Doenitz always reminds of this guy from the original Star Trek. :D
If you have questions and requests you should ask the developers at You can contact them through the support link on their pages. It is maybe possible to find the answers to your questions on their site. I read last year that they intended to continue the lsh3-2020 mod into the future probably labeled lsh3-2025 version. At the time I read this Urmel was still alive. From what I have read he was one of several developers, which means that while sadly he is gone others are there to keep up the work. I hope that this is helpful to you. |
druck_radio_7.tga |
I greatly appreciate your answer. It clears up for me several delayed replies. And I do understand the gap between those who use the game and the programmers that modify it. I will try to connect with and see what transpires. I have no idea what it takes to keep a program like this going, but assume it requires a large investment of multiple people. Many of whom are, like me, not available to add any technical advice or assistance, but who are interested in keeping the program going in a healthy and accurate fashion. My thanks for the program support and responses and for your (and others) investment of time and effort in keeping this alive and healthy. -=Archive1=- |
Yes, I have been there and have attempted to substitute my family image for that of Doenitz. And did that in Grey Wolves version of SH3 with no problem. But, as I said, if I drop a properly sized image (of any kind) to overlay the Doenitz image, what you get is some 1920s pinup. Try it and see. Obviously not a critical problem, but certainly irritating. Thanks, -=Archive1=- |
Quote: Have you tried changing to LSH3-2020\data\Textures\TLowRes\tex ? |
Well sort of, but not exactly that image. You can drop a properly sized image from a paint program onto Doenitz, but you get some other pinup from the '40s. Really strange. Hardly a crushing problem worth much time, but I have no idea how something seems to be 'lurking' beneath Doenitz...maybe a close 'friend' of his we know nothing about? Nah. Give it a try with anything that is sized correctly and see what you get. Maybe I'm off base somewhere. Archive1 |
LSH3-2020\data\Textures\TNormal (or TLowRes)\tex\druck_radio_***.tga |
I surfaced for a breath of fresh air
And low and behold another interesting video documentary by Dark Seas. If you are interesting in learning about the development of the Hedghog Anti-Submarine Hysdrostatic Shockwave Projector "Whew that was a mouth full", click the link.
Enjoy! :Kaleun_Cheers: |
LSH3 UBOOT types = all of them is that was your question.
R.I.P. Urmel~ Thank you very much for bringing us this magnificent mod!! :Kaleun_Salute: |
U-Boot Typ IXC und IXC/40 Kommandturm
Guten Abend Liebe U-Bootfahrer,
Ich wollte für mein U-Boot vom Typ IXC den größeren Kommandturm ( 3 Flakkanonen) holen nur diesen gibt es nicht :-( . Nur für den Typ IXB und IXD2 was ich sehr komisch finde. Vllt kann man mir da jemand weiter helfen ? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Trainrider1989 |
Good evening dear submariners, I wanted to get the larger command tower (3 anti-aircraft guns) for my Type IXC submarine, but this doesn't exist. Only for the type IXB and IXD2 which I find very strange. Maybe someone can help me there? Kind regards I experienced the same thing but it was awhile ago. In my case I finished the next mission, maybe 2 missions and then I tried to get the new flak guns and they were available in the next month. Translation: Ich habe das gleiche erlebt, ist aber schon eine Weile her. In meinem Fall habe ich die nächste Mission beendet, vielleicht 2 Missionen und dann habe ich versucht, die neuen Flakgeschütze zu bekommen, und sie waren im nächsten Monat verfügbar. :k_confused: |
I only just came across this news about urmel... from all the warm tributes I can only say that I wish I'd known him
The sinking of U 405
Had me sitting on the edge of my chair.
Sorry for the long delay, have been lured away by real life crises to solve. Using the standard Type VII C and was working with: LSH3-2020\data\Textures\TNormal (or TLowRes)\tex\druck_radio_***.tga to open the scenery screen. But to paste in a replacement image you open the druck_radio_***.tga with the paint program and drop onto the "Doenitz" photo the image you want instead. Which has been sized correctly. That should be it. However, if you do this, what you inserted does not appear - you get the 1940 thrilling pinup instead and no idea where it came from. Hey, don't spend much time on it it's not really important. Just an interesting item. Would rather have people in the know working on any upgrade that might still be in the works that was contemplated before we lost Urmel. But, thanks for the time and replies. Archive |
You will have to change the .tga image in the NSS_Uboat7_CR.dat file with S3D. Not sure you have S3D or how to utilize the program?
I have uploaded to files from my LSH3 with the change made with Doenitz image to save you time and effort on the endeavor. You will have a different blanket on the bunk. The file covers the VII, IX and XXI. Good hunting, FUBAR295 |
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