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lowbow 10-22-19 09:22 AM

I have recently started to get back into SH4.
I have 'SH4 Gold on Uplay' and I also have 'SH4 on Disc+Uboat Missions Disc.
I have been trying to get 4 different installs up and running, but have come across an important issue.

Here is how it started:-
1. I downloaded & installed SH4 Gold form Uplay. I used this as my 'Master'

2. I then made 4 different copies & set those up individually with 'jsgme' - Large Address Aware - & MultiSH4 in each of the 4 copies.
So far all was normal.

3. I then added mods to each of the relevant installs 'GFO' 'FORS' 'OM+OMEGU' 'TMOwTw' Still no problems.

4. I then proceeded to run each of the installs, but that is when the issue shows up.

Each install when run should run from it's own particular location & create it's own '3 letter' save game location in 'Documents'.
This was not happening. It just used the original 'Master' SH4 save game location.
I also could not run the 4 different mod installs without it loading only the first copied install. No matter which one I ran.

I eventually found the problem -the 'UPLAY DOWNLOADED GAME'.
There is a possibility that further down the line that there maybe other issues
that will be caused if you use the UPLAY download version.

SOLUTION ? - Install SH4 form the disc(s). Do Not Use UPLAY !!!

The whole issue never cropped up & everything works as it should.
I am now running 4 different SH4 games with mods.

I hope that this maybe of some help to my fellow subbers, especially if you want to run multiple installs.
If I've not explained anything clearly enough for you. just ask me.

propbeanie 10-22-19 11:54 AM

Where did you install your Gold Edition? I have the same UPlay version of SH4 on a Windows 10 64-bit laptop. I do not have issues, and my UPlay has the latest / greatest "update" from September. My initial install of the UPlay version of the SH4 game was NOT put in a Program Files folder. When the Installation dialog came up, I chose to alter the path, and install the whole shmear into a "C:\Ubisoft" folder, which I did by editing out the "Program Files (x86)\" portion of the path. After the install, running the game, and exiting, I then proceeded to make my modding copies, which are put into a "C:\Games" folder. I have FotRSU, GFO, TMO / RSRDC (with options for Ralles) and WDAD / Med Campaign. I do not have issues with any of them, and start them all from the SH4.exe file in each folder. I use MultiSH4 1.5 to create individual Save folders for each. My SH5 is a Steam version, and UPlay offered to put it on its start menu, and I must have missed the "offer", and did allow it to happen. My TWoS runs fine, even after the UPlay update. None of my Ubisoft games are in a Program Files folder, the Game Starter folder is in the Ubisoft folder, along with the plain Jane SH4, and the Steam SH5 (and SH3)... Is there maybe a different update for the SH5 game for UPlay that is messing things up?? :salute:

lowbow 10-22-19 03:27 PM

I do not install anything ie games or game related on my 'C drive'. I have 3 other separate drives.
In the case of SH4 Gold, when I log into Uplay I've got that set to download & install in a 'Games Folder' on my 'E drive'
If you're using the same one that you downloaded from Uplay as I was then that is why you had to change installation destination. I had that preset to 'E drive' & once downloaded I set Uplay to start in offline mode before exiting.

Everything I've done is as I've done many time over the years with SH3-SH4-SH5, using 'Discs' to install them and mod them. No problems all run fine.

The only difference this time was I tried the Uplay download version of SH4 Gold because it was showing up in my Uplay library.

The issue is definitely the 'SH4 Gold Uplay Download' & the fact that Uplay is having to start (offline mode) to run the game.

Take Uplay out of the equation, by using the Ubisoft Disc(s) and everything works perfectly.
My 'Master install' and my '4 other installs with mods' all work as intended.

Is you're version Uplay or Ubisoft ? Because that could be why you do not have the issues.:Kaleun_Salute:

propbeanie 10-22-19 06:16 PM

UPlay is Ubisoft. I purchased from Ubisoft when it was being sold for $4 US a while back, and put it on my Windows 10 laptop. I have no issues whatsoever with it, but I do not use UPlay, only the SH4. exe to start the game... :salute:

lowbow 10-23-19 01:34 PM

I'm fully aware that Uplay and Ubisoft are on the face of it the same, but 'under the hood' so to speak it is two different animals in how the install & execution of the game is delivered & works.
Fellow subber 'propbeanie' (in previous post here) just proves that not having 'Uplay Client' is the way to go.

A Uplay SH4 Gold download installs differently to a SH4 Ubisoft install, but you don't know that until it's on your system.

Bottom line is if you use 'Uplay downloaded version' then you have no option but to run it through 'Uplay Client' & this prevents multiple installs & save games working as they should.
Just make sure that you get an UBISOFT version & and NOT UPLAY & you'll not have any multi-installs problems. Believe me they are two different animals.

That is why I'm imparting this info. To try and save anyone the money, time and grief if they intend to get the game to run multiple installs with different mods & save game locations.

At the end of the day it's you're call.
But if I save somebody some time, grief, and some money then that is the sole intention to help anyone on this great site.

propbeanie 10-23-19 02:09 PM

lowbow, when I am on the US Ubisoft "store" site, I am prompted as to which I want to download, but the UPlay version here in the US appears to be a yearly "license fee" subscription that gets you several Ubisoft games on UPlay for $15 a year. Is that the one, or is there another available in other countries or regions?... thanks :salute:

lowbow 10-24-19 02:56 PM

It does not matter that you're on the Ubisoft store site. It is all linked to the Uplay store. Even here in UK.
I've checked it out. The store site also is showing SH4 Gold (box image) as the Ubisoft version, but that is not what you would get if you purchase it. What you get is the Uplay version even with or without subscribing to UPLAY+

What Uplay have recently started is a 'UPLAY+' (a subscription service)(to me a lot of bull) & that is what that is, trying to get you subscribe. Just like Xbox & PlayStation.
Nothing too different here in UK to you in US.
The only way to get a true Ubisoft Version of SH4 Gold is on disc.
I Hope this answer you're questions.
Regards lowbow.

propbeanie 10-24-19 04:46 PM

Well, I purchased mine from Ubisoft US store a few months ago, to install it on this Windows 10 laptop, but my receipt says "Ubisoft", not UPlay. It does look like the "store" has changed quite a bit since. Here is the current link for the US "store" for Silent Hunter 4:

The lower right has a "reminder" that it is included with UPlay Subscription, and has a purchase link for that. It really makes me wonder what they would have done to their licensing - and also "Why!?!?" and "Why now??" - what would they have done to cause the issues described??... There used to not be any restriction in the license agreement - of which I have not read lately... but that may have changed the most. They used to encourage modding...

I am watching their site now, because it is getting close to that time of the year when Steam, Amazon and Ubisoft put all sorts of their games on discount, and if they do, I'll try the SH5 download from Ubisoft / UPlay (not the trash subscription) and see how it goes (or likely doesn't) on the Win81 laptop - I do NOT want to ruin my current SH4 set-up, nor my Steam SH5 with TWoS both running just fine on the Win10 box - at least, until the next Windows or Ubi or Steam Update... :roll: :salute:

lowbow 10-25-19 02:53 PM

I too have installs of SH5 & SH5(TWoS).
SH3 & SH3 (LSH EDITION 2015)
SH4 & SH4(THEBERBSTERS All In One Mega Mod)
SH4(OM+OMEGU). All running as they should.

My advice to you is. Be careful with Uplay.
If what you've got running & working as you want it, then leave well alone.

I really only started this thread so fellow subbers & those thinking of starting out were aware of issues in question.
But if I've also clarified the Uplay/Ubisoft with you ? all good and well.
Regards lowbow.:Kaleun_Salute:

propbeanie 10-25-19 03:22 PM

Yes. Thanks good sir. :salute:

ironmike666 10-31-19 01:10 AM

i tried to make it work (SH4 from dvd) for about 5 hours on win10 64 bit no luck at all. i am curently installing it from Uplay and see if i can play (i miss this game so much! also i have never moded this one before, only SH5)
No luck either with Uplay.... im gonna hit my head in a wall i want to play :( i hate win10 for that

propbeanie 10-31-19 08:50 AM

Do not install in a Program Files folder
Be sure and DO install DirectX v9.0c and the Media Codecs
With the DVD, you don't have to bother with Game Shadow nor Acrobat...

I did not have any issues at all with my UPlay SH4 install on a fully-updated Windows 10 64-bit. The installer picked everything up just fine, but as the install dialog got to the part of where to install the game, I deleted the "\Program Files (x86)" portion of the path from the dialog box, and have my game in "C:\Ubisoft \Silent Hunter..." :salute:

lowbow 10-31-19 03:58 PM

If you're planning multiple installs of SH4 I would suggest staying well away from 'Uplay'

Does you're SH4 Disc includes the Uboat Missions ?
That should have it at version 1.5
To be honest I don't see any issue with 'Windows 10 64bit'

The post below by 'propbeanie' is correct.
Don't try to install SH4 in 'Program Files' folder or 'Program Files (x86) folder.
Make a new folder & direct you're install to there.

You also have to have 'Large Address Aware' in the destination folder & use it to use of more than 2gb ram.

Also you'll want to put 'jsgme_setup' and run it. (for mods).

Also put 'MultiSH4' in game folder if you're wanting to set up multiple installs of SH4.

Also you need to go to game directory and right click on 'SH4.exe' then select 'properties' then 'Compatability' tab then tick 'Run as Administrator' box then click on 'Change high DPI Settings' then tick bottom box. Apply & Ok.

Let me know how you get on.
Regards lowbow.:Kaleun_Salute:

lowbow 10-31-19 05:59 PM

Hi ironmike666,
I should have also mentioned that you should have a look at 'THEBERBSTER'S' tutorial page for SH4.
You will find a lot of excellent and useful info there.
Very helpful.
Regards lowbow.

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