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ZeeWolf 06-01-10 01:12 AM

New Trees
Well Kamerads,
I am delighted to tell you that adding and tweaking trees and bushes is now
fully possible. This includes the wind effects and shadow as well as new tree
textures. So if you have any images of tree types that should be in an area
of operation please let me see them. Or any SpeedTree CAD files that you want in the game let me check them out. The adding of SpeedTree files
needs to be build from existing T34vsTiger trees but the parameters and
textures can be easily adopted.

Vorwärts Kameraden! :salute:


Priscalan 06-01-10 01:54 AM

well done
Well done Zeewolf, :salute:
I would love to help but all I need to understand the editor. Could you give me a leaflet. some elements are not implemented in, and the study of the editor in a language that is not mine is very long ...:hmmm:

frinik 06-01-10 04:45 AM

Tree 34 or Tiger Woods????
Zee I didn't know you had found a new outlet for your talents? Landscaping?How about opening your own nursery????:D

So it's Tree 34 versus Tiger again....

I think it would be nice to have a variety of trees.It seems that the trees are exclusively pine trees and evergreens in the game. As Operation Bagration, on which TvsT is based, took place mostly in Belarus( then Bielorussia) and Northern Ukraine I think trees species native to those areas like birches, maples, ash trees,willows, poplars, oaks etc would be nice to add a bit of variety to the landscapes.

ZeeWolf 06-02-10 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1408313)
Zee I didn't know you had found a new outlet for your talents? Landscaping?How about opening your own nursery????:D

So it's Tree 34 versus Tiger again....

I think it would be nice to have a variety of trees.It seems that the trees are exclusively pine trees and evergreens in the game. As Operation Bagration, on which TvsT is based, took place mostly in Belarus( then Bielorussia) and Northern Ukraine I think trees species native to those areas like birches, maples, ash trees,willows, poplars, oaks etc would be nice to add a bit of variety to the landscapes.

:haha: I like that frinik,
Of course the tree issue is no small enhancement for future plans in two
important categories, one is new battlefield locations and two is seasonal
change. This is one area I really was counting on opening up. The extent
however goes beyond anything I had hoped for, truly an amazing level
of scope and artistic quality now can be archived. A very good thing :up:
And thanks Priscalan, cridit goes to you for the inspiration.



Dung_Beetle 06-02-10 12:01 PM

Success on Hill 500
Success on Hill 500

OK, here is how I did it:

1. I put my Tiger in VIII gear, and at close to 40 mph; I take my tiger up the NW valley. I drive through the 3 oncoming T34's with my barrel pointed in the 6 o'clock position. As soon as I pass them I stop, and kill them at point-blank range.

2. I proceed up the hill, and Blast the Su85's.

3. I take out the next wave of 3 T34's coming out of the NW valley.

4. I drove over the hill with the smoked SU85's, and come out behind the
2 T34's in the N valley.

5. I creep up on the 2 T34's sitting on the road where the column was heading. Needless to say the column was collateral damage.

And yes I have way too much time on my hands:rotfl2:


ZeeWolf 06-02-10 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Dung_Beetle (Post 1409629)
Success on Hill 500

OK, here is how I did it:

1. I put my Tiger in VIII gear, and at close to 40 mph; I take my tiger up the NW valley. I drive through the 3 oncoming T34's with my barrel pointed in the 6 o'clock position. As soon as I pass them I stop, and kill them at point-blank range.

2. I proceed up the hill, and Blast the Su85's.

3. I take out the next wave of 3 T34's coming out of the NW valley.

4. I drove over the hill with the smoked SU85's, and come out behind the
2 T34's in the N valley.

5. I creep up on the 2 T34's sitting on the road where the column was heading. Needless to say the column was collateral damage.

And yes I have way too much time on my hands:rotfl2:


Wow! It's - Dung "John Wayne" Beetle :haha:


frinik 06-02-10 10:12 PM

HIll 500 before and after.
Sure DB it's easy for you to do with 3 graphic cards working in sync those T34 have no time to shoot or catch up with you...:D

We on the other hand with lesser specs have to plough the fields to get there.

I guess you were driving automatic otherwise you would have burnt your engine....

It's good to have time on your hands later when you get a job you'll be missing those precious free moments.Enjoy them while they last!:yeah:

Dung_Beetle 06-03-10 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1410158)
Sure DB it's easy for you to do with 3 graphic cards working in sync those T34 have no time to shoot or catch up with you...:D

We on the other hand with lesser specs have to plough the fields to get there.

I guess you were driving automatic otherwise you would have burnt your engine....

It's good to have time on your hands later when you get a job you'll be missing those precious free moments.Enjoy them while they last!:yeah:

I swaggered out there quickly, and shut off the engine, before switching to the gunner position.:rock: I didn't know there was an automatic in the Tiger.:o

It's a poor carpenter who blames his tools, frinik.:rotfl2:

frinik 06-03-10 10:24 PM

Driving automatic
Yes DB check your menu and your press a key( I can't remember which one since I have set up my game to drive automatic).Then you start the engine, just switch gears and then you simply steer your tank while staying in external view(F6).Whatever sim I play I like to drive in automatic and look at the landscape while peering for enemy tanks...:shucks:


jaggy 06-06-10 09:02 AM

Binocular Range Estimation
Hi, Zeewolf

Is it possible to implement a range estimation feature where your tank commander in outside binocular view can right-click on a target and it displays a range to the target. In reality the tank commander inform the gunner of the range, so if this feature is possible to implement, it would increase the realism even more, and help save expending ammo ranging for the target. Just a suggestion. Thanks in advance. :)

ZeeWolf 06-06-10 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by jaggy (Post 1413156)
Hi, Zeewolf

Is it possible to implement a range estimation feature where your tank commander in outside binocular view can right-click on a target and it displays a range to the target. In reality the tank commander inform the gunner of the range, so if this feature is possible to implement, it would increase the realism even more, and help save expending ammo ranging for the target. Just a suggestion. Thanks in advance. :)

Hi Jaggy, I intend to eliminate the commanders range calls and move to training to range find like the Germans did it in a separate training mission. They used the lens reticule that had triangles that aided in range calculation I will provide more info on this later so you will see what I mean. Cheers ZeeWolf

morttheslayer 06-06-10 02:58 PM

I'm still around - just busy
Hi Zee like the idea of seasonal changes in landscape for the future anyway - v.nice.

I'm hanging around --- but not idly!! Mrs PC has made me decorate the house. A project avoided for 9 years but now retired I've been caught in the barbed wire :wah: So I get a games fix now and then, between coats of paint.

Still listening out though!!

Peter Sellers ---- on painting:

"Vinston Churchill vas a painter? Ja, but no good!!

Adolf Hitler? Ja He Vas a real Painter:
one apartment two coats four hours!!":haha:

ZeeWolf 06-06-10 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1413401)
Hi Zee like the idea of seasonal changes in landscape for the future anyway - v.nice.

I'm hanging around --- but not idly!! Mrs PC has made me decorate the house. A project avoided for 9 years but now retired I've been caught in the barbed wire :wah: So I get a games fix now and then, between coats of paint.

Still listening out though!!

Peter Sellers ---- on painting:

"Vinston Churchill vas a painter? Ja, but no good!!

Adolf Hitler? Ja He Vas a real Painter:
one apartment two coats four hours!!":haha:

Hi Morty,
Glad to hear your taking care of your little Gal :salute:
As for me I've been working for the last few days trying to get Google
to lift the warning of mal-ware and viruses on my web site. :damn:
been a pain figuring out what the hell to do - but I think the problems
have finally been resolved.:yep:

Best regards Mate :up:


morttheslayer 06-09-10 04:08 PM

Dancing in the moonlight
Thanks Zee
Paintbrush in one hand and brain in the other!! just wanted to say I liked the new May missions especially the mass attack, my downside as others found (German Mission 4) was lowest FPS was 3.4 (very stuttery) improved when I switched views to commanders F5 but it was a bit heavy for my PC until a few T34s and SP guns had been "harvested". Nice change to be able to enjoy some night action, would think any difficult missions would be checkmated by limitations in graphics for "player" targetting though. Nice to see the Tigers "earthbound" and not elevated like we're viewing the game after eating "Magic mushrooms".

I knew Lc would be about in that night mission - he never sleeps. :haha:

You will notice I'm late commenting on the May missions but it would be out of character to be anything else now!!
BTW Zee my little Gal ain't so little anymore and she ain't no Gal either - BUT she's all mine :wah:
If she sees this I will have a retrofitted paintbrush somewhere "up" me!! All the best

Mort :salute:

ZeeWolf 06-09-10 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1415548)
Thanks Zee
Paintbrush in one hand and brain in the other!! just wanted to say I liked the new May missions especially the mass attack, my downside as others found (German Mission 4) was lowest FPS was 3.4 (very stuttery) improved when I switched views to commanders F5 but it was a bit heavy for my PC until a few T34s and SP guns had been "harvested". Nice change to be able to enjoy some night action, would think any difficult missions would be checkmated by limitations in graphics for "player" targetting though. Nice to see the Tigers "earthbound" and not elevated like we're viewing the game after eating "Magic mushrooms".

I knew Lc would be about in that night mission - he never sleeps. :haha:

You will notice I'm late commenting on the May missions but it would be out of character to be anything else now!!
BTW Zee my little Gal ain't so little anymore and she ain't no Gal either - BUT she's all mine :wah:
If she sees this I will have a retrofitted paintbrush somewhere "up" me!! All the best

Mort :salute:

Thanks Morty,
I'll get the Gun site range fix out to you as soon as I have a few more updates to go with it (like more trees, etc). About your wife, you say she
ain't no Gal but praise God she ain't no Guy either :haha:
It's been kinda quite lately, I hope it is because everyone is playing TvT :DL
And yes, the night mission is a true night mission too I'm sure LC will make
us all proud. :up:

Vorwärts Kameraden! :salute:


frinik 06-10-10 01:36 AM

Mooney talks!
Zee, the night mission is quite stunning with the bright and beautiful full moon.I have a technical question related to it.How did you get that full moon into the mission?Was it a lot of work to put it there?:sunny:

Hi Morty; how much are you willing to pay us so we don't leak your latest post to your GAL????:D I am sure being retrofitted with a paintbrush somewhere up is going to be more painful than any alms you'd be willing to fork out?????:smug:

Lc will probably use the full moon to romance a grey mouse....:|\\


ZeeWolf 06-10-10 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1415762)
Zee, the night mission is quite stunning with the bright and beautiful full moon.I have a technical question related to it.How did you get that full moon into the mission?Was it a lot of work to put it there?:sunny:

Hi Morty; how much are you willing to pay us so we don't leak your latest post to your GAL????:D I am sure being retrofitted with a paintbrush somewhere up is going to be more painful than any alms you'd be willing to fork out?????:smug:

Lc will probably use the full moon to romance a grey mouse....:|\\


:haha: Poor Morty!

The full moon is part of the Sky image used. The technical part is the
aligning the the Sky image with the light direction and the color adjustment
of the fog and light as well as intensity settings. Easy as painting by numbers. :DL


ZeeWolf 06-12-10 10:37 AM

Zitadella Day 2
Sunrise over Dubrova...

Kameraden Erwachen! :salute:


Hitman 06-12-10 02:27 PM

Beautiful :yeah:

You are God sent Zee, I can't beleive what you have done with the old dog :|\\

frinik 06-12-10 09:32 PM

Was Machen Zee?
I told you he is Leonardo da VinZee :|\\ or is it Michel AnZeelo?:hmmm:

Lovely work Zee! Can´t wait to see battlefield with mist or even those looming dark stormy skies that you posted in one of your early posts about Kursk.

What are you working on these days besides heavenly designs?????Please don´t tell us that you´ve become one of those wandering French artist who suddenly struck by a Muse left everything and found inspiration on some forgotten South pacific heaven surrounded by Hula-Hula girls.Next we´ll see paintings of you depictings Tiger camouflaged with banana leaves or even worse you´ll be painting our Tigers with stripes and surrounded by howling monkeys....


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