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Onkel Neal 06-22-11 12:26 AM

2011 SUBSIM Werewolf Game: Intro, Rules, FAQ, & Aftermath
Ok, some people have PM boxes that are full, so please, use the download PM feature and save your PMs to your hard drive, then delete about half from your PM box, ok? (Hint: usually the oldest half).

I will give everyone some time to reply, the rules will go up soon, and then I will unlock and start the game.

One question, will these times work for everyone?

See POST # 5 for Intro, times, and FAQ.

Tinman764 06-22-11 01:32 AM

They work for me, I can get up for work and find out if I'm dead! lol :yeah:

Raptor1 06-22-11 01:36 AM

Those times are acceptable.

Bakkels 06-22-11 02:22 AM

No problems here. That's certainly a schedule I can work with. :up:

Onkel Neal 06-22-11 02:31 AM

*** SUBSIM Werewolf Hunt 2011: Intro, Rules, FAQ ***
SUBSIM Werewolf Hunt 2011

Getting Started
The object of this game is to survive, and make sure your team survives. The first step is to create your character. There is a difference between creating a character for this game and most others: your character's class and abilities are secret, only you know them. I will put all the players' names in a random class generator. Everyone will be assigned a team and class randomly and I will PM you with your ID.

The Teams and classes are listed below:

The Humans: Your normal, average human. This class receives no special powers, but they do get one bonus: for every three humans that vote to lynch the same person, they receive one extra vote. This makes teamwork among humans important.
To get that extra vote, at least three humans must Declare Alliance. In the thread, when the lynch vote is called for during the day cycle, it will be posted like this:
George: "I Declare Alliance with Tom and Bill, I vote Sammy to be lynched."
Then Bill posts: "I Declare Alliance with Tom and George. I vote Sammy to be lynched."
And finally Tom posts: "I Declare Alliance with Bill and George. I vote Sammy to be lynched."
And Sammy is royally screwed, because that makes 4 votes for him, plus any other votes.
Seer: The Seers are a special brand of human. Each night, they can check ONE person's alignment, to see if they are a human or a werewolf.

Guardian: The Guardians are humans armed with magic talismans, like a silver cross. They're the closest thing our little band of survivors has to defense. Each night, they choose one person to protect. If that chosen person is attacked by a werewolf, the Guardian will protect them and the werewolf is beaten back, without the Guardian or the person he is protecting being killed. If the werewolf attacks the Guardian, he is unharmed, but he loses his powers, and can no longer protect anyone or himself against future attacks.

The Werewolves: The Werewolf is a terrifying beast. Each night, they choose one person to attack. If that person is not being protected by a Guardian, the werewolf will kill them.

If a werewolf A attacks another werewolf B, no one is killed, but werewolf A learns the ID of werewolf B. WWB knows nothing. WWA can contact WWB and try to convince him they are both WWs. Of course, anyone can run that line, if they wish.

Playing the Game
The Game is simple, it's based on hunches, trust, distrust, and discussion. Oh, and imagination! The game is divided into two segments, the Day cycle and the Night cycle. As the moderator of the game, I will post in the thread when the Day cycle starts and when the Night cycle starts. Bear in mind that your alignment, wolf or human, and your class are secret. Only you know who you are and what your abilities are.

Day Cycle/Night Cycle, WTH time is it already?

4pm to 4am: Day begins, discovery of the werewolf victims, discussion for 12 hours, role-playing, then votes for lynching must be submitted by 4am.
4am to 5am lynch vote counted, execution carried out.
5am to 4pm Night begins, seers, guardians, wolves PM their actions to me.

12Noon to Midnight: Day begins, discovery of the werewolf victims, discussion for 12 hours, role-playing, then votes for lynching must be submitted by 11pm.
Midnight to 1am: Lynch vote counted, execution carried out.
1am to Noon: Night begins, seers, guardians, wolves PM their actions to me.

11am to 11pm: Day begins, discovery of the werewolf victims, discussion for 12 hours, role-playing, then votes for lynching must be submitted by 11pm.
11pm to midnight: Lynch vote counted, execution carried out.
Midnight to 11am: Night begins, seers, guardians, wolves PM their actions to me.

You can use the clock page here to synch your timezone:,37,136,1440,198,104 ,224
If you need me to add a clock for you, let me know. I trust you can do the math.

During the Day cycle, everyone is in their human form. During this time, the players may argue and debate as much as they want about who they believe is a werewolf. Bluffing, lying, and trickery is permitted. During this time, they discuss who they think may have been at the scene of the last killing, who should have seen something, who was missing and unaccounted for.... Then I will call for a vote on who they wish to lynch. The person who receives the most votes is lynched by the mob, and, being dead and all, is out of the game. Once you are dead, please do not post in the game thread. Some players like to change their votes at the last minute. We allowed it last time--this time, when you vote, it is written in stone! Too much work for the Narrator, refiguring things, and too chaotic for the other players, refiguring strategies. When you vote, it is done. Remember, lynch votes are public, in the thread. Not PM. And please, do NOT edit your vote post, once you vote, it is final. Edited or deleted lynch vote posts will count as a vote against you.

Often humans are very reluctant to lynch and don't really question each other in public, so they are having trouble lynching the right people. What some of the players are learning is that when you question each other in PM, you cannot benefit from the group scrutiny.

During the Night cycle, the werewolf players become hideous monsters bent on killing every human player in the game.
* Each werewolf will send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE saying who they wish to attack,
* while Seers PM me who they wish to search to find out if they are a wolf or not,
* and Guardians send me a message saying who they want to protect.
Once all the messages are in, or the Night cycle time limit is up (typically 9 hours), I put together the results and post what happened during the night. Any unprotected human who was attacked by a wolf will be killed, the Seers will be private messaged the results of their search (what they do with this information is entirely up to them.). And then the Day cycle begins again, and the players must decide who they believe is a wolf and lynch them.

I will post each time the cycle changes from Day to Night, and back to Day. During the Day, the players may discuss (or argue, spazz, plot, rant) who they want to kill. You must all vote before the specified time limit is up. Voting is done in the thread, open ballot. The member with the most votes is lynched. I will then begin the night cycle, which works as described above.

The objective of the game is simple: If you're human, kill all the wolves so your team survives. If you're a wolf, kill all the humans so your team survives.

Remember, think first before you reveal your team alignment or class to anyone. For example, a Seer would not be wise to post, "I'm a Seer. Kill this person, he's a wolf." Even if someone does post their ID or PM you for an alliance or to share info, you have no way of knowing if it is true and accurate. However, they can argue to try and kill that person. Convince others to see your side. Manipulate them for your own ends. Your survival is in your quick words.

While most of you will be human, some of you will be werewolves, Seers, & Guardians. None of you will know for sure who is what, only I will know. So if someone PMs you and says "I'm a Seer, Johnny is a werewolf, lynch him!" you will not know if that is true or a lie
The only way to kill a werewolf is by voting to kill someone in the day and he turns out to be a werewolf. When a werewolf is lynched, he is revealed as a werewolf.

Also, it bears worth repeating, that everyone will be acting like they are human in the daily discussions. Werewolves are human form during the day and will certainly try to disguise their true nature and get the real humans to lynch another non-werewolf. During the day, humans, and werewolves disguised as humans, and seers and guardians will all discuss the previous night's events (use imagination), and all will vote who to send to the firing squad.

You should post what you say, what you do, and where you go, and interact with the other players, not script their moves, dialogue, and thoughts.

As Narrator, I decide any plot devices, triggers, and reveals. You may PM me with a theory or a question, I may reply with a clue, an answer, a story enhancement, or other...OR I may not reply at all. Don't take it personally, it's part of the mystery and part of the game. You cannot question the Narrator in the game thread.

I may plant clues in the story, and if a player posts some action that I feel "discovers" something from the clue, I may use that & send the info by PM so the storyline could develop.

If a player tries to enhance the story in the thread and the Narrator does not approve, it will be edited with explanation. Don't take it personally. It's the most awesome thing if you as a player acts as the character would, does what a character would, WITHOUT impacting the story. For example, you may post, "Wow, here's a keg of beer, I'll set that up in the tavern". You would not post: "That Danny, he stole my red socks, so I shot him with my Luger!"

This is the thread to ask questions about procedure and game issues.

Yes, it will suck to be the first person killed by a werewolf, and just as frustrating to be the first person lynched. Stay in character and don't take it personally. And above all...

...have FUN with this! :yeah:

Good luck.

Rear 06-22-11 02:38 AM

Schedule looks ok to me at first glance :yeah:

Tarrasque 06-22-11 03:10 AM

Times seem fine.

HunterICX 06-22-11 03:46 AM

Times seems fine for me.


the_tyrant 06-22-11 05:43 AM

Great! Thank you Neal:yeah:

mookiemookie 06-22-11 06:31 AM

Works for me

Lord Justice 06-22-11 07:35 AM

These times are fine.

AVGWarhawk 06-22-11 07:45 AM

Looks workable.

Jimbuna 06-22-11 07:48 AM

I'm fine with the times Neal but wasn't there some mention earlier of some kind of super werewolf?

Oberon 06-22-11 07:52 AM

2pm GMT could be problematic for me, if you could do 3 or 4pm that would be awesome. I don't get back from work until about 2pm GMT-ish so if I was a wolf, seer or guardian I wouldn't be able to put in my actions. :oops:

AVGWarhawk 06-22-11 07:56 AM

Super werewolf?

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