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ZeeWolf 05-21-10 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1399415)
thank you for that good advise try to survive the new battle but if not, i wil us my crutches! Oh, its impossible since two days i didnt use them. I must humble on my own twoo feet!:D

Lets get those sonsofbitches :salute:


:har: OK Kamerad! Let's Get'em

No more crutches, they haven't got a chance :up:

ZW :salute:

Priscalan 05-21-10 11:57 AM

screenshot third russian mission (by night?)

How to insert images into my post?

I made a night combat in the third russian mission:haha:

ZeeWolf 05-21-10 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1399408)
Kamerad Lc, thanks for the heads up( while we still have one....:D).What about enemy number 2 after the Bolschevick tanks the FPS????:hmmm:

Remember Lc As the immortal General Patton once said¨" The goal is not for you poor sonsofbitches to die for our Vaterland but to make sure the poor sonsofbitches on the opposite side die for theirs":arrgh!:


Think positive frinik :haha:


ZeeWolf 05-21-10 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Priscalan (Post 1399429)

How to insert images into my post?

I made a night combat in the third russian mission:haha:

Herr Priscalan, use the options at the top of reply window. The little
yellow square with the mountain in it.
Note:It is wise to only use ".jpg" that are no larger than 1024 pixels wide.

Give it a try Kamerad :up:


Priscalan 05-21-10 12:12 PM

screenshot third russian mission (by night?)
sorry don't work Zeewolf :(

Please enter the URL of your image : http//: ( the image is on my hdd c:\Fraps\Screenshots\ x.jpg )

i replace "http//:" by "c:\Fraps\Screenshots\ x.jpg" and don't work

ZeeWolf 05-21-10 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Priscalan (Post 1399444)
sorry don't work Zeewolf :(

Please enter the URL of your image : http//: ( the image is on my hdd c:\Fraps\Screenshots\ x.jpg )

i replace "http//:" by "c:\Fraps\Screenshots\ x.jpg" and don't work

OH Ok! you have to upload your images to the web. I use:

it's free and easy to use. Then once you get your images uploaded you
copy and paste the IMG code in your message box.:salute:


ZeeWolf 05-21-10 08:18 PM

After a bitter slug fest the crew of Tiger 221 knock out 14 enemy tanks.
At a terrible cost, our driver and radio operator Gefallen und Loader serverly
Verwundet. We succeeded in halting the first wave.

Für unsere Brüder Kameraden!

ZW :salute:

Dung_Beetle 05-21-10 09:09 PM

Small Tanks
Are there any controlable BT3's I love those fast little bastards?:arrgh!:
Those Tigers look great, WOW, I can't wait. I got shipping notification yesterday, so I'm guessing Monday or Tuesday my TvsT will arrive.:yeah:

P.S. frinik, GTX 480 1GB GDDR5, I think. I go with nVidia because I have had too many driver problems with ATI.


frinik 05-21-10 09:37 PM

BT3s?????Do you mean the BT5s (Bwistra tankii or fast tank)those small Soviet armoured cars?I don´t think they would have had any on the frontlines by 1943.Too vulnerable and also too undergunned.Those not destroyed in the first 6 months of the war in the East were kept for training I think.You wouldn´t want to have one against anything bigger than a panzer II and even then....:o

Very nice pics Zee.What tanks will we be fighting?Just T34/85, SU 85 or Kvs as well? Any possibility of introducing some of your new models like the KV1 or JS2/122 to vary the menu a little bit?:D

PS I am positive Zee just signed my 6th life insurance policy:88)


Priscalan 05-21-10 10:53 PM

Night fight


frinik 05-22-10 12:28 AM

FPS for Mission 4
Oh yes I played that one it's not a night mission but more like a gloomy stormy day. Zee did very well with the change of weather conditions.:yeah:Nice pics Priscalan!

Zee what kind of fps can we expect to have with Kursk mission 4?


ZeeWolf 05-22-10 12:37 AM

That is great Priscalan,
With your interest in tweaking TvsT reminds me that is exactly how I
got started. I have a sky with a full moon and I know your mission is
Russian Mission 3 I think I can give you a hand. :up:

Let me know if you need anything Kamerad!


ZeeWolf 05-22-10 12:48 AM

The fps in the new German mission 4 is heavy but nothing like Kursk Mission
1. However the best thing when fps is low is to stay in the tank and drive
from the Commanders seat looking through F5 view. I have become convinced
that the changing views and seats while your tank is traveling takes the most
power and directly contributes to the swamp effect. The swamp effect is an
simple indicator that your system lacks enough power in CPU and GPU.

Having said all that the New German Mission 4 is very playable through the
entire mission. :up:


frinik 05-22-10 01:25 AM

Night mission?
A full moon mission Zee when can we have it? Any flares to light the battlefield??? That'd be great!:yeah:

I personally drive my tanks always third person view F6 ( always automatic like my car!!!) and switch to F5 or F3 to aim and shoot.

The only time I noticed the swamp effect with the Kursk mission 1 near the end of it.Looking forward and everywars playing it Zee!!!!:salute:
G'night Zee bed time for you! ( I ain't your mama just your nurse:D)

Prsicalan pour que tu comprennes de quoi on parle lorsque les fps(images par seconde) deviennent trop basses 4 ou 5 par example on constate des resulstats dans le jeu.Le terrain devient mou and instable et ton tank semble s'enfoncer comme dans des sables mouvants d'ou le terme swamp(marais ou marecage) effect.C'est du au fait que tes fps sont trop lents donc l'image ralentie au point ou tu sembles t'enfoncer.Ceux d'entre nous avec des pc qui ont des microprocesseurs trop lent moins de 2.0 gigahertz subissent ce genre de probleme. Pas de solution sauf de changer de micropuce!!!!


ZeeWolf 05-22-10 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1400032)
A full moon mission Zee when can we have it? Any flares to light the battlefield??? That'd be great!:yeah:

I personally drive my tanks always third person view F6 ( always automatic like my car!!!) and switch to F5 or F3 to aim and shoot.

The only time I noticed the swamp effect with the Kursk mission 1 near the end of it.Looking forward and everywars playing it Zee!!!!:salute:
G'night Zee bed time for you! ( I ain't your mama just your nurse:D)

Prsicalan pour que tu comprennes de quoi on parle lorsque les fps(images par seconde) deviennent trop basses 4 ou 5 par example on constate des resulstats dans le jeu.Le terrain devient mou and instable et ton tank semble s'enfoncer comme dans des sables mouvants d'ou le terme swamp(marais ou marecage) effect.C'est du au fait que tes fps sont trop lents donc l'image ralentie au point ou tu sembles t'enfoncer.Ceux d'entre nous avec des pc qui ont des microprocesseurs trop lent moins de 2.0 gigahertz subissent ce genre de probleme. Pas de solution sauf de changer de micropuce!!!!


Good night nurse frinik :zzz:


Dung_Beetle 05-22-10 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1399935)
BT3s?????Do you mean the BT5s (Bwistra tankii or fast tank)those small Soviet armoured cars?I don´t think they would have had any on the frontlines by 1943.Too vulnerable and also too undergunned.Those not destroyed in the first 6 months of the war in the East were kept for training I think.You wouldn´t want to have one against anything bigger than a panzer II and even then....:o

Very nice pics Zee.What tanks will we be fighting?Just T34/85, SU 85 or Kvs as well? Any possibility of introducing some of your new models like the KV1 or JS2/122 to vary the menu a little bit?:D

PS I am positive Zee just signed my 6th life insurance policy:88)


It's been some time since I've played a tank sim. It was not a BT3 that I was thinking of, but a BT7

Those little tanks are tough for there size, and very fast. My favorite light tank in Panzer Elite. Russian mod made for PE, by, I think it was the Lenort brothers.

Priscalan 05-22-10 12:30 PM

:o wouah , moonlight !!! wunderbar! :salute:

Priscalan 05-22-10 12:47 PM

Missions Kursk
Hi Admiral Zeewolf,

When for the missions Kursk? I'm Ready :D :yeah:

I'll tweaked tvst too :)

The scripts are in what language ( C, C++, C#, Lua or other)?

What do you use for the textures, some are not readable with Xnview?

what do you use for the models (Kv1,..) Maya? (maya 5 or other) .

Many questions , i think ...:D

Priscalan 05-22-10 01:11 PM

Salut Frinik, :DL

pour moi pas de problème, mes fps varient du moins bon 16 à 39 fps

je n'ai jamais eu de problèmes même avec des réglages au maxi pour tout et en 1152x864 à 85Mhz de rafraîchissement, j'attends de voir ( avec impatience :D) les missions Kursk pour voir si je dois passer sur un quad core

ZeeWolf 05-22-10 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Priscalan (Post 1400413)
Hi Admiral Zeewolf,

When for the missions Kursk? I'm Ready :D :yeah:

I'll tweaked tvst too :)

The scripts are in what language ( C, C++, C#, Lua or other)?

What do you use for the textures, some are not readable with Xnview?

what do you use for the models (Kv1,..) Maya? (maya 5 or other) .

Many questions , i think ...:D

Check your e-mail Herr Priscalan :salute:

And the scripts are written in Java also the tex files are really dds files. Just change .tex to .dds that's it
I would like to send you the USSR mission 3 with the night sky so you can tweak it and learn from it. So just let me know and I'll get that to you too :up:


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