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Hitman 03-01-10 08:18 AM

You got SH5. You played it. Now RATE it for the rest of us!
Many people are reluctant to buy SH5 for one or another reason. You got it, you played it, now rate it for all of us to see how well it does in the eyes of the real customers.

Ragtag 03-01-10 08:23 AM

Well, im giving it 7/10. I love the game but there are some initial bugs and important features are missing/removed. I guess the modders are going to fix and bring back some but out of the box a 7/10 is, in my opinion, fair.

Graphics are absolutely stunning. Some stiff animations but the water and models are just mindblowing. Pure porn for a graphicslover.

Bilge_Rat 03-01-10 09:43 AM

8/10, very good, but not perfect.

In terms of realism, about the same as SH3/4 out of the box which is what I expected. The lack of a fully detailed working TDC is disappointing for us manual nuts, since it was in SH3. I am also still on the fence on the new SH5 crew versus the sh3/4 crew management model.

In terms of graphics, a definite improvement over SH4.

In terms of immersion, simply amazing, the best in the series. Being able to walkthrough the boat and actually see your crew reload torpedoes (those are BIG suckers! :o) or being in the diesel section when you order full speed ahead are moments straight out of "Das Boot".


Safe-Keeper 03-01-10 09:46 AM

Can you see the names of the people who have voted once you've voted yourself? I predict naysayers voting "Bad" before even trying it.

But then again, I'm maybe a bit cynical.

Onkel Neal 03-01-10 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Safe-Keeper (Post 1285681)
Can you see the names of the people who have voted once you've voted yourself? I predict naysayers voting "Bad" before even trying it.

But then again, I'm maybe a bit cynical.

No, I think you are pretty accurate.

Crushdepth 03-01-10 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Bilge_Rat (Post 1285676)
8/10, very good, but not perfect.

In terms of realism, about the same as SH3/4 out of the box which is what I expected. The lack of a fully detailed working TDC is disappointing for us manual nuts, since it was in SH3. I am also still on the fence on the new SH5 crew versus the sh3/4 crew management model.

In terms of graphics, a definite improvement over SH4.

In terms of immersion, simply amazing, the best in the series. Being able to walkthrough the boat and actually see your crew reload torpedoes (those are BIG suckers! :o) or being in the diesel section when you order full speed ahead are moments straight out of "Das Boot".


But...but... wheres the grease on the torpedoes- are they really the right length? Not sure if they are the right color either /sarc off

IanC 03-01-10 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Safe-Keeper (Post 1285681)
Can you see the names of the people who have voted once you've voted yourself? I predict naysayers voting "Bad" before even trying it.

But then again, I'm maybe a bit cynical.

Yeah but that may go both ways.

Méo 03-01-10 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by IanC (Post 1285687)

Originally Posted by Safe-Keeper (Post 1285681)
Can you see the names of the people who have voted once you've voted yourself? I predict naysayers voting "Bad" before even trying it.

But then again, I'm maybe a bit cynical.

Yeah but that may go both ways.

No I don't think. With so many ''don't buy it'' and ''boycott''comments, I expect some people to vote the ''Bad. Shouldn't have bought it/will be collecting dust in my shelf'' without even trying it.

If we can't see the names on the poll and compare it with threads where people said: ''no I will never buy it, ever'', well to me, it's worthless. (no offence)

I voted the ''Good but not perfect, though I definately like to play it.'' I could have voted the ''Dissapointing in some aspects. Will hope it gets better with mods.'' too. :hmmm:

TDK1044 03-01-10 10:23 AM

I would hope that people here respect this Forum enough to only vote in this thread if you have a copy of the game and you are playing it. And to vote truthfully.

I am totally against DRM, and I've made the decision not to buy the game until an offline version is available, but if the overwhelming opinion here was that the modded game is just too good not to have because of DRM, then I would have to seriously consider it.

scrapser 03-01-10 10:29 AM

Perhaps the poll should have included several, "I'm not buying it for reason X" options. That way people would be less inclined to skew the poll and answer honestly. I think there has been enough of an upset this time around to warrant including the naysayers. But I may be bias since I'm one of them.

For the record...I did not vote here.

gutted 03-01-10 10:32 AM


First patch will probably bring it up to a 7.5. Working TDC dials and a heading indicator would bring it up to an 8 by itself (for me).

Game is cool, i welcome UI changes.. but cannot excuse removal of important things such as the above. Periscope view definately needs some love.

Personally, i think the game wasn't quite complete. Poking about in the files and the menu editor and you see all sorts of things that make you wonder why its not there in-game. Hopefully there's a day 1 patch.

I consider my purchase an investment on future awesomeness.

Hitman 03-01-10 10:33 AM

Humm I didn't think of making voter's names public :hmmm:

Shall I open a new one, and let the moderators close this?


Perhaps the poll should have included several, "I'm not buying it for reason X" options.
I myself am not buying it, but I've had enough of nay sayers, I wanted to see how it rates in the eyes of REAl customers, we already had a poll about going to buy it or not.

Heretic 03-01-10 10:36 AM

Folks will always try to push their agendas through polls. It's one of the wonderful things about the Internets.

scrapser 03-01-10 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Hitman (Post 1285747)
Humm I didn't think of making voter's names public :hmmm:

Shall I open a new one, and let the moderators close this?

I myself am not buying it, but I've had enough of nay sayers, I wanted to see how it rates in the eyes of REAl customers, we already had a poll about going to buy it or not.

I point was to foster accuracy which means giving people the ability to respond accurately.

Onkel Neal 03-01-10 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Hitman (Post 1285747)
Humm I didn't think of making voter's names public :hmmm:

Shall I open a new one, and let the moderators close this?

I myself am not buying it, but I've had enough of nay sayers, I wanted to see how it rates in the eyes of REAl customers, we already had a poll about going to buy it or not.

No, better idea: leave it like this and then later I can make it public. We'll see who voted for what, and we'll have a good idea who is honest and who isn't.:arrgh!:

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