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frinik 02-01-10 12:39 AM

FW it´s funny because we are saying the same thing and apologising while no apologies are needed.In my previous posts, I was the one reacting to your comment "
However, I think that ZW is doing great work for this game and I am looking forward to more of his work."

by saying that the comparison I made between SF and TvsT was not meant to diminish or criticise ZW ´s work on the contrary I definitely didnt think you were criticising ZW´s work nor was I. But like you I feel that Sfd offers that immersiveness and atmosphere that TvsT never had.But my hope is that talented modders(unfortunately I have no skills or abilities in that area) will flock to ZW´s new maps and improvements and like they are doing for Sf create new mods improving the sounds an other important details.In fact Monkwarrior and other did mod TsvT but for multi players.I installed their MMP3 and $ mods which improved the Tiger engine and gun soundfs , and tweaked the rate of reload for both Tiger and T34 as per historical data.ZW no matter how talented and dedicated he si cannot do everything by himself.

Question, is your game crashing with the latest update or is it working well other than the bugs described in the previosu posts?


Friedrich-Wilhelm 02-02-10 12:22 AM

Hi Frinik,

I'm sure glad we got that sorted out. :DL I have MMP5 installed, even though I have never played TvT online. I did it because I wanted the new sounds and loading rates, but I did not make a clean backup when installing MMP5. :-? Furthermore, I am running the German version of the game, because that's where I bought the CD. So far, apart from the considerable stutter in the first and last missions of the German campaign, the game runs fine. My graphics card is probably a bit dated (ATI Radeon X 600/550), perhaps explaining, at least in part, the low frame rates. When downloading ZW's members-only-file, I got a message about a virus being quarantined. Did you (or any of the other members reading this post) get that too?



ZeeWolf 02-02-10 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Friedrich-Wilhelm (Post 1255466)
Hi Frinik,

I'm sure glad we got that sorted out. :DL I have MMP5 installed, even though I have never played TvT online. I did it because I wanted the new sounds and loading rates, but I did not make a clean backup when installing MMP5. :-? Furthermore, I am running the German version of the game, because that's where I bought the CD. So far, apart from the considerable stutter in the first and last missions of the German campaign, the game runs fine. My graphics card is probably a bit dated (ATI Radeon X 600/550), perhaps explaining, at least in part, the low frame rates. When downloading ZW's members-only-file, I got a message about a virus being quarantined. Did you (or any of the other members reading this post) get that too?



It's obvious you should do a virus scan. And my system is clean.


frinik 02-02-10 02:16 AM

Friedrich lilhelm, like ZW I think you should scan your pc for malware or virus. The message may also have come from your Antivirus Program.

My wife complains that every time she tries to access U Torrent she gets a message from her Panda Antivirus telling her that a virus has been stopped.AVG antivirus also has a tendency to wrongly detect as virus new downloads or mods installs.You can always disable your antivirus when you do an install to avoid that problem and reactivate it once the install is finished.

TvsT is notorious for beign very demanding on a graphic card. On my wife's computer with a 256 mgs dedicated Nvidia 7000 the game runs slow.on my own computer with 512 dedicated ATI Radeon 3650 the game runs fine but I did experience low FPS at the beginning of ZW's new Kurtenski mission.So if your graphic card is less performant the low FPS are normal.

Re MMP5, ZW said to uninstall all mods as they are not compatible with his own.


trebby 02-08-10 09:53 AM

Hello ZW,

Congrats on all amazing work done and your epic undertaking!:rock:
Always seen TvT as Diamond in the rough, I never understood why so little was done to improve (save MMP) it by modders. (compared to SH series ect)

I stumbled on these threats only recently.
My question is, is it possible to join later/now? At this time the deadline to join has passed.

I am happy to pay $50 for an good TvT addon, but would like to see what I get.
Is there anyway to see what the membership brings in terms of goodies wich is also updated?

Good luck with polishing the Diamond!


Chucky 02-08-10 10:05 AM

Hiya Trebby.:salute:

To other ZW members,I was thinking would it be possible for someone to put up the members version on Youtube showing what's new?
If you look at TvT videos on Youtube there always seems to be interest in the game.
This is beyond my technical abilities though :oops:

Maybe a good way to drum up more support,if ZW wants to expand then it certainly can't do any harm.

Just my thoughts,Chucky.

frinik 02-08-10 10:09 AM

Good idea!
Chucky this is an excellent idea. However ZW has the last word since he owns the mod.But personally I don´t think it can hurt to let others see what he has achieved.

ZeeWolf 02-08-10 12:17 PM

If some one could teach me how I'll do it. I just lack "know how" about
youtube. That would be a breakthrough in communication for us. :rock:


trebby 02-08-10 02:54 PM

Thanks for swift response Chucky, and Servus ZeeWolf!

Brilliant idea Chucky, advertising sales and utube could be THE medium for such things....

Cheers, Trebby.

Rompedor 02-08-10 03:39 PM

Thanks ZeeWolf.

I would like to see those videos.

frinik 02-09-10 11:29 PM

Speaking of videos does anybody know which key to press in order to take snapshots during the game? I misplaced my game manual and I never used that feature before?


Friedrich-Wilhelm 02-10-10 12:22 AM

Hi Frinik,

According to my manual, which is for the German version (German keyboard layout?), the screen shot key is "F8." It says, that screen shots are saved as bmp files in the root folder of the game. Have never tried it myself, though.
If you'd like, I could scan the whole manual to pdf for you.



ZeeWolf 02-10-10 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Friedrich-Wilhelm (Post 1263272)
Hi Frinik,

According to my manual, which is for the German version (German keyboard layout?), the screen shot key is "F8." It says, that screen shots are saved as bmp files in the root folder of the game. Have never tried it myself, though.
If you'd like, I could scan the whole manual to pdf for you.



Hi Friedrich-Wilhelm and frinik

I have it already for DL:

ZW :salute:

frinik 02-10-10 01:38 AM

FW and ZW thank you both!


frinik 02-11-10 03:07 AM

New Install for Kursk Release?
ZW, I have a very simple technical question that's burning my lips and is of general interest; will we need a new game install for your Kursk Mod release of will it just be installed over the existing game with your previous mods on?Because right now the stock game is limited to 12 SP missions and I am wondering if it can actually be expanded to add more missions or campaigns?


ZeeWolf 02-11-10 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1264439)
ZW, I have a very simple technical question that's burning my lips and is of general interest; will we need a new game install for your Kursk Mod release of will it just be installed over the existing game with your previous mods on?Because right now the stock game is limited to 12 SP missions and I am wondering if it can actually be expanded to add more missions or campaigns?


I have a new Menu that has opened up the number of German missions. I intend to create a custom menu for my new stuff, that way I can avoid any changes to registry.
All in time.


rdoom 02-14-10 07:52 AM

hi guys, i'm new moddeler
Hi from Chile, i hop to acceptme in you project.
i deliver new spanish modd here
my work diarialy is support and develope in c++ and PHP

best regards!

frinik 02-14-10 09:00 AM

Rdoom your file is no longer accessible.What does yoiur mod do?Can you give more details?

ZeeWolf 02-15-10 04:08 PM

Click here guys a new announcement ! :woot:


Chucky 02-15-10 04:22 PM

Great news ZeeWolf! That just gives me 4 weeks to fix this PC :salute:

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