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morttheslayer 08-05-10 03:08 PM

BPNZ Hello again
Thanks for reply Brian, yes you guessed right ZWs mods will ramp up both CPU and GPU load as you will soon hopefully find out!
Yes also I am a member of SimHQ and Mission4Today and am aware of all the update works.
Going off topic momentarily I tried EAW again last year but my GPU drivers didn't like it one bit.
[Not too upset as I am an avid IL2 supporter awaiting the 4.10 patch I make my own missions and this is a big update -
besides with IL2 and T34vsTiger I don't seem to have much spare time!!!]

ZeeW - Love all the new work in progress :yeah:

All the best - Morty :salute:

ZeeWolf 08-05-10 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1460720)
Thanks for reply Brian, yes you guessed right ZWs mods will ramp up both CPU and GPU load as you will soon hopefully find out!
Yes also I am a member of SimHQ and Mission4Today and am aware of all the update works.
Going off topic momentarily I tried EAW again last year but my GPU drivers didn't like it one bit.
[Not too upset as I am an avid IL2 supporter awaiting the 4.10 patch I make my own missions and this is a big update -
besides with IL2 and T34vsTiger I don't seem to have much spare time!!!]

ZeeW - Love all the new work in progress :yeah:

All the best - Morty :salute:

Thanks Morty!
Since Saturday this have been going very well. The cracking the Playable
unit mystery has blasted open a huge range of possibilities. Of course there
has always been the hope that I could create a playable tank - but nothing
to the extent in which I have such an enormous level of confidence I now

Hang in there with me Morty :up:


der-blaue-max 08-08-10 06:58 AM

Hallo Friends,
before: Sorry my english is not the best, so I havn`t searched the whole

I am a Member since 1/2 Year, but because of my work I havn`t
been often in here. My Old PC ist broken, so my downloads fom Zeewolf are gone:wah:. Is there A Kind of "all in one" instaler for all things that have been made till now??

Maybe Zeewolf can You send me an E-mail with this or a Link for these things or the download links for to be up to date or make a fresh install?
btw. I think you should have my E-Mail adress!

Hope there are not so many mistakes in here. My Schoolenglish is a very long time ago!

Thank You...

By the Way if You want to buy a Real WW2 Tank.....

Edit: Sorry it`s sold! But there is still a Skfz...

ZeeWolf 08-08-10 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by der-blaue-max (Post 1462601)
Hallo Friends,
before: Sorry my english is not the best, so I havn`t searched the whole

I am a Member since 1/2 Year, but because of my work I havn`t
been often in here. My Old PC ist broken, so my downloads fom Zeewolf are gone:wah:. Is there A Kind of "all in one" instaler for all things that have been made till now??

Maybe Zeewolf can You send me an E-mail with this or a Link for these things or the download links for to be up to date or make a fresh install?
btw. I think you should have my E-Mail adress!

Hope there are not so many mistakes in here. My Schoolenglish is a very long time ago!

Thank You...

By the Way if You want to buy a Real WW2 Tank.....

Edit: Sorry it`s sold! But there is still a Skfz...

Hallo Kamerad,

Check your e-mail ! :up:

I have yet to finish the latest update, but it will be another major release.
With a major overhaul of the collision model that was discovered during the
work on the playable tank requirements.
Project ZeeWolf has literally recreated T34 vs Tiger, the defferance from the
default game are remarkable. The successful and on going advances made
recently has really boosted my enthusiasm that (as a result of Project ZeeWolf)
T34 vs Tiger will be the hallmark of WWII tank simulations. :yep:

Vorwärts Kameraden!


Hans Ludwig 08-08-10 07:09 PM

Wasssup guys and gals and ZeeWolf.

I thought T34 vs. Tiger was long dead after Lighthouse sank. But I'm glade to see someone is trying to mod the game and fix the bugs, mainly the MP bug.

Well my unit, the 12th SS, love playing all kinds of games from RO, to DH, to Arma2/OA, to COH and ect... We are looking forward to playing this game as much as we do the others. However, many in my unit want to know the current state of T34 vs. Tiger multiplayer? Are there any servers up and running or clans/units/guilds currently playing this game together?

I only mention MP because SP only goes so far. Most gamers I know find games that center around SP grows old and stale after awhile. And most people I know love modding this type of stuff from mutators, skins, and scripts, much like what you are doing.

frinik 08-08-10 07:42 PM

Sorry Hans Ludwig but ZeeWolf is strictly doing single Player work, mods and missions.For MP you´ll have to read older threads which deal with MP.I know there are various mods for MP (currently MPP5) check with Murkz he´s the one involved in the MP aspect of the game. Most of us here on the TvsT forum are more SP than MP-oriented.However if you go to the you´ll find there a group of guys organising MP game meetings. for Tvst fans.


ZeeWolf 08-09-10 12:15 AM

Welcome aboard Hans Ludwig! :up:
As frinik said MP is down on the long list of things for me to do. However,
you are definitely at the right place for T34 vs Tiger improvements. The scope
of work that has been here has made TvsT virtually an entirely new game.
I visited your forum and it looks good, you guys are dedicated WWII fans.
Even more reason to check out my work. :yep:

Auf der Kriegsvorderseite für das Vater-Land :salute:

frinik 08-09-10 06:44 PM

SP in TvsT Ain´t stale Anymore....
Hans Ludwig, you´ll find that with ZeeWolf´s mods,TvsT SP is not likely to turn stale as he releases new mods-missions or improvements to the game every month.Check them out.:salute:

ZeeWolf 08-12-10 04:34 PM

Update News
Greetings Kameraden! :salute:
I have decided to finish the last modeling phase for all released and soon to be
released models prior to releasing any further updates. The last modeling
phase is known as "Level Of Detail" or LOD. This will be done by revisiting the
model and create the series of differing models to be seen at various distances.
Usually this is done to the model prior to it's release, but because
the first step I choose was to make certain all the high-resolution models all
worked well. And test the capacity of the game engine in the handling of such
a task. Now the with the use of the LOD's this will have a significant effect on
freeing up CPU and GPU resources, meaning: It will run faster. :know:
This process will take several more weeks before I will have something ready
for release. Of course I may surprise you with Kursk Mission 3 which is done
but with the new models that still need LOD's.

You will see that this extra time will be well spent and I promise not to disappoint you. :up:

Vorwärts Kameraden!

ZW :salute:

frinik 08-12-10 05:32 PM

Wow Zee this sounds very exciting! Can you explain a little bit what your LOD system or at least how your LOD system will reduce the pressure on the fps in your missions-mods?This sounds like great news as it will allow people with less performing pcs to play your mods and missions without stuttering and choppiness!:woot:

I am waiting for a new graphic card for my new pc and by next week once back where I live I'll instal it and then will be able to download and play Kursk mission 2.

All the best Master Zee and no worries we are patiently waiting.


ghd_2858 08-12-10 06:20 PM

Hi Guys,
I finally decided to join this interesting thread to add some comments (following the process of the add-on for ages now). First of all - Great work. I know multiple people mentioned it already but the sim is definitely greatly improved. I played the original T34vsTiger and gave-up after a couple of hours due to the inaccuracy of the simulation (the standard stuff like getting killed by a T34 from >1000m and not able to knock-out him at the same time etc). I started to play again using ZW free version and really started to enjoy the simulation. Right now I only have a couple of comments/questions...

Comment to the new Tiger model:
I would guess the Tiger should represent the Tiger version used at the time of the Kursk battle, correct? In this case (not aware that somebody else mentioned it before - otherwise forgive me) is the commander cupola incorrect. The German industry developed three different Tiger 1 versions in total. Check out for more info. The version in use at the time of the battle of Kursk was the initial one with standard wheels and a cylinder shaped copula. The next version used the same wheels but the updated cupola displayed in the simulation. Just a minor thing but probably worthwhile to mention :D

Question to the donation part:
The current offer will end in January 2011,right? Is there a chance to get the offer updated/extended to get another year of coverage in place? What about different/more offers at all to cover the different aspects of the extensions? I don't want to make it to complicated but at this point in time I find it quite hard to convince people to spend money for less than a half year support left.

Btw. Sorry for my awful language skills. :down:

ZeeWolf 08-12-10 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1466114)
Wow Zee this sounds very exciting! Can you explain a little bit what your LOD system or at least how your LOD system will reduce the pressure on the fps in your missions-mods?This sounds like great news as it will allow people with less performing pcs to play your mods and missions without stuttering and choppiness!:woot:

I am waiting for a new graphic card for my new pc and by next week once back where I live I'll instal it and then will be able to download and play Kursk mission 2.

All the best Master Zee and no worries we are patiently waiting.


Thanks frinik,
LOD is simply a separate model from the original at a different level of complexity. In the TvT you can have a maximum of 5.
They work by being made visible and invisible by the rendering camera. Each level of detail model is programed to appear at different distances from the rendering camera. Basic stuff really :yep:



ZeeWolf 08-12-10 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by ghd_2858 (Post 1466134)
Hi Guys,
I finally decided to join this interesting thread to add some comments (following the process of the add-on for ages now). First of all - Great work. I know multiple people mentioned it already but the sim is definitely greatly improved. I played the original T34vsTiger and gave-up after a couple of hours due to the inaccuracy of the simulation (the standard stuff like getting killed by a T34 from >1000m and not able to knock-out him at the same time etc). I started to play again using ZW free version and really started to enjoy the simulation. Right now I only have a couple of comments/questions...

Comment to the new Tiger model:
I would guess the Tiger should represent the Tiger version used at the time of the Kursk battle, correct? In this case (not aware that somebody else mentioned it before - otherwise forgive me) is the commander cupola incorrect. The German industry developed three different Tiger 1 versions in total. Check out for more info. The version in use at the time of the battle of Kursk was the initial one with standard wheels and a cylinder shaped copula. The next version used the same wheels but the updated cupola displayed in the simulation. Just a minor thing but probably worthwhile to mention :D

Question to the donation part:
The current offer will end in January 2011,right? Is there a chance to get the offer updated/extended to get another year of coverage in place? What about different/more offers at all to cover the different aspects of the extensions? I don't want to make it to complicated but at this point in time I find it quite hard to convince people to spend money for less than a half year support left.

Btw. Sorry for my awful language skills. :down:

Welcome ghd_2858,
The one year membership gets you all the work for that year plus support.
However you make a good point and I would consider your ideas on a good
deal that would include next year as well. :hmmm:

You are correct BTW about the Commanders copula being a later version. I
decided to use the stock interior for the time being, until I create
another for the early Tiger. :yep:

The new A.I. Tiger:

The Stock Tiger Interior:

The new Playable Tiger with the Stock Interior:

Zur Vorderseite! :salute:


xray11 08-13-10 06:00 PM

Hi Grey Wolf

Basically I’m a long term player of turn based computer wargames and have little experience of real-time simulations. I was very disappointed with the initial release of T-34 vs Tiger and quickly removed it from my HD.

Reading about your extensive modifications to the simulation and praise from fellow forum members my interest and curiosity has been aroused and I would like to try it out.

Could you please tell me how to obtain your free trial version which I trust will give me more insight into your massive undertaking?

Your expertise and dedication is a credit to you Grey Wolf.

One last thing, as we are already well into 2010 is it possible, if I purchase you mod to have an extension to give me 12 months of your updates?

Best wishes


ZeeWolf 08-13-10 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by xray11 (Post 1467175)
Hi Grey Wolf

Basically I’m a long term player of turn based computer wargames and have little experience of real-time simulations. I was very disappointed with the initial release of T-34 vs Tiger and quickly removed it from my HD.

Reading about your extensive modifications to the simulation and praise from fellow forum members my interest and curiosity has been aroused and I would like to try it out.

Could you please tell me how to obtain your free trial version which I trust will give me more insight into your massive undertaking?

Your expertise and dedication is a credit to you Grey Wolf.

One last thing, as we are already well into 2010 is it possible, if I purchase you mod to have an extension to give me 12 months of your updates?

Best wishes


Greetings Xray and welcome, :DL
Yes, we all understand your disappointment with the initial release,
it was a disaster compared to what it could have been. :yep:The best thing
you could do first, is reinstall T34 vs Tiger again and try as hard as
you can to get through the stock "Single Player" missions. This will
help you understand some basics of tank operation and enable you to
make sure it all works on your system. Then you can add the free ZW
missions that replace a few stock ones with some bug fixes and changes
I made at the first of the year. After that you can decide if
Project ZeeWolf is something you would want to get behind.
By offering Project ZeeWolf as a yearly subscription enables me to
protect my work especially my models that are being used in T34 vs Tiger.
These models are all designed, created and copyrighted by yours truly.
Moreover, the more guys that get on board the lower the yearly price,
it's just as simple as that. I hope you understand it is wise at this
stage of development to have guys that are really interested in the
over all success of Project ZeeWolf.:up:

All The Best :salute:


xray11 08-13-10 07:12 PM

Thanks for the prompt reply Grey Wolf. I’ll take your advice re the stock “Single Player” missions and then try out the ZW missions.:)

ZeeWolf 08-13-10 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by xray11 (Post 1467234)
Thanks for the prompt reply Grey Wolf. I’ll take your advice re the stock “Single Player” missions and then try out the ZW missions.:)

Great! :up:


LcSummers 08-14-10 01:49 AM

Quote:You are correct BTW about the Commanders copula being a later version. I
decided to use the stock interior for the time being, until I create
another for the early Tiger. :yep:

Hi ZW,

always when looking for updates i am very impressed. Nearly every week you come out with new information. So i decided to tie my chair because your great work will really kick me off it. :damn:

So i am nearly every weekend here to see your improvments. :up:

I cant wait to let my tanks rolling into battle. You know i am loving the later types of tanks but your new model is really fantastic. Keep up your great work :o. And that swastika on the turret. Cool.

Can you remember we discussed it. As you know in some countries its forbidden so will it be clickable to use it or not? I personally dont care about it but to avoid problems this option should be implemented.
Its only my opinion.

Thanks alot staying on course


ZeeWolf 08-14-10 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1467387)
Quote:You are correct BTW about the Commanders copula being a later version. I
decided to use the stock interior for the time being, until I create
another for the early Tiger. :yep:

Hi ZW,

always when looking for updates i am very impressed. Nearly every week you come out with new information. So i decided to tie my chair because your great work will really kick me off it. :damn:

So i am nearly every weekend here to see your improvments. :up:

I cant wait to let my tanks rolling into battle. You know i am loving the later types of tanks but your new model is really fantastic. Keep up your great work :o. And that swastika on the turret. Cool.

Can you remember we discussed it. As you know in some countries its forbidden so will it be clickable to use it or not? I personally dont care about it but to avoid problems this option should be implemented.
Its only my opinion.

Thanks alot staying on course


LC, your the best, :DLyou always encourage me with your wit and kind words!
And yes I do recall mentioning that about the swastika flag. I sure do not
what any Kamerads to be denounced by that "Holier-Then-Thou" crowd. I am
sadly aware of the US puppet government of Germany's continuing crusade of
de-nazifacation. Or should I say: "witch hunt". All in the name of keeping
Germany a vassal state of Washington DC, until 2099. Or until Americans
finally throw out the International-ist scoundrels currently in power.
Meanwhile, back on topic. I do intend to make it safe to play this sim under
any temporary government system. :up:

Vorwärts Kamerad!

ZW :salute:

frinik 08-14-10 03:51 PM

Lc my friend you are worrying too much.The ban in effect in Austria and Germany on display of the Swastika applies only to games being distributed or sold in those countries either online or through the retail market.Since ZeeWolf is neither there is very little likelihood that his mods could be banned or prohibited.Since his website and download sites are in the US which does not forbid display of the Swastika how could the German censor actually stop people from buying his mods?

If Zee's work was being distributed by a commercial or gaming company then it would be another matter but as he is unofficial nothing to worry about.Let the Berlin burocrat-censors go after the real threat; the bearded-turbaned fanatics out to bomb us back to the middle ages.... :up:

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