![]() |
Its embarrassing for me to say that I am not able to install the Mod.....I erased all the stuff and started again from 0. I have the sim correctly installed and the ZW mod directed to the right target , ending in T34vs Tiger. Once again I get the same message telling me that the mod was not completly installed and that I have to run the utility again..... I feel that I am starting to be a disturb for you. Maybe Id better give up and forget about the mod/money. I sadly simply dont know what else I can do.....
Baifo |
Same fps as LC, I agree suitable for release. Can't wait for next instalment. |
I will have to upgun as well I want to play the High-end version as soon as I can. Of course if and when I can afford to the AMD quad 4 black addition sounds like it may be worth a try. :hmmm: Thanks again morty you beta guys where a tremendous help in getting this out with out the confusion of previous releases.:salute: ZW |
ZW |
Help me with more details about your system and we can start from there. The more info the better.:yep: ZW |
Thank you, Zeewolf.
My PC: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 GHz Nvidia 275 GTX RAM 4 GB Windows 7, 32 bits 300 HD , 50% free. Games running OK: WWII online:B.E. , Rise of Flight T34 vs Tiger running also with no problems so far... I cant install the ZW mod. Maybe its a problem of the T34vsTiger? I bought the CD second hand and look old, but the sim seems to run properly..... Thank you in advance. Baifo |
is coming between the Mod install. Have you tried the method that frinik suggested? and that is right mouse clicking the .exe and installing with the administrator rights?:ping: The second thing that comes to mind is the CD my install TvsT with write protection "on" . Double check your default install for write protection. Starting with the folders and then the folders contents.:ping: ZW:up: |
I used admin rights with the rightclick and now checked the rights. Nothing seems to be wrong. Rights for everything for administrator. Tried once again: Same message . Could not finish the install......Dont want to annoy you anymore. Thank you for everything. It has been my mistake.
Baifo |
Baifo, don't give up yet. I run Win7 64 bit, and sometimes it is hard to install something, especially older sims.
Do me a favor, look inside your TvT folder, then look in the missions folder. You should see a file called Custom Missions, look in there next. In there should be a folder called KurskMission, spelled just like that. Do you have that folder? |
Double check your default install for Read Only protection. http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k...ReadOnly_1.jpg http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k...ReadOnly_2.jpg http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k...ReadOnly_3.jpg http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k...ReadOnly_4.jpg ZW |
Instal Steps
I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM WITH MY MY VISTA SYSTEM.OK my suggestion download the Pre Kursk Alpha v1 release and save it into your game main folder so you can see it there in your game folder.Then use the right click to extract it there.Once the application folder has been extracted successfully you need to execute that file using Admin rights if needed.Do the same wiht mission v3 and Kursk misison v1 or whatever version you have.But Alpha v1 comes first as it´s needed as a base for all subsequent missions. If needed do a fresh instal of TvsT and follow the procedure I indicated. The reason you cannot finish the install is because your OS does not let you put the install into the Programmes files proabbly.In which folder is your game installed?The way around it that I found is to either download the mod directly into your game folder or at least copying( right click copy ) and pasting the application folder after the extract into the game folder.Then you can execute the file using admin rights or not (try both ways.Then you should see Zw´s mods in youe game main folder.MAKE SURE YOU DID NOT PUT THE MODS INTO YOUR GAME¨S SUBFOLDER which is why it does not work. Report and let´us know where your game or games if you have more than one instal of TvsT are located. PS a couple of important things:The Pre Kursk Alpha does not bring major visual changes to your game menu.The only visible difference you'll see is that the stock mission n 4 Intercepting the Enemy has been chnage dby BReaking Red Army Pinchers and you'll see at the end of the single player menu ZeeWolf Enterprises and underneath just text.This means Pre Kursk Alpha v1 has been successfully installed. Mission Kursk v1 successfully installed opens up with a nice new screen with a Tiger head( the animal)in the background and ZeeWolf's first in series of tigers in Russia missions. Lastly, make sure that when you extract or execute the mods/missions you enter the proper path because the game is defaulted automatically to C/lighthouse Interactive/T34 versus Tiger and if your game is in a different folder then ZW's mods will noy go there unless you enter the proper path.I think I have covered everything.Hang on Kamerad! Cheers:rock: |
Hi Mr. Morty
Hi Morty,
sure i have v6 and tested it. But something was wrong. I didnt know what it was but then i remembered. Hope "twocrutchesthreecpus" (like StarWars) Lc gets his mission to test also:haha: You were missing. So i decided to take you as my new "R2D2 unit" in my Tiger tank. Lets fight this war beyoned the stars.:yeah: LC |
30 FPS? I think this would be or is a dream. Have you found somebody? I just having a low end pc. No 30 FPS only 7-9 FPS. Lets see what is going on. Waiting for your orders LC :03: |
Hello Tankers
Good to see you're running OK Frinic and I am indeed Lc's R2D2 (with whistle) and ZW made me a loader so get those tungsten (sorry it was 'wolfram' in 1943) rounds ready!!!
Baifo seems to be having problems and you're all giving him great support, although I'm not qualified to comment on Window 7 I had an early problem (graphics glitch) that was entirely unusual and unexplainable! If you remember I said it was so bad I had my luger ready to shoot the PC or me!!:wah: Finally resolved it by starting from scratch (again!) and reinstalling the initial problematic update (twice) after a fresh download (in case of corruption) and rebooting after each install. Amazingly all was well and it must be said (Luger aside) that I didn't give up and Baifo shouldn't either, there is always hope. All the Best - Mort :salute: |
Currently running TvT, Kursk Mis1 v6 on the Win 7 Pro 64bit OS, with no issues.
I do empty the cache with the bat utility. thanks Zee! I do default my controls and save each time I run the game since I have joysticks USB connected up. I did install to C:\Games2 this is old from Vista. I run AVG virus which is benign. I have turned off UAC competely to avoid the admin issues which started with Vista and continue. Stock TvT installs and runs consistently. Zee's foundation and Kursk Mission1 also. Hope this helps any other assistance needed just ask. Good luck! |
Hi ZeeWolf. I've been waiting for this, and I became a member today. Installed right into the TVT folder. When I run the game for offline play, I see your intro screen, and I see the ZeeWolf mission "button" under the standard game "buttons". There is nothing in the ZeeWolf mission section, and only the standard single missions, one each, of the original game. What am I missing? I am running the game on Vista with a monster computer which meets your requirements. Game runs fine, but it isn't Kursk!
JHS, just a few of us are beta testing the Kursk mission at the moment. ZW is reworking the Kursk mission for high-end pc's like yours. I imagine he'll be in touch with you soon.
Try the other missions, they have been rewritten by ZW, and these are a lot better then the originals. |
I needed to know you where able to install the first file before I sent the Kursk Mission 1 (second file).:yep: BTW do you think your system can handle the High-End version of Kursk Mission 1?:03: Onwards Kamerad! ZW |
I thought you needed to know that every member receives Kusk mission 1 v6 now ATB . ZW:salute: |
Hello guys---I just got the mission. It is installed and I am ready to roll out to meet the Sovs---wish me luck!
Yes, ZW, I am sure my computer can handle the best you can throw at it. I can't wait for the more demanding version! |
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