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XenonSurf 04-15-19 12:46 PM

AOD DOS version: manual deck gun?
I'd like to know from players of AOD DOS version with update 1.2 and Expansion Disk installed, if they can play with the deck gun in manual mode, with the symbol to chose when on the bridge. (Except Type II and Type XXI submarines which don't have deck guns.)
Anyone? Or is there someone who knows for sure that it's not in the game?

I ask because if there is manual deck gun it means that I have not installed the packages correctly.

In the Windows version of AOD, called Command Aces of the Deep, there IS a manual deck gun. Because I have both game versions, I wonder if I can transfer somehow the necessary files from CAOD to DOS version of game to make it functional. This should at least be worth a try because the sound files are the same, and most game files are also the same. I don't play CAOD because of sound problems.
Has anyone done or tried this?


UnderWaterGamer 04-15-19 01:55 PM

AOD manual deck gun

So I have AOD on Dos, the patched version.

And, also to my regret there is no manual deck gun. I have CAOD that I don't play because of the black scope (even in 254 colors). I don't know if there is a way to transfer the files but I hope someone else can help you with that even if it's unlikely because the main difference between the two games is the graphic quality. ( I'm not certain really... )

Happy Hunting!

John Pancoast 04-15-19 04:18 PM

Dos AOD does not have a manual deck gun. No idea if something from CAOD could be transferred over.

XenonSurf 04-15-19 06:39 PM

Thank you both UnderWaterGamer, John, for your replies, I appreciate. My idea to transfer files is idiotic because one is a Windows game the other a DOS game, no idea why I thought that this would work...:k_confused:
I will have to play with automatic gun in AOD DOS, but the game is still a perl of sub sim.

Best greetings to you both,:Kaleun_Cheers:

UnderWaterGamer 04-16-19 07:11 AM

AOD mods?

I was thinking that to...

But I started digging up my AOD and CAOD files and I actually found a file in the SIM folder called "Language#" notepad file that contains a lot of info (all the text in the game) and at the top of the file you can find crew texts so I will have to try and change the text to some thing more realistic ( e.g. having the gauges in the engine room )

Has anyone tried this yet? :hmmm:

Happy Hunting!

PS: you can find all the damaged modules in it to, and its pretty detailed!

XenonSurf 04-16-19 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by UnderWaterGamer (Post 2603645)

I was thinking that to...

But I started digging up my AOD and CAOD files and I actually found a file in the SIM folder called "Language#" notepad file that contains a lot of info (all the text in the game) and at the top of the file you can find crew texts so I will have to try and change the text to some thing more realistic ( e.g. having the gauges in the engine room )

Has anyone tried this yet? :hmmm:

Happy Hunting!

PS: you can find all the damaged modules in it to, and its pretty detailed!

I think these files are only for Localization of the game and set the messages you see when giving orders, the interface names and when receiving radio messages. These files are installed in your SIM folder during game install and depend on the language you chose when installing (English, French or German; voices will be E or G only). You cannot change language without re-installing the whole thing, but voices can be changed in the CTRL-O menu.

In CAOD I have the files Language.txt, and Language.dll. The *.dll file means it works only in Windows OS, so transfering that in DOS will have no effect.

These files will only change language, alas not the gameplay...You can confirm this by, for example, change the text 'Crash Dive' into 'Mickey Mouse'. Then when playing go in the menu of the Engineer and you should see 'Mickey Mouse' there instead...Not very helpful of course :)
What is woth to try to 'unlock' a gamepart is: add 'Type XXI' under the other types of the MISSION_EDITOR entries, this could unlock the type XXI u-boat to play in single missions - which is not possible at default. If the game crashes you would have to revert this, also revert if it doesnt' work.

UnderWaterGamer 04-16-19 10:37 AM

So if you can add type XXI and maybe make it work, does that mean you can, for example, type buancy gauges in the engine room (or somewhere else) and then make it work from that station?

I'll have to try

Happy Hunting !

UnderWaterGamer 04-16-19 10:54 AM

I tried but it didn't work and got everything messed up...

Well I tried

XenonSurf 04-16-19 11:25 AM

I have tried the thing with type XXI in the language file of CAOD, it doesn't work, and for what I can tell, all is related to language output only.

What works but doesn't change anything is: I have taken all sound files from DOS version (which all work perfectly in the game) and transfer them to CAOD, it works but - very unfortunately - it doesn't change the 'fading-out' of the sound which is terrible in a sub sim. If only there were no sound problems, CAOD would be a very nice game, it's to despair.. :arrgh!:

:Kaleun_Wink:Be sure to revert the changes, you don't want to mess-up your game...

UnderWaterGamer 04-16-19 03:37 PM


it doesn't change the 'fading-out' of the sound which is terrible in a sub sim. If only there were no sound problems, CAOD would be a very nice game, it's to despair..
I have looked around the tips section for CAOD and this is what I found for sound problems:
Problem: The engine sound cuts out during play.
Solution: If you are using the voice recognition feature of Command: Aces of the Deep, you should turn the engine sounds off. The engine sounds will interfere with the voice recognition feature of the game and will cut in and out if this feature is enabled. If you do not use the voice recognition feature and want to hear the constant hum of engines, Reinstall Command: Aces of the Deep and do not choose the voice recognition.

Hope this can help

I also have some problems of my own that make my CAOD experience pretty bad. First off my scope is black 50% of the time ( which is already pretty annoying...) even in 256 colors and for some reason when I go from the chart view, for example, to the scope or other view that makes you look outside, my simulation accelerates (waves, boat movement...) for one or two seconds and then goes back to normal. Now I think this is due to the fact that I am on a more recent windows but it is still very very annoying!

PS: I also managed to revert the changes!

John Pancoast 04-16-19 04:25 PM

I seem to remember CAOD sound cutting out no matter how you ran the game.
And there was only one engine rpm level for any speed. And the scope cables were partially missing.
The original AOD is a much better product.

UnderWaterGamer 04-17-19 02:06 AM


...And there was only one engine rpm level for any speed...
Maybe you can try transfering the sound files from AOD to CAOD and fix that problem because, if I rember well, when my sound didn't fade out, I think there where different engine sound levels.


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2603727)
I have tried the thing with type XXI in the language file of CAOD, it doesn't work, and for what I can tell, all is related to language output only.

What works but doesn't change anything is: I have taken all sound files from DOS version (which all work perfectly in the game) and transfer them to CAOD, it works but - very unfortunately - it doesn't change the 'fading-out' of the sound which is terrible in a sub sim. If only there were no sound problems, CAOD would be a very nice game, it's to despair.. :arrgh!:

:Kaleun_Wink:Be sure to revert the changes, you don't want to mess-up your game...

John Pancoast 04-17-19 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by UnderWaterGamer (Post 2603844)
Maybe you can try transfering the sound files from AOD to CAOD and fix that problem because, if I rember well, when my sound didn't fade out, I think there where different engine sound levels.

I haven't had CAOD since shortly after it was released. Much prefer the original AOD anyway.

XenonSurf 04-17-19 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by UnderWaterGamer (Post 2603777)
I have looked around the tips section for CAOD and this is what I found for sound problems:
Problem: The engine sound cuts out during play.
Solution: If you are using the voice recognition feature of Command: Aces of the Deep, you should turn the engine sounds off. The engine sounds will interfere with the voice recognition feature of the game and will cut in and out if this feature is enabled. If you do not use the voice recognition feature and want to hear the constant hum of engines, Reinstall Command: Aces of the Deep and do not choose the voice recognition.

Hope this can help

I also have some problems of my own that make my CAOD experience pretty bad. First off my scope is black 50% of the time ( which is already pretty annoying...) even in 256 colors and for some reason when I go from the chart view, for example, to the scope or other view that makes you look outside, my simulation accelerates (waves, boat movement...) for one or two seconds and then goes back to normal. Now I think this is due to the fact that I am on a more recent windows but it is still very very annoying!

PS: I also managed to revert the changes!

Thank you for your tips with the sound, but I have already carefully followed all the tips in the 'Tactics' section here on the site for the correct installation which is quite complicated because it's more an art to make this game run in modern OS. I had to install it in WMWare+WinXP and then put all the files on a stick to transfer them to Win7, this should cut all problems, only sound problems remain.

For your problem with the scope not showing:
Put the game shortcut to these compatibilities:
- Compatibility with Win 95;
- Run with 256 Colors;
- Deactivate desktop layout (4th box);
- Run as admin

it's important that the desktop is at 256 colors BEFORE starting game, that's why you may get missing grafics. Also if you have the game installed in Win7 directly from the setup.exe, then it's better to simply copy-paste all game files (the entire SIERRA folder) to a USB stick, uninstall game in Win7, delete the SIERRA.ini in the Windows directory, then reput the SIERRA folder in C:\ and create a shortcut with C:\SIERRA\AODCMD\AODCD.EXE. Then put the shortcut to the compatibiliy as above. Maybe on your system the game will then play perfect - and without sound problems, which I wish you :yep:

The sound fading-out is likely due to the fact that CAOD is running too fast on modern OS, I see no way to correct this without harming my hardware (using speed software to slow-down my modern game rig is not recommended). The DOS version running in Dosbox is way better in this regard: I can set the speed of the program (The Dosbox Cycles) exactly tuned to the chronometer in-game, making 1 minute of the chronometer exactly show in 1 real-time minute, which runs the game correctly.

For more tips about the game not present in the 'Tactics' section, read a thread here that I've made not too long ago, it contains pretty much all things 'not-in-the-manual' which I could find about this game.

Read Post #2, skip the first.


UnderWaterGamer 04-18-19 11:42 AM

Wow! Thanks a lot XenonSurf! :Kaleun_Cheers:

Now I can enjoy a none black scope and a none fading out engine sound!

Best experience with Command Aces Of The Deep so far! Unfortunantly the game runs a little too fast on my Win 7, but it is still very enjoyable because now I can experience the beauty of the graphics and a fairly good gameplay!

Also, The chronometer in AoD is the one where you can see your torpedo ETI (I as in Impact)? need to try that to.

I did get the one engine RPM bug, that I could not correct by swaping AoD's sound files to CAoD SOUND folder.

Happy Hunting!


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