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ZeeWolf 05-24-10 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Priscalan (Post 1401563)
hi Admiral, :salute:

I see, that you use too speedtree software to modify the trees :yeah:. what version?

Speedtree is what the developers used. I don't have Speedtree do you?
If so I would love to add more trees Priscalan.


ZeeWolf 05-24-10 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1401572)
Priscalan this is great if you get to master the mission editor you can create new user-made missions or give ZeeWolf a hand!I won´t try though looks too complicated. Playing with Steel Fury´s mission editor is keeping me busy enough anyway.

Zee, to second DB´s request do you think it would be possible to introduce a couple of new playable tanks, one for each side? WE could vote amongst the members to decide which two.I would vote for the Panther( any Ausfuehrung) on the German side and the KV85 or JS3 on the Soviet one.

DB, I doubt introducing monsters like the Maus or Ratte would be feasible. Also as a matter of historical accuracy these monsters never made it past either the wood mock-up stage or blueprints.They never saw any action and best case scenario would either never have been built( lack of fuel, spare parts etc) or built not before June or July 1945 had the war not finished before.On the other hand, the Jagdtiger might be possible although I would myself much prefer the Jagdpanther. My opinion for what it´s worth...:dead:


Yes frinik I plan on some new playable Tanks. The JS2 and the new Tiger E1
1942. Then once I learn how to do it right I will be more certain about others. However I am very anxious to get back to modeling again. My detailed drawing's library is really huge and the necessity to build the common objects, trucks and buildings etc. is also huge.

In the Works!


frinik 05-24-10 02:53 AM

Existing tanks
Zee wouldn't it be simpler for you to make tanks you already introduced in your missions like the KV 1 or KV85 as playable ones? Less trouble for you\? Don;t you have a Panther ready to be introduced as non playable tank?


LcSummers 05-24-10 07:36 AM

Hi ZW,

tested GM4 and this is what i really like. Great stuff! Many Tanks and even the russian beast the JSU -152 is there. Thats really great. Many targets.:rock:

One question. After destroying ths SU-122 what must i do? Follow my tanks?

I really enjoyed the last three SU-122. I heard always their cannonfire and it was impossible to see them. But i spotted the smoke and gunfire so i began to shoot at 400m then 600m etc. until i hit them and i saw the black smoke. :yeah:

THANX A LOT ZW!!!!!!!!:D


ZeeWolf 05-24-10 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1401600)
Zee wouldn't it be simpler for you to make tanks you already introduced in your missions like the KV 1 or KV85 as playable ones? Less trouble for you\? Don;t you have a Panther ready to be introduced as non playable tank?


Yes it would but I have been focusing on performance issues and graphics.
The Kv 1 and KV-85 are not powerful enough (Weapons wise) to be a candidate for playable at this point. Of course my focus on 1943 is still the
aim for the "Project ZeeWolf" custom missions but that leaves the USSR
missions hanging in limbo so-to-speak. A powerful tank is needed for the
guys who like to play on the Soviet side with half a chance against our
beloved Tiger E1. Therefore the choas (as it seems) will start to make
more since now the most mundane things have been successfully worked
out (and figured out).:know:
During the work on the playable aspect I will be able to address the range
accuracy issue and learn first hand on what is required for custom interiors

ZW :salute:

ZeeWolf 05-24-10 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1401770)
Hi ZW,

tested GM4 and this is what i really like. Great stuff! Many Tanks and even the russian beast the JSU -152 is there. Thats really great. Many targets.:rock:

One question. After destroying ths SU-122 what must i do? Follow my tanks?

I really enjoyed the last three SU-122. I heard always their cannonfire and it was impossible to see them. But i spotted the smoke and gunfire so i began to shoot at 400m then 600m etc. until i hit them and i saw the black smoke. :yeah:

THANX A LOT ZW!!!!!!!!:D


Thanks LC,
After destroying all the enemy armor continue the withdrawal order.
You can find the location on the map before the mission starts. Become
familiar with it before starting your mission. Following the orders given in
the map screen is part of the mission. And once you reach a certain point
the mission will end in success.

Carry on Kamerad! :salute:


Priscalan 05-24-10 11:39 AM

hi Admiral,

greats works, i like all :yeah::woot:. What are all the software do you use to do all this? :|\\;
I noticed that with reverse engenering, that in file menu "new level" was not implemented :doh:.

ZeeWolf 05-24-10 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Priscalan (Post 1401951)
hi Admiral,

greats works, i like all :yeah::woot:. What are all the software do you use to do all this? :|\\;
I noticed that with reverse engenering, that in file menu "new level" was not implemented :doh:.

Thanks Kamerad! :DL

That level was used for landing zones when this thing was a helicopter sim.:yep:

No kidd'n :up:


morttheslayer 05-24-10 02:11 PM

A helicopter sim - that explains it
Hi Zee
Now I know why we had flying Tigers!! :haha:

PS Many thanks for the missions I haven't incorporated them yet Like Lc, but he never sleeps!!!

We have been hit by a heatwave so I haven't been in front of the PC much since it's our 7 days of summer we get here and I don't want to miss it :woot:
Ah too late it's going in two days!!!!

Best regards - Mort :salute:

ZeeWolf 05-24-10 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1402084)
Hi Zee
Now I know why we had flying Tigers!! :haha:

PS Many thanks for the missions I haven't incorporated them yet Like Lc, but he never sleeps!!!

We have been hit by a heatwave so I haven't been in front of the PC much since it's our 7 days of summer we get here and I don't want to miss it :woot:
Ah too late it's going in two days!!!!

Best regards - Mort :salute:

Hey Morty :haha: I never thought about that! Flying Tigers with a helicopter

If summer is gone already my knee jerk reaction would be to blame the oil
spill caused by BP. :yep:

Cheers Morty!


Dung_Beetle 05-24-10 03:27 PM

The Jerk
The new TvsT is here, The new TvsT is here. :up:

I don't know what those files; I downloaded are for yet ZeeWolf, but I'll figure it out.:salute:

Now all I need is 60 bucks.:arrgh!: Maybe I should get a paper route; until I find a real job.:doh:

Dung_Beetle 05-24-10 04:22 PM

Invalid Serial number
Anybody have an invalid serial number with TvsT?:06:
I can't get it installed.:wah:
I've entered it a million different ways, and still no go.:nope:

Dung_Beetle 05-24-10 05:15 PM

My code in the box didn't work, but I found one on the internet, so I'm good too go.:yeah:

ZeeWolf 05-24-10 05:26 PM

Unreal DB!
Your are not alone when it comes to bogus SN on the box though. It's been
a serious problem. Who knows who is responsible on something so incompetent.
It sounds like a one man operation with that kind of screw ups. :haha:
But hey instead of a paper route maybe you could get a job matching SN to
the proper CD's. :DL

Just a thought DB :up:


Dung_Beetle 05-24-10 08:20 PM

Thanks for the Job advice ZeeWolf.:rotfl2:

OK, I got installed, and Bluescreen Of Death on 2nd launch of game. I restarted my computer, and installed the files you gave me into the main folder. I overwrote 2 files in the main folder.I haven't had a BSOD yet, but I've only tested both Geman and Russian a couple of times.

I am getting between 28 fps and 119 fps. 28 was in battle, and 119 was focused on top down view of tank. I have all settings cranked up and resolution is at 2560 x 1600.


ZeeWolf 05-24-10 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Dung_Beetle (Post 1402407)
Thanks for the Job advice ZeeWolf.:rotfl2:

OK, I got installed, and Bluescreen Of Death on 2nd launch of game. I restarted my computer, and installed the files you gave me into the main folder. I overwrote 2 files in the main folder.I haven't had a BSOD yet, but I've only tested both Geman and Russian a couple of times.

I am getting between 28 fps and 119 fps. 28 was in battle, and 119 was focused on top down view of tank. I have all settings cranked up and resolution is at 2560 x 1600.


Wow that's awesome DB. The best thing is to play the stock missions and
get acquainted with the Bugs and anomalies and then jump on board the
Project ZeeWolf. :up:

That way you will see a much greater deference :yep:


Dung_Beetle 05-25-10 02:22 AM

OK, I've had a little time to play this Sim. It's running pretty well for me. decent frame rates at really low temps. I've got some questions.

Is there anyway to control wingman? Does multi-player work?

I can't seem to climb hills off-road with the tiger very well, or that's just the nature of the beast?

Does project ZeeWolf, add wingman control, and or, improve multi-player?

frinik 05-25-10 04:08 AM

Multi Player
DB, there's no control over your wingmen in TvsT whether in the original game nor in ZeeWolf's mods.However ZeeWolf has managed to dramatically improve the AI behaviour to the point that your wingmen now actively support you in battle and in some cases just rush forward and leave you with the mop up.There's no more of the erratic and passive behaviour as you have with the original game.

TvsT was originally conceived as primarily a multi player sim. Which is why the stock missions are not very elaborate and limited in number.ZeeWolf's releases and mods/missions are for single player use. However as a collateral effect ,his improvements to the game, making it stable and erasing the bugs have indirectly helped the MP side of it. There are threads on this forum which specifically concern muliplay.There are mods MPP 3 to 5 which have been made by Murkz and others for MP( improving sounds of Tiger engine, of gun, adjusting reload rates of Tiger and T34 guns to real life specs etc).Check the past threads going back to 2008 and 2009 and you'll find those that deal with TvsT in MP.

ZeeWolf 05-25-10 12:18 PM

ZW Tiger Gun Site Fix
Well guys I've fixed the Gun site Range issue.

This is a test shot at 1000 meters

Using the 10 meter scale, set at 1000 meters from the center of the Tiger. I set the
range at 1000 and fired one Pz.Gr.39-1 shot.

Close look at the hit

Now the same process at 2000 meters

at 2000 meters the accuracy is very good.

Now notice the 4meter Carot triangles set at 1000 meters against the 10 meter scale.

The deference in accuracy from the stock is remarkable

Vorwärts Kameraden! :salute:


Dung_Beetle 05-25-10 01:29 PM

Wow, ZeeWolf I can't believe how much work you are putting into this game. :salute:

Were you a former tanker, retired programmer, or what got you so involved with this project?:06:


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