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602Sqn_Puff 12-25-09 10:28 AM

Thank you, gave it a try but the frame rates were really terrible, suffers the same fate as the original game did for me, as soon as a lot starts to happen the frame rate takes a pounding. The devs needed to look at optimising the game { seems most russian software suffers from the same faults } but alas, are now defunct. Every other game I run goes fine on my system ( a duo core at 3ghz { a bit slow now right enough } 4 Gb ddr2 ram and a gforce 260 GTX OC with 1.8gb onboard memory)

Got to say it looked amazing though, great work Zeewolf.

ZeeWolf 12-25-09 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by 602Sqn_Puff (Post 1225357)
Thank you, gave it a try but the frame rates were really terrible, suffers the same fate as the original game did for me, as soon as a lot starts to happen the frame rate takes a pounding. The devs needed to look at optimising the game { seems most russian software suffers from the same faults } but alas, are now defunct. Every other game I run goes fine on my system ( a duo core at 3ghz { a bit slow now right enough } 4 Gb ddr2 ram and a gforce 260 GTX OC with 1.8gb onboard memory)

Got to say it looked amazing though, great work Zeewolf.

Lower the anti-alias feature, that will help for now. Then once your in the
game you won't even notice it.


Edward 12-25-09 12:29 PM


Finally had a chance to try out your Christmas present. Many thanks. It works great now; even the graphics fix. You've done a great job with this. You've now got me waiting with great anticipation for the rest of your work; I can't wait for you to release the rest of your Mods. Great work with this :DL

One question, what files can we mod to make a winter Landscape?? Or is this possible??


ZeeWolf 12-25-09 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Edward (Post 1225388)

Finally had a chance to try out your Christmas present. Many thanks. It works great now; even the graphics fix. You've done a great job with this. You've now got me waiting with great anticipation for the rest of your work; I can't wait for you to release the rest of your Mods. Great work with this :DL

One question, what files can we mod to make a winter Landscape?? Or is this possible??


That is fantastic! Thanks Edward!

I believe a winter landscape is a must have. So I will be focusing on that you can be sure. That would be a some what major undertaking in itself.
So that means it will be a while before that's available. :yep:


ZeeWolf 12-25-09 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by tycyh (Post 1225345)
where can i download your the mod about tv t thanks:salute:

Here is the place Zanta is Here! Merry Christmas! :up:


ZeeWolf 12-25-09 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1225295)
Merry Xmas Zanta Wolf!

Grateful for your Xmas present!Just one question after trying various download I always get broken links I have this one that says:Fix_ZW_Mods.7z is this the right one?


Here is the place Frinik Zanta is Here! Merry Christmas! :up:


602Sqn_Puff 12-25-09 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1225382)
Lower the anti-alias feature, that will help for now. Then once your in the
game you won't even notice it.


Thanks for the advice but Ive been there and done that, makes absolutely no difference to the framerate, the basic problem is the code, start adding AI and the frame rate falls off . I get a steady 60fps in MP mode with all bells and whistles...add the ai and it all goes tits up. Standard game runs at just over 30fps and unfortunately, when you add all the extras stuff from yourself..the backside falls out the framerate. Most russian software is the same, they don't seem to worry about optimising at all, the only folks who have done were Oleg and Neoqb.

ZeeWolf 12-25-09 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by 602Sqn_Puff (Post 1225471)
Thanks for the advice but Ive been there and done that, makes absolutely no difference to the framerate, the basic problem is the code, start adding AI and the frame rate falls off . I get a steady 60fps in MP mode with all bells and whistles...add the ai and it all goes tits up. Standard game runs at just over 30fps and unfortunately, when you add all the extras stuff from yourself..the backside falls out the framerate. Most russian software is the same, they don't seem to worry about optimising at all, the only folks who have done were Oleg and Neoqb.

Sorry I can't help you. :DL

Oh, I forgot to mention: Try the screen size to the same size that SH3-4 is locked in to 1024 x 768. :03:


frinik 12-26-09 03:38 AM

Outstanding nwork Zanta Wolf!
I played your Tigers Shek Kurtenski ZantaW and Wo w it's a tough nut! It took me three tries before I was able to succesfully complete it. I finally finished it spending my literally my last shell to take out a Soviet AT gun.The last one I had to machine gun the crew and crush the gun with my Tiger.My final score : 14 tanks, 9 firepoints, 2 halftracks, 2 trucks and 8 ifantry.My poor Tiger had 18 points of impact from T34 and AT shells .Compared to the original Kurtenski mission this one you finish with barely your underwear on!

Outstanding work ZantaW.One year well spent! If there were Academy Awards for modders you'd be my nominee!

You have improved the game in many respect: infantry behaviour, AI behaviour , made it more immersive and with the new vehicles there is more eye candy as well.

Now just a few remarks constructive criticism that you can use to refine your future releases not to belittle your work nbut to give you useful feedback:

1) the movement of tanks: They just move too fast and in ballet like motion.ATiger zipped by me like it was a Porsche 911 turbo! The T34 were whirling about like they were dancing the rumba or a samba! They were agile but not that agile in real life.The Tigers while not as lumbering as sometimes described were not ballerina dancers either.This needs to be adjusted.

2) there s room for improvement with AI as well.Much improved over the original nevertheless I saw a Tiger tank -in your new Soviet mission - facing me reactioneless while I took him out with 3 shots without him even shooting at me although my first shot barely scratched him.Another tank gave me his rump while fighting me allowing me to destroy him.At the end of the Kurtenski mission the last Soviet AT crew stood by without shooting at me while I destroyed their fellow guns and tanks while facing me .I took them out calmly with my mg since I was out fo shells and simply crushed their gun with my Tiger.Again, lack of realistic reaction.

3) I also experienced choppiness and low FPS during the game but that can be ascribed to your game being more demanding on a pc.Lowering the details and specs can probably help. Because whrn playing nthe original missions it was very fluid.Your mod has chnaged details in the original m remaining missions which is nice.

4) the ballistic and particle effects need to be refined.When I shoot a 88 HE shell on the ground you barely see a little plop on the ground which seems underdone to me.Also when you hit a tank you don't see it shake or shudder under the impact.Steel Fury which is TvT main rival does it much better in both areas

On the other hand I like your nice personal touch; seeing the tanks paint peel off and turn white( I suppose due to the heat of the impact) when hit.

That being said Superb work ZantaW.Thanks for the wonderful gift and looking forward to purchasing your future Kursk mod.


frinik 12-26-09 04:00 AM

one last comment
One last comment Zanta to improve the immersiveness of the game; the tanks are just too silent.You don' t hear the characteristic squeaking of the German tanks or even the distinct clicking sound of the Soviet ones.Again if you play or have played games like Panzer Elite or Steel Fury you" ll know what I am talking about.Adding nthe rumble of artillery, gun shots and men shouting and crying would add ambiance as well.


ZeeWolf 12-26-09 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1225580)
I played your Tigers Shek Kurtenski ZantaW and Wo w it's a tough nut! It took me three tries before I was able to succesfully complete it. I finally finished it spending my literally my last shell to take out a Soviet AT gun.The last one I had to machine gun the crew and crush the gun with my Tiger.My final score : 14 tanks, 9 firepoints, 2 halftracks, 2 trucks and 8 ifantry.My poor Tiger had 18 points of impact from T34 and AT shells .Compared to the original Kurtenski mission this one you finish with barely your underwear on!

Outstanding work ZantaW.One year well spent! If there were Academy Awards for modders you'd be my nominee!

You have improved the game in many respect: infantry behaviour, AI behaviour , made it more immersive and with the new vehicles there is more eye candy as well.

Now just a few remarks constructive criticism that you can use to refine your future releases not to belittle your work nbut to give you useful feedback:

1) the movement of tanks: They just move too fast and in ballet like motion.ATiger zipped by me like it was a Porsche 911 turbo! The T34 were whirling about like they were dancing the rumba or a samba! They were agile but not that agile in real life.The Tigers while not as lumbering as sometimes described were not ballerina dancers either.This needs to be adjusted.

2) there s room for improvement with AI as well.Much improved over the original nevertheless I saw a Tiger tank -in your new Soviet mission - facing me reactioneless while I took him out with 3 shots without him even shooting at me although my first shot barely scratched him.Another tank gave me his rump while fighting me allowing me to destroy him.At the end of the Kurtenski mission the last Soviet AT crew stood by without shooting at me while I destroyed their fellow guns and tanks while facing me .I took them out calmly with my mg since I was out fo shells and simply crushed their gun with my Tiger.Again, lack of realistic reaction.

3) I also experienced choppiness and low FPS during the game but that can be ascribed to your game being more demanding on a pc.Lowering the details and specs can probably help. Because whrn playing nthe original missions it was very fluid.Your mod has chnaged details in the original m remaining missions which is nice.

4) the ballistic and particle effects need to be refined.When I shoot a 88 HE shell on the ground you barely see a little plop on the ground which seems underdone to me.Also when you hit a tank you don't see it shake or shudder under the impact.Steel Fury which is TvT main rival does it much better in both areas

On the other hand I like your nice personal touch; seeing the tanks paint peel off and turn white( I suppose due to the heat of the impact) when hit.

That being said Superb work ZantaW.Thanks for the wonderful gift and looking forward to purchasing your future Kursk mod.


Thank you very much frinik,
I truly welcome your compliments as well as your constructive criticism.
For your concise point by point assessment is as always very well thought
I appreciate your sincere interest in this Sim and it's new found success.

1.) The speed and movement issue is one area has room for new coding that
can help tremendously. I left out a great deal of my tweaks and changes
I made to tier scripts, although definitely not complete it's encouraging.
As for the units zipping by like a 911, that is a physical reality when
looking through magnification optics.
Press the F6 key then the keyboard + or - and you will see an over all
view and may change your opinion.

2.) Yes I agree and improvement there will be.

3.)The FPS can be address some what. But their is a resistance by a
percentage of players to the notion this can be minimized.
I have been considering a why to deal more effectively in this area.
Knowing that the limits lie with the dependence on MicroSoft DX libraries
and video card Mfg. dedication to them that makes this hard but not
impossible. A new exe programed to except add dlls could be a reality.

4.) I left out my work in this release. So please be encouraged here.
Details my be more distant in the future but they to can be inproved.

Best Regards

ZeeWolf 12-26-09 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1225584)
One last comment Zanta to improve the immersiveness of the game; the tanks are just too silent.You don' t hear the characteristic squeaking of the German tanks or even the distinct clicking sound of the Soviet ones.Again if you play or have played games like Panzer Elite or Steel Fury you" ll know what I am talking about.Adding nthe rumble of artillery, gun shots and men shouting and crying would add ambiance as well.


I think this can be a reality with an ambient sound file looped by the music
player. Just a thought though.


Fritz Rauch 12-27-09 06:43 PM

Hello Zee-great work,outstanding!Thank You for new life in such as great tank sim.
However I have to agree with Frinik-movement of tanks is strange-especially spinning in one place and not attacking or shooting the targets-at least in first Soviet mission.

ZeeWolf 12-27-09 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Fritz Rauch (Post 1226219)
Hello Zee-great work,outstanding!Thank You for new life in such as great tank sim.
However I have to agree with Frinik-movement of tanks is strange-especially spinning in one place and not attacking or shooting the targets-at least in first Soviet mission.

Hello and Thanks Fritz for the compliment.
As far as the tank behavior I agree that is why I re-worked the tank behavior scripts but left them out of this release.
But will be available upon the next big release. By that time I will have my new web site up and good to go.


frinik 12-27-09 11:25 PM

Original games flaws
Greetings ZiegWolf - SpielFuehrer and ZantaWolf and the portend of great battles to come - ( I' ll dispense with your other titles because I don't want to sound too formal :D). I hope you are happy and excited by the response your new mods had. I think it was a resounding success.

I hope too our comments and observations did not sound like the bitchings of spoiled and ungrateful brats to you? Because they were not mean't to be that way rather as feedback to help you address future or recurring problems which plagued the original game and condemned it to oblivion until you decided to take it into your capable hands.

Much has been done but your most important achievement in my mind is that you proved the pessimists and defeatists wrong when they said the game could not be modded, the editor was bankrupt, the developers had washed their hands with it or the game editor was too complicated and impossible to use and let's just forget about it.Did you ever show them that where there's a will there's a way.And this - more than any future big release or future spectacular new mods - is your crowning achievement!

That being said the games original flaws; passive not too say dumb AI, dancing tanks, enemy have been addressed to a point but still remain.One in particular enemy tank with X ray eyes spotting you through hundred metres of thick wood and taking you out without you beeing able to fight back!It happened twice to me during the Tigers shake kurtenki mission when I tried to cross the wooded hills to outflank them and attack their rear guard.

Cheers to you and kudos!

ZeeWolf 12-28-09 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1226279)
Greetings ZiegWolf - SpielFuehrer and ZantaWolf and the portend of great battles to come - ( I' ll dispense with your other titles because I don't want to sound too formal :D). I hope you are happy and excited by the response your new mods had. I think it was a resounding success.

I hope too our comments and observations did not sound like the bitchings of spoiled and ungrateful brats to you? Because they were not mean't to be that way rather as feedback to help you address future or recurring problems which plagued the original game and condemned it to oblivion until you decided to take it into your capable hands.

Much has been done but your most important zachievment in my mind is that you proved the pessimists and defeatists wrong when they said the game could not be modded or the game editor was imposible to use and just forget about it.Did you ever show them thta zhere there' s a will there 's a way.And this more than any future big release or future spectacular mods is your crowning achievement!

Cheers to you!

Well frinik I don't even know where to begin. I guess the first thing to say
is I was feeling the heat a little when the JSGME posed a challenge but I never expected the tech support would be easy. After all, I was one of those guys who felt burned by Lighthouse in their shameful treatment of the original buyers of this game. There was no way I was going to let that happen again. As for the comments and observations, I needed to know these issues and in that process guys can get a little pushy. But that's just a part and must be endured to finish well. :know:

As for the pessimists and defeatists, they are the ones that can get bitchy and brat like. That is if they refuse to bow the head and bend at the knee, so to speak. :har:

The crowning achievement I hope to receive truly is the many new friends I can make. And with the hope my work will inspire others to see in a totally new light what is was like (in a small way) to have fought in such an enormous struggle.


frinik 12-28-09 01:10 AM

future missions?
ZW; am I reading you right? Are you planning to redo the other existing missions?

BTW, how many tanks & vehicles did you incorporate in your 2 new missions? I counted 27 for both sides in the Kurtenki mission and 17 for the Krinovichi one?


ZeeWolf 12-28-09 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1226303)
ZW; am I reading you right? Are you planning to redo the other existing missions?

BTW, how many tanks & vehicles did you incorporate in your 2 new missions? I counted 27 for both sides in the Kurtenki mission and 17 for the Krinovichi one?


Yes I am. If I receive enough financial support I want to work at this full time. My plan is to take this sim as far as it can possibly go. As far the numbers :hmmm:


frinik 12-28-09 03:10 AM

If you need financial support ZW why don' t you offer the following; you ask us to contribute say $ 30.00 which gives us the right to get all the other 10 missions that need to be redone. $ 50.00 buys you the right to those 10 mods and the Kursk super mod release.We pay you online and then once your mods are ready you post the download link through a PM to those who are ZW members so-to-speak.This gives you fresh cash and still allows you to release your mods independantly at higher prices on steam or online to others who don't want to pay upfront.


ZeeWolf 12-28-09 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1226322)
If you need financial support ZW why don' t you offer the following; you ask us to contribute say $ 30.00 which gives us the right to get all the other 10 missions that need to be redone. $ 50.00 buys you the right to those 10 mods and the Kursk super mod release.We pay you online and then once your mods are ready you post the download link through a PM to those who are ZW members so-to-speak.This gives you fresh cash and still allows you to release your mods independantly at higher prices on steam or online to others who don't want to pay upfront.


That is an excellent suggestion frinik! I have a similar plan but your's has a price structure that is more in-line with what I think people will pay. I can and will gladly deliver more than your moneys worth in what I am convinced
will be the best WWII Tank sim with out exception.:salute:

I would appreciate others to comment on your plan.


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