have a engin rooommm ????? .. !!!!!

Will-Rommel 09-10-08 07:20 PM

:o Holy sh*t! rules! Keep pushing guys, and i hope that this is going to give mikhayl the motivation to work on this again! Looks like the project is on highway! :up:

Good job Tomi!

W_clear 09-10-08 08:32 PM

It would be awesome if someone would finish it!:up: :up: :sunny:

csengoi 09-11-08 06:24 AM

WOW!!! It will be *******in awesome!!!

Rockin Robbins 09-11-08 07:09 AM

An event this awesome in the U-Boat field might even push the Fleet Boat guys to a new level. Would adding the torpedo room have any effect at all on game playability? Could frame rates suffer and the control response slow from that? Hopefully, since it is a mostly static room, the answer will be no.

Tomi, that is beautiful work! Isn't it amazing how when us gameplay purists see a piece of "eyecandy" (pejorative term there!:down:) and we go all ga-ga? What a hypocrite I am! But it really makes my blood race. I can't wait to see that installed in the working U-Boat. And it makes me really receptive to an engine room too.

The submarine really will come to life with the completion of this project! Thank you Mikhayl and Tomi!

skookum 09-11-08 10:37 AM

Oh man! Those pics are awesome! If anyone were to model the engine room, one would have to animate the engine parts to make the scene convincing. Likely a big framerate hit, no?

Sailor Steve 09-11-08 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins
Tomi, that is beautiful work! Isn't it amazing how when us gameplay purists see a piece of "eyecandy" (pejorative term there!:down:) and we go all ga-ga? What a hypocrite I am! But it really makes my blood race. I can't wait to see that installed in the working U-Boat. And it makes me really receptive to an engine room too.

I'm just the same, only from a different direction. I've preferred SH3 and SH4 over the older games because I like the eyecandy/feel of sailing through the harbors; it makes me feel like I'm really there. On the other hand, I've argued against having extra rooms just because I considered it a waste of time when there were so many other things that need doing, such as fixing the horribly misplaced home ports.

But, as with you, I see this and I start bouncing up and down in my chair and saying erudite things like "COOL!" "AWESOME!" and "WOWIEZOWIE!"

This is indeed pretty amazing stuff.

John_Doe_16 09-11-08 01:49 PM


I am really happy that this project is now in the hands of such a great modeller :-) I never dared to hope that it would advance that quickly when I posted the request, as Mikhayls model was around quite some time before... And now it's looking so great, I can't wait to "enter" the torpedo-room in the game :-)

Great work :up::up:

P.S.: Tomi, please check your PM :-)

Tomi_099 09-11-08 06:48 PM

Ketten !!!
Was meint ihr ???
Wer ist mutig, und integriert hier aniemierte Ketten,
Ketten die schaukeln und sich bewegen .
die Animation könnte ich machen , aber sie umzuwandeln und in die objekt daten zu integrieren , währe etwas für unseren Racerboy !!!

What means it??? Who is courageously,

and make animation for chain the swings and chain move.
I could make the animation,
but she to convert and into the object data integrate,
lasts somewhat for our Racerboy!!!

who helps for this great Mod !!

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