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Tarnsman 02-02-10 12:05 PM

Who still runs single core?
March 4 is too soon for me to buy a new PC.

I will have to muddle along with my current rig: 3.2 P4HT 800Mhz bus, 2GB 667Ram, 525MB7950GT 500Watt PSW. I skiped my usual update cycle which would have been this summer, since my current rig runs everything:Il21946, rfactor, GTR2, SH4 very nicely at full details on my 24" widescreen. So I figured why upgrade if it still works. I play SH4 TMO no problem except I droped the texture detail down a notch.

So when they say E4400 dual core minimum do they really mean dual core only, since my P4 has a higher clock speed even than the E6850? Like does the game needs both cores to operate? I dont reallly understand dual core technology, but I do think a game has to be coded to take advantage of it. Now does this mean such a game is not backward compatiblle?

Is anyone here in a similar boat?

"Well she is a rather ageing man o war."
"Nonsense, She's in her prime"

onelifecrisis 02-02-10 12:11 PM

Oh my god. No mention of DRM? No "funny" screenshots? No baseless rants about assumed features (or lack thereof)? I LOVE THIS THREAD ALREADY! :DL

On topic... from what little understanding I have: your CPU has hyper threading so in theory it should handle the (presumably multi-threaded) game, though it might chug.

HundertzehnGustav 02-02-10 12:12 PM

if you have two cores running at, say, 2.5 GHz (2x2.5=5?), or one core at 3 GHz... wich one is better - faster - meaner - more capable?

and i guess that, being in 2010, all games use multiple cores, at least two...
you buy a new rig? go for quad core or octacore... 6 or 8 Gigs of Ram, a recent 64 Bit OS, one 128GB SDD, and a Terabyte HDD, 1024 MB Video memory, or 2048 if you can.

but dont forget a 1200Watt PSU, or bigger! and enough fans to cool the thing down!:D

...and NO, you are NOT advised to show the price tag to your wife...:o

TDK1044 02-02-10 12:16 PM

Ironically, I recently purchased a new Laptop, and part of the decision making process was that it would have to be able to run Silent Hunter 5.

Now I'm not even buying the game. Too funny. :DL

AVGWarhawk 02-02-10 12:27 PM

My single core ran SH4 ok. However, my quad core at 2.5 Ghz REALLY plays SH4 without issue. Time to upgrade sir and have fun!

Schultz 02-02-10 12:32 PM

Beside this PC , I have an old that I used to play on it before I bought this one , and even sh4 worked on it.

Letum 02-02-10 12:43 PM

I have two single core PCs, but they are just used as a mini render farm now.

One runs at 3ghz and the other at 900hmz

danurve 02-02-10 12:49 PM

I'm not current with the Intell upgrade compatability scheme, but can't you drop a dual core chip into your current board?

Tarnsman 02-02-10 02:30 PM

No, Danurve Id have to change the board too. Which is theoretically possible (Ive pulled other PCs apart and back together but not this one other than cards etc.) its a Dell XPS.

Im not buying another PC till at least the summer prefferably the fall period. This one plays every thing I do and well -- Im not chugging around watchin a SH4TMO slideshow or tweaking to get things running and I run at high fps in widescreen resolutions.

But the last games I bought were SH4 Uboat addon and ArmA, and they are basically 07 and 08 games. So past performance does not equal future success, but looking at the SH5 graphics they dont look like that much of a leap, frankly over SH4. I'll spring for a new Gfx card no problem. Im basically wondering if the new games Must be run by dual core machines, and if there are any guys out there with single core rigs that might know.

wetgoat 02-02-10 07:28 PM

I guess we are in the same boat, 2.8 p4, 2g ddr1 ram, ati 1650pro, win xp, and I don't know either. Will buy something new by March (come on, tax refund) and I can't decide if I should go dual core or quad!:doh:

Feuer Frei! 02-02-10 07:37 PM

I have a single core P4 2.8ghz with H.T. and it runs a lot of games quiet well, but it's unrealistic to assume that because there are as most of you would be aware more factors involved then just the CPU specs.......

P.S.U. and video card are the other two critical factors here.....
I have two rigs, one with the aforementioned P4, running a ATI 256mb @256mhz and 450P.S.U, which runs things along quiet nicely, namely SH3 and SH4, although SH4 struggles when trying to set to high or max settings.....

My other rig's specs were posted in my thread "Kaleuns, what system are you running"?....
I3 2.93ghz (new dual core processor), which will handle all currently released games on market, incl. Mass Effect 2, Batman AA, Dragon Age Origins, and some of the older ones, like Fallout 3 and that beast of a game, Crysis, which, might i add is what i use as a measuring stick, like so many people, before custom building my new rig, i looked at benchmarks for various cpu's, gpu's and whatnot for Crysis to sway me in the various directions for the hardware......

If you can run Crysis, on high then you can run anything on the market currently.......
Current games are not utilizing quad core architecture yet, i was looking at quad core but thought i'd upgrade later once gaming actually addresses the 4 cores simultaneously, it would just be a waste of the extra cores at the moment playing with a quad core....
The mobo is the key to any good system, mine is good to go for at least the next 5 years supporting i5's and i7's and 16g ram.....

Can i give some advice to people looking at upgrading?
Try to custom build your system, don't if you can avoid it buy a prebuilt, as you will be stuck with that system to a certain extent, namely locked bios, mobo might not be the best so not much upgradeability there for cpu and ram and xfire.....
Also, and i'm sure you all know but don't get a system with "integrated" graphics, or dedicated, this will not suffice for gaming, or graphically-demanding apps......
Another thing to look out for is possible bottle necking in a system, i am active on overclocking forums and also other hardware and software forums and the amount of people that complain they can't run that game on max with their super duper new fandangled beast of a machine is because it's either the P.S.U. that can't distribute enough juice, the cpu can't handle the graphics card and P.S.U. or the graphics card isn't good enough, or cooling isn't sufficient and parts are overheating.......(serious lag in games can be attributed to a part overheating) or worse, all of the above....
Ensure you have a good P.S.U. to drive your graphics card, if in doubt, check gpu developer's website for advice, ensure your cpu will be up to the processing power and also ensure that your gpu will actually run the games that you want to play......
I look at core clock speed mainly on a gpu.....
I will post a link, which some of you will know, it's where you can check if you can run a game on your currently configured system:

Great little tool that one, and pretty precise too.......

Mud 02-02-10 07:39 PM

P4 3.4
Geforce 7600GT
2 Gig Ram and a sloppy onboard soundcard :yeah:

Oh and on WinXP ofcourse


Mikhayl 02-02-10 07:48 PM

It's good to see others who have dinosaur computers :woot:
I have a dual core, but it's the ugly brother that we don't show to people, a Pentium D 925 3.00Ghz, I'm sure it's slower than many simple core CPUs.
And an old ATI X1650 256MB. I'll go (again) for the cheap upgrade with a 8800GT or similar, and I guess a E7400 or something like that.

AVGWarhawk 02-02-10 07:55 PM

Also, it is all what you use the computer for. My single core is used by my daughters. It is perfect for them and any game thrown at it. It is a E-machine and about 7 years old now I guess. Still cranking!

Platapus 02-02-10 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by HundertzehnGustav (Post 1255939)
one 128GB SDD,

I admit that I am a noob, what is SDD?

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