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Later today ZW, I'm going to take a different approach to the Kursk mission, hopefully to get farther into it.
Right now I am busy with other holiday weekend stuff, but will look into it later tonight! Eddie |
ZW |
Thanks for your patients chucky:up: ZW |
Gin and Eggs
Hi Chucky!
Me too I am waiting on the sidelines while the big boys are testing.Pass the gin will you:yawn: .Gin and chocolate Easter eggs a good combo ( to be sick.... Meanwhile, we can make ourselves useful; dig latrines, buff the Zug's command cars, chase the Grey Mice:D At night to go to sleep play the game and count the FPS Happy Easter Weekend! |
Com'on frinik it's not that bad - think positive :DL And believe me I'll have something for you meanwhile happy Easter Kameraden ZW :salute: |
Happy Easter!
Hey Zee I am positive...about chasing the Grey Mice of the Luftwaffe while Lc and Eddie are having a good time with the Sovietin tank crews...
Happy Easter to you too Zee man and kudos for the hard work.I think it's significant that with Kursk you ressurected TvsT just on time for the feast that celebrate Jesus Christ's ressurection.... Cheers Chucky do you have by any chnace those little chocolates filled with liquor?:woot: |
Easter present....
Zee you have something for me??????:O:
Please tell me it´s a life-size dark chocolate Tiger tank filled with marzipan....:o wrapped with a red ribbon please! Or a T34/85 made with Belgian chocolate and with a vodka filling????:ping: Boom Hip! Cheerio |
ZW |
It looks as though I will now have to dust off the mighty Nvidia GTX 280 OC ready for Kursk :salute: (Yes,it's been sat on my printer gathering dust for ages,waiting to be called up for duty) |
T34vsTiger Kursk Beta test
Hi Zeewolf,
I've had the same startup problems as LC and eddie,I used A new instal of T34 vs Tiger followed by beta tester and patch, then followed the advice on the forum and now able to run kursk mission. I also noted that Campaign_2/Mission_2 contained duplicated files from Campaign_1/Mission_2, I have deleted these. My system - 2.8Gig dualcore pentuim. 3 Gig memory geforce 9800GTX (1gig) Running game at 1280x1024 75hrz I have not had change to sit down and explore yet as I am working, but I am finalising plans for the attack, will let you know if I have problems. A quick question, do I need the mission from christams does the Kursk mod include this or can I reload it. Do you have any intention of creating a 'Ferdinand' for the Kursk mission(s) Finally many thanks, You have obviously spent a lot of time and effort on this project, so that we can enjoy killing Ivan. Many Thanks P :yeah: |
You do not need any other mods all has been included in the 367mg zip file. As for the "Ferdi"s I have plans for it but have not started on it yet. You know it fought in the north sector of Kursk as well as the Brumbar. so thats why I put it on the back burner so-to-speak. Thanks for compliments and kind words, and your help beta testing.:up: Onward Kameraden!:salute: ZW |
Well ZW, I almost made it!:D I pumped up the volume on the PC, went from 2.8 GHz to almost 3.6, easily and safely done with a couple of switches on the motherboard,thankfully. Not pushing any farther then that.
FR's were around 2.5 to 6, depending on how much was going on at the time. So much artillery fire is going off all the time. Have to drive a long way to get near the Russian lines, but that builds up the suspense! Got run into by a blind AI Tiger driver,lol No damage, and kept on moving! I was thankful to finally see a tree line, even though it wasn't very deep or thick, but beats the heck out of being in the open so much. Drove amongst the tree's towards all the firing. Saw some busted up Tigers, again, incessant fire coming in around us. Some AI Tigers were firing back while sitting still, using destroyed Tigers as a shield. But from that distance, doubt they were hitting much, if anything at all! I crept forward, slowly sneaking through the tree's, as if you can sneak anywhere with a Tiger!:haha: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Thony/t1.jpg Started trading long range fire against the Russians, but to no avail, they were pretty far away, but just couldn't sit there and take it! A couple of rounds slammed into me, track shot to hell, so was a sitting duck for the Russian gunners, but kept firing back! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Thony/t2.jpg Finally, I was done, hit numerous times, driver killed too! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Thony/t4.jpg Not going to say what my hit tally was, not something anyone needs to know! LOL But, in this last shot, check out the smoke in the distance on the left, that's the Russian positions. Man, they are so close, but yet so far!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Thony/t3.jpg All in all, one hell of a challenge ZW! Still a bit of stutters, but even with the goofy FR readings, ran a lot smoother then I thought. Going to need some horse power in your PC to run it as it is, but know you are working on a newer version. Thanks for letting me take a look at it, going to try a different strategy next time, not sure how it will work out as we get close to the enemy lines! Need some grunts to help out, that would be nice too! Eddie |
Well done Eddie, I know it's tuff. you where closer then I ever got. There will
be anther Kursk mission update that I have been working on today. and will have it sometime tomorrow for you and the other guys who are helping with the beta testing. All the tanks and Tigers have slowed down and I removed 500 Soviet troopers among other things I also finished the missions code for the T34s. So now 20 will be coming to meet you and 16 will be guarding the objective. I have to warn you that the Soviet ML20s (152mm) will fire at a much higher rate, 0ne every 14 seconds up from one every 22seconds. You got to hang it there with me Eddie because Village C must be taken before we can advance on Dubrova. Onwards Kameraden! :salute: ZW PS: I fixed the tree lines so they won't disappear for a greater distance and add some more forest around Village C to help make it look better. |
i am back
Hello Tiger Kameraden.
now i am back, guests are leaving today so this evening i will have time. Mean while i had little time to test some missions, they run fine ZW but AI is sometimes running forward or just leaving me behind. So there is a lot to do and i hope that someday we are having the opportunity to give them orders. ZW i am waiting for your new release to test Kursk again. With lot of things removed i think it will be better in performance. If there is any stuttering i will take down the options and beginn with "lighter" settings. I am glad that eddie has gone so far with Kursk. Can you tell me your game settings please? (resolution etc.) With settings set to maximum i had heavy stuttering. See you all again LC :yawn: |
Nice pics Eddie! It ´s good to have a glimpse of what Zee´s work looks like! Nice open ground , ideal for artillery....
Sorry about your Tiger.If you have been wounded Lc will lend you his crutches.:DL Zee removing the infantry is a good move.it should help reduce the pressure on the FPS. I experimented last week with missions with and withotu infantry and the results were revealing. With infantry in the hundreds the fps would sink to single digit.Without it and even with lots of tanks and guns in a game the fps would recover to double digits. Zee, does your release incluse 6 single German missions? Are they sequential? Lc turning off the antialiasing in your game settings is one thing that would help for sure.Reducing the shimmering of the leaves in the trees and decreasing the amount of grass can also help. Good testing Comrades! Kudos Zee for the hard work you put into that and the outstanding support you have been providing. Cheers |
Lc turning off the antialiasing in your game settings is one thing that would help for sure.Reducing the shimmering of the leaves in the trees and decreasing the amount of grass can also help.
Hi Frinik thank you very much for your help. I will try it but you know i am very spoiled ( belonging graphics). But i am here to test this add on and every suggestion is welcome. As ZW wrote he wants to have a solid structure. This is the right way. Thanks alot, lets have a try. LC :timeout: PS: with a nvidia card (forceware X-treme) i can not influence antialising within game options |
Hello to all!
My settings were all low only model detail and texture details were set to maximum. Even with these settings there was heavy stuttering. Its impossible to play. After a hard driving through the countryside i was able to see the enemy. From distances my comrades beginn to shoot the tanks. There were so many that i had to try to shoot at them from the gunners position. But after switching to the gunners position i was unable to take aim. It seems there is so much folk out there that my TZF 9b was unable to move. (no reaction from my mouse) I couldnt move my mouse on the target, it blocked. Switching to AI my gunny destroyed tanks. Waiting for your new beta release ZW. I am confident that we all heading the right direction. By elemenating so much troops and vehicles will improve performance. Sure we have to eliminate some of our Zug s Tanks too. Thanks LC |
FPS( Fuerhrer´s Propaganda Slogans)
Hauptstuermfuehrer Summers I understand your dedication to National Socialist Aryan aesthetic ideals unspoiled by Bolschewick-Asiatic degenarate concepts as extolled and guided by our Fuehrer´s sure hand but sometimes it is necessary to restrain your natural Nordic passion for nature and turn off some it beauty to be able to extirpate the Bolschewick Marxists from those areas of our Lebensraum which they undeservedly occupy.In other words you can lower your games settings like tree or forest animation, amount of grass and water etc by one third and still retain a fairly pleasing graphic qualilty to your game.Anyway try and see the resulsts in terms of fps and if you can bear the slightly lower quality of the images than it will be worth it.Also disable your antivirus before playin g the game it helps increasing the fps.
Cheers |
Hi, I have seen this here, and I can’t believe my eyes. I have played Tiger vs. T34 and now a dream come true! :yeah:
Where and how can I get this wonderful mod. What is the Price for it?? My English is not the best, so I cannot read every Thread. I have searched for some Kind of cost or Price but I cannot find something. Can somebody give me a Link or an answer for that?? |
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