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Hello Guys, :D
I could sure use your help in testing my first Kursk mission If you are not interested I understand. This is not to find bugs btw. My interest is if there is (with high end computers) room to add more objects by checking the frame rate and smooth ness of game play I also tweaked the timing to take advantage of the high end GPUs and CPU power in hopes of removing a coded limit. Please let me know if you are interested and have the time. I need to be sure with you High end guys like LC and Mort before I release the mission on the slower or Low end guys like (well, let me think) - Herr frinik :shucks: And I will provide alink for you later today (I'm down to the wire so-to-speak). Sincerely, ZW PS: This is for members :smug: http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k..._ProjectZW.jpg |
Hi Zee,
I just got my new PC, burned in and ready to go with a fresh clean install of T-34 vs Tiger last night! AMD Phenom II 955 BE Rev C 8 gigs of RAM Nvidia 9800GT Win 7 Pro 64 bit Its hot and fast! Ready to try out a mission. This will go over a clean install of TvT correct? |
to cause havic). I need you to email me so I can make sure the e-mail issue is not a problem for us. You already have my e-mail address so let me hear from you mate. I still have work to do but that will only take about 6-7 hrs. mostly art work. Cheers, ZW PS: BTW I am considering AMD :DL |
YES ZW lets give it a try. You know that me and other members will give you a hand. If there are bugs we are here to wipe them out. We are here to help each other so i do not have any problems. So i send you an e-mail LC BTW i making a new fresh install now |
ZW |
LC |
First Kursk mission
Hello again Zee and fellow armadillos:D
I would be honoured to test the first mission as part of the "dead man driving team" - but I have a big problem; I am going to my daughter's wedding in Scotland leaving here on the 2nd April (for approx 2 weeks). :wah: I should be happy - but- I really need to hear the shells whizzing past my ears more ------ (sorry daughter!!!!!) I'd love to give it a run, but I'm aware I might not have any significant findings for you. Never mind if I get it before I go and I have time to see if it will run I can give you a preliminary report, if you would like. Mind you I don't think my system is "high end" but thanks for the compliment - it was pretty good a year ago but Graphics cards have made great progress since then - especially ATI/Radeon. I have known about the wedding for some time but hoped they'd have a big bust up and I could get on with Kursk :har: no luck I'm afraid. Nevertheless I will give it a go if there is time to get a reply back to you Zee. Over and Out Mort Just tuning up the Bagpipes to serenade Lc and Grey Mice (and to punish my reluctant 'A' driver) Frinik get your ear plugs in! PS I just (really) noticed the detail in the grass seed heads - or is it corn - very nice The Tigers Good too BTW :DL |
Enjoy the wedding :salute: Cheers! ZW |
LOVE ???
That is fantastic LC, I am confident you will love this mission! :up:
ZW not only the missions but you too for your great work. :haha: I must be cautiosly what i am writing if my wife is seeing that :oops: Good hunting LC :D |
Testing?Yes but don't test my patience!!!!
Hey Mr. Zeeman I am interested in testing.Because of time difference I couldn't answer before and since I have a low end :nope: graphic card I couldn't see the announcement before as well but I am definitely interested in testing and being used as a guinea pig.
I don't want LC and MOrt to be too much ahead of me with their Porsche graphic cards. Cheers |
Graphic Message!
Mort happy wedding trip! Should you ever cry when you give away your daughter tell yourself that you may be losing a daughter her but gaining in your son-in-law a future fan of TvsT????(Initiate him to the mysteries feline charms of a Tiger tank:sunny:).
I like bagpipes but kilts I find them good only on pretty girls.....:D Zee, with my LOW END:88) graphic card I can test the misison one frame at a time and trully find out all the little details that you missed and that the others with their HIGH END :dead: cards won't be able to see. Cheers |
Leap ahead
Hi frinic, the same i have here too. (time difference) Test phase didnt start yet, ZW has a lot to do. ZW wrote that he will send us a link with password, so i am waiting too. Take it easy KameradUntersturmführer frinic, i told ZW that we are all here to help each other, you know i dont want to take advantage of kursk and let you guys behind and vice versa. I really like to help and to be helped. PS: I dont like Porsche, first of all because he made junk tanks, (look at Tiger I and Ferdindnd) |
Hello Mr. Morty
Morty first of all congratulations, its a big day for you and your daughter, enjoy it. I hope she has the right man, and the right "son" for you, so if you have trouble he can handle the Tigers 88mm and kill some T34s. About testing we ZW tankers take care of you, if you want we can bring in some pix so you can hear and smell the battle and battlesound. Good vacation and really enjoy the two weeks. Ran an den Feind LC |
Well Guys, I am building the Auto-install as I am writing this message.
I have to say there is so much more that I wanted to add but my system is to slow (low end):wah:. I am sorry frinik if I hurt your feelings so don't worry The only problem is at slow speeds the physics model goes crazy and believe me this thing is slow on my computer. The Auto-Install will be a big download around 376mgs compressing 1gig of data. The models and textures are the main culprit. So now it's time to upload to my site so you will hear from me after that is done. Cheers:salute: ZW |
Lc , Porsche is a car designer first and foremost he designed the immortal VW Beetle (Hitler's only surviving legacy by the way), the wonderful Porsche 956 and the 911.You mean the Tiger II not the TigerI? Because as far as I know Porsche was not involved in the design of the Panzer VI...As for the Ferdinand/Elfant they were the product of that particular Nazi obsession with everything Kolossal; Big Bertha and Anzio Annie' s huge mortar guns, V2s, Maus and Ratte tank designs, even huge aircrafts (Me 323 I think it was) designed to bomb the US. Germany was like the pauper pretending to be a rich man.
To me Porsche is the symbol of German mechanical excellence( even today) much more than Audi, Mercedes Benz or BMW. Very well Herr Hauptstuermfuehrer, I will stand down and relax and stop glancing nervously ahead to see if your Tiger is not rushing forward -without me :wah: - against the Bolschewik feind.... Let's post some pics of the first battles for Mort so he has something nice to dream about at night while his wife sings him the " Panzerlied" to induce him to sleep peacefully.:D Have a good Easter wedding Mort! |
First Mission
Cool ZW,
waiting for it thank you, 3 hours and then bumm LC |
Hello Kamerad frinic!
Frinic i meant Tiger I when they had to built prototypes for the Tiger I. There was a Porsche prototype and Hitler preferred Porsche because he was origin Austrian. But it failed and so Henschel went into production after testing both of them. Sure it was nearly the same with the Königstiger. I have anphoto of that prototype. Very well Herr Hauptstuermfuehrer, I will stand down and relax and stop glancing nervously ahead to see if your Tiger is not rushing forward -without me :wah: - against the Bolschewik feind.... No, no rushing without you we NEED ANY TANKER. I will wait for you, dont want to be beaten up by those bolschewik tanks.:salute: LC |
AHHHH Herr Hauptstuermfuehrer I stand corrected. I didn't know that Porsche was involved in the tender for the Panzer VI Ausf. A.As for the Ausf. B Tiger II I don't think it was because Porsche's design was bad but simply Henschel's was easier to manufacture.In addition, Henschel's was a bit lighter (68.1 tons instead of 69.3) and allowed more ammo.
Tzankew for needing your humble sturmmann as loader.I will make sure the shell casings are properly buffed and ready to fire at the marxist locusts. Sturmmann Frinik, currently assigned to the Kursk Strategic Armour Reserve commanded by Oberstuermbahnfuehrer Zeegfried Wolf. |
Thats right but you know i cant explain myself so i try to make it understandable for you guys. And thank you very much for so much information i am learning a lot in this forum. BTW i am downloading Mr. ZWs addon and await you for battle. :salute: Quote Tzankew for needing your humble sturmmann as loader.I will make sure the shell casings are properly buffed and ready to fire at the marxist locusts. What does this mean? Without your fast reaction loading the gun with one of my crutches and disable that T-34 i wouldnt have survived that battle. SO NO MORE LOADER you are offically a ZANK KOMMANDER and i dont need you in the Reserve i need you on the front Beware the hun in the sun (i mean T-34s are approaching) LC PS 18 minutes left WAITING FOR SE BATTLE |
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