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LcSummers 08-01-11 02:32 AM

The bridge so far!!

This is what i meant ZW. This huge bridge. Now i can see it. Great!!:yeah:

PS: I need more kill marks for my Tiger. Last time i shot down ten tanks and only one was on the barrel:wah:


waiting for " The Bridge on the River Kwai "


ZeeWolf 08-01-11 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1717999)
The bridge so far!!

This is what i meant ZW. This huge bridge. Now i can see it. Great!!:yeah:

PS: I need more kill marks for my Tiger. Last time i shot down ten tanks and only one was on the barrel:wah:


waiting for " The Bridge on the River Kwai "


Great LC, but I have even more realistic bridges planned. As for the Kill Rings added each mission- I haven't figured that out yet but I will.
Sorry, "Bridge over the River Kwai" had no Tigers.

The little "Mortar Jagdhund"


ZeeWolf 08-02-11 07:56 PM

Please be patient Kameraden, I have been working some OT! :up:
Some new changes that have have delayed the over the weekend
release are :
1.) New Water Explosions
2.) New Sky textures.
3.) New land bump map for a far better looking ground and snow
4.) Testing each change by plying the missions :DL
And finally putting it all in order (with great care too) so I can get
back to work on the new playable tanks. :yep:

Here is a few more images:

Vorwärts Kameraden!

ZW :salute:

Krauter 08-02-11 08:41 PM

Wow loving the images ZeeWolf! Keep them coming :salute: I particularly like the winter Camo for the Tiger I

ZeeWolf 08-02-11 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Krauter (Post 1719385)
Wow loving the images ZeeWolf! Keep them coming :salute: I particularly like the winter Camo for the Tiger I

Thanks Kamerad! I got the texture map thing almost to the point of WOTs :DL

TIGERS Angriff!


ZeeWolf 08-05-11 12:59 AM

Project ZeeWolf's "2011 August Update", update
The new 2011 August Update with the "Winter on the East Front"
Expansion Pack Mission 1 (beta) is completed and uploaded.
So, the first thing tomorrow morning I will begin e-mailing your
link and password.
You will see for yourself the amount of work that has been done
and I must say I am very proud of the quality of this effort.
At this point your help with your feedback is very important to
the fine tuning still needed as well as the encouragement you all
instill in me to continue this very enjoyable endeavor. :up:
You will find the new Winter Mission 1 under the "Project ZeeWolf"
menu selection.
As the Winter mission starts you will be give time to check-out your
Tiger for a few minutes before the other Tigers move out to take
position. Follow along the road until you see the open area just before
the hill you are to defend. Your help is vital to the success and survival
of your other Kameraden. If it starts well you will be surprised at how
fast the sweet taste of victory comes. But if it goes bad it goes REAL
bad - quick. :DL

Vorwärts Kameraden!

ZW :salute:

woofiedog 08-05-11 05:08 AM

Looking for to the new update and will have a new machine to test it out with in a couple of weeks... give or take. :D

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition Thuban 3.3GHz
Mushkin Redline 8GB
EVGA GeForce GTX 580

ZeeWolf 08-05-11 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by woofiedog (Post 1721136)
Looking for to the new update and will have a new machine to test it out with in a couple of weeks... give or take. :D

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition Thuban 3.3GHz
Mushkin Redline 8GB
EVGA GeForce GTX 580

That's great woofie,
What are you going to do with your old one :DL


woofiedog 08-05-11 10:53 AM

I haven't made my mind up just yet to just keep the old rig running or give it to one of my kid's. They are now both in their 30's now! LoL

Although it still runs great and it just doesn't have the steam to run the new IL-2 CoD or the SHV games and it does have a problem running smoothly your updated TvT. I'll have more time to ponder that question when the new rig is ready. :D

650 CPU
EVGA 7800 GTX Ko's in SLI

ZeeWolf 08-05-11 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by woofiedog (Post 1721336)
I haven't made my mind up just yet to just keep the old rig running or give it to one of my kid's. They are now both in their 30's now! LoL

Although it still runs great and it just doesn't have the steam to run the new IL-2 CoD or the SHV games and it does have a problem running smoothly your updated TvT. I'll have more time to ponder that question when the new rig is ready. :D

650 CPU
EVGA 7800 GTX Ko's in SLI

How does your AMD XF-57 with the 7800 SLI'ed run TvT? :DL

woofiedog 08-05-11 12:02 PM

With the stock TvT game I can run smooth with the highest settings. It's a good running rig... but just not up to par with the new games.

IL-2 I can run a mission using Uber Demon's program with 200 aircraft. Which is a real p*sser just to survive! LoL

ZeeWolf 08-05-11 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by woofiedog (Post 1721395)
With the stock TvT game I can run smooth with the highest settings. It's a good running rig... but just not up to par with the new games.

IL-2 I can run a mission using Uber Demon's program with 200 aircraft. Which is a real p*sser just to survive! LoL

your AMD XF-57 with the 2 7800 GTX's sounds like a good running PC.
How dow you think it would run with just one 7800GTX?

woofiedog 08-05-11 01:09 PM

When I first picked up this rig back in 2005 it was just a single card... I later added the second card. With some games there is not that much diffence with game play or settings with the game. With IL-2 for say... there is just a small gain with the game graphics and game play. It all depends more on the game engine as to which runs better with SLI.

My new rig will have just one EVGA GTX 580... but the mother board a ASUS Crosshair V Formula AM3+ 990FX USB 3.0 is setup for SLI... so I can add another card if the need arises.

ZeeWolf 08-05-11 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by woofiedog (Post 1721446)
When I first picked up this rig back in 2005 it was just a single card... I later added the second card. With some games there is not that much diffence with game play or settings with the game. With IL-2 for say... there is just a small gain with the game graphics and game play. It all depends more on the game engine as to which runs better with SLI.

My new rig will have just one EVGA GTX 580... but the mother board a ASUS Crosshair V Formula AM3+ 990FX USB 3.0 is setup for SLI... so I can add another card if the need arises.

Did you try this fix for the SLI and CrossFire issue with Microsoft Vista

woofiedog 08-05-11 02:14 PM

I am running XP Pro with the old rig... and with the new rig I'll be running Windows 7 Pro. Over the years I was more than happy with what it could do and still can do... it did just about everything I piled on it. LoL

But like a 1965 Mustang... great car and still is... the newer Tang is much more of a ride... my youngest brother has a 67/289 convert by the way. It's Wicked! :DL

morttheslayer 08-05-11 02:28 PM

Tanks for the update and Salute - cheap joke!
Hi Zee and Camerades Zee your latest additions have left me in absolute awe. Some of the frames showing the recent work are almost beautiful!!! but I hasten to add ---in a manly, Panzer Commander sort of way !!!!
(I put that in for Lc!!:haha:). I am hugely looking foreward to your further development, I think this winter I shall mostly be shooting the frost off the T34s (if I get over the bridges OK).
I digress to add the "new" house has a "Fuhrer Bunker" ---- well basement actually; that I intend to put my Simming Gear into. All going to plan just got to get it up and running before I die :haha:, much of the work has made me feel that this event could materialize sooner than expected:wah:. Other than that, the British summer continues in typical fashion.

Seeing previous comments I feel compelled to report on all things SLI and Crossfire; I often take a magazine called "Custom PC" and the editor stated in the September 2011 edition (yeah it's a month early!) that all multi GPU setups to date are poor performers; due to either driver issues or just compatibility. Best results (fastest frames) all resulted from top of the range GPUs fitted in single slots (i.e. no SLI/Crossfire). Best overall was the Radeon 6970 to date!! Nuff said. If you can access the review it makes interesting and compelling reading. I for one wouldn't go for twin Graphic Cards after reading the test results.

Anyway all for now, still watching in the wings, all the best Morty :salute:

ZeeWolf 08-05-11 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by woofiedog (Post 1721479)
I am running XP Pro with the old rig... and with the new rig I'll be running Windows 7 Pro. Over the years I was more than happy with what it could do and still can do... it did just about everything I piled on it. LoL

But like a 1965 Mustang... great car and still is... the newer Tang is much more of a ride... my youngest brother has a 67/289 convert by the way. It's Wicked! :DL

I thought the 1965 Mustang had the 289, and the 67 convert had the 327:hmmm:

ZeeWolf 08-05-11 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1721486)
Hi Zee and Camerades Zee your latest additions have left me in absolute awe. Some of the frames showing the recent work are almost beautiful!!! but I hasten to add ---in a manly, Panzer Commander sort of way !!!!
(I put that in for Lc!!:haha:). I am hugely looking foreward to your further development, I think this winter I shall mostly be shooting the frost off the T34s (if I get over the bridges OK).
I digress to add the "new" house has a "Fuhrer Bunker" ---- well basement actually; that I intend to put my Simming Gear into. All going to plan just got to get it up and running before I die :haha:, much of the work has made me feel that this event could materialize sooner than expected:wah:. Other than that, the British summer continues in typical fashion.

Seeing previous comments I feel compelled to report on all things SLI and Crossfire; I often take a magazine called "Custom PC" and the editor stated in the September 2011 edition (yeah it's a month early!) that all multi GPU setups to date are poor performers; due to either driver issues or just compatibility. Best results (fastest frames) all resulted from top of the range GPUs fitted in single slots (i.e. no SLI/Crossfire). Best overall was the Radeon 6970 to date!! Nuff said. If you can access the review it makes interesting and compelling reading. I for one wouldn't go for twin Graphic Cards after reading the test results.

Anyway all for now, still watching in the wings, all the best Morty :salute:

Hey Morty! :DL
Thanks man. Winter in August sounds good when the temp was up in the
80'sf. :up:
As far as the SLI stuff I've been interested because I have a MB that has the
2x 16mhz PCI Express 2.0 slots. And it will be sometime before any PC
upgrades for me. There is two things that one needs to be concerned about
first (there is more but) if you are considering SLI:

1.)A Motherboard that can run both PCI Exp slots at 16Mhz and
2.) If your cards are compatible.

Just some stuff to consider if your stuck with the old stuff Morty. :salute:


ZeeWolf 08-06-11 12:49 PM

Did you get your link and PassWord?
If your link and PW has not arrived please e-mail me.
I might have missed you too. Like I did tinman :oops:

Vorwärts Kameraden!


LcSummers 08-07-11 12:18 AM


have been waiting for the update since yesterday, nothing.

Seems you forgot me or you have put me to a Strafbattalion:wah:

PS: Dont take it serious with the kill marks, it was to be meant a joke.


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