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frinik 05-20-10 08:13 AM

:salute:Priscalan juste pour te donner un topo:

Il ya les 2 missions gratuites( cadeau de Noel de ZeeWolF) Mission numero 1 allemande appelee Tigers Shake Kurtenkli and la premiere mission russe refaite don t tu parles.
>Ensuite pour les membres payants seulement la nouvelle mission allemande numero 6 qui s appelle Tigers Break Out.

ensuite le Pre Kursk Foundation alpha v6 mod qui est la base qui te permet d´installer les missions du mod Koursk.

Ensuite la premiere mission Koursk version allegee pour ordis a faible capacite( cartes graphiques et microprocesseurs lents) ou laversion forte ppour ceux qui ont des ordinateurs puissants( avec plsu de barrage d ´artillerie et plus tanks).Eprouvante dans les 2 cas.

Ensuite il y a la nouvelle mission allemande 3 Defending Simashkovo avec barrage d´artillerie et plus de tanks

Et finalement pour ce weekend la mission 4 Koursk qui promet de la bagarre de blindes.

Ensuite chaque mois une ou 2 nouvelles missions avec de nouveaux chars et autres modeles .


morttheslayer 05-20-10 10:10 AM

Coups de gras - up the old bonsoir I speekee de lingo
Thanks Frinic I will look out for your PM message it's not appeared yet.
Unlike you I only speak one language (but badly). I am getting slightly annoyed I didn't upgrade the right machine!! My new notebook is Uber but I got it for internet usage, ------
So now I can Download all Zees updates at the speed of light and then transfer them to my "gaming Rig" and play them at 5 FPS plus :wah:
I think I got the upgrade back to front.:doh:

BTW If I had a Voodoo card now it would mean I had to stick pins in my eyes to get the graphics!!!
Onward and upward

Best Regards - Mort :salute:

Priscalan 05-20-10 11:11 AM

missions Kursk
Frinik merci,

mais Zee ne m'a donné que le mod de base pour l'instant avec la mission 1 russe, la mission 1 allemande et la mission 6 que je viens de finir, pour moi ça a l'air bon:
j'ai une carte mère Asus Rampage Formula, 4 Go de ram corsair, 5 To de hdd, cpu intel e8600, carte ati hd 4870
je vois que les forêts sont beaucoup plus denses, que les cartes sont plus grandes et que les textures sont nettement améliorées. J'ai eu un vrai plaisir à jouer ces missions, ca donne un gout de nouveau très prononcé; Si tu regardes dans le dossier "textures", il y a un fichier qui s'appelle: u_ger_number_Priscalan.tex. C'était mon tag pour les parties multi joueurs avec le Fightclan dont je faisais partie. Tu peux éditer les fichiers *.tex avec xnview (voilà pour la petite histoire :DL)
j'attends maintenant que Zeewolf me transmettent les autres fichiers et ça roule ...

Priscalan 05-20-10 11:29 AM

Translation for project members:) from my previous post

Frinik thank you,

but Zee has given me only the basic mod with Russian mission 1, the german mission 1 and 6 I just finished, for me it looks good:
I have a motherboard Asus Rampage Formula, Corsair 4GB RAM, 5 TB of HDD, Intel E8600 CPU, graphics card ati hd 4870
I see that forests are much denser, that the maps are bigger and the textures are much improved. I had a real pleasure to play these missions, it gives a very pronounced taste again, If you look in the folder "textures", there is a file called: u_ger_number_Priscalan.tex. That was my tag for multi players with Fightclan including myself. You can edit the files *. tex with xnview (here for story)
I look forward now that I Zeewolf other files and it rolls ...

Dung_Beetle 05-20-10 11:30 AM

Sad News

Originally Posted by Dung_Beetle (Post 1396646)
I haven't contributed to the project yet, morttheslayer, but plan too!:03:

It's just not in the budget for this month, next month, I hope:damn:

I got some great news from DCS (Digital Combat Simulations). I emailed them if they are planning to building some tank models like T90C, Challenger, M1A2 Abrams, and Leopard II. They replied it's in the works, but no release date is set yet. They said all above models would be included.:up:

Earlier, in this post, I mentioned, that DCS would be making a tank simulator. I have been corrected by DCS. They will be adding the above tank models to there flight sims. They have no plans on making a tank simulator.:wah:

frinik 05-20-10 11:19 PM

DB and Priscalan
DB what is DCS involved in exactly?

Priscalan your graphic card is the best on the market currently:up:.It's the one I want to buy for myself.How many gigabytes of video(graphic) memory does it have 1 or 2????


ZeeWolf 05-21-10 12:46 AM

Soviet Tank Onslaught

Originally Posted by Priscalan (Post 1398317)
Translation for project members:) from my previous post

Frinik thank you,

but Zee has given me only the basic mod with Russian mission 1, the german mission 1 and 6 I just finished, for me it looks good:
I have a motherboard Asus Rampage Formula, Corsair 4GB RAM, 5 TB of HDD, Intel E8600 CPU, graphics card ati hd 4870
I see that forests are much denser, that the maps are bigger and the textures are much improved. I had a real pleasure to play these missions, it gives a very pronounced taste again, If you look in the folder "textures", there is a file called: u_ger_number_Priscalan.tex. That was my tag for multi players with Fightclan including myself. You can edit the files *. tex with xnview (here for story)
I look forward now that I Zeewolf other files and it rolls ...

Herr Priscalan,
Are you ready for some tuff action? I hope so because I will be sending
you the Kursk Mission 1, German Mission 3 and the new German Mission 4
all this weekend. So LC, Morty,frinik and all Project ZW Kameraden prepare.
The graphics is very demanding but absolutely beautiful. The last three
days have been for testing and final adjustments so you will be able to
survive. You need to take out about 7 enemy Tanks and SUs and your
Kamerads will get you through the rest of the Soviet Tank Onslaught.
This clash is fierce but not half as bad as a few days ago.

My thoughts and prayers will be with you :haha:

ZW :salute:

PS: Tomorrow will be for art work and misc. lose ends and of course
playing GM4 again :up:

ZeeWolf 05-21-10 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Dung_Beetle (Post 1397377)
OK here is my system:

30" Monitor: LG W3000h
Case: lian Li PC-P80
Motherboard: Asus P6T7
Graphics Cards: Gigabyte 3 x GTX 285
Sound Card: Creative Fatality 2 Titanium Champion Series
CPU: Intel 920 @ 3.7 (aircooled: Noctua NH-U12P)
Memory: Corsair Dominator 12GB Kit (CMD12GX3M6A1600C8)
Power Supply: Silverstone ST1500
Hard Disks:2 x 300GB 10,000RPM WD Velociraptor + 1TB 7200 RPM WD RE3
DVD Burner: Plextor 880SA
Speakers 7 + 2 subs: Cambridge Soundworks Megaworks 510D + Microworks II.
Joystick: Hotas Cougar (Uber NXT)

I used to have a really good job:damn:

Dung Beetle I want a computer system just like yours!

I wonder if Project ZeeWolf could qualify for some of that Government
Bailout money :hmmm:

ZeeWolf :DL

Priscalan 05-21-10 02:49 AM

Graphics Card

Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1398931)
DB what is DCS involved in exactly?

Priscalan your graphic card is the best on the market currently:up:.It's the one I want to buy for myself.How many gigabytes of video(graphic) memory does it have 1 or 2????


good morning Frinik,

I've only 512 MB memory on graphic card :wah:, my all configuration is:

-Monitor : Iiyama 19' A902 MT Vision Master Pro 451 (CRT non LCD , i don't like lcd monitor) with desktop area 1152x864, color quality 32 bits, refresh rate 85 Hz
- Case: Cooler Master HAF-922 (air cooled)
- Motherboard: Asus Rampage Formula (chipset Intel X48/ICH9R)
- Graphic Card: ATI Sapshire HD4870 (512 MB memory)
- Soundcard: SupremeFx II ( with external Technics Amplifier 2x50W and Sony Speakers)
- CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E8600, LGA775 at 3.3MHz
- Memory: Corsair 2x2 GB DDR2
- Power Supply: Cool Master Real Power M700 (700W continuous)
- Hard Disk Drive: 10 (2 usb2, 2 ide, 6 Sata) = 4.7 Tb
- Joystick: Saîtek X52
- Gamepad: Saîtek P2900 Wireless

It's all :|\\

frinik 05-21-10 03:10 AM

good specs!
Priscalan, your microprocessor is very good! 3.3 ghtz that´s what you need to run the games smoothly! At 512 MBS your graphic card is also good enough!:up: My GC is a bit better than yours but my microprocessor is only 2.0 ghtz which explains why ZeeWolf´s mods give me low fps and will run fine for you.Try stopping your antivirus while you play your games it should give you even higher fps...


RICH12ACE 05-21-10 08:25 AM

e mailed addon?
hi all i am a "project zeewolf member" will i get the new kursk add on e mailed to me when it comes out?? :hmmm:

Dung_Beetle 05-21-10 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1398931)
DB what is DCS involved in exactly?

Priscalan your graphic card is the best on the market currently:up:.It's the one I want to buy for myself.How many gigabytes of video(graphic) memory does it have 1 or 2????


DCS is Digital Combat Simulation
They are the producers of LockOn and Ka-50 Black Shark. They just released an excellant update for LockOn called Flaming Cliffs 2.

They are both excellant sims with a great community. They work very well on new and old systems. I love their work. They are old school sims, the kind with a 400 page manual, and are really state of the art.

My card has 1GB. What about the GTX 480?

Dung_Beetle 05-21-10 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1398964)
Dung Beetle I want a computer system just like yours!

I wonder if Project ZeeWolf could qualify for some of that Government
Bailout money :hmmm:

ZeeWolf :DL

If I were buying a new system today. I would do the same, but upgrade to:

CPU: Intel 930
Memory: Corsair Dominator 1866 12GB kit
Video: 3 x GTX 480

Otherwise the same.


frinik 05-21-10 09:22 AM

Graphic cards
Sorry DB I was asking Priscalan aboiut his video card memory capacity. I don´t know what the GTX 480 has 1.5 gbs dedicated????

I would personally go for the ATI Radeon HD 4870 crossfire( x 2) 4 gbs of dedicated memory but that will come eventually...

At this rate it won´t be long before they come up with gcs with 3, 4 or even 5 gbs of dedicated memory....3 years ago a 1 gb graphic card would make people go WOW! Now it´s routine...

RICH!12ACE just Pm ZeeWolf but for sure oyu´ll get the mods emailed. Check your spam because often his emails end up there ...

WELCOME to the ever growing club.There were originally 25 of us now there must be close to 40 and counting.
The more the merrier

ZeeWolf 05-21-10 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by RICH12ACE (Post 1399220)
hi all i am a "project zeewolf member" will i get the new kursk add on e mailed to me when it comes out?? :hmmm:

Yes Rich, you certainly will :salute:


LcSummers 05-21-10 11:05 AM

So LC, Morty,frinik and all Project ZW Kameraden prepare.
The graphics is very demanding but absolutely beautiful. The last three
days have been for testing and final adjustments so you will be able to
survive. You need to take out about 7 enemy Tanks and SUs and your
Kamerads will get you through the rest of the Soviet Tank Onslaught.
This clash is fierce but not half as bad as a few days ago.

Hi ZW and members

these are good news. GM 4 and a new Tiger tank. :yeah:.
Yes, this weekend will be very rough. I cant wait to install it.

Was a hard weak for me, but now its going uphills. Hopefully i am fully prepared for this new mission? Only 5 minutes to live. Perfect but before beeing killed i make a hell out of my Tiger.

Lets prepare for fight Kameraden!!!



ZeeWolf 05-21-10 11:29 AM

New German Mission 4 Screenies

Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1399373)
So LC, Morty,frinik and all Project ZW Kameraden prepare.
The graphics is very demanding but absolutely beautiful. The last three
days have been for testing and final adjustments so you will be able to
survive. You need to take out about 7 enemy Tanks and SUs and your
Kamerads will get you through the rest of the Soviet Tank Onslaught.
This clash is fierce but not half as bad as a few days ago.

Hi ZW and members

these are good news. GM 4 and a new Tiger tank. :yeah:.
Yes, this weekend will be very rough. I cant wait to install it.

Was a hard weak for me, but now its going uphills. Hopefully i am fully prepared for this new mission? Only 5 minutes to live. Perfect but before beeing killed i make a hell out of my Tiger.

Lets prepare for fight Kameraden!!!



Hi LC,
Sorry new Tiger is not ready yet but meanwhile....

New German Mission 4 Screenies


frinik 05-21-10 11:36 AM

Mission 4
Kamerad Lc, thanks for the heads up( while we still have one....:D).What about enemy number 2 after the Bolschevick tanks the FPS????:hmmm:

Remember Lc As the immortal General Patton once said¨" The goal is not for you poor sonsofbitches to die for our Vaterland but to make sure the poor sonsofbitches on the opposite side die for theirs":arrgh!:


LcSummers 05-21-10 11:41 AM

[QUOTE=ZeeWolf;1399398]Hi LC,
Sorry new Tiger is not ready yet but meanwhile....

New German Mission 4 Screenies

Never mind ZW,

i think it will be lot of work and fun. Now we can go again on tank hunting!:D


LcSummers 05-21-10 11:44 AM

Hi Frinic

Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1399408)
Kamerad Lc, thanks for the heads up( while we still have one....:D).What about enemy number 2 after the Bolschevick tanks the FPS????:hmmm:

Remember Lc As the immortal General Patton once said¨" The goal is not for you poor sonsofbitches to die for our Vaterland but to make sure the poor sonsofbitches on the opposite side die for theirs":arrgh!:


thank you for that good advise try to survive the new battle but if not, i wil us my crutches! Oh, its impossible since two days i didnt use them. I must humble on my own twoo feet!:D

Lets get those sonsofbitches :salute:


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