First,I want to say the LSH3 2020 supermod is very good,it Considering many aspects of things, tonnage is also relatively close to reality.
Second,after I add one splashwater and exhaust fix mod,,,I find the torpedo tube is blank .So could devs make a small fix to LSH3 2020 to make the submarine be with a better splashwater and up floating exhaut and the torpedo tube is filled at the same time ? When I edited the submarine *.val file,,,,when I added some lines like the LSH3 original version, added the torpedo image and torpedo 1-5 to the 3D model file.I find it returned to original exhaust.Could u tell me where is wrong or help to fix it ? |
Hi CNchee I have flagged your post to the LSH3-2020 DEV-TEAM on Skype
Hi CNchee which splashwater and exhaust fix mod could you send me a download Link so I can pass it on the LSH-2020 Dev Team
regards blackswan40 |
Not sure if it's been posted before.......... been searching and can't find anything.
Been coming across small convoys running pirate/jolly roger flags. Any particular meaning to this? |
d@rk51d3 - Nope, haven't found any such. Do they have a plank to walk too?
All: Have just received a "message" that the Type VIIc is (or will shortly be available) - but this is March 1940 for me in patrol and I believe (may be wrong) that the Type VIIC was not commissioned and at sea until Sept 1940. Can't wait but...? Is there a "clear the decks" order to send the deck gun crew below after action? Yes, one can submerge but just to get the gun crew below? Nah, c'mon. Would also be needed for any flak gun crew after action, but not in an emergency situation. -=Archive1=- |
Waterstream- and Exhaust Kombimod V2.3 for GWX3 |
Think, that just because... you got that, "message" stating that the VII-C is (or will be) shortly available... doesn't mean, right away... will admit to whatever the date is in game, that you got it... is a bit... premature... & would be more... viable & correct, if it was received, say... early, to mid August... (adjusted to a week/week & a 1/2, prior to its release date in r/l...:hmmm:) to be more, accurately reflective of that, in game/sim. But, that's just My own personal opinion & suggestion to the team, to look at for possible reworking of that message... to have it be more... correct. As for a "clear the decks" order... There is... at the deck gun/flak gun icon, is a menu for each gun location... 1st order selection in either, is for the crew to man the deck/flak gun. That same order... also works to tell them to stop manning them, as well. Hope the info, on the deck/flak gun... helps. :shucks: :yep: :up: :Kaleun_Salute: M. M. |
Or hit F7, then click surface cruise mode icon.
As I recall, that action bar, is seriously... seriously... borked. Don't recall the exact specifics, but... using it, will cause issues. That much, I do recall. I avoid using them, like the plague. :yep: :shucks: Just rely on the orders bar for the different compartments/gun crew orders, to man/unman the deck/flak gun/s... :yep: :Kaleun_Salute: M. M. |
In SH5 the Jolly Roger is flying over your UBOOT unless you turn it off in the game cfg files. :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up: |
I did see a pirate entry as part of the recognition manual last night, But the contents were incomplete. |
Yes, the first Type VIIC was not in actual service until 9 Sep 1940 (U-93) - a bit early for a message about "available soon". Is the D7 'Man the Deck Gun" command a toggle? Would be great if it is. If not, can it be made so? Maybe could let newbies know the useful depths to operate: eg, Decks Awash = 7/8 M, Snorkel = 10 M ...etc. I use decks awash frequently when stalking a target in the interval between day and night. Am I right, the French port of La Rochelle does not become available until 1942 and Lorient around Jul 1940? Can't find definitive answers online. Tried to put a different photo in the Radio room (Type VIIB) instead of dour Doenitz, but got some crazy period pinup instead and cannot find out where it came from. I think the file to work with is in Data/Textures/TNormal/tex/druck-radio-7. Thanks -=Archive1=- |
Sorry, D-7 is not the control for Man the Deck Gun, it is Shft-D. mea culpa.
-=Archive1=- |
Hello ,,,,LSH3 modders :Kaleun_Salute:
I haven't find this this mod below: Recognition manual for LSH3 V4 – Soni2 Could u give me link of a Compatible version of the Recognition manual fast-reading mod for LSH3 2020 ?:Kaleun_Cheers: |
I looked around at the archive mod sites but found nothing for LSH3 by soni2, just GWX, NYGM and WAC. Not sure such a thing exists. :hmmm:
But this might help; The 4th or 5th one down may be what could be a start. Good hunting, FUBAR295 |
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