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A-cool-a 04-26-07 09:00 PM

New guy, questions about SCXII(c)
Hey, I'm new to these boards (duh), and am trying to get SCXIIc working. I noticed the game crashing whenever the game needs to render a US submarine, did a simple search here and found I need to install SCXII before SCXIIc. So just a couple Qs here about that;

Do I need to reinstall SC completely before installing SCXII, or can I overwrite the SCXIIc installation? This isn't a big deal, but it's something I need to be aware of. I used the SCX/SCU Simple Installer from SubGuru which is described as having both the SCXII and SCXIIc packages, and that I could ignore the BATs, but something tells me this isn't the case and that it only had the ESM fix and the stuff for SCU and SCXIIc, not SCXII...

I backed up my original SC files in another folder under a different name on the same hard drive as the modified SC, but for some reason after SCXIIc was installed, my backed-up folder was erased! Is this normal? I wanted to revert back to stock SC easily that way so that I could do everything right the second time but now I think I'll have to reinstall everything.

Last question, where can I find a stand-alone installer for just SCXII, if there is one? I'm no newbie to SC itself but to SCXII-related stuff, I'm about lost on.

EDIT: An un-related question, as well, is it possible to use the Strela portable SAM system in the Akulas? In a custom mission that I made, I noticed that a Seahawk attacked an enemy Akula II, and right after it dropped a MK50 torpedo in the water, the Akula surfaced and launched an SA-N-5 Grail SAM, and shot down the Seahawk, a rare and spectacular moment as one could imagine. This was before I even attempted modifying the game itself. I have a screenshot of the Grail right after it was launched if anyone wants to see it (I was showing Truth to see what was happening, as I wanted to see everything unfold the way I wanted when I made the mission, but didn't quite expect the Akula to shoot down one of the choppers).

So yeah, I need enlightenment here, thanks in advance for any that is given.:up:

Linton 04-27-07 03:55 AM

You can find a simple installer over at the subguru site run by Bill Nichols.I would suggest you do a clean install and then patch to v1.08.Then run the installer:

A-cool-a 04-27-07 04:00 AM

Well, OK, but that's the one I was using. What I'm really wondering is, does that simple installer install both SCXII and SCXIIc? Oh, and I just remembered that in another thread someone mentioned a bug fix installer, where can that be found, and does that apply to just SCXII or SCXIIc? Shouldn't it all work properly after these are installed? Thanks.

OneShot 04-27-07 05:06 AM

The installer includes SCXII as well as SCXIIc and the ESM Fix or in other words all the relevant SCX stuff. The steps to get everything working correctly :
  • Clean Install of Sub Command (only the original one, not the SC from the new Naval Combat Pack)
  • Patch to 1.08
  • Use the easy Installer found on SubGurus website (only that, no other patches or whatever needed).
  • Done

Still I thought my text on the package was obvious enough

Originally Posted by OneShot
This installer combines the SCX II and SCX IIc update packages as well as the ESM Fix so you don't need to install any of them again. Furthermore all changes for the SCU are done as well, so all you have to do is select your Submarine of choice (don't try to use the InstallPlayableSub.exe - you don't have to). Same goes for the batch files which are still in some of the directories ... simply ignore them. The only optional thing you can do is use the SC SoundEdit Tool (which is included in this installer) and add the buoy sound which is mentioned in one of the ReadMe's.

After installing the SCX Package there is no going back to stock Sub Command unless you deinstall and install it again. There is no JSGME Tool or other such thing included in this installer.


P.S. : When I made that installer I was thinking about including the 1.08 Patch as well, but later on decided against it, because that would have restricted, AFAIK, the easy installer to just the english version of Sub Command.

A-cool-a 04-27-07 05:13 AM

OK, thanks about that, I was just frustrated because from what you said in the instructions, I've done everything how I was supposed to and the game crashes whenever it renders a US sub (I LOVE the new Akula renders, though; nice to know it won't crash when I'm ogling those, at least). The part on the description that kicked my brain around was the "combines the SCX II and SCX IIc update packages" part; I didn't really understand what was meant by "update packages", but I guess I do now.

I do have the original SC, in fact, got it as a gift a few short months after its original release. I have it patched to 1.08, and used the Simple Installer... so what went wrong? Why does it mess up like that? Any ideas?

OneShot 04-27-07 08:09 AM

Unfortunatly I have no idea. If you have the US SC version and applied the right patch - which I suppose you did, then the only possible explanation would be that your SCX Installer download might have been corrupted somehow.

Did you try the steps as described before and start with a complete Uninstall (given that you had SC installed before) and a fresh install after that ?

A-cool-a 04-27-07 01:13 PM

No, but I'll try that later.

I've got a few more questions about SC itself, but I'll save all but one of those for later; the one I'm asking now is the one from my first post;

Is it possible to use the Strela portable SAM system in the Akulas? In a custom mission that I made, I noticed that an ally's Seahawk attacked an enemy Akula II, and right after it dropped a MK50 torpedo in the water, the Akula surfaced and launched an SA-N-5 Grail SAM, and shot down the Seahawk, a rare and spectacular moment as one could imagine. This was before I even attempted modifying the game itself. I have a screenshot of the Grail right after it was launched if anyone wants to see it (I was showing Truth to see what was happening, as I wanted to see everything unfold the way I wanted when I made the mission, but didn't quite expect the Akula to shoot down one of the choppers). Of course, a few seconds after that the MK50 acquired and blew the Akula back to the bottom.

EDIT: OK, I reinstalled SC, repatched to 1.08, reinstalled with the easy installer, and it still crashes when attempting to render any sub other than my own; if I'm not a US sub, that is (if I start as a US sub, then it crashes immediately). :\

Second edit: I'm also noticing now that when the game tries to render the Shipwreck SSM, it crashes (others, like the SSN-12 Sandbox and SSN-27, render without issues). -_-' I'm about sick of these problems and not knowing what's causing them.

karac77 04-29-07 06:14 AM

I wonder if anyone has the same problem as I do. I have a SNP a my Sub Command is missing an intro...:o I know it has an intro couse I used to own a first edition of SC. What's more interesting, I can't find the intro file i any SC directory. As if someone forgot to put it on DVD...

And the other thing... I installed SCXIIc from SubGuru's page. Should I expect any problems? For now I've only played 2 or 3 single missions and they worked.

Thanks for your help:)

A-cool-a 05-04-07 02:59 PM

Small bump... karac and I still need answers.

Linton 05-05-07 05:31 AM

What's a snp?The intro should be there-what version are you using?I never play the akula but I don't think you can use the strela in SC-you can in DW.
Scx is pretty reliable and bug free.

karac77 05-05-07 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Linton
What's a snp?The intro should be there-what version are you using?I never play the akula but I don't think you can use the strela in SC-you can in DW.
Scx is pretty reliable and bug free.

SNP is Sonalyst Naval Pack:D Sub Command from the box is in 1.08 version. 688I H/K and Fleet Command have intros but SC doesn't. Pretty strange... Oh well, it's not a big deal but I was just curious if anyone has the same thing.

A-cool-a 05-05-07 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Linton
Scx is pretty reliable and bug free.

Not for me... is there anyone else that might know what's going wrong with my installation?

Linton 05-06-07 04:44 PM

The problem seems to be with the NCP as it is correctly termed.I did an instillation as a test once ,and it WAS rubbish.No sound on a lot of the platforms.SCX works best with the stock game.Perhaps somebody would be able to send you a copy of version 1.0.

OneShot 05-06-07 05:43 PM

This problem was found out before ... SCX does make problems with the SC in the NCP package because even tho the game is patched to 1.08 it is labeled differently in the game executable and thats where part of the install program for SCX2 looks ... SCXII only works fully with a "native" SC patched to 1.08. It might actually work if you simply applied the 1.08 patch to the NCP SC, but then you might generate other bugs and you definitly loose the bugfixes introduced in the NCP version.

A-cool-a 05-07-07 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Linton
Perhaps somebody would be able to send you a copy of version 1.0.

That's the version on my CD, so that would be unnecessary. I've been patching using the official 1.08 patch, just FYI. Would there be a better chance of it working if I left SC unpatched at 1.0, installed SCXII, then patched, then installed again? Thanks for getting back on this.

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