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What should we do
what should we do? Is it enough for today and begin tomorrow or later with fresh "minds" or should we go on. From my work with pcs (my first one was C64) i learned that some times it is better to stop and begin the other day. With fresh power and fresh energy. Or do want to go on LC |
ZW |
Thank you very much this was a heavy night Good night over and out LC |
now my first experiences: all missions start fine so far, but I have to empty the cache folder manually otherwise CTD at next start after choosing mission I made a double installation under Vista and Windows 7 Ultimate with same experiences on both platforms (see above) very low FPS when choosing "Zitadelle", possibly due to so many moved objects on the screen - to be improved in general no crash while a mission is running - very good ! for the beginning I set resolution to 1024 x 768 at 70 Hz with video settings as proposed - I will go on testing other settings so far very good work ZW, go on..... - I feel that this is really great stuff ! now itīs time to go to bed... Michael |
Well done Kameraden, Good night :salute: ZW |
Well ZW, got so caught up with these missions, I couldn't stop playin',lol As for my spec's-
Win 7 Home AMD Athlon Phenom II X4 2.8 GHz Quad Core 4 GB DDR3 1600 RAM ATI 5750 1 GB (using the Cat 10.1 driver) Here's a comparison of FR's between the 1st German mission, and the Kursk mission. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Thony/Pic3-1.jpg This the Kursk mission http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Thony/Pic4.jpg Frames might have climbed to a bit over 2.5 at Kursk, but seemed to run ok, had a hard time keeping up with everyone else, they were out of site before too long. Even with increasing my tanks speed, they got away quick! That second pic I put up, was also where it locked up on me. There is a lot of gun fire sounds being played, which might be the reason for the slowdown. With all the graphic process' being done, then throwing in the almost non stop gunfire sounds, is a bit taxing on the system. Will try some different settings in the sound setup in TvT to see if it will help. All in all, having a blast!!:DL |
I know it takes (I believe) a very fast CPU and that would help very noticably Do you try over clocking your CPU? Oh,btw you have to start out in manual drive to get the speed to even think about keeping up with the other Tigers. Cruz at 20kmph as fast as you can and you should stay up. A word to the wise: if you fall behind, you must remember the artillery is about twenty seconds (min.) lag so they will aim fire and hit where you where 20second ago.:yep: And I am still working on breaking the FPS log jam as I wright. So enjoy the action there is alot more coming :up: ZW |
Wow! 1.3 FPS! Eddie did your game lock up or freeze?What I have noticed with TvsT even though the fps are low the game still plays decently well.I played some ZW missions with 5 to 7 fps and the game was still fluid.
Even with the tame stock missions I canīt remember exceeding 17 fps at best.That game really eats up cpu-gcu. ZW how many missions are there in the Kursk release? Hauptstuermfuehrer Summers howīs the action going on your side of the battlefiled?Problems solved?I am hoping for a summary of the action. Cheers |
Litle report
Hello members,
as you know we had a hard fight till the game started. Testing was untill 11pm (my time). ZW i enyoed it thanks. I didnt play much only a little bit the first mission. First impressions are more colours, more envirionment (trees etc,). With one leg in bed the other near my pc (my crutches near to me) i can really tell you that the sound ambiente is MR BOMBASTIC :rock: I have a black dot near my tank on the left side (outside view) WOW. Really nice done. Congrats ZW really good work, MORE THAN I EXPECTED. COOL Trying to play a little bit i have guests until Tuesday so i cant test it as i would so i have to relay on you guys. For sure that i will take a look on tanksim what is and what has to be done. Frinic i am glad that you are back and are no longer in reserve. I think your tank is "shining" very well. :rotfl2: Its nice that you now can test Kursk as well. :up: Cheers LC |
I'm not sure about those FR readings, have no idea as to what those figures are based on. The updated missions from ZW run fine so far, even though the FR readings show around 9 FPS, it runs real smooth!. Only the Kursk mission has the stutters at this point, but I'm sure ZW will get that sorted out soon. As for ZW's suggestion on overclocking, I have no experience with that, so going to leave it be for now, no need to void the warranty on this new PC just yet! |
Eddie avoid overclocking your pc. I read some threads about it last week and its not recommended to do it.Especially if you donīt know what youīre doing.
Re the fps the moment thye fall below 6 the game slows down and below 5 itīs in slow motion.Itīs due to a huge number of ojects in the game infantry, vehicles, guns and add the smoke, dust and explosions bingo your graphic card and cpu are overtaxed. Good luck! |
Only 1 Kursk mission so far frinik, I'm still going slow on the updated missions, have not played them all yet.
First mission
ZW first mission run well no problem. One thing has to be redone. I have trouble with the TZF 9b Gun layer optics. I cant read the numbers for distances ( 200 Meter, 900 Meter etc., both in yellow and in black).
Later i will try Kursk mission. Want to know if i have same problems like eddie. Lets have a try LC |
Experiences Kursk mission
a brief report on my 1st Kursk mission. Everything at highest level and resolution 1280*1024. Heavy stuttering, the other mission (Tigers shake...) is running fine, no problem with stuttering. Eddie you are right. I played only until tanks reaching top of hill. Tanks are moving very fast (35-40 Km/h) had to switch in 7 th or 8th gear to stay with them. The next thing i recocnized was that my tank is steering to the right. Tried to stay in a track (another Tiger was in front of me) but every time my tank moved to the right. Over and out LC |
AI Control
The issue of tanks running too fast goes back to what I was arguing just a few days ago.Our wingmen should be given a subservient role not take the lead and rush off. We players should have the lead role.
Good morning Guys,
I really appreciate your help and know we get a accurate view of the task ahead in regards to the extreme (number of objects and their speed etc.) when it comes to the large battle scenarios on the largest map. I am working on a revision that will slow the tigers down and eliminate some of the CPU demand by changing the T34s task by keeping then stationary until the Tigers are in range. And I have been working on the land texture maps, optimizing size to distance ratio and cell coverage to mention a few examples of my task ahead. More of the Kursk releases I am planning need beta testing. The good news is the changes will just come in the form of small downloads that install over existing 367mg install :woot:Those install issues where all my fault and of course I am very grateful for you guys. I believe whole heartily that non of the advances made both now and for the future developments could be possible with out you. I agree also with your beta work that Kursk is not ready for release until it is playable like the other mission. But I have come to the firm conclusion that CPU power is (some what) more a factor then GPU when it comes to moving us to the next level of large mission development. So,take a firm stand and know we can get these and other issues resolved and the mid size map missions that are planned will not be hinder by are findings here. And Herr frinik you can be sure here as well as others with crap-top-clunkers :har: can plan to enjoy the future productions of Project ZeeWolf. Oh and one more thing although the Kursk release remains in beta testing I will prepare a general release that will be in the 350mg range that has all my other changes to this great sim. :up: Take heart Kameraden I salute you! :salute: ZW |
Hello ZW,
i think it was a good idea to release the beta version of Kursk to test it. We all made experiences that are necessary so we can optimise this game with your help. So not only monster pc s can play the future releases the slower cpu s can take their advantage too. Glad to hear these news See you in Kursk with full equipment LC |
You bet LC :up:
All those who played TvT before Kursk will still be able to fully enjoy the new releases that are not as CPU hungry. I can and will create a range of missions that will take that into account. Although the minimum requirements are starting to form for all to see and that also is a good thing. I want to be open and honest as possible with all beta testing results. Project ZeeWolf must be built on a firm foundation of trust a long term vision for T34 vs Tiger. Our Kamerads deserve nothing less. I will have something new for you to test maybe just after the end of the Easter weekend. Must not forget MorttheSlayer, and can't forget about frinik and the rest. So I will stay busy until I am sure I have something worthy of your time. ATB :salute: ZW |
I have obviously been asleep.The beta is out?
Yes the beta is in testing for the guys that volunteered and have the CPU and GPU horsepower. :yep: ZW |
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