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Cybermat47 08-11-13 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Kptlt. Hellmut Neuerburg (Post 2098383)
So do I, so much so that I've a grand total of 8 campaigns (4 fighter and 4 recon/bomber) split between two different names.

I always use the name 'Werner Schmidt' in German careers. At least I did before I got PWCG...

Anyway, here's a picture from my newest game!

EDIT: Here's another!

Kptlt. Neuerburg 08-19-13 11:53 AM

Someone just had a bad way to start the day.
The Bristol never gets enough attention.

Oberon 08-27-13 08:13 PM

I refer you to item number 72. Clearly Bolton and Paul thought of just the right thing to issue a Defiant gunner.

(shamelessly pilfered from - )

Dowly 09-12-13 04:33 AM


Herr-Berbunch 09-12-13 06:42 AM

Any landing . . . :yeah:

The rest'll just buff out.

I see a HAS in the background, was that your first flight? :hmmm:

Dowly 09-12-13 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 2113228)
I see a HAS in the background, was that your first flight? :hmmm:

Myeah, the start-up training mission. Wasn't exactly planning on flying, so I didn't
have even the joystick plugged in. But hey, I flew with the keyboard and survived,
that's not too bad. :)

Herr-Berbunch 09-12-13 08:54 AM

Impressive! I usually manage to land on the skids but lacking the tail rotor, or main rotor.

What this game now needs is a jungle map (and a lot of practice).

Oberon 09-12-13 11:26 AM

And some Hendrix :yep:

Arclight 09-12-13 12:28 PM

Bit of a different beast than the Ka-50, eh?

Managed to land it (narrowly avoiding a fence and with more luck than skill overall) on an airfield. The rather sizeable parking of an airfield. Gonna take a while until I can land this thing on a pad (if ever). :hmmm:

Herr-Berbunch 09-12-13 03:22 PM

I've probably done a dozen landings so far (about half of them with no damage - go me!) but they've all had forward speed. As soon as I decend vertically and apply a slight bit of collective to reduce that speed it goes all - BEEEEEP, BEEEEEP, BEEEEEP - on me.

Back to the tutorials.

Arclight 09-12-13 07:32 PM

Aye, hover without a fancy auto-pilot like in the Ka-50 is challenging, to say the least.

I tend to kill the speed before touching down, but it's really that end of the approach that things become really wobbly and twitchy.

Schroeder 09-13-13 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 2113427)
I've probably done a dozen landings so far (about half of them with no damage - go me!) but they've all had forward speed. As soon as I decend vertically and apply a slight bit of collective to reduce that speed it goes all - BEEEEEP, BEEEEEP, BEEEEEP - on me.

Back to the tutorials.

You have to decrease your speed SLOWLY. Don't try to get abruptly to a standstill in mid air or your chopper will drop like a stone. While you are decreasing your speed you have to constantly check your vertical speed indicator. Once you get in to the "shaker zone" you must be ready to correct your dive speed with the collective (was it the collective? The lever that adjusts your rotor pitch...:oops:). You have to react even to the slightest increase in drop speed or it will be too late.
Usually helicopter landings are not like in the movies where they approach a landing zone at full speed, decelerate hard and set down within 5 seconds. It's more like the final approach of an aircraft where you steadily fly towards your target, constantly bleeding speed and altitude. It can take several minutes from seeing your landing zone till touching down.

Herr-Berbunch 09-13-13 04:28 AM

I know that, Schroeder, it still doesn't mean I do it right. :D

In response to Dowly's post below - yes, it is a PITA to fly - constant trim resets required and something soft to land on. I'm currently venturing into the village/town to the NW - only crashed once and never hit a building :woot:

I took a load of screenies but afterwards I'd realised I'd remapped the FRAPS key so that was a failing waste of time. :/\\!!

Dowly 09-13-13 05:11 AM

Jebus that thing is a PITA to fly. :huh:

Herr-Berbunch 09-13-13 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly (Post 2113566)
Jebus that thing is a PITA to fly. :huh:

Look, you get what you pay for. :O:

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