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Also I want you to know, just took out allot of the shake when you look the the Gun scope and Binoculars while hunting. :yep: As well as the hard to turn problem. Now you can steer with much greater ease. And no longer have to be concerned with using the reverse gear it responds the way it was designed to. :up: There is more improvements too, but you will find out soon. Vorwärts Kamerad! :salute: ZW |
Beta Test
Hi ZW,
When do you think we can test the beta, Grand Master? :know: I am excited to see this,to feel the thrill of these wonderful machines, to hear them purr :D вперед товарищей! |
Summer's is back? Hi Lc!
Hi LC, in my last post I was granted the title of Commodore.Technically this makes me your superior since you are a mere frogman. My first order to you will be to take your Panther into a dive test into the Dnieper river in order to prepare for submarine operations against the Bolscheviks.By keeping our Panthers underwater we will avoid being pounded by their artillery and imagine their surprise when they reach the Dniepr and start erecting pontoon bridges when they see our zug emerging.....Lc diving suit on and prepare for diving ( not driving)!
Wegmann still makes turrets I believe either for the Leopard II or for some other armoured vehicle for the Bundeswehr.MAN - in addition to civilian trucks - makes military trucks including for theGerman, British , Belgian, Dutch and other NATO armies.Pretty much all the same manufacturers who were involved in the manufacture of tanks during WWII are still making parts, ZF in Friedrichshafen, Diehl(tanks tracks and wheels), Rheinmetall makes those famous 120 mm guns that equip the Leopard II, the Abrams , the Challenger and the Merkava, Zeiss makes optics systems.As for Demag and Henschel they're out of the military business but very successful in their respective specialties.Likewise Porsche and BMW Unfortunately Zee, as much as I would love to, because of my family obligations I won't have enough time to dedicate to beta testing.However I don't discard the idea of doing it in the near future.This being said very exciting times with a gorgeous Panther, new Tigers, Panzer IVs and new Soviet tanks for target practice.I would love to play with the mission editor and I am eagerly awaiting instructions/tutorials from you on how to do it. Great work Mr. Da VinZee!:yeah: Cheers to All Comrades.Let's furbish our weapons!:shucks: |
Every time I think it's ready something else will pop-up. I had to remove the Hanomag 251 and the new Panzer II from the Kursk mission three. Although I will set aside any further delays if no problem arises in any other mission with these two units. But I will have to get to the bottom of the cause concerning them. However Kursk Three is very heavy with action and vehicles so any small imperfection will be intensified. I do have plans on replacing the stock Hanomag as well as the Panzer IV and that would be next after this update. The new Panther and Tiger AI and playable works beautifully, the flying Tigers are truly history and almost entirely gone is the swamp effect. The swamp effect has been greatly reduced to the point where it no longer slows you down at high speed and just causes a little shake and lower speeds and will only rarely occur on the mega-maps. So, to answer your question it really looks like this week for sure. :yep: Vorwärts Kamerad! :salute: ZW |
How you been man? Don't worry about the beta testing we'll get it. :yep: You know that putting something like this together there is bound to be gremlins. As for the editor tutorial I have not forgotten and will definitely get that together too. :up: Oh, and BTW I was able to program the flag selection, so you can turn on to display the flag and select to hide the flag. But until I get a tutorial up I will leave it hidden if you want.;) Cheers Kamerad! ZW |
:salute: Zee,
we are very pleased to read that we will have the mission 3 of Kursk in a week.:yeah: Wunderbar.:rock: вперед товарищи! |
Nice improvements
Also I want you to know, just took out allot of the shake when you look
the the Gun scope and Binoculars while hunting. :yep: As well as the hard to turn problem. Now you can steer with much greater ease. And no longer have to be concerned with using the reverse gear it responds the way it was designed to. :up: There is more improvements too, but you will find out soon. Hi ZW, great news. No more loosing engine when pulling back. Thatt s anreal advantage. Now i can do that what i supposed to do in a tank attack to show my front and not the rear where its been easily hit:yeah: FANTASTIC!!!! I am very eager to see sorry, to feel those improvments. Weiter so!!!! LC |
Aye Sir, Commodere Sir
[QUOTE=frinik;1513170]Hi LC, in my last post I was granted the title of Commodore.Technically this makes me your superior since you are a mere frogman. My first order to you will be to take your Panther into a dive test into the Dnieper river in order to prepare for submarine operations against the Bolscheviks.By keeping our Panthers underwater we will avoid being pounded by their artillery and imagine their surprise when they reach the Dniepr and start erecting pontoon bridges when they see our zug emerging.....Lc diving suit on and prepare for diving ( not driving)!
Aye Sir Herr Commodore. Making a depht test. Diving test Jawohl!!! Alle Mann auf Gefechtsstationen AAALLAARRMMM!!!! FLUUUTEN!! ALLE MANN VORAUS!!! BUT SIR, as you know, high ranking officers in the American Civil War fought in the first line to encourage their man. I think last time we have spoken you were downgraded to drive a Panzer II and please Herr Commodore or Korvettenkapitän, encourage me too, show me with your Panzer II how to submerge :D It s really nice to have you back and to laugh on such nonsense, i mean such important tactics sir:salute: Wegmann still makes turrets I believe either for the Leopard II or for some other armoured vehicle for the Bundeswehr.MAN - in addition to civilian trucks - makes military trucks including for theGerman, British , Belgian, Dutch and other NATO armies.Pretty much all the same manufacturers who were involved in the manufacture of tanks during WWII are still making parts, ZF in Friedrichshafen, Diehl(tanks tracks and wheels), Rheinmetall makes those famous 120 mm guns that equip the Leopard II, the Abrams , the Challenger and the Merkava, Zeiss makes optics systems.As for Demag and Henschel they're out of the military business but very successful in their respective specialties.Likewise Porsche and BMW Frinic you are suprising me with your whole knowledge. WOW :06: Its great to have so much informations. Never mind, Frinic, you have not much time for now but its for sure that we will test the beta version and inform you in every aspect. Good luck Froschmann LC :arrgh!: |
Hi Priscalan
Hi Priscalan,
if you dont mind i do not like your pictures. There is something strange about it. I see you paragliding but without a Tiger Tank:D Lets ask ZW for help, maybe next time you show us a pix when you are flying around with a Tiger or Panther :hmmm: I am sure that would not be strange :know: Cheers LC |
beta testing. I really did fix it (this time) :up: Vorwärts Frogman! :har: ZW |
stuff I have done before and just requires updating to the new standards. вперед товарищи! :DL ZW :salute: |
Friday is going to be Fry Day.....(as in frying tanks)
Herrn Zee awaiting with trepidation the next release.No more flying Tigers but hopefully diving Panthers for froschmann Lc Summer( or is it Submmerged????). The last Kursk mission(June release)unfortunately took a heavy toll on my fps once again.I just hope this one plays smoothly.What is it exactly in Tvst that seems to take such a heavy toll on a GPU? Would reducing the scale/size of everything; tanks, vehicles, guns, buildings, vegetation etc help addressing that issue?After all I have seen RTS with lush graphics, tremendous FX and plenty of vehicles/tanks and AI running very smoothly at high resolutions with 256 mb ddr2 graphic cards.I realise this is a sim not an RTS and we cannot have TvsT reduced to the side of Company of Heroes , or Soldiers Heroes of WWII or Men of war etc but would reducing the size of the objects - while keeping it sim-like- result in higher FPS(this may be a dumb question....)?
Friday is Der Tag??? Cheers:D |
reg file so you can hop around from mission to mission with out having to complete the ZW missions :up: As for the FPS issue you will have to replay the Kursk missions to see. :salute: Now it's back to work, ZW Oh, BTW frinik did you want to beta test with your new PC :D |
Finally, the October Update Beta v1A is complete and uploaded :DL
I will be send out links to all current Beta volunteers. If you do not receive your link, e-mail me ASAP so we can get that to you. I will also take this week end to post some tutorials on my web site that will help with learning some new changes. :salute: Vorwärts Kameraden! ZW |
OK for beta testing
Why not Zee my new pc is still giving me grief but at least I can play sims.I am going to order a new graphic card a real bargain an ATI Radeon 5570 1 gb ddr5 at less than a $ 90 according to all reviews the best GC for the money under $ 100. As fast as some of the gcs worth twice the price.
Ok Zee put me on the list of beta testers. Best of lucks ZW Members and friends!:salute: |
I think this update might cheer you up though :up: So if you do not receive my e-mail in the next few minutes just e-mail me. Cheers ZW PS: It's on the way frinik |
Hi Zee,
I downloading and I am HAPPY, HAPPY, :D |
ZW |
Beta Testing
Zee I had no access to the internet( my wife and kids monopolising it and me begging for a few minutes ) then it crashed on me.No worries I will doanload it no matter what the cost and report Herrn ZugFuehrer.
Thanks and impatient to test it!:salute: I want to see Lc take a dive in the Dnieper and Priscalan sky dive with his new Tiger......:D |
October Release Auestion
Zee one question of general interest are we supposed to uninstall all your previous releases prior to installing the October beta release or can we simply overwrite?
You mention default TsvT which I am not sure you mean a clean instal of the game or what? Cheers and thanks:yeah: |
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