![]() |
Oh man! the last time I tried that I went strait to Davie Jones locker. :doh:
I've created a very small mod one removes friend or foe and makes all map contacts black dots. the other does the same but removes all map contacts but leaves the hydrophone contact, might be useful for people just starting out using the four bearing method. it's jsgme ready. If you approve I can upload it here. |
using full interior mod and thought the sailor sitting at the dining table moved along with the engine mechanic listening to the engine.. or which version supermod was that
ok sorted it out now the animations work :Kaleun_Salute:
I know There's a couple of em for SH4, I did one for FotRS but that was just a copy paste job using Triger Maru. this time a created a "Dot" for each individual ship so no two are alike, some are a bit "off" Hehe! The other one I just erased the ship completely. Anyway...If there's already one made nevermind...DOH! |
Thx, than I can start to translate and hope I do not need to much time. |
Does seasonal wave height at 2x in winter make impact torpedos useless in rougher seas, i had a few miss a medium sized cargo @2 meter depth and then fired one at 1m depth but it just sailed on right under. Or does the mod model the depth keeping problems they had in the early years?
Other than that, loving it, thankyou |
Alex, simply thank you very much!!! It looks amazing and adds tons of atmosphere to the game! :salute:
Leaving Kiel Sep/1939... https://i.postimg.cc/25csLP6x/SH3-Im...7-50-197-P.jpg |
The mod is great.. I added back in English voices for the officers though. I get it.. You want the authenticity of German voices. But I'm not interested in learning a new language to play the game.
The mod has all the great parts of GWX, better graphics, and it seems to just work. Thank you Alex for all the hard work. |
English voices
How did you put in English voices? Is there a mod for this?
The atmosphere and voices are so much better, If I knew how and could act I'd do some in English but with a German accent. |
Translation is finished but I have the issue with the de_help.txt and I am not able edit the ingame view to see 3 separators more.
Ps: I translated at the moment only the de_menu.txt and de_help.txt and add German keyboard layout. |
I copied the sound_en from GWX mod (instead of vanilla) as there are added files not in vanilla .. but I also backed up the original directory in case of issues. Make sure to copy into the sound directory (and not replace it completely) as there will be, even with GWX, some files in the onealex mod that do not exist in the other location. These extra files will obviously still be in the German language if they are called. It is important that you have them all though. I have a very basic VoiceAttack profile right now for Silent Hunter 3. It has all the shortcut mappings I can find in F1 and a couple more I figured out from looking in the file: <install_dir>\data\Cfg\Commands_en.cfg. (Actually I found a couple more that are missing from F1 help in that file .. so I need to edit my VoiceAttack Profile again). I do not see an easy way right now to enter a numerical heading OR to do manual rudder movements except right hard, left hard, and amidships with shortcut keys. I am looking at the shortcuts / modifications that sh3speech made to see if they added some other key shortcuts to the commands_en.cfg file or if they did it in a different way. I have not yet tried any mouse click menu type items for the voice attack profile .. just shortcut keys. EDIT: Indeed, looking at sh3speech, they have indeed added some shortcuts into the Commands_en.cfg file .. but rather than replacing the file directly .. I'll see if I can diff the file from the original GWX. This may be hard as it is written for GWX 2 and not latest. If i figure out any great shortcut that are not in the standard Command_en.cfg now, I'll look for a VoiceAttack thread or create one on the forums for SH3. |
Good catch, thanks. I'd forgotten about any changes mad by GWX. |
Hello Alex,
Let me first say that your mod collection is the best Silent Hunter 3 I could ever play. Above all, it is also by far the most beautiful. I have one suggestion for improvement: the water has an unattractive polygon effect at certain angles of sunlight and in certain sea states. Can anything be done about this? Привет, Алекс, Позвольте мне сначала сказать, что ваша коллекция модов - это лучший Silent Hunter 3, в который я когда-либо играл. Помимо всего прочего, он еще и самый красивый. У меня все еще есть предложение по улучшению: вода имеет непривлекательный эффект многоугольника при определенных углах солнечного света и определенных условиях моря. Можно ли что-нибудь с этим сделать? EDIT: Does the M.E.P v6 Mod solve this problem? Can it be included in your Mod Compilation? |
do you have the full crew mod like in wac 5.0? or can i use that mod in ur mod
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