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Kapitan 12-15-05 07:20 PM

Subsim Forum regulars' bios, pics, 'how you found Subsim'
tell subsim about you a good post to well get to know each other basicaly a bit more than reading your typical profile:

Name: Classified
Age: Classified
about me: Classified

Kiwi Zero Six 12-16-05 03:27 AM

That is a HUGE family, Kapitan. HUGE!

My name is Kiwi, I live in New Zealand. I plan to join the police, RNZN, RNZAF or other govt. department after uni. I am 21...or so they say.

Also, I'll give you a hand with that research, Kapitan. I have a very big interest in the Chinese navy myself. Am heading to Hong Kong hopefully next so I'll get quite a few pics, if not a set of plans of anything I can find. :up: :arrgh!:

Camaero 12-16-05 03:38 AM

Name: Jason

About me:

Born in southern California and then later moved to the central coast. I have traveled all around the country, mainly going to biker rallys such as Sturgis, Reno, Laughlin, Hollister, etc...

I bounced from school to school and didn't get settled down until 5th grade. That didn't last that long either. My true passion is in cars and racing. I grew up around Chevys and small blocks. Drag racing, dirt track racing, flat track racing, circle track racing, you name it, I love it! I currently own a 1987 Camaro and spend all my money making it go faster.

Aside from racing though, I am an avid reader and love history. I am the kind of person that tries to know a little about everything and a lot about nothing. I also love flying. I have taken an introductory course already and I aim to get my license. It is kind of funny, even though I have always loved flying, I had never flown in a plane until a few months ago, during my introductory course! I told them about my flight sims and they let me take off and fly to my house unassisted. My flight instructor had to set her down for me though! (Although I am pretty sure I had it covered!)

It is strange too, I had always hated the navy and anything to do with boats. I always hated large bodies of water most of all! That all changed a bit lately though, I have taken a great interest in subs and naval warfare. Can't get enough of it lately! I think that the only reason I didn't like anything to do with water in the first place was a childhood thing... Better not go there! lol

Oh yeah, what am I going to do in my future? No idea! I have searched hard and deep and only know what I am not going to do. I am not going to work in an office. I am not going to do anything that I find boring. I could not stand any 9-5 job! (Am I in trouble here or what?)

Here is what I see as a possible future: Become a commercial pilot, join the military, find someone to sponsor me in circle track racing, build race engines, start an autobody shop, run my own business, (that is what I am currently doing now to support my car!) or last but not least: become a bum and travel America. :up:

That's all I gotta say about that. :hmm:

Kapitan 12-16-05 07:23 AM

o gawd they made it a sticky :o

jumpy 12-16-05 07:41 AM

That'll learn ya! :lol:

Kapitan 12-16-05 08:05 AM

lol not a bad hit though

pics hit front page on subsim and now a post hits sticky

Abraham 12-16-05 08:10 AM

About you
Kapitain, since the topic is "about you", I have to comment that your English grammar has deteroriated since I am not correcting you anymore!
Remember about the capitals and the interpunction?

Kapitan 12-16-05 08:15 AM

shhhhh im i bilingual illiterate

Abraham 12-16-05 08:24 AM

About you
Don't give me that shhhhh, Kapitain; just two monts ago you were making progress!

So here we go again:
It's not: "shhhhh im i bilingual illiterate"
but :"Shhhhh, you are a bilingual illiterate!"


Neptunus Rex 12-16-05 12:04 PM

Re: About you

Originally Posted by Kapitain
tell subsim about you a good post to well get to know each other basicaly a bit more than reading your typical profile:

Name: blair shaw
Age: almost 18

Almost afraid to post here!

Name: :D
Age: I got out of the U.S. Submarine force a year before Kapitain was born! :o

About me:
When I was young (like Kapitain) I thought cruising through the ocean at 400 plus feet at ultra-quite in trail of a cold war enemy SSBN was stressful.

Doesn't even compare with keeping up with my three sons (ages 6,7,&11). :doh:

Subservice was a piece of cake and I'd do it again :rock:

Neptunus Rex 12-16-05 12:07 PM

Re: About you
:roll: double post. Sorry.

August 12-16-05 12:22 PM

Name: On public forums: August
Age: 28 years older than Kapitan

Seven years with the Army in Infantry and Special Forces units. 20+ years as a Telecom tech, now teaching same at a small private school in Rhode Island.

CCIP 12-16-05 01:29 PM

Name: George R., aka. Georgiy Andreevich K.
Age: 22

About me:

-BA Linguistics and Applied Language studies. Will be an MA student as of fall.

-born in Leningrad, USSR, 10/04/1984, to a family of a librarian and a musician (lower-class intellegentsia represent :P ). We were and are dirt-poor, and that doesn't take away from my enjoyment of life. Older of two children, although I had a cousin who lived with us and became like a sister to me.

-learned to read by age 2, could do relatively complicated math in my head before age 6; but due to a psychologist classifying me as 'lacking aptitude for languages', placed in a "slow" class at school. They later realized the mistake when I became the school's best student in German. For over 3 years, I sat in the back of the class picking my nose and sneering at the teacher. This developed my disregard and distrust in authority, and as I grew up, I would become increasingly vocal in this, frequently clashing with my teachers and superiors. I became a sort of political issue at my school, and despite some teachers' utter hatred for me - one of its top 3 students.

-left Russia and moved to Canada at age 14, due to parents' problems with finding work, and also due to growing concerns over my impending conscript service in the Russian army. Never took any English as Second Language classes and became fully proficient in English within a year.

-started developing my interest in simulations and military history, in part to aid my study of language (although I had the interests before). By age 15, I was a certified flight sim nut. :arrgh!:

-settled down and lost (most of) my arrogant attitude, lost interest in technical subjects and became more interested in the study of language. Enrolled in a linguistics program at university.

-moved to Ottawa area in mid-2004. Now studying at Carleton University while living on the Quebec side of the river (Aylmer).

TLAM Strike 12-16-05 01:54 PM

Name: Bill
Age: 21

I grew up living with my grandmother in the nicer section of the city (Rochester) until she died. I then moved in with my dad who lived by the airport. We lived there for several years (until I graduated in 2002) then the county bought out the land and we moved to East Rochester.

Back in school I attended a vocational course for the last three years where I learned some computer programming (C++, VB) and met a bunch of my friends but forgot most of what I learned. We did have the honor of literally driving our teacher crazy a few months in to your third year, luckily we got a better teacher who loved WWII aircraft and the last half of the school year was a blast (the last two weeks of school he let the entire class play Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight on the class’s LAN, me and John kicked ass with the Dark Side :rock: ).

I got a computer around 2000 and started playing old sims like Jane’s Fighters Anthology and Tom Clancy’s SSN. Eventually I got a better machine and discovered Sub Command on the shelf at Wal-Mart and started reading everything I could about submarines. A year or so latter I got an Internet connection and ended up here.

Etienne 12-16-05 02:04 PM

CCIP, are you at U of O? My father works there...

I'm 22.

Born in the Québec half of the Ottawa valley, land of the civil servants / zombies and 2AM last calls. Went to High School, International program and all that. Retained enough spanish to ask for a beer (And eventually to tell a spanish welder not to weld just yet.) Graduated middle of the class. I guess you could say I got into flight sims around 10 years old.

Went to CEGEP in Human Science (Individual and Institution, or something). The fact that I can't remember the name of the program I was stuck in for two year should clue you in as to my interest. Discovered that you could watch Buffy DVDs in the cafeterias, on a laptop. Flunked out of socio. Passed developmental psych and modern history on my good charm, and on a wonderful piece of neo-communist bull****. I guess you could say that the first year of CEGEP was 688(i), and the second one was a mix of SC and SHII.

Realised I wasn't in the right place. After two years - I'm a slow guy. Transferred to the nautical science program, halfway accross the province. Screw that, three quarter of the way accross, where it's windy and the sun shines three hours a day. When it shines. Didn't have any experience or familly involved in anyway in shipping. Am halfway through the program.

It's exam season and my brain is numb.

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