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ZeeWolf 12-10-10 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jochem (Post 1551165)
Hi Zee,

Donation done. Impatient to March for the ZeeWolf land !

Joch :salute:

Welcome aboard Joch, I received both donation and e-mail so check your
e-mail and your spam folder too (just is case) :up:

Vor! Kamerad

ZW :salute:

frinik 12-18-10 05:31 AM

Christmas Present
Hello Saint Zeek!What have you got for us for Christmas?

I don't have anything to put under my Xmas tree....:cry:

What about membership for next year what can we expect at the end of Jan?


ZeeWolf 12-18-10 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1555957)
Hello Saint Zeek!What have you got for us for Christmas?

I don't have anything to put under my Xmas tree....:cry:

What about membership for next year what can we expect at the end of Jan?


Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas Kameraden! :DL Well, for the members there will
be the new Aircraft. Since the November "Omnibus" release I have been able
to finally focus on really improving the content of the missions and game-play.
It has been more of a shift from discovery phase to development phase.
And this development phase will for 2011 will be awesome. The increase in
production will be more readily seen by all especially those who just have
a passing interest or :shifty: who have been waiting in the wings.
Therefore bringing new guys on board will finally be a more focused goal.

There still is allot of work to do, but the most frustrating, time consuming
work is done. :up:

Starting January 1, 2011 for Project ZeeWolf Kameraden the
renewal 2011 membership fee is $30.00.

The 2011 new membership is $50.00 until the end of February.

After March 1st 2011 the new 2011 membership fee goes
back to $60.00. :yep:

Project tasks to look forward to in 2011:
1.) The Tiger II ''King Tiger " .
2.) The Panther Ausf. A und Ausf. G.
3.) The JS II Early version w/ 122mm Gun.
4.) More Trucks, Halftracks and Artillery.
5.) New structures for towns an cities.
6.) New Missions

Meanwhile I will be taking a break for this Christmas so Zanta will be coming
after the Holiday.

Merry Christmas frinik and all my Kameraden!


frinik 12-18-10 10:25 PM

Excellent news Zeenta Klaus! Looking forward to the new stuff.Merry Christmas and rest well!


Jochem 12-19-10 02:30 PM

yeah ! keep up the good work Zee ! :rock:

Priscalan 12-19-10 11:38 PM

Merry Christmas Zee and all members!:woot::salute:

ZeeWolf 12-24-10 02:35 PM

Merry christmas kameraden!



Richie61 12-24-10 10:49 PM

Merry Christmas to ZeeWolfe and all the folks here:yeah:

Here's to 2011 and more German armor rolling over the Russian Steppe's:salute:

gimpy117 12-25-10 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1559996)



ohh har har....nice jab at the soon we forget the bush administration locking up everybody there and then wondering what the habeas corpus is.

ZeeWolf 12-26-10 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by gimpy117 (Post 1560654)
ohh har har....nice jab at the soon we forget the bush administration locking up everybody there and then wondering what the habeas corpus is.

Don't worry gimpy i have not forgotten about that genius. Nor will i be buffaloed about those other hero's of the New World Order. :yep:


frinik 12-27-10 02:24 AM

Ji Had ein Kamerad
Hem Habea Corpus litterally means There was a body in Latin.Well President Bush put the bodies where they belonged. Personally I think he should have entrusted them to their respective governments in North Africa and the Middle East. With them Habea Corpus means there's a corpse.....They know how to deal effectively with such individuals.He would have saved the US taxpayers money and dealt once and for all with the problems.:shucks:

doug770 12-27-10 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1541269)
Thanks Luftace,
Already having success with new bomb types.
The new fab 250Kg bombs are devastating and the
much larger blast is a masterpiece. :|\\
As far as am concerned, if it is historically accurate
(and I have the model) it's going in.:up:

Vorwärts Kameraden!:salute:


Wow! even air units that know what they are doing.
This would be the best game to play multiplayer,
If possible we should get a club up for multiplay T34 vs.Tiger
Oh! any downloads for new missions yet?

Jochem 12-28-10 10:57 AM

Merry Christmas to all ! :woot:

Priscalan 12-31-10 11:28 PM

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :woot:to all Tankmen :salute: :yeah:

ZeeWolf 01-01-11 01:52 PM

I am back from my time off
Hallo Kameraden and Happy New Year!
I am back from my time off, refreshed and ready to get back to work.
Thanks for your patients. I tend to work until I drop so this time off
was needed for me.
I had to change web hosting companies after my previous web host tried
to jack-up the price for a 2011 renewal :o. So, I'll be working on that this
month as well as Project ZeeWolf. :yep:
The goal for 2011 is to implement all the innovations learned thus far into
T34 vs Tiger that will truly recreate and move T34 vs Tiger to the next level.
This years work will make the progress of last year look small in comparison.
And of course I will back this up with deeds, you can be sure of that.
The 2011 goal also includes a financial dimension as well. Your support is
needed if my dream of Project ZeeWolf as a full time job becomes a reality.
With 200 new members I could get through the entire year of 2011(on a shoe string).
With 500 new members :DL I would be living like a king.

So, here is the 2011 Project ZeeWolf membership dues:

Starting January 1, 2011 for current Project ZeeWolf members:

Renewal 2011 membership fee is $30.00.

NEW 2011 membership is $50.00 until the end of this February.

After March 1st 2011 the new 2011 membership fee goes
back to $60.00.

Project tasks to look forward to in 2011:
1.) Aircraft and AA Artillery
2.) The Tiger II ''King Tiger " .
3.) The Panther Ausf. A und Ausf. G.
4.) The JS II Early version w/ 122mm Gun.
5.) More Trucks, Halftracks and Artillery.
6.) New structures for towns an cities.
7.) New human models and crews
And much more!

Sincerely, :salute:

Wilcke 01-01-11 02:56 PM


Happy New Year, I joined up again! Thank you!

Chucky 01-02-11 07:21 AM

Is it time for renewal?
What's the deal Zeewolf?

*Doh!* Disregard,I need to learn to read :oops:

KdF 01-07-11 05:35 AM

Yeah, gimme the link, and in a few weeks I'll renew.

ZeeWolf 01-07-11 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by KdF (Post 1568629)
Yeah, gimme the link, and in a few weeks I'll renew.

You got-it man!

At the bottom of the link gives you all need to Renew or join for the first time.

ZW :salute:

PS KdF what kind of FPS are you getting in TvT with your 2 PNY GTS 250's w/1 gig memory ddr3 SLI'ed?


KdF 01-07-11 07:25 PM

Lemme put a very long story into the "Campbells Condensed" Version:

Computer disasters galore on my gamerunner.Seems that having 3 HD's with 3 different OS's won't work with MickeySux's Updates, as after installing windows live for mail on the Win 7 HD, it then proceeded to try and update every freakin HD I had on the system with a Winbloze OS. After dealing with BSD's galore (it ran me around for almost 2 weeks) I threw my hands up and built another system. This happened in the beginning of Dec. Having to work 11 or more hours a day at the Post Office, I just did not have time to mess with it. I just built it back up and runnung last week, and I have yet to put TvsT back on it.

My specs are now.....

ASUS X 58 Sabertooth MB lga 1366

Intel i7 950 3.06gz Bloomfield

8 gigs Corsair domminator gt DDR3

Intel Coolermaster V8 RR UV8 fan

2 Seagate HD's 3gb read

And of course my 2 Video Cards Sli'ed together. Now I need a link with the compleate works of yours rolled into one, unless I have to install each update one by one, and I can do that too.....alas, it really has not calmed down that much at work with everyone and their cousin callin in every chance they get. Fear not I have 8 months and 24 days left in my private hell. Aahhh retirement!

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