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ZeeWolf 12-02-09 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Hitman (Post 1212478)
T34 vs. Tiger DVD just arrived at my home :DL

Waiting with great expectation for your work to be completed :up: will train a bit in the meantime with the Tiger :D

That's cool man! :)


Freiwillige 12-02-09 05:52 PM

Hitman you may find a tough go of it being that they made the Tigers (Which are always outnumbered) as weak as the T-34's.

There is a Mod\Patch that fixes a ton of stuff including armor values and gun power to historicall level's as well as changing gearing speeds and removing a gear from the T-34 making it a 5 speed.

I think the Sim makers really planned on going farther with this Sim but had their hands tied by Corporate and threw it out the door unfinished as it was the last P.C. game made by G6 software.

Hopefully ZeeWolf can polish this masterpiece from the turd it once was.

Anyways the Patch is called Monks multi player Patch 3.1 and it used to be posted on

I would not play it without the patch until ZeeWolf finishes his project.:up:

Sudo 12-02-09 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Hitman (Post 1212478)
T34 vs. Tiger DVD just arrived at my home :DL

Waiting with great expectation for your work to be completed :up: will train a bit in the meantime with the Tiger :D

I second this, ordered it just for this mod. Waiting patiently ZeeWolf. :salute:


Freiwillige 12-02-09 07:54 PM

Still awaiting part two of your epic battle patiently.

Dowly 12-03-09 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Freiwillige (Post 1211389)
I have a soft spot in my heart for Stug's.

Ah, same here. Just love the Stug. Especially it's low profile has saved me quite a few times in WWIIOL. Just yesterday, while we were attacking some town with another bigger city to it's north, I drove my StuG IIIG between the two towns and set up an ambush in case the allies try to bring in tanks from the northern city.

Due to it's small size, I was able to hide near the road, behind a hedgerow. I felt sorry for that little Sherman that drove right past me and got a 75mm shell to it's arse. :smug:

Hitman 12-03-09 07:21 AM


Hitman you may find a tough go of it being that they made the Tigers (Which are always outnumbered) as weak as the T-34's.

There is a Mod\Patch that fixes a ton of stuff including armor values and gun power to historicall level's as well as changing gearing speeds and removing a gear from the T-34 making it a 5 speed.
Thanks, I will search for it :up:

However, I was not planning to go into combat, but simply to familiarize me with the controls and stations. Simulators, no matter if flight, submarine, car racing or tanks are games which require a good practice so that once in combat you don't need to be thinking about what key did what and should I go to this or that station, etc. This all must come naturally out of the user to ensure a good experience. In IL2 I still practice one hour a week simply take off, fly around a bit and land, to get fully integrated with my FW190 :D.

hodi 12-03-09 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Freiwillige (Post 1212692)
Anyways the Patch is called Monks multi player Patch 3.1 and it used to be posted on
... is unfortunately closed but the modder team is to achieve here -->

ZeeWolf 12-03-09 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sudo (Post 1212720)
I second this, ordered it just for this mod. Waiting patiently ZeeWolf. :salute:


Thanks Sudo :up:



US6 with BM-13 rockets

Sledgehammer427 12-03-09 10:14 PM

In response the excitement this addon has created, I brought out my panzer...Kinda;)
DeskTopTiger searches for a target.
It's a 1/35 scale Porsche Turret Koenigstiger model I made a while ago. Hidden behind my keyboard to destroy any russian tanks that may abound in my computer room.

Zee, didn't mean to hijack your thread, just having a little fun :yeah:

ZeeWolf 12-03-09 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sledgehammer427 (Post 1213351)
In response the excitement this addon has created, I brought out my panzer...Kinda;)

Zee, didn't mean to hijack your thread, just having a little fun :yeah:

I understand man! :DL


poymando 12-04-09 11:39 AM

Is there anyplace to purchase the game as a download? I've been hunting for it with no luck. Seem to be physical copies still floating around but no DL...

java`s revenge 12-04-09 02:00 PM

I think i gonna buy this game. I am already playing Red Orchestra / Darkest hour
very much but this is also something special. But where can you buy it??

Freiwillige 12-04-09 05:52 PM

Sudo 12-04-09 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by java`s revenge (Post 1213695)
I think i gonna buy this game. I am already playing Red Orchestra / Darkest hour
very much but this is also something special. But where can you buy it??

Or - which is one of the places Amazon goes through, so I just went with Amazon. :03:


ZeeWolf 12-04-09 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by poymando (Post 1213606)
Is there anyplace to purchase the game as a download? I've been hunting for it with no luck. Seem to be physical copies still floating around but no DL...

That's to bad poymando, I think they stopped offering it as a download a little
prematurely. :yep:


Kill Rings set to 00 :up:

ZeeWolf 12-04-09 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by java`s revenge (Post 1213695)
I think i gonna buy this game. I am already playing Red Orchestra / Darkest hour
very much but this is also something special. But where can you buy it??

That's great java's revenge, Freiwillige has you covered on where to buy it
but here is a place that Sudo mentioned:

Kill rings set to 35

Freiwillige 12-05-09 02:25 PM

New pics and I cant see em:cry:

ZeeWolf 12-05-09 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Freiwillige (Post 1214282)
New pics and I cant see em:cry:

You can't see em! Why?

Dowly 12-05-09 03:37 PM

I can see them just fine. :hmmm:

ZeeWolf 12-05-09 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Dowly (Post 1214335)
I can see them just fine. :hmmm:

I had to buy the Pro Photobucket version. The free version gives you
10 Gigs of traffic per month and thanks to you guys :rock:
that was exceeded in just FIVE DAYS MAN! :woot:

You guys are AWESOME!


Putting the Zee in SIEG! :salute:

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