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morttheslayer 01-01-10 07:28 AM

credit card good for me
Zeewolf - credit card works for me.:DL

Happy to pay you for all your hard work - please also consider an idiots guide to mission making. Not necessarily terraforming stuff etc, just the basics for good missions. We are lucky to have you ready to share your
hard work and time.

Mort :up:

morttheslayer 01-01-10 12:01 PM

Zeewolf Donation details
Zeewolf - apologies, in my hast to reply I forgot some details I need.
Hopefully your Kurk release Mod will be in the form of a (posted) CD/DVD.

Will your weblink make payment in British/English currency - or Gold Bars (Har) together with the included additional postage costs - very happy to pay and donate!

Hope to hear from you in due course - happy to wait until you are ready.
Happy New Year.

ATB Mort :salute:

ZeeWolf 01-01-10 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1228587)
Zeewolf - apologies, in my hast to reply I forgot some details I need.
Hopefully your Kurk release Mod will be in the form of a (posted) CD/DVD.

Will your weblink make payment in British/English currency - or Gold Bars (Har) together with the included additional postage costs - very happy to pay and donate!

Hope to hear from you in due course - happy to wait until you are ready.
Happy New Year.

ATB Mort :salute:

Yes the credit card company does all that sort of thing. As for the CD/DVD
why not just use the auto installer method it is a delightful way to install?

Happy new year and thanks Mort,

frinik 01-01-10 11:11 PM

Kursk Overview
New Year s Greetings ZW and fellow tanks fans!

ZW, could give us a brief overview of what your Kursk release will be like?

A Campaign with various missions or just one mega campaign without missions?

And perhaps give us a glimpse of what you have in mind after Kursk:o?


ZeeWolf 01-02-10 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1228904)
New Year s Greetings ZW and fellow tanks fans!

ZW, could give us a brief overview of what your Kursk release will be like?

A Campaign with various missions or just one mega campaign without missions?

And perhaps give us a glimpse of what you have in mind after Kursk:o?


Happy New year to you to Frinik,

My plan is to add the Kursk map as a separate custom map package
that will leave default single missions intact. This will be the
bases for a much greater ability to expand the single missions
and allow the retaining of missions that guys have moded for them
selves to be untouched by the new releases. As well as all new
future release.
I currently have two mega maps, of course the kusk map that
covers diagonally from Belgorod in the bottom right corner to a
few miles outside of Oboyan in the top left corner.
This map has been created using Digital Elevation Modules or DEM
files for short and will have the area that will easily fit many new
and unique missions on.
And I will update you on as I progress with the project.
I fully intend to expand the missions capacity capabilities and open
as wide as I can the ability to incorporate deferent phases of the war
so as to enable eventually the ability to command a tank from 1939
to 1945 in the form of new mission packs and vehicle additions and
the kind of things that tankers would really appreciate and enjoy.
As you may be already aware I play this sim and have a interest in
WW2 since I was a small boy. And I am convinced this sim is a dream
come true.


frinik 01-02-10 09:33 AM

The mother of all sims!
Your enterprise is breathtaking in scope and hard-work especially since you plan on enlarging the focus of the game from what started as a Soviet campaign to one that will eventually incorporate the Western fronts and perhaps North Africa as well!

Well we - your fans - will be following very closely your every step and may 2010 be the year that you can finally devote yourself entirely to your passion and make a decent living out of it! The best of both worlds.

Cheers and Godspeed!

frinik 01-02-10 09:46 AM

To All T"34 vs Tiger Fans
Hi Guys!

One thing struck me; it s the proliferation of threads and questions about T vs T that are directed - directly or indirectly - to ZW.Let s remember that he is a one-man army and if we take too much of his time answering or addressing our questions/complaints/technical issues which are not necessarily related to his mods. I believe we should try not to overwhelm him because the more time he spends addressing every little problem will be time taken away from his current work and future mods and releases and will wear him down. Let s try as much as possible to read existing threads to see if our problems have not already been addressed and solved or trying to fix our problems by oursleves as much as possible. A sort of informal code of conduct if you will.And that goes for me as well:oops:

What do you think?

morttheslayer 01-02-10 02:52 PM

Let ZW RIP i.e. - Rest in Proliferation!
Frinik & Zeewolf
Concur with Friniks statement, (and apologies if I was a PIA BTW).
No need to respond - happy to listen out and watch.

ATB Mort :DL

frinik 01-03-10 07:57 AM

ZW I am in!
ZW; I am now a proud member of your club.Sent you a PM.


ZeeWolf 01-03-10 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1229639)
ZW; I am now a proud member of your club.Sent you a PM.


That's awesome Kamerad :up:


frinik 01-04-10 06:40 AM

Something good!
ZW, I thought you should know. I guess stimulated by your mods - which have rekindled my interest in T vs T( I hadn't played it for over 6 months) I started replaying all the individual missions this weekend. I was playing in particular the Soviet missions and thanks to your modding the missions are much tougher now.The PZIVs and the Stugs are no longer the walkover that they were in the original game and they actually shoot and kill a lot of T34s. I was able to compare since I have 2 versions on the game, one unmodded.The last mission: Repikhovo's Last Stand in particular has become a T34s graveyard.I was unable to complete it in 4 attempts as all including my tank would get killed before being able to reach the German HQ.In the other missions, both German and Soviet the going gets much tougher for the Sovs and easier for the German.In the 3rd German mission too the AT guns and the support Pz IV tanks survive and take out much of the T34s.This is a definite improvement and I guess all of us are eager to see how you will mod those missions.


growbag 01-04-10 02:02 PM

Yeah, I played the "Beskudnikova" (or whatever it's called, mission2) today with ZeeWolf's mod. I turned off "unlimited damage" and "unlimited ammo" cheats, and I finished the mission without being hit even once!!

Admittedly I did set the enemy accuracy to lowest, but even so, I was quite proud because that setting never made any difference before :D.

This mod makes a real difference and is much more fun to play!

frinik 01-05-10 09:33 AM

90 T34s
ZW, in one of your early threads you mentioned something about a big battle with up to 90 T34s pitted against a number of German tanks including stugs and others.Is this part of your upcoming Kursk super mod release?How would it fit with your remodding of the existing T vs T34 missions?


ZeeWolf 01-05-10 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1230740)
ZW, in one of your early threads you mentioned something about a big battle with up to 90 T34s pitted against a number of German tanks including stugs and others.Is this part of your upcoming Kursk super mod release?How would it fit with your remodding of the existing T vs T34 missions?


The 90 T34s were an experiment for Hitmans interest. He asked about the number of tanks so I just wanted to show it could handle it on my machine.
My system was Intel E6750 2.6Ghz running on Windows 2000 Pro with a MSI 8600GT Twinturbo. But now I have WinXP.
I have no plans of replacing the Default missions with the Kursk Addon. The Kursk Addon will be seperated like the online missions are.

Oh! I forgot to say that the 90 T34s were on the Deniper River map a few km east of the river.


Capt. Shark Bait 01-06-10 11:12 AM

i've been going thru this thread, and it seems to me that this "mod" is pay for only?

growbag 01-06-10 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Capt. Shark Bait (Post 1231424)
i've been going thru this thread, and it seems to me that this "mod" is pay for only?

Yes, you are right.

The "christmas gift" update is free, and it fixes many problems.

The full blown mod will cost you a $50us donation (if you do it before the end of Jan).

Considering the improvements that the "christmas gift" introduced, I firmly believe it is easily going to be worth the money (if you can afford it that is).

Capt. Shark Bait 01-06-10 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by growbag (Post 1231575)
Yes, you are right.

The "christmas gift" update is free, and it fixes many problems.

The full blown mod will cost you a $50us donation (if you do it before the end of Jan).

Considering the improvements that the "christmas gift" introduced, I firmly believe it is easily going to be worth the money (if you can afford it that is).

then it's highly unlikely i'll be able to get it

frinik 01-06-10 10:36 PM

Pay 'n Play
Sharkbait; I think It's a good investment.Think of it as buying a new game. This is what you would probably pay. Or filling your tank( I am not sure what the price of gasoline is in the US or wherever you live) which will last you just a few weeks.This game has the potential to offer gameplay for years.

This game will offer numerous improvements and is open to modders which means it could easily become another Panzer Elite or Steel Fury or Steel Beast( if you play modern tanks).There's a potential for lots of new SP missions and tanks. Finally, it's got Multi player potential( I don't play MP) and ZW has given green light to Monkwarrior and others to use his improvements to the game in order to create a better MP.

There are no new tank sims on the horizon( although Graviteam - the creators of Steel Fury - have said they will come up with a new TS by the end of 2010) and TvsT is dead as it is.

I am not preaching just using the arguments that convinced me to pay!


TristanYockell 01-06-10 11:11 PM

This all looks amazing to say the least. Is there any plans to make a useable T34/76 or useable PZ3?, or will they stay AI controlled. I think it would be fun to use the lesser armed tanks, its fun being the underdog sometimes ect.

Anyway this makes me a very happy man that TvT has not died, but is actually very much alive. I will be sure to buy a copy off of you.

602Sqn_Puff 01-07-10 01:52 AM

I'm afraid that unless you can iron out the bugs in the original code and improve the framerate considerably, then its a no go for me. I wish you all the best in the endeavour and hope you do well.

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