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Onkel Neal 04-26-17 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 2479448)
at the TDC panel ,
what is the dial ,at the right of TargetSpeed dial, showing ?
what is the dial ,at the right of AoB dial, showing ?

i guess the one is for spread ,the other is for what ? tell me that it is for δ angle

That's all still under construction. Stand by for a TDC facelift.

makman94 04-30-17 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Onkel Neal (Post 2480786)
That's all still under construction. Stand by for a TDC facelift.

pay special attention to that part Neal :yep:

Tdc ,sonar and periscope stations are the stations that must be very very well made

THE_MASK 05-04-17 10:32 PM

TDC video is up .

urfisch 05-10-17 05:51 AM

thx! very nice details on the tdc! and also the command room and the turret are well modeled.

RealMadDad 05-10-17 07:23 AM

SH5 look
Great Work!

RealMadDad 05-10-17 07:36 AM

Hey Neal
Now I found the link to follow the development. Looks very good. Grats Mate!

Please, please make it finally look + feel like in SH3 and 5.......just without the bugs!

Then you can take my money!:03::03::03:

RealMadDad 05-12-17 02:38 AM

Of course the development will take its time, especially if a masterpiece is intended but any idea on ta possible release date? In 2017 still?


Usurpator 05-30-17 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by RealMadDad (Post 2483639)
Of course the development will take its time, especially if a masterpiece is intended but any idea on ta possible release date? In 2017 still?


The game will be released on Steam Early Access later this year :)

RealMadDad 05-30-17 09:15 AM

Many Thanks!
PLease keep us informed about the development. We are exited and would like to take part. I hope so much that you will be able to give us that SH5 feeling (without the bugs of course). The graphics were eyecandy and it was so realistic....


Usurpator 05-30-17 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by RealMadDad (Post 2487508)
PLease keep us informed about the development. We are exited and would like to take part. I hope so much that you will be able to give us that SH5 feeling (without the bugs of course). The graphics were eyecandy and it was so realistic....


I will make sure to post the updates we publish on our facebook page in this thread as well, since a lot of people who are interested does not use facebook. I've spent the last weeks preparing the uboats interior for texturing, which is a quite time-consuming process. It does not make for very cool videos or screenshots, but hopefully I'll be able to post some really nice progress shortly :)

Jimbuna 05-30-17 03:16 PM

Looking forward to seeing them :up:

Usurpator 06-13-17 05:11 PM

Texture update
Hello everyone! Here is a quick video showing some of the new texture work. Still working on the lighting :)

Jimbuna 06-13-17 06:49 PM

Getting there and looking good :up:

Usurpator 06-21-17 01:37 PM

Here is a video showing some new airplanes. The models have rather low polygon counts since they are going to be observed from large distances most of the time.

Usurpator 08-31-17 11:07 PM

Update 15
New update! Here is a short video showing the dive controls and tilt system. The interior lighting and materials still need some work.

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